An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Vim color theme.
Designed for a fluent and clear workflow.
Based on the Nord color palette.
Font: Source Code Pro 20px- [Getting started](#getting-started) - [Installation](#installation) - [Via plugin/runtimepath manager](#via-pluginruntimepath-manager) - [Manual](#manual) - [Activation](#activation) - [Configuration](#configuration) - [Italic comments](#italic-comments) - [Plugin Support](#plugin-support) - [UI Plugins](#ui-plugins) - [Language Plugins](#language-plugins) - [JavaScript](#javascript) - [Languages](#languages) - [Development](#development) - [Contribution](#contribution) ## Getting started ### Installation **NOTE**: Nord Vim in terminal mode **MUST** be used with the associated terminal emulator theme in order to work properly! Make sure to install one of the currently supported terminal themes listed below **BEFORE** installing Nord Vim. []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( #### Via plugin/runtimepath manager I recommend to use [`vim-plug`]( Add Nord Vim to your `.vimrc` ```vim Plug 'arcticicestudio/nord-vim' ``` and install via `:PlugInstall`. You can specify the `develop` branch to install the latest development version. ```vim Plug 'arcticicestudio/nord-vim', { 'branch': 'develop' } ``` A specific version can be installed via git tags. ```vim Plug 'arcticicestudio/nord-vim', { 'tag': 'v0.5.0' } ``` Of course it can be installed with any of your favorite tools: [`pathogen`]( ```sh cd ~/.vim/bundle git clone git:// ``` [`Vundle`]( Add Nord Vim to your `.vimrc` ```vim Plugin 'arcticicestudio/nord-vim' ``` and install via `:PluginInstall`. #### Manual [Download]( the latest version or clone the repository and copy the [`nord.vim`]( theme file to your `~/.vim/colors` directory. ### Activation Use Nord Vim as your default color theme by adding it to your `.vimrc` ```vim colorscheme nord ``` or change it on-the-fly by running `:colorscheme nord`. [`vim-plug`]( also provides options to enable it on-demand for specific languages ```vim " Activate Nord Vim when editing Java files Plug 'arcticicestudio/nord-vim', { 'for': 'java' } ``` or on specific events. ```vim " Activate Nord Vim when toggling the NERDTree Plug 'arcticicestudio/nord-vim', { 'on': 'NERDTreeToggle' } ``` ## Configuration All options should be set **before** the [activation](#activation) command! ### Italic comments **This option should only be enabled if your terminal emulator supports italics!** Enable to use italic font for all comments. To adhere to the Nord style guide this option is disabled by default. It can be enabled by setting the `g:nord_italic_comments` variable to `1`. ```vim let g:nord_italic_comments = 1 ``` ## Plugin Support Nord Vim provides support for many third-party language- and the UI plugins. ### UI Plugins ### Language Plugins #### JavaScript [`vim-javascript`]( Detailed descriptions for supported plugins can be found in the [project wiki]( ## Languages Nord Vim contains optimized styles to achieve a consistent and uniform coloring across languages. Detailed descriptions for supported languages can be found in the [project wiki]( and in the [Plugin Support](#plugin-support) section. ![][scrot-lang-c] ![][scrot-lang-css] ![][scrot-lang-html] ![][scrot-lang-java] ![][scrot-lang-javascript] ![][scrot-lang-json] ![][scrot-lang-markdown] ![][scrot-lang-php] ![][scrot-lang-python] ![][scrot-lang-ruby] ## Development []( []( []( ### Contribution Please report issues/bugs, feature requests and suggestions for improvements to the [issue tracker](
Copyright © 2017 Arctic Ice Studio