// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
import QtQuick 2.6
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2
import org.subsurfacedivelog.mobile 1.0
import org.kde.kirigami 2.2 as Kirigami
Kirigami.Page {
id: diveDetailsPage // but this is referenced as detailsWindow
objectName: "DiveDetails"
property alias currentIndex: diveDetailsListView.currentIndex
property alias currentItem: diveDetailsListView.currentItem
property alias dive_id: detailsEdit.dive_id
property alias number: detailsEdit.number
property alias date: detailsEdit.dateText
property alias airtemp: detailsEdit.airtempText
property alias watertemp: detailsEdit.watertempText
property alias buddyIndex: detailsEdit.buddyIndex
property alias buddyText: detailsEdit.buddyText
property alias buddyModel: detailsEdit.buddyModel
property alias divemasterIndex: detailsEdit.divemasterIndex
property alias divemasterText: detailsEdit.divemasterText
property alias divemasterModel: detailsEdit.divemasterModel
property alias depth: detailsEdit.depthText
property alias duration: detailsEdit.durationText
property alias location: detailsEdit.locationText
property alias locationModel: detailsEdit.locationModel
property alias locationIndex: detailsEdit.locationIndex
property alias gps: detailsEdit.gpsText
property alias notes: detailsEdit.notesText
property alias suitIndex: detailsEdit.suitIndex
property alias suitText: detailsEdit.suitText
property alias suitModel: detailsEdit.suitModel
property alias weight: detailsEdit.weightText
property alias startpressure: detailsEdit.startpressure
property alias endpressure: detailsEdit.endpressure
property alias cylinderIndex0: detailsEdit.cylinderIndex0
property alias cylinderIndex1: detailsEdit.cylinderIndex1
property alias cylinderIndex2: detailsEdit.cylinderIndex2
property alias cylinderIndex3: detailsEdit.cylinderIndex3
property alias cylinderIndex4: detailsEdit.cylinderIndex4
property alias usedGas: detailsEdit.usedGas
property alias gpsCheckbox: detailsEdit.gpsCheckbox
property int updateCurrentIdx: manager.updateSelectedDive
property alias rating: detailsEdit.rating
property alias visibility: detailsEdit.visibility
property alias usedCyl: detailsEdit.usedCyl
property alias cylinderModel0: detailsEdit.cylinderModel0
property alias cylinderModel1: detailsEdit.cylinderModel1
property alias cylinderModel2: detailsEdit.cylinderModel2
property alias cylinderModel3: detailsEdit.cylinderModel3
property alias cylinderModel4: detailsEdit.cylinderModel4
title: currentItem && currentItem.modelData ? currentItem.modelData.dive.location : qsTr("Dive details")
state: "view"
leftPadding: 0
topPadding: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 2 // make room for the title bar
rightPadding: 0
bottomPadding: 0
background: Rectangle { color: subsurfaceTheme.backgroundColor }
states: [
State {
name: "view"
PropertyChanges {
target: diveDetailsPage;
actions {
right: deleteAction
left: currentItem ? (currentItem.modelData && currentItem.modelData.dive.gps !== "" ? mapAction : null) : null
State {
name: "edit"
PropertyChanges {
target: diveDetailsPage;
actions {
right: cancelAction
left: null
State {
name: "add"
PropertyChanges {
target: diveDetailsPage;
actions {
right: cancelAction
left: null
transitions: [
Transition {
from: "view"
to: "*"
ParallelAnimation {
SequentialAnimation {
NumberAnimation {
target: detailsEditFlickable
properties: "visible"
from: 0
to: 1
duration: 10
ScaleAnimator {
target: detailsEditFlickable
from: 0.3
to: 1
duration: 400
easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
NumberAnimation {
target: detailsEditFlickable
property: "contentY"
to: 0
duration: 200
easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
Transition {
from: "*"
to: "view"
SequentialAnimation {
ScaleAnimator {
target: detailsEditFlickable
from: 1
to: 0.3
duration: 400
easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
NumberAnimation {
target: detailsEditFlickable
properties: "visible"
from: 1
to: 0
duration: 10
property QtObject deleteAction: Kirigami.Action {
text: qsTr("Delete dive")
icon {
name: ":/icons/trash-empty.svg"
onTriggered: {
var deletedId = currentItem.modelData.dive.id
var deletedIndex = diveDetailsListView.currentIndex
showPassiveNotification("Dive deleted", 3000, "Undo",
function() {
diveDetailsListView.currentIndex = manager.undoDelete(deletedId) ? deletedIndex : diveDetailsListView.currentIndex
property QtObject cancelAction: Kirigami.Action {
text: qsTr("Cancel edit")
icon {
name: ":/icons/dialog-cancel.svg"
onTriggered: {
property QtObject mapAction: Kirigami.Action {
text: qsTr("Show on map")
icon {
name: ":/icons/gps"
onTriggered: {
actions.main: Kirigami.Action {
icon {
name: state !== "view" ? ":/icons/document-save.svg" : ":/icons/document-edit.svg"
color: subsurfaceTheme.primaryColor
onTriggered: {
manager.appendTextToLog("save/edit button triggered")
if (state === "edit" || state === "add") {
} else {
onBackRequested: {
if (state === "edit") {
event.accepted = true;
} else if (state === "add") {
event.accepted = true;
// if we were in view mode, don't accept the event and pop the page
onCurrentItemChanged: {
manager.selectedDiveTimestamp = currentItem.modelData.dive.timestamp
function showDiveIndex(index) {
currentIndex = index;
diveDetailsListView.positionViewAtIndex(index, ListView.End);
function endEditMode() {
// if we were adding a dive, we need to remove it
if (state === "add")
// just cancel the edit/add state
state = "view";
focus = false;
function startEditMode() {
if (!currentItem.modelData) {
console.log("DiveDetails trying to access undefined currentItem.modelData")
// set things up for editing - so make sure that the detailsEdit has
// all the right data (using the property aliases set up above)
dive_id = currentItem.modelData.dive.id
number = currentItem.modelData.dive.number
date = currentItem.modelData.dive.date + " " + currentItem.modelData.dive.time
location = currentItem.modelData.dive.location
locationIndex = manager.locationList.indexOf(currentItem.modelData.dive.location)
gps = currentItem.modelData.dive.gps
gpsCheckbox = false
duration = currentItem.modelData.dive.duration
depth = currentItem.modelData.dive.depth
airtemp = currentItem.modelData.dive.airTemp
watertemp = currentItem.modelData.dive.waterTemp
suitIndex = manager.suitList.indexOf(currentItem.modelData.dive.suit)
if (currentItem.modelData.dive.buddy.indexOf(",") > 0) {
buddyIndex = manager.buddyList.indexOf(currentItem.modelData.dive.buddy.split(",", 1).toString())
} else {
buddyIndex = manager.buddyList.indexOf(currentItem.modelData.dive.buddy)
buddyText = currentItem.modelData.dive.buddy;
divemasterIndex = manager.divemasterList.indexOf(currentItem.modelData.dive.divemaster)
notes = currentItem.modelData.dive.notes
if (currentItem.modelData.dive.singleWeight) {
// we have only one weight, go ahead, have fun and edit it
weight = currentItem.modelData.dive.sumWeight
} else {
// careful when translating, this text is "magic" in DiveDetailsEdit.qml
weight = "cannot edit multiple weight systems"
startpressure = currentItem.modelData.dive.startPressure
endpressure = currentItem.modelData.dive.endPressure
usedGas = currentItem.modelData.dive.firstGas
usedCyl = currentItem.modelData.dive.getCylinder
cylinderIndex0 = currentItem.modelData.dive.cylinderList.indexOf(usedCyl[0])
cylinderIndex1 = currentItem.modelData.dive.cylinderList.indexOf(usedCyl[1])
cylinderIndex2 = currentItem.modelData.dive.cylinderList.indexOf(usedCyl[2])
cylinderIndex3 = currentItem.modelData.dive.cylinderList.indexOf(usedCyl[3])
cylinderIndex4 = currentItem.modelData.dive.cylinderList.indexOf(usedCyl[4])
rating = currentItem.modelData.dive.rating
visibility = currentItem.modelData.dive.visibility
diveDetailsPage.state = "edit"
Item {
anchors.fill: parent
visible: diveDetailsPage.state == "view"
ListView {
id: diveDetailsListView
anchors.fill: parent
model: diveModel
currentIndex: -1
boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
maximumFlickVelocity: parent.width * 5
orientation: ListView.Horizontal
highlightFollowsCurrentItem: false
focus: true
clip: false
snapMode: ListView.SnapOneItem
highlightRangeMode: ListView.StrictlyEnforceRange
onMovementEnded: {
currentIndex = indexAt(contentX+1, 1);
delegate: Flickable {
id: internalScrollView
width: diveDetailsListView.width
height: diveDetailsListView.height
contentHeight: diveDetails.height
boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
property var modelData: model
DiveDetailsView {
id: diveDetails
width: internalScrollView.width
ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar { }
ScrollIndicator.horizontal: ScrollIndicator { }
Flickable {
id: detailsEditFlickable
anchors.fill: parent
leftMargin: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing
rightMargin: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing
contentHeight: detailsEdit.height
// start invisible and scaled down, to get the transition
// off to the right start
visible: false
scale: 0.3
DiveDetailsEdit {
id: detailsEdit
ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar { }