#include "DiveObjectHelper.h"
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QTextDocument>
#include "../qthelper.h"
#include "../helpers.h"
static QString EMPTY_DIVE_STRING = QStringLiteral("--");
enum returnPressureSelector {START_PRESSURE, END_PRESSURE};
static QString getFormattedWeight(struct dive *dive, unsigned int idx)
weightsystem_t *weight = &dive->weightsystem[idx];
if (!weight->description)
return QString(EMPTY_DIVE_STRING);
QString fmt = QString(weight->description);
fmt += ", " + get_weight_string(weight->weight, true);
return fmt;
static QString getFormattedCylinder(struct dive *dive, unsigned int idx)
cylinder_t *cyl = &dive->cylinder[idx];
const char *desc = cyl->type.description;
if (!desc && idx > 0)
return QString(EMPTY_DIVE_STRING);
QString fmt = desc ? QString(desc) : QObject::tr("unknown");
fmt += ", " + get_volume_string(cyl->type.size, true);
fmt += ", " + get_pressure_string(cyl->type.workingpressure, true);
fmt += ", " + get_pressure_string(cyl->start, false) + " - " + get_pressure_string(cyl->end, true);
fmt += ", " + get_gas_string(cyl->gasmix);
return fmt;
static QString getPressures(struct dive *dive, enum returnPressureSelector ret)
cylinder_t *cyl = &dive->cylinder[0];
QString fmt;
if (ret == START_PRESSURE)
if (cyl->start.mbar)
fmt = get_pressure_string(cyl->start, true);
else if (cyl->sample_start.mbar)
fmt = get_pressure_string(cyl->sample_start, true);
if (ret == END_PRESSURE)
if (cyl->end.mbar)
fmt = get_pressure_string(cyl->end, true);
else if(cyl->sample_end.mbar)
fmt = get_pressure_string(cyl->sample_end, true);
return fmt;
DiveObjectHelper::DiveObjectHelper(struct dive *d) :
int DiveObjectHelper::number() const
return m_dive->number;
int DiveObjectHelper::id() const
return m_dive->id;
QString DiveObjectHelper::date() const
QDateTime localTime = QDateTime::fromTime_t(m_dive->when - gettimezoneoffset(m_dive->when));
return localTime.date().toString(prefs.date_format);
timestamp_t DiveObjectHelper::timestamp() const
return m_dive->when;
QString DiveObjectHelper::time() const
QDateTime localTime = QDateTime::fromTime_t(m_dive->when - gettimezoneoffset(m_dive->when));
return localTime.time().toString(prefs.time_format);
QString DiveObjectHelper::location() const
return get_dive_location(m_dive) ? QString::fromUtf8(get_dive_location(m_dive)) : EMPTY_DIVE_STRING;
QString DiveObjectHelper::gps() const
struct dive_site *ds = get_dive_site_by_uuid(m_dive->dive_site_uuid);
return ds ? QString(printGPSCoords(ds->latitude.udeg, ds->longitude.udeg)) : QString();
QString DiveObjectHelper::duration() const
return get_dive_duration_string(m_dive->duration.seconds, QObject::tr("h:"), QObject::tr("min"));
bool DiveObjectHelper::noDive() const
return m_dive->duration.seconds == 0 && m_dive->dc.duration.seconds == 0;
QString DiveObjectHelper::depth() const
return get_depth_string(m_dive->dc.maxdepth.mm, true, true);
QString DiveObjectHelper::divemaster() const
return m_dive->divemaster ? m_dive->divemaster : EMPTY_DIVE_STRING;
QString DiveObjectHelper::buddy() const
return m_dive->buddy ? m_dive->buddy : EMPTY_DIVE_STRING;
QString DiveObjectHelper::airTemp() const
QString temp = get_temperature_string(m_dive->airtemp, true);
if (temp.isEmpty()) {
return temp;
QString DiveObjectHelper::waterTemp() const
QString temp = get_temperature_string(m_dive->watertemp, true);
if (temp.isEmpty()) {
return temp;
QString DiveObjectHelper::notes() const
QString tmp = m_dive->notes ? QString::fromUtf8(m_dive->notes) : EMPTY_DIVE_STRING;
if (same_string(m_dive->dc.model, "planned dive")) {
QTextDocument notes;
#define _NOTES_BR "\n"
tmp.replace("<thead>", "<thead>" _NOTES_BR)
.replace("<br>", "<br>" _NOTES_BR)
.replace("<tr>", "<tr>" _NOTES_BR)
.replace("</tr>", "</tr>" _NOTES_BR);
tmp = notes.toPlainText();
tmp.replace(_NOTES_BR, "<br>");
#undef _NOTES_BR
} else {
tmp.replace("\n", "<br>");
return tmp;
QString DiveObjectHelper::tags() const
static char buffer[256];
taglist_get_tagstring(m_dive->tag_list, buffer, 256);
return QString(buffer);
QString DiveObjectHelper::gas() const
/*WARNING: here should be the gastlist, returned
* from the get_gas_string function or this is correct?
QString gas, gases;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++) {
if (!is_cylinder_used(m_dive, i))
gas = m_dive->cylinder[i].type.description;
if (!gas.isEmpty())
gas += QChar(' ');
gas += gasname(&m_dive->cylinder[i].gasmix);
// if has a description and if such gas is not already present
if (!gas.isEmpty() && gases.indexOf(gas) == -1) {
if (!gases.isEmpty())
gases += QString(" / ");
gases += gas;
return gases;
QString DiveObjectHelper::sac() const
if (!m_dive->sac)
return QString();
const char *unit;
int decimal;
double value = get_volume_units(m_dive->sac, &decimal, &unit);
return QString::number(value, 'f', decimal).append(unit);
QStringList DiveObjectHelper::weights() const
QStringList weights;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WEIGHTSYSTEMS; i++)
weights << getFormattedWeight(m_dive, i);
return weights;
bool DiveObjectHelper::singleWeight() const
return weightsystem_none(&m_dive->weightsystem[1]);
QString DiveObjectHelper::weight(int idx) const
if ( (idx < 0) || idx > MAX_WEIGHTSYSTEMS )
return QString(EMPTY_DIVE_STRING);
return getFormattedWeight(m_dive, idx);
QString DiveObjectHelper::suit() const
return m_dive->suit ? m_dive->suit : EMPTY_DIVE_STRING;
QStringList DiveObjectHelper::cylinders() const
QStringList cylinders;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++)
cylinders << getFormattedCylinder(m_dive, i);
return cylinders;
QString DiveObjectHelper::cylinder(int idx) const
if ( (idx < 0) || idx > MAX_CYLINDERS)
return QString(EMPTY_DIVE_STRING);
return getFormattedCylinder(m_dive, idx);
QString DiveObjectHelper::trip() const
return m_dive->divetrip ? m_dive->divetrip->location : EMPTY_DIVE_STRING;
// combine the pointer address with the trip location so that
// we detect multiple, destinct trips to the same location
QString DiveObjectHelper::tripMeta() const
if (m_dive->divetrip)
ret = QString::number((quint64)m_dive->divetrip, 16) + QLatin1Literal("::") + m_dive->divetrip->location;
return ret;
QString DiveObjectHelper::maxcns() const
return QString(m_dive->maxcns);
QString DiveObjectHelper::otu() const
return QString(m_dive->otu);
int DiveObjectHelper::rating() const
return m_dive->rating;
QString DiveObjectHelper::sumWeight() const
weight_t sum = { 0 };
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WEIGHTSYSTEMS; i++){
sum.grams += m_dive->weightsystem[i].weight.grams;
return get_weight_string(sum, true);
QString DiveObjectHelper::getCylinder() const
QString getCylinder;
if (is_cylinder_used(m_dive, 1)){
getCylinder = QObject::tr("Multiple");
else {
getCylinder = m_dive->cylinder[0].type.description;
return getCylinder;
QString DiveObjectHelper::startPressure() const
QString startPressure = getPressures(m_dive, START_PRESSURE);
return startPressure;
QString DiveObjectHelper::endPressure() const
QString endPressure = getPressures(m_dive, END_PRESSURE);
return endPressure;
QString DiveObjectHelper::firstGas() const
QString gas;
gas = get_gas_string(m_dive->cylinder[0].gasmix);
return gas;