blob: 51ff16dbc051858d195714fcbf05b1acf9fec03b (
plain) (
# Global settings
# Set some C constructs to be diagnosed as errors:
# - calling implicit functions
# - casting from integers to pointers or vice-versa without an explicit cast
# Also turn on C99 mode with GNU extensions
*-g++*: QMAKE_CFLAGS += -Werror=int-to-pointer-cast -Werror=pointer-to-int-cast -Werror=implicit-int
# these warnings are in general just wrong and annoying - but should be
# turned on every once in a while in case they do show the occasional
# actual bug
*-g++* | *-clang*: QMAKE_CFLAGS += -Wno-unused-result -Wno-pointer-sign -fno-strict-overflow
*-g++*: QMAKE_CFLAGS += -Wno-maybe-uninitialized
*-clang*: QMAKE_CFLAGS += -Wno-format-security
*-g++*: QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -fno-strict-overflow
!win32-msvc*: QMAKE_CFLAGS += -std=gnu99
# Don't turn warnings on (but don't suppress them either)
CONFIG -= warn_on warn_off
# Turn exceptions off
!win32-msvc*: QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fno-exceptions
CONFIG += exceptions_off
# Check if we have pkg-config
equals($$QMAKE_HOST.os, "Windows"):NUL=NUL
PKG_CONFIG_OUT = $$system(pkg-config --version 2> $$NUL)
!isEmpty(PKG_CONFIG_OUT) {
CONFIG += link_pkgconfig
} else {
message("pkg-config not found, no detection performed. See README for details")
# Find libdivecomputer
!isEmpty(LIBDCDEVEL) {
# find it next to our sources
INCLUDEPATH += ../libdivecomputer/include
LIBS += ../libdivecomputer/src/.libs/libdivecomputer.a
LIBDC_LA = ../libdivecomputer/src/
} else:exists(/usr/local/lib/libdivecomputer.a) {
LIBS += /usr/local/lib/libdivecomputer.a
LIBDC_LA = /usr/local/lib/
} else:exists(/usr/local/lib64/libdivecomputer.a) {
LIBS += /usr/local/lib64/libdivecomputer.a
LIBDC_LA = /usr/local/lib64/
} else:link_pkgconfig {
# find it via pkg-config, but we need to pass the --static flag,
# so we can't use the PKGCONFIG variable.
LIBS += $$system("pkg-config --static --libs libdivecomputer")
LIBDC_CFLAGS = $$system("pkg-config --static --cflags libdivecomputer")
!isEmpty(LIBDC_LA):exists($$LIBDC_LA) {
# Source the libtool .la file to get the dependent libs
LIBS += $$system(". $$LIBDC_LA && echo \$dependency_libs")
# Find libxml2 and libxslt
# They come with shell scripts that contain the information we need, so we just
# run them. They also come with pkg-config files, but those are missing on
# Mac (where they are part of the XCode-supplied tools).
XML2_CFLAGS = $$system(xml2-config --cflags 2>$$NUL)
XSLT_CFLAGS = $$system(xslt-config --cflags 2>$$NUL)
XML2_LIBS = $$system(xml2-config --libs 2>$$NUL)
XSLT_LIBS = $$system(xslt-config --libs 2>$$NUL)
link_pkgconfig {
isEmpty(XML2_CFLAGS)|isEmpty(XML2_LIBS) {
XML2_CFLAGS = $$system(pkg-config --cflags libxml2 2> $$NUL)
XML2_LIBS = $$system(pkg-config --libs libxml2 2> $$NUL)
isEmpty(XSLT_CFLAGS)|isEmpty(XSLT_LIBS) {
XSLT_CFLAGS = $$system(pkg-config --cflags libxslt 2> $$NUL)
XSLT_LIBS = $$system(pkg-config --libs libxslt 2> $$NUL)
isEmpty(XML2_CFLAGS)|isEmpty(XML2_LIBS): \
error("Could not find libxml2. Did you forget to install it?")
isEmpty(XSLT_CFLAGS)|isEmpty(XSLT_LIBS): \
error("Could not find libxslt. Did you forget to install it?")
# Find other pkg-config-based projects
# We're searching for:
# libzip
# sqlite3
link_pkgconfig: PKGCONFIG += libzip sqlite3
# Add libiconv if needed
link_pkgconfig: packagesExist(libiconv): PKGCONFIG += libiconv
# Find libmarble
# Before Marble 4.9, the GeoDataTreeModel.h header wasn't installed
# Check if it's present by trying to compile
# ### FIXME: implement that
win32: CONFIG(debug, debug|release): LIBS += -lmarblewidgetd
else: LIBS += -lmarblewidget
# Platform-specific changes
win32 {
LIBS += -lwsock32
# misc
!equals(V, 1): !win32: CONFIG += silent
MOC_DIR = .moc
UI_DIR = .uic
RCC_DIR = .rcc