// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
#include <QFileDevice>
#include <list>
#include "templatelayout.h"
#include "core/display.h"
QList<QString> grantlee_templates, grantlee_statistics_templates;
int getTotalWork(print_options *printOptions)
if (printOptions->print_selected) {
// return the correct number depending on all/selected dives
// but don't return 0 as we might divide by this number
return amount_selected && !in_planner() ? amount_selected : 1;
return dive_table.nr;
void find_all_templates()
const QLatin1String ext(".html");
QDir dir(getPrintingTemplatePathUser());
const QStringList list = dir.entryList(QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
for (const QString &filename: list) {
if (filename.at(filename.size() - 1) != '~' && filename.endsWith(ext))
// find statistics templates
dir.setPath(getPrintingTemplatePathUser() + QDir::separator() + "statistics");
const QStringList stat = dir.entryList(QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
for (const QString &filename: stat) {
if (filename.at(filename.size() - 1) != '~' && filename.endsWith(ext))
/* find templates which are part of the bundle in the user path
* and set them as read only.
void set_bundled_templates_as_read_only()
QDir dir;
const QString stats("statistics");
QStringList list, listStats;
QString pathBundle = getPrintingTemplatePathBundle();
QString pathUser = getPrintingTemplatePathUser();
list = dir.entryList(QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
dir.setPath(pathBundle + QDir::separator() + stats);
listStats = dir.entryList(QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
for (int i = 0; i < listStats.length(); i++)
listStats[i] = stats + QDir::separator() + listStats.at(i);
list += listStats;
foreach (const QString& f, list)
QFile::setPermissions(pathUser + QDir::separator() + f, QFileDevice::ReadOwner | QFileDevice::ReadUser);
void copy_bundled_templates(QString src, QString dst, QStringList *templateBackupList)
QDir dir(src);
if (!dir.exists())
const auto dirs = dir.entryList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
for (const QString &d: dirs) {
QString dst_path = dst + QDir::separator() + d;
copy_bundled_templates(src + QDir::separator() + d, dst_path, templateBackupList);
const auto files = dir.entryList(QDir::Files);
for (const QString &f: files) {
QFile fileSrc(src + QDir::separator() + f);
QFile fileDest(dst + QDir::separator() + f);
if (fileDest.exists()) {
// if open() fails the file is either locked or r/o. try to remove it and then overwrite
if (!fileDest.open(QFile::ReadWrite | QFile::Text)) {
fileDest.setPermissions(QFileDevice::WriteOwner | QFileDevice::WriteUser);
} else { // if the file is not read-only create a backup
const QString targetFile = fileDest.fileName().replace(".html", "-User.html");
*templateBackupList << targetFile;
fileSrc.copy(fileDest.fileName()); // in all cases copy the file
TemplateLayout::TemplateLayout(print_options *printOptions, template_options *templateOptions)
this->printOptions = printOptions;
this->templateOptions = templateOptions;
/* a HTML pre-processor stage. acts like a compatibility layer
* between some Grantlee variables and DiveObjectHelper Q_PROPERTIES;
static QString preprocessTemplate(const QString &in)
int i;
QString out = in;
QString iStr;
QList<QPair<QString, QString> > list;
/* populate known variables in a QPair list */
list << qMakePair(QString("dive.weights"), QString("dive.weightList"));
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEIGHTSYSTEMS; i++)
list << qMakePair(QString("dive.weight%1").arg(i), QString("dive.weights.%1").arg(i));
list << qMakePair(QString("dive.cylinders"), QString("dive.cylinderList"));
for (i = 0; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++)
list << qMakePair(QString("dive.cylinder%1").arg(i), QString("dive.cylinders.%1").arg(i));
/* lazy method of variable replacement without regex. the Grantlee parser
* works with a single or no space next to the variable markers -
* e.g. '{{ var }}' */
for (i = 0; i < list.length(); i++) {
QPair<QString, QString> p = list.at(i);
out.replace("{{ " + p.first + " }}", "{{ " + p.second + " }}");
out.replace("{{" + p.first + "}}", "{{" + p.second + "}}");
out.replace("{{ " + p.first + "}}", "{{ " + p.second + "}}");
out.replace("{{" + p.first + " }}", "{{" + p.second + " }}");
return out;
QString TemplateLayout::generate()
int progress = 0;
int totalWork = getTotalWork(printOptions);
QString htmlContent;
Grantlee::Engine engine(this);
// Note: Currently, this should not be transformed into a QVector<> or std::vector<>,
// as diveList contains pointers to elements in this list. But vectors might relocate
// and thus invalidate the pointers! std::list<> is used here, because the new elements
// can be directly constructed in the list with the emplace_back() call.
// Ultimately, the memory management should be fixed.
std::list<DiveObjectHelper> diveObjectList;
QVariantList diveList;
struct dive *dive;
if (in_planner()) {
emit progressUpdated(100.0);
} else {
int i;
for_each_dive (i, dive) {
//TODO check for exporting selected dives only
if (!dive->selected && printOptions->print_selected)
emit progressUpdated(lrint(progress * 100.0 / totalWork));
Grantlee::Context c;
c.insert("dives", diveList);
c.insert("template_options", QVariant::fromValue(*templateOptions));
c.insert("print_options", QVariant::fromValue(*printOptions));
/* don't use the Grantlee loader API */
QString templateContents = readTemplate(printOptions->p_template);
QString preprocessed = preprocessTemplate(templateContents);
/* create the template from QString; is this thing allocating memory? */
Grantlee::Template t = engine.newTemplate(preprocessed, printOptions->p_template);
if (!t || t->error()) {
qDebug() << "Can't load template";
return htmlContent;
htmlContent = t->render(&c);
if (t->error()) {
qDebug() << "Can't render template";
return htmlContent;
QString TemplateLayout::generateStatistics()
QString htmlContent;
Grantlee::Engine engine(this);
QSharedPointer<Grantlee::FileSystemTemplateLoader> m_templateLoader =
QSharedPointer<Grantlee::FileSystemTemplateLoader>(new Grantlee::FileSystemTemplateLoader());
m_templateLoader->setTemplateDirs(QStringList() << getPrintingTemplatePathUser() + QDir::separator() + QString("statistics"));
QVariantList years;
int i = 0;
stats_summary_auto_free stats;
calculate_stats_summary(&stats, false);
while (stats.stats_yearly != NULL && stats.stats_yearly[i].period) {
YearInfo year{ &stats.stats_yearly[i] };
Grantlee::Context c;
c.insert("years", years);
c.insert("template_options", QVariant::fromValue(*templateOptions));
c.insert("print_options", QVariant::fromValue(*printOptions));
Grantlee::Template t = engine.loadByName(printOptions->p_template);
if (!t || t->error()) {
qDebug() << "Can't load template";
return htmlContent;
htmlContent = t->render(&c);
if (t->error()) {
qDebug() << "Can't render template";
return htmlContent;
emit progressUpdated(100);
return htmlContent;
QString TemplateLayout::readTemplate(QString template_name)
QFile qfile(getPrintingTemplatePathUser() + QDir::separator() + template_name);
if (qfile.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text)) {
QTextStream in(&qfile);
return in.readAll();
return "";
void TemplateLayout::writeTemplate(QString template_name, QString grantlee_template)
QFile qfile(getPrintingTemplatePathUser() + QDir::separator() + template_name);
if (qfile.open(QFile::ReadWrite | QFile::Text)) {