blob: a903b1fc0c57200b2bc798c1a73c17e9e4b926d5 (
plain) (
# Travis only pulls shallow repos. But that messes with git describe.
# Sorry Travis, fetching the whole thing and the tags as well...
git fetch --unshallow
git pull --tags
git describe
# setup build dir on the host, not inside of the container
mkdir -p ../subsurface-mobile-build-docker-arm
mkdir -p ../subsurface-mobile-build-docker-arm64
# this uses a custom built Ubuntu image that includes Qt for Android and
# Android NDK/SDK
# Running sleep to keep the container running during the build
PARENT="$( cd .. && pwd )"
docker run -v $PWD:/android/subsurface \
-v $PARENT/subsurface-mobile-build-docker-arm:/android/subsurface-mobile-build-arm \
-v $PARENT/subsurface-mobile-build-docker-arm64:/android/subsurface-mobile-build-arm64 \
--name=android-builder \
-w /android \
-d dirkhh/android-builder:5.12.03 \
/bin/sleep 60m