blob: b3d49cd554405308696c65bd0f573968342475ff (
plain) (
Tool repo to crosscompile subsurface for iOS
This is very rough - the interaction between the different tools seems quite
- This only works on a Mac
- XCode with iOS SDK and Qt5.6
- cmake
Steps to install:
Step 1.
Install current XCode with the iOS SDK
And QT for android from:, including the iOS bits
Step 2.
Extract and install these into known directories.
Have a look in the top of for where the cross build tool expects
them. By default thats is: ../../../Qt/5.6
Step 3.
Run bash in the terminal.
The script will download and build the whole dependency chain, but not the actual
Subsurface-mobile binary
Step 4.
Launch QtCreator with the Subsurface-mobile/
Build Subsurface-mobile in QtCreator - you can build for the simulator and for
a device and even deploy to a connected device.
This will likely require an Apple Developer account ($$$). In order to create a
bundle that can be distributed things get even more complex and the interaction
between QtCreator, Xcode and the Apple Developer Portal is still quite
confusing to me.
The version number used in the Subsurface-mobile app is created in step 3.
So whenever you pull the latest git or commit a change, you need to re-run the script so that the Info.plist used by QtCreator (well, by Xcode under
the hood) gets updated. Otherwise you will continue to see the old version
number, even though the sources have been recompiled which can be very