blob: b8d73785a9b79df85fe097757cc62baae63bf578 (
plain) (
marbledir.files = $$MARBLEDIR
xslt.files = $$XSLT_FILES
doc.files = $$DOC_FILES
nltab = $$escape_expand(\\n\\t)
mac {
# OS X bundling rules
# "make mac-deploy" deploys the external libs (Qt, libdivecomputer, libusb, etc.) into the bundle
# "make install" installs the bundle to /Application
# "make mac-create-dmg" creates Subsurface.dmg
mac_bundle.path = /Application
mac_bundle.files =
mac_bundle.CONFIG += no_check_exist directory
INSTALLS += mac_bundle
install.depends += mac-deploy
datadir = Contents/Resources/share/subsurface
marbledir.path = Contents/Resources/data
xslt.path = $$datadir
doc.path = Contents/Resources/share/doc/subsurface
doc.files = $$files($$doc.files)
QMAKE_BUNDLE_DATA += marbledir xslt doc = mac-deploy
mac_deploy.commands += $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/macdeployqt $${TARGET}.app
!isEmpty(V):mac_deploy.commands += -verbose=1 = mac-create-dmg
mac_dmg.commands = $$mac_deploy.commands -dmg
mac_dmg.commands += $${nltab}$(MOVE) $${TARGET}.dmg $${TARGET}-$${VERSION}.dmg
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += mac_deploy mac_dmg
} else: win32 {
# Windows bundling rules
# We don't have a helpful tool like macdeployqt for Windows, so we hardcode
# which libs we need.
# The only target is "make install", which copies everything into packaging/windows
WINDOWSSTAGING = packaging/windows
deploy.path = $$WINDOWSSTAGING
deploy.files += $$marbledir.files $$xslt.files $$doc.files
target.path = $$WINDOWSSTAGING
INSTALLS += deploy target
qt_conf.commands = echo \'[Paths]\' > $@
qt_conf.commands += $${nltab}echo \'Prefix=.\' >> $@
qt_conf.commands += $${nltab}echo \'Plugins=plugins\' >> $@ = $$PWD/packaging/windows/qt.conf
install.depends += qt_conf
!win32-msvc* {
!equals($$QMAKE_HOST.os, "Windows"): dlls.commands += OBJDUMP=`$(CC) -dumpmachine`-objdump
dlls.commands += perl $$PWD/scripts/ $(DESTDIR_TARGET)
dlls.commands += `$(CC) -print-search-dirs | $(SED) -n \'/^libraries: =/{s///;s/:/\\n/g;p;q;}\' | $(SED) -E \'s,/lib/?\\\$\$,/bin,\'`
dlls.commands += $$LIBS
dlls.commands += | while read name; do $(INSTALL_FILE) \$\$name $$PWD/$$WINDOWSSTAGING; done
dlls.depends = $(DESTDIR_TARGET)
install.depends += dlls
} else {
# Linux install rules
# On Linux, we can count on packagers doing the right thing
# We just need to drop a few files here and there
# This is a fake rule just to create some rules in the target file
nl = $$escape_expand(\\n) = dummy-only-for-var-expansion
dummy.commands = $${nl}prefix = /usr$${nl}\
BINDIR = $(prefix)/bin$${nl}\
DATADIR = $(prefix)/share$${nl}\
DOCDIR = $(DATADIR)/doc/subsurface$${nl}\
DESKTOPDIR = $(DATADIR)/applications$${nl}\
ICONPATH = $(DATADIR)/icons/hicolor$${nl}\
ICONDIR = $(ICONPATH)/scalable/apps$${nl}\
MANDIR = $(DATADIR)/man/man1$${nl}\
XSLTDIR = $(DATADIR)/subsurface
WINDOWSSTAGING = ./packaging/windows
target.path = /$(BINDIR)
target.files = $$TARGET
desktop.path = /$(DESKTOPDIR)
desktop.files = $$DESKTOP_FILE
manpage.path = /$(MANDIR)
manpage.files = $$MANPAGE
icon.path = /$(ICONDIR)
icon.files = $$ICON
xslt.path = /$(XSLTDIR)
marbledir.path = /$(DATADIR)/subsurface
doc.path = /$(DOCDIR)
# FIXME: Linguist translations
#l10n_install.commands = for LOC in $$files(share/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES); do \
# $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) -d $(INSTALL_ROOT)/$(prefix)/$$LOC; \
# $(INSTALL_FILE) $$LOC/ $(INSTALL_ROOT)/$(prefix)/$$LOC/; \
# done
#install.depends += l10n_install
INSTALLS += target desktop icon manpage xslt doc marbledir = install
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += install $$install.depends