#ifndef DIVE_H
#define DIVE_H
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <libxml/tree.h>
* Some silly typedefs to make our units very explicit.
* Also, the units are chosen so that values can be expressible as
* integers, so that we never have FP rounding issues. And they
* are small enough that converting to/from imperial units doesn't
* really matter.
* We also strive to make '0' a meaningless number saying "not
* initialized", since many values are things that may not have
* been reported (eg cylinder pressure or temperature from dive
* computers that don't support them). But sometimes -1 is an even
* more explicit way of saying "not there".
* Thus "millibar" for pressure, for example, or "millikelvin" for
* temperatures. Doing temperatures in celsius or fahrenheit would
* make for loss of precision when converting from one to the other,
* and using millikelvin is SI-like but also means that a temperature
* of '0' is clearly just a missing temperature or cylinder pressure.
* Also strive to use units that can not possibly be mistaken for a
* valid value in a "normal" system without conversion. If the max
* depth of a dive is '20000', you probably didn't convert from mm on
* output, or if the max depth gets reported as "0.2ft" it was either
* a really boring dive, or there was some missing input conversion,
* and a 60-ft dive got recorded as 60mm.
* Doing these as "structs containing value" means that we always
* have to explicitly write out those units in order to get at the
* actual value. So there is hopefully little fear of using a value
* in millikelvin as Fahrenheit by mistake.
* We don't actually use these all yet, so maybe they'll change, but
* I made a number of types as guidelines.
typedef struct {
int seconds;
} duration_t;
typedef struct {
int mm;
} depth_t;
typedef struct {
int mbar;
} pressure_t;
typedef struct {
int mkelvin;
} temperature_t;
typedef struct {
int mliter;
} volume_t;
typedef struct {
int permille;
} fraction_t;
typedef struct {
int grams;
} weight_t;
struct gasmix {
fraction_t o2;
fraction_t he;
typedef struct {
volume_t size;
pressure_t workingpressure;
const char *description; /* "LP85", "AL72", "AL80", "HP100+" or whatever */
} cylinder_type_t;
typedef struct {
cylinder_type_t type;
struct gasmix gasmix;
pressure_t start, end, sample_start, sample_end;
} cylinder_t;
typedef struct {
weight_t weight;
const char *description; /* "integrated", "belt", "ankle" */
} weightsystem_t;
extern int cylinder_none(void *_data);
extern int weightsystem_none(void *_data);
extern int get_pressure_units(unsigned int mb, const char **units);
extern double get_depth_units(unsigned int mm, int *frac, const char **units);
extern double get_volume_units(unsigned int ml, int *frac, const char **units);
extern double get_temp_units(unsigned int mk, const char **units);
extern double get_weight_units(unsigned int grams, int *frac, const char **units);
static inline double grams_to_lbs(int grams)
return grams / 453.6;
static inline int lbs_to_grams(double lbs)
return lbs * 453.6 + 0.5;
static inline double ml_to_cuft(int ml)
return ml / 28316.8466;
static inline double cuft_to_l(double cuft)
return cuft * 28.3168466;
static inline double mm_to_feet(int mm)
return mm * 0.00328084;
static inline unsigned long feet_to_mm(double feet)
return feet * 304.8 + 0.5;
static inline int to_feet(depth_t depth)
return mm_to_feet(depth.mm) + 0.5;
static inline double mkelvin_to_C(int mkelvin)
return (mkelvin - 273150) / 1000.0;
static inline double mkelvin_to_F(int mkelvin)
return mkelvin * 9 / 5000.0 - 459.670;
static inline unsigned long F_to_mkelvin(double f)
return (f-32) * 1000 / 1.8 + 273150.5;
static inline int to_C(temperature_t temp)
if (!temp.mkelvin)
return 0;
return mkelvin_to_C(temp.mkelvin) + 0.5;
static inline int to_F(temperature_t temp)
if (!temp.mkelvin)
return 0;
return mkelvin_to_F(temp.mkelvin) + 0.5;
static inline int to_K(temperature_t temp)
if (!temp.mkelvin)
return 0;
return (temp.mkelvin + 499)/1000;
static inline double psi_to_bar(double psi)
return psi / 14.5037738;
static inline unsigned long psi_to_mbar(double psi)
return psi_to_bar(psi)*1000 + 0.5;
static inline int to_PSI(pressure_t pressure)
return pressure.mbar * 0.0145037738 + 0.5;
static inline double bar_to_atm(double bar)
return bar / 1.01325;
static inline double to_ATM(pressure_t pressure)
return pressure.mbar / 1013.25;
static inline int mbar_to_PSI(int mbar)
pressure_t p = {mbar};
return to_PSI(p);
struct sample {
duration_t time;
depth_t depth;
temperature_t temperature;
pressure_t cylinderpressure;
int cylinderindex;
* Events are currently pretty meaningless. This is
* just based on the random data that libdivecomputer
* gives us. I'm not sure what a real "architected"
* event model would actually look like, but right
* now you can associate a list of events with a dive,
* and we'll do something about it.
struct event {
struct event *next;
duration_t time;
int type, flags, value;
char name[];
#define MAX_CYLINDERS (8)
#define W_IDX_PRIMARY 0
struct dive {
int number;
time_t when;
char *location;
char *notes;
char *divemaster, *buddy;
int rating;
double latitude, longitude;
depth_t maxdepth, meandepth;
duration_t duration, surfacetime;
depth_t visibility;
temperature_t airtemp, watertemp;
cylinder_t cylinder[MAX_CYLINDERS];
weightsystem_t weightsystem[MAX_WEIGHTSYSTEMS];
char *suit;
int sac, otu;
struct event *events;
int samples, alloc_samples;
struct sample sample[];
* We keep our internal data in well-specified units, but
* the input and output may come in some random format. This
* keeps track of those units.
/* turns out in Win32 PASCAL is defined as a calling convention */
#ifdef WIN32
#undef PASCAL
struct units {
enum { METERS, FEET } length;
enum { LITER, CUFT } volume;
enum { BAR, PSI, PASCAL } pressure;
enum { CELSIUS, FAHRENHEIT, KELVIN } temperature;
enum { KG, LBS } weight;
extern const struct units SI_units, IMPERIAL_units;
extern struct units input_units, output_units;
extern int verbose;
struct dive_table {
int nr, allocated, preexisting;
struct dive **dives;
extern struct dive_table dive_table;
extern int *selectiontracker;
extern int selected_dive;
#define current_dive (get_dive(selected_dive))
static inline struct dive *get_dive(unsigned int nr)
if (nr >= dive_table.nr || nr < 0)
return NULL;
return dive_table.dives[nr];
extern void parse_xml_init(void);
extern void parse_xml_buffer(const char *url, const char *buf, int size, GError **error);
extern void set_filename(const char *filename);
extern void parse_file(const char *filename, GError **error);
#ifdef XSLT
extern xmlDoc *test_xslt_transforms(xmlDoc *doc);
extern void show_dive_info(struct dive *);
extern void show_dive_equipment(struct dive *, int w_idx);
extern void show_dive_stats(struct dive *);
extern void update_dive(struct dive *new_dive);
extern void save_dives(const char *filename);
static inline unsigned int dive_size(int samples)
return sizeof(struct dive) + samples*sizeof(struct sample);
extern time_t utc_mktime(struct tm *tm);
extern struct dive *alloc_dive(void);
extern void record_dive(struct dive *dive);
extern void delete_dive(struct dive *dive);
extern struct sample *prepare_sample(struct dive **divep);
extern void finish_sample(struct dive *dive);
extern void report_dives(gboolean imported);
extern struct dive *fixup_dive(struct dive *dive);
extern struct dive *try_to_merge(struct dive *a, struct dive *b);
extern void renumber_dives(int nr);
extern void add_event(struct dive *dive, int time, int type, int flags, int value, const char *name);
/* UI related protopypes */
extern void init_ui(int *argcp, char ***argvp);
extern void run_ui(void);
extern void exit_ui(void);
extern void report_error(GError* error);
extern void add_cylinder_description(cylinder_type_t *);
extern void add_weightsystem_description(weightsystem_t *);
extern void add_people(const char *string);
extern void add_location(const char *string);
extern void add_suit(const char *string);
extern void remember_event(const char *eventname);
extern void evn_foreach(void (*callback)(const char *, int *, void *), void *data);
extern int add_new_dive(struct dive *dive);
extern int edit_dive_info(struct dive *dive);
extern int edit_multi_dive_info(int nr, int *indices);
extern void dive_list_update_dives(void);
extern void flush_divelist(struct dive *dive);
const char *weekday(int wday);
const char *monthname(int mon);
#define UTF8_DEGREE "\xc2\xb0"
#define UTF8_SUBSCRIPT_2 "\xe2\x82\x82"
#define UTF8_WHITESTAR "\xe2\x98\x86"
#define UTF8_BLACKSTAR "\xe2\x98\x85"
extern const char *star_strings[];
#define AIR_PERMILLE 209
#endif /* DIVE_H */