/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 */ #include #include #include #include "output.h" void format_mm_ss(char *buf, size_t buflen, double time) { double mm; double ss = round(modf(time, &mm) * 60); /* prevents 0.99999 minutes showing as 00:60 */ mm += ss / 60; ss = (int) ss % 60; snprintf(buf, buflen, "%3i:%02i", (int) mm, (int) ss); } void format_gas(char *buf, size_t buflen, const gas_t *gas) { if (gas_o2(gas) == 21 && gas_he(gas) == 0) snprintf(buf, buflen, "Air"); else if (gas_o2(gas) == 100) snprintf(buf, buflen, "Oxygen"); else if (gas_he(gas) == 0) snprintf(buf, buflen, "Nitrox %i", gas_o2(gas)); else snprintf(buf, buflen, "%i/%i", gas_o2(gas), gas_he(gas)); } void scan_gas(gas_t *gas, char *str) { int o2 = 0; int he = 0; if (!strcmp(str, "Air")) { *gas = gas_new(21, 0, MOD_AUTO); return; } else if (!strcmp(str, "Oxygen")) { *gas = gas_new(100, 0, MOD_AUTO); return; } else if (!strncmp(str, "EAN", strlen("EAN"))) { sscanf(str, "EAN%i", &o2); } else if (!strncmp(str, "Nitrox", strlen("Nitrox"))) { sscanf(str, "Nitrox %i", &o2); } else { sscanf(str, "%i/%i", &o2, &he); } *gas = gas_new(o2, he, MOD_AUTO); } void print_planhead(void) { wprintf(L"DIVE PLAN\n\n"); wprintf(L" %-1s %-5s %-8s %-7s %1s %-9s %-4s %-3s\n", "", "Depth", "Duration", "Runtime", "", "Gas", "pO2", "EAD"); } void print_planline(wchar_t sign, double depth, double time, double runtime, const gas_t *gas) { static char gasbuf[11]; static char runbuf[8]; static char pO2buf[5]; static char eadbuf[4]; static char timbuf[16]; static gas_t last_gas; const int depth_m = round(bar_to_msw(gauge_depth(depth))); const int ead_m = round(bar_to_msw(max(0, gauge_depth(ead(depth, gas))))); wchar_t swi = L' '; snprintf(runbuf, len(runbuf), "(%i)", (int) ceil(runtime)); format_gas(gasbuf, len(gasbuf), gas); format_mm_ss(timbuf, len(timbuf), time); /* print gas swich symbol if gas changed */ if (!gas_equal(gas, &last_gas)) { last_gas = *gas; swi = SWI; } /* only print ead and pO2 on stops */ if (sign == LVL) { snprintf(eadbuf, 4, "%3i", ead_m); snprintf(pO2buf, 5, "%4.2f", ppO2(depth, gas)); } else { snprintf(eadbuf, 4, "%3s", "-"); snprintf(pO2buf, 5, "%4s", "-"); } wprintf(L" %lc %4im %8s %-7s %lc %-9s %s %s\n", sign, depth_m, timbuf, runbuf, swi, gasbuf, pO2buf, eadbuf); } void print_planfoot(const decostate_t *ds) { char *model; char *rq; if (ALGO_VER == ZHL_16A) model = "ZHL-16A"; else if (ALGO_VER == ZHL_16B) model = "ZHL-16B"; else if (ALGO_VER == ZHL_16C) model = "ZHL-16C"; else model = "???"; if (P_WV == P_WV_BUHL) rq = "1.0"; else if (P_WV == P_WV_NAVY) rq = "0.9"; else if (P_WV == P_WV_SCHR) rq = "0.8"; else rq = "???"; wprintf(L"\nDeco model: Buhlmann %s\n", model); wprintf(L"Conservatism: GF %i/%i, Rq = %s\n", ds->gflo, ds->gfhi, rq); wprintf(L"Surface pressure: %4.3fbar\n\n", SURFACE_PRESSURE); wprintf(L"WARNING: DIVE PLAN MAY BE INACCURATE AND MAY CONTAIN\nERRORS THAT COULD LEAD TO INJURY OR DEATH.\n"); }