/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "deco.h" #include "schedule.h" #include "output.h" #define MOD_OXY (abs_depth(msw_to_bar(6))) #define RMV_DIVE_DEFAULT 20 #define RMV_DECO_DEFAULT 15 #ifndef VERSION #define VERSION "unknown version" #endif double RMV_DIVE = RMV_DIVE_DEFAULT; double RMV_DECO = RMV_DECO_DEFAULT; /* argp settings */ static char args_doc[] = ""; static char doc[] = "Implementation of Buhlmann ZH-L16 with Gradient Factors:" "\vExamples:\n\n" " ./opendeco -d 18 -t 60 -g Air\n" " ./opendeco -d 30 -t 60 -g EAN32\n" " ./opendeco -d 40 -t 120 -g 21/35 -l 20 -h 80 --decogasses Oxygen,EAN50\n"; const char *argp_program_bug_address = "<~tsegers/opendeco@lists.sr.ht> or https://todo.sr.ht/~tsegers/opendeco"; const char *argp_program_version = "opendeco " VERSION; static struct argp_option options[] = { {0, 0, 0, 0, "Dive options:", 0 }, {"depth", 'd', "NUMBER", 0, "Set the depth of the dive in meters", 0 }, {"time", 't', "NUMBER", 0, "Set the time of the dive in minutes", 1 }, {"gas", 'g', "STRING", 0, "Set the bottom gas used during the dive, defaults to Air", 2 }, {"pressure", 'p', "NUMBER", 0, "Set the surface air pressure, defaults to 1.01325bar or 1atm", 3 }, {"rmv", 'r', "NUMBER", 0, "Set the RMV during the dive portion of the dive, defaults to 20", 4 }, {0, 0, 0, 0, "Deco options:", 0 }, {"gflow", 'l', "NUMBER", 0, "Set the gradient factor at the first stop, defaults to 30", 5 }, {"gfhigh", 'h', "NUMBER", 0, "Set the gradient factor at the surface, defaults to 75", 6 }, {"decogasses", 'G', "LIST", 0, "Set the gasses available for deco", 7 }, {0, 's', 0, OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL, "Only switch gas at deco stops", 8 }, {0, '6', 0, OPTION_ARG_OPTIONAL, "Perform last deco stop at 6m", 9 }, {"decormv", 'R', "NUMBER", 0, "Set the RMV during the deco portion of the dive, defaults to 15", 10}, {0, 0, 0, 0, "Informational options:", 0 }, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; struct arguments { double depth; double time; char *gas; int gflow; int gfhigh; char *decogasses; double SURFACE_PRESSURE; int SWITCH_INTERMEDIATE; int LAST_STOP_AT_SIX; double RMV_DIVE; double RMV_DECO; }; static error_t parse_opt(int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state) { struct arguments *arguments = state->input; switch (key) { case 'd': arguments->depth = arg ? atof(arg) : -1; break; case 't': arguments->time = arg ? atof(arg) : -1; break; case 'g': arguments->gas = arg; break; case 'p': arguments->SURFACE_PRESSURE = arg ? atof(arg) : -1; break; case 's': arguments->SWITCH_INTERMEDIATE = 0; break; case '6': arguments->LAST_STOP_AT_SIX = 1; break; case 'r': arguments->RMV_DIVE = arg ? atof(arg) : -1; break; case 'G': arguments->decogasses = arg; break; case 'l': arguments->gflow = arg ? atoi(arg) : 100; break; case 'h': arguments->gfhigh = arg ? atoi(arg) : 100; break; case 'R': arguments->RMV_DECO = arg ? atof(arg) : -1; break; case ARGP_KEY_END: if (arguments->depth < 0 || arguments->time < 0) { argp_state_help(state, stderr, ARGP_HELP_USAGE); argp_failure(state, 1, 0, "Options -d and -t are required. See --help for more information"); exit(ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN); } if (arguments->SURFACE_PRESSURE <= 0) { argp_failure(state, 1, 0, "Surface air pressure must be positive"); exit(ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN); } if (arguments->gflow > arguments->gfhigh) { argp_failure(state, 1, 0, "GF Low must not be greater than GF High"); exit(ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN); } if (arguments->RMV_DIVE <= 0) { argp_failure(state, 1, 0, "Dive RMV must be greater than 0"); exit(ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN); } if (arguments->RMV_DECO <= 0) { argp_failure(state, 1, 0, "Deco RMV must be greater than 0"); exit(ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN); } default: return ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN; } return 0; } static struct gas_usage { const gas_t *gas; double usage; } gas_usage[10]; int register_gas_use(double depth, double time, const gas_t *gas, double rmv) { double usage = depth * time * rmv; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (!gas_usage[i].gas) { gas_usage[i] = (struct gas_usage){ .gas = gas, .usage = usage, }; return 0; } else if (gas_usage[i].gas == gas) { gas_usage[i].usage += usage; return 0; } } return -1; } void print_gas_use(void) { static char gasbuf[12]; wprintf(L"\n"); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (gas_usage[i].gas) { format_gas(gasbuf, len(gasbuf), gas_usage[i].gas); strcat(gasbuf, ":"); wprintf(L"%-12s%5i%lc\n", gasbuf, (int) ceil(gas_usage[i].usage), LTR); } } } void print_segment_callback_fn(const decostate_t *ds, waypoint_t wp, segtype_t type, void *arg) { static double last_depth; static double runtime; wchar_t sign; /* first time initialization */ if (!last_depth) last_depth = SURFACE_PRESSURE; runtime += wp.time; if (wp.depth < last_depth) sign = ASC; else if (wp.depth > last_depth) sign = DEC; else sign = LVL; if (type != SEG_TRAVEL) print_planline(sign, wp.depth, wp.time, runtime, wp.gas); /* register gas use */ double avg_seg_depth = wp.depth == last_depth ? last_depth : (wp.depth + last_depth) / 2; double rmv = type == SEG_DIVE ? RMV_DIVE : RMV_DECO; register_gas_use(avg_seg_depth, wp.time, wp.gas, rmv); last_depth = wp.depth; } int parse_gasses(gas_t **gasses, char *str) { if (!str) { *gasses = NULL; return 0; } /* count number of gasses in string */ int nof_gasses = 1; for (int c = 0; str[c]; c++) if (str[c] == ',') nof_gasses++; /* allocate gas array */ gas_t *deco_gasses = malloc(nof_gasses * sizeof(gas_t)); /* fill gas array */ char *gas_str = NULL; int gas_idx = 0; for (;;) { if (!gas_str) gas_str = strtok(str, ","); else gas_str = strtok(NULL, ","); if (!gas_str) break; scan_gas(&deco_gasses[gas_idx], gas_str); gas_idx++; } *gasses = deco_gasses; return nof_gasses; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.utf8"); /* argp */ static struct argp argp = {options, parse_opt, args_doc, doc, 0, 0, 0}; struct arguments arguments = { .depth = -1, .time = -1, .gas = "Air", .gflow = 30, .gfhigh = 75, .decogasses = "", .SURFACE_PRESSURE = SURFACE_PRESSURE_DEFAULT, .SWITCH_INTERMEDIATE = SWITCH_INTERMEDIATE_DEFAULT, .LAST_STOP_AT_SIX = LAST_STOP_AT_SIX_DEFAULT, .RMV_DIVE = RMV_DIVE_DEFAULT, .RMV_DECO = RMV_DECO_DEFAULT, }; argp_parse(&argp, argc, argv, 0, 0, &arguments); /* apply global options */ SURFACE_PRESSURE = arguments.SURFACE_PRESSURE; SWITCH_INTERMEDIATE = arguments.SWITCH_INTERMEDIATE; LAST_STOP_AT_SIX = arguments.LAST_STOP_AT_SIX; RMV_DIVE = arguments.RMV_DIVE; RMV_DECO = arguments.RMV_DECO; /* setup */ decostate_t ds; init_decostate(&ds, arguments.gflow, arguments.gfhigh, msw_to_bar(3)); double dec_per_min = msw_to_bar(9); gas_t bottom_gas; scan_gas(&bottom_gas, arguments.gas); gas_t *deco_gasses; int nof_gasses = parse_gasses(&deco_gasses, arguments.decogasses); /* override oxygen mod */ for (int i = 0; i < nof_gasses; i++) if (gas_o2(&deco_gasses[i]) == 100) deco_gasses[i].mod = MOD_OXY; /* simulate dive */ double descent_time = msw_to_bar(arguments.depth) / dec_per_min; double bottom_time = max(1, arguments.time - descent_time); waypoint_t waypoints[] = { {.depth = abs_depth(msw_to_bar(arguments.depth)), .time = descent_time, &bottom_gas}, {.depth = abs_depth(msw_to_bar(arguments.depth)), .time = bottom_time, &bottom_gas}, }; waypoint_callback_t print_segment_callback = { .fn = &print_segment_callback_fn, .arg = NULL, }; print_planhead(); simulate_dive(&ds, waypoints, len(waypoints), &print_segment_callback); /* generate deco schedule */ double depth = waypoints[len(waypoints) - 1].depth; const gas_t *gas = waypoints[len(waypoints) - 1].gas; /* determine @+5 TTS */ decostate_t ds_ = ds; add_segment_const(&ds_, depth, 5, gas); decoinfo_t di_plus5 = calc_deco(&ds_, depth, gas, deco_gasses, nof_gasses, NULL); /* print actual deco schedule */ decoinfo_t di = calc_deco(&ds, depth, gas, deco_gasses, nof_gasses, &print_segment_callback); /* output deco info and disclaimer */ print_gas_use(); wprintf(L"\nNDL: %i TTS: %i TTS @+5: %i\n", (int) floor(di.ndl), (int) ceil(di.tts), (int) ceil(di_plus5.tts)); print_planfoot(&ds); free(deco_gasses); return 0; }