Subsurface 3.0.1
The Subsurface developer team is proud to announce the release of the
latest version of Subsurface.
Subsurface is an open source divelog program that runs on Windows, Mac
and Linux.
With Subsurface the user can download dive information directly from a
large number of supported dive computers. Subsurface is able to track
single- and multi-tank dives using air, Nitrox or TriMix. It displays
a dive profile with all related information, including air consumption
and alarms. It also allows logging of information like weights and
exposure protection used, dive masters and dive buddies and enables
the user to rate dives and provide additional dive notes.
With Subsurface the user can track dive locations including GPS
coordinates (which can also be conveniently entered using a map
interface). Subsurface calculates a wide variety of statistics of the
user's diving and keeps track of information like the user's SAC rate,
partial pressures of O2, N2 and He, calculated deco information, and
many more.
Subsurface allows the user to print out a detailed log book including
dive profiles and other relevant information. The program is localized
in more than a dozen languages and well supported by an active
developer community.
One of the major strengths of Subsurface is its support of a wide range
of dive computers (most common dive computers are supported, a
detailed list is at
Subsurface can also import existing dive logs from several sources
including MacDive, Suunto DM3, JDiveLog and Another
strength is its ability to visualize the depth profile (and, if
available, the tank pressure curve) in very innovative ways that give
the user additional information on relative velocity (and momentary
air consumption) during the dive through the coloring of the graphs.
New in version 3.0.1 (compared to Subsurface 3.0):
- Several bug fixes for importing log files from other divelog software;
especially imports from DivingLog should work much better now, but
also new importer functions for UDDF and UDCF
- Fixes for SAC calculation and gas volume estimates at high pressures
(air and nitrox are NOT ideal gases in the physics sense)
- Added Help link to the online user manual
- Improved the user manual
- random other bug fixes
New in version 3.0 (compared to Subsurface 2.1):
- Many new divecomputers supported, bugfixes for existing divecomputers
- Cressi Leonardo, Seemann XP5, Mares Matrix, Mares Puck Pro, Mares
Nemo Wide 2, Shearwater Petrel, Shearwater Predator, Aeris A300
AI, Hollis DG03
- significant improvements for the Heinrichs Weiskamp OSTC
- Significantly improved selection of divecomputers for direct download
- Map display of GPS locations of dives and ability to enter and edit those
- Improved automatic dive numbering
- Data overlay for profile plot (with additional statistics information)
- Zoom function for profile plot
- Dive planner
- Improved printing support
- Improved dive trip handling
- Support for downloading dives from multiple computers (so for example
both your main and your backup computer)
- Added ability to import existing divelogs from Suunto DM3 (no manual
unpacking needed anymore), MacDive and
- Lots of features to make tec divers happy:
- Experimental deco calculation with optional display of a calculated
ceiling (Buhlmann ZH16 with gradient factors)
- Display of deco information from some divecomputers that support this
- TriMix support
- CCR support (fixed or variable setpoint, on dive computers that support
- Optional pO2, pN2 and pHe graphs
- CNS tracking for supported divecomputers
- Lots of bug fixes
License: GPLv2
Subsurface can be found at
At the time of the 3.0 release subsurface supports the following dive
Atomics Aquatics
Cressi / Zeagle / Mares
Edy, Nemo Sport
Nemo, Nemo Excel, Nemo Apneist,...
Puck, Puck Air, Nemo Air, Nemo Wide,...
Darwin, Darwin Air, M1, M2, Airlab
Icon HD, Icon HD Net Ready, Nemo Wide 2
Oceanic / Aeris / Sherwood / Hollis / Genesis / Tusa (Pelagic)
VT Pro, Versa Pro, Pro Plus 2, Wisdom, Atmos 2, Atmos AI, Atmos Elite,...
Veo 250, Veo 180Nx, XR2, React Pro, DG02, Insight,...
Atom 2.0, VT3, Datamask, Geo, Geo 2.0, Veo 2.0, Veo 3.0, Pro Plus 2.1,
Compumask, Elite T3, Epic, Manta, IQ-900 (Zen), IQ-950 (Zen Air), IQ-750 (Element II),...
Heinrichs Weikamp
Sensus Pro
Sensus Ultra
Predator, Petrel
Eon, Solution Alpha and Solution Nitrox/Vario
Vyper, Cobra, Vytec, Vytec DS, D3, Spyder, Gekko, Mosquito, Stinger, Zoop
Vyper2, Cobra2, Cobra3, Vyper Air and HelO2
D9, D6, D4, D9tx, D6i and D4i
Memo Mouse
Smart, Galileo (infraread)
N2iTiON 3