path: root/desktop-widgets/downloadfromdivecomputer.cpp
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authorGravatar Dirk Hohndel <>2015-11-02 19:54:34 -0800
committerGravatar Dirk Hohndel <>2015-11-02 19:54:34 -0800
commit8ea7f404574c2ee571d2dde6bb6be3791e962150 (patch)
tree6a050178bfc71bf10558968f2a3bc0a12d8c525f /desktop-widgets/downloadfromdivecomputer.cpp
parentb273c1b0ca7bfe933e7c83742f1610f6bbe3f4d3 (diff)
parentdf7818a9b8495285b4d9812e5d6d50d6f9c08813 (diff)
Merge branch 'cmakeAndPreferences'
Diffstat (limited to 'desktop-widgets/downloadfromdivecomputer.cpp')
1 files changed, 727 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/desktop-widgets/downloadfromdivecomputer.cpp b/desktop-widgets/downloadfromdivecomputer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4c8fa6b4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/desktop-widgets/downloadfromdivecomputer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,727 @@
+#include "downloadfromdivecomputer.h"
+#include "helpers.h"
+#include "mainwindow.h"
+#include "divelistview.h"
+#include "display.h"
+#include "uemis.h"
+#include "models.h"
+#include <QTimer>
+#include <QFileDialog>
+#include <QMessageBox>
+#include <QShortcut>
+struct product {
+ const char *product;
+ dc_descriptor_t *descriptor;
+ struct product *next;
+struct vendor {
+ const char *vendor;
+ struct product *productlist;
+ struct vendor *next;
+struct mydescriptor {
+ const char *vendor;
+ const char *product;
+ dc_family_t type;
+ unsigned int model;
+namespace DownloadFromDcGlobal {
+ const char *err_string;
+struct dive_table downloadTable;
+DownloadFromDCWidget::DownloadFromDCWidget(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) : QDialog(parent, f),
+ thread(0),
+ downloading(false),
+ previousLast(0),
+ vendorModel(0),
+ productModel(0),
+ timer(new QTimer(this)),
+ dumpWarningShown(false),
+ ostcFirmwareCheck(0),
+ currentState(INITIAL)
+ clear_table(&downloadTable);
+ ui.setupUi(this);
+ ui.progressBar->hide();
+ ui.progressBar->setMinimum(0);
+ ui.progressBar->setMaximum(100);
+ diveImportedModel = new DiveImportedModel(this);
+ ui.downloadedView->setModel(diveImportedModel);
+ ui.downloadedView->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows);
+ ui.downloadedView->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection);
+ int startingWidth = defaultModelFont().pointSize();
+ ui.downloadedView->setColumnWidth(0, startingWidth * 20);
+ ui.downloadedView->setColumnWidth(1, startingWidth * 10);
+ ui.downloadedView->setColumnWidth(2, startingWidth * 10);
+ connect(ui.downloadedView, SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)), diveImportedModel, SLOT(changeSelected(QModelIndex)));
+ progress_bar_text = "";
+ fill_computer_list();
+ ui.chooseDumpFile->setEnabled(ui.dumpToFile->isChecked());
+ connect(ui.chooseDumpFile, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(pickDumpFile()));
+ connect(ui.dumpToFile, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(checkDumpFile(int)));
+ ui.chooseLogFile->setEnabled(ui.logToFile->isChecked());
+ connect(ui.chooseLogFile, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(pickLogFile()));
+ connect(ui.logToFile, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(checkLogFile(int)));
+ ui.selectAllButton->setEnabled(false);
+ ui.unselectAllButton->setEnabled(false);
+ connect(ui.selectAllButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), diveImportedModel, SLOT(selectAll()));
+ connect(ui.unselectAllButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), diveImportedModel, SLOT(selectNone()));
+ vendorModel = new QStringListModel(vendorList);
+ ui.vendor->setModel(vendorModel);
+ if (default_dive_computer_vendor) {
+ ui.vendor->setCurrentIndex(ui.vendor->findText(default_dive_computer_vendor));
+ productModel = new QStringListModel(productList[default_dive_computer_vendor]);
+ ui.product->setModel(productModel);
+ if (default_dive_computer_product)
+ ui.product->setCurrentIndex(ui.product->findText(default_dive_computer_product));
+ }
+ if (default_dive_computer_device)
+ ui.device->setEditText(default_dive_computer_device);
+ timer->setInterval(200);
+ connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateProgressBar()));
+ updateState(INITIAL);
+ memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));
+ QShortcut *close = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_W), this);
+ connect(close, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(close()));
+ QShortcut *quit = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_Q), this);
+ connect(quit, SIGNAL(activated()), parent, SLOT(close()));
+ ui.ok->setEnabled(false);
+ ui.downloadCancelRetryButton->setEnabled(true);
+ ui.downloadCancelRetryButton->setText(tr("Download"));
+#if defined(BT_SUPPORT) && defined(SSRF_CUSTOM_SERIAL)
+ ui.bluetoothMode->setText(tr("Choose Bluetooth download mode"));
+ ui.bluetoothMode->setChecked(default_dive_computer_download_mode == DC_TRANSPORT_BLUETOOTH);
+ btDeviceSelectionDialog = 0;
+ ui.chooseBluetoothDevice->setEnabled(ui.bluetoothMode->isChecked());
+ connect(ui.bluetoothMode, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(enableBluetoothMode(int)));
+ connect(ui.chooseBluetoothDevice, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(selectRemoteBluetoothDevice()));
+ ui.bluetoothMode->hide();
+ ui.chooseBluetoothDevice->hide();
+void DownloadFromDCWidget::updateProgressBar()
+ if (*progress_bar_text != '\0') {
+ ui.progressBar->setFormat(progress_bar_text);
+ } else {
+ ui.progressBar->setFormat("%p%");
+ }
+ ui.progressBar->setValue(progress_bar_fraction * 100);
+void DownloadFromDCWidget::updateState(states state)
+ if (state == currentState)
+ return;
+ if (state == INITIAL) {
+ fill_device_list(DC_TYPE_OTHER);
+ ui.progressBar->hide();
+ markChildrenAsEnabled();
+ timer->stop();
+ }
+ // tries to cancel an on going download
+ else if (currentState == DOWNLOADING && state == CANCELLING) {
+ import_thread_cancelled = true;
+ ui.downloadCancelRetryButton->setEnabled(false);
+ }
+ // user pressed cancel but the application isn't doing anything.
+ // means close the window
+ else if ((currentState == INITIAL || currentState == DONE || currentState == ERROR) && state == CANCELLING) {
+ timer->stop();
+ reject();
+ }
+ // the cancelation process is finished
+ else if (currentState == CANCELLING && state == DONE) {
+ timer->stop();
+ ui.progressBar->setValue(0);
+ ui.progressBar->hide();
+ markChildrenAsEnabled();
+ }
+ // DOWNLOAD is finally done, but we don't know if there was an error as libdivecomputer doesn't pass
+ // that information on to us.
+ // If we find an error, offer to retry, otherwise continue the interaction to pick the dives the user wants
+ else if (currentState == DOWNLOADING && state == DONE) {
+ timer->stop();
+ if (QString(progress_bar_text).contains("error", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
+ updateProgressBar();
+ markChildrenAsEnabled();
+ progress_bar_text = "";
+ } else {
+ ui.progressBar->setValue(100);
+ markChildrenAsEnabled();
+ }
+ }
+ // DOWNLOAD is started.
+ else if (state == DOWNLOADING) {
+ timer->start();
+ ui.progressBar->setValue(0);
+ updateProgressBar();
+ ui.progressBar->show();
+ markChildrenAsDisabled();
+ }
+ // got an error
+ else if (state == ERROR) {
+ QMessageBox::critical(this, TITLE_OR_TEXT(tr("Error"), this->thread->error), QMessageBox::Ok);
+ markChildrenAsEnabled();
+ ui.progressBar->hide();
+ }
+ // properly updating the widget state
+ currentState = state;
+void DownloadFromDCWidget::on_vendor_currentIndexChanged(const QString &vendor)
+ int dcType = DC_TYPE_SERIAL;
+ QAbstractItemModel *currentModel = ui.product->model();
+ if (!currentModel)
+ return;
+ productModel = new QStringListModel(productList[vendor]);
+ ui.product->setModel(productModel);
+ if (vendor == QString("Uemis"))
+ dcType = DC_TYPE_UEMIS;
+ fill_device_list(dcType);
+ // Memleak - but deleting gives me a crash.
+ //currentModel->deleteLater();
+void DownloadFromDCWidget::on_product_currentIndexChanged(const QString &product)
+ // Set up the DC descriptor
+ dc_descriptor_t *descriptor = NULL;
+ descriptor = descriptorLookup[ui.vendor->currentText() + product];
+ // call dc_descriptor_get_transport to see if the dc_transport_t is DC_TRANSPORT_SERIAL
+ if (dc_descriptor_get_transport(descriptor) == DC_TRANSPORT_SERIAL) {
+ // if the dc_transport_t is DC_TRANSPORT_SERIAL, then enable the device node box.
+ ui.device->setEnabled(true);
+ } else {
+ // otherwise disable the device node box
+ ui.device->setEnabled(false);
+ }
+void DownloadFromDCWidget::fill_computer_list()
+ dc_iterator_t *iterator = NULL;
+ dc_descriptor_t *descriptor = NULL;
+ struct mydescriptor *mydescriptor;
+ QStringList computer;
+ dc_descriptor_iterator(&iterator);
+ while (dc_iterator_next(iterator, &descriptor) == DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+ const char *vendor = dc_descriptor_get_vendor(descriptor);
+ const char *product = dc_descriptor_get_product(descriptor);
+ if (!vendorList.contains(vendor))
+ vendorList.append(vendor);
+ if (!productList[vendor].contains(product))
+ productList[vendor].push_back(product);
+ descriptorLookup[QString(vendor) + QString(product)] = descriptor;
+ }
+ dc_iterator_free(iterator);
+ Q_FOREACH (QString vendor, vendorList)
+ qSort(productList[vendor]);
+ /* and add the Uemis Zurich which we are handling internally
+ THIS IS A HACK as we magically have a data structure here that
+ happens to match a data structure that is internal to libdivecomputer;
+ this WILL BREAK if libdivecomputer changes the dc_descriptor struct...
+ eventually the UEMIS code needs to move into libdivecomputer, I guess */
+ mydescriptor = (struct mydescriptor *)malloc(sizeof(struct mydescriptor));
+ mydescriptor->vendor = "Uemis";
+ mydescriptor->product = "Zurich";
+ mydescriptor->type = DC_FAMILY_NULL;
+ mydescriptor->model = 0;
+ if (!vendorList.contains("Uemis"))
+ vendorList.append("Uemis");
+ if (!productList["Uemis"].contains("Zurich"))
+ productList["Uemis"].push_back("Zurich");
+ descriptorLookup["UemisZurich"] = (dc_descriptor_t *)mydescriptor;
+ qSort(vendorList);
+void DownloadFromDCWidget::on_search_clicked()
+ if (ui.vendor->currentText() == "Uemis") {
+ QString dirName = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this,
+ tr("Find Uemis dive computer"),
+ QDir::homePath(),
+ QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly);
+ if (ui.device->findText(dirName) == -1)
+ ui.device->addItem(dirName);
+ ui.device->setEditText(dirName);
+ }
+void DownloadFromDCWidget::on_downloadCancelRetryButton_clicked()
+ if (currentState == DOWNLOADING) {
+ updateState(CANCELLING);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (currentState == DONE) {
+ // this means we are retrying - so we better clean out the partial
+ // list of downloaded dives from the last attempt
+ diveImportedModel->clearTable();
+ clear_table(&downloadTable);
+ }
+ updateState(DOWNLOADING);
+ // you cannot cancel the dialog, just the download
+ ui.cancel->setEnabled(false);
+ ui.downloadCancelRetryButton->setText("Cancel download");
+ // I don't really think that create/destroy the thread
+ // is really necessary.
+ if (thread) {
+ thread->deleteLater();
+ }
+ data.vendor = strdup(ui.vendor->currentText().toUtf8().data());
+ data.product = strdup(ui.product->currentText().toUtf8().data());
+#if defined(BT_SUPPORT)
+ data.bluetooth_mode = ui.bluetoothMode->isChecked();
+ if (data.bluetooth_mode && btDeviceSelectionDialog != NULL) {
+ // Get the selected device address
+ data.devname = strdup(btDeviceSelectionDialog->getSelectedDeviceAddress().toUtf8().data());
+ } else
+ // this breaks an "else if" across lines... not happy...
+ if (same_string(data.vendor, "Uemis")) {
+ char *colon;
+ char *devname = strdup(ui.device->currentText().toUtf8().data());
+ if ((colon = strstr(devname, ":\\ (UEMISSDA)")) != NULL) {
+ *(colon + 2) = '\0';
+ fprintf(stderr, "shortened devname to \"%s\"", data.devname);
+ }
+ data.devname = devname;
+ } else {
+ data.devname = strdup(ui.device->currentText().toUtf8().data());
+ }
+ data.descriptor = descriptorLookup[ui.vendor->currentText() + ui.product->currentText()];
+ data.force_download = ui.forceDownload->isChecked();
+ data.create_new_trip = ui.createNewTrip->isChecked();
+ data.trip = NULL;
+ data.deviceid = data.diveid = 0;
+ set_default_dive_computer(data.vendor, data.product);
+ set_default_dive_computer_device(data.devname);
+#if defined(BT_SUPPORT) && defined(SSRF_CUSTOM_SERIAL)
+ set_default_dive_computer_download_mode(ui.bluetoothMode->isChecked() ? DC_TRANSPORT_BLUETOOTH : DC_TRANSPORT_SERIAL);
+ thread = new DownloadThread(this, &data);
+ connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()),
+ this, SLOT(onDownloadThreadFinished()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
+ MainWindow *w = MainWindow::instance();
+ connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), w, SLOT(refreshDisplay()));
+ // before we start, remember where the dive_table ended
+ previousLast =;
+ thread->start();
+ QString product(ui.product->currentText());
+ if (product == "OSTC 3" || product == "OSTC Sport")
+ ostcFirmwareCheck = new OstcFirmwareCheck(product);
+bool DownloadFromDCWidget::preferDownloaded()
+ return ui.preferDownloaded->isChecked();
+void DownloadFromDCWidget::checkLogFile(int state)
+ ui.chooseLogFile->setEnabled(state == Qt::Checked);
+ data.libdc_log = (state == Qt::Checked);
+ if (state == Qt::Checked && logFile.isEmpty()) {
+ pickLogFile();
+ }
+void DownloadFromDCWidget::pickLogFile()
+ QString filename = existing_filename ?: prefs.default_filename;
+ QFileInfo fi(filename);
+ filename = fi.absolutePath().append(QDir::separator()).append("subsurface.log");
+ logFile = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Choose file for divecomputer download logfile"),
+ filename, tr("Log files (*.log)"));
+ if (!logFile.isEmpty()) {
+ free(logfile_name);
+ logfile_name = strdup(logFile.toUtf8().data());
+ }
+void DownloadFromDCWidget::checkDumpFile(int state)
+ ui.chooseDumpFile->setEnabled(state == Qt::Checked);
+ data.libdc_dump = (state == Qt::Checked);
+ if (state == Qt::Checked) {
+ if (dumpFile.isEmpty())
+ pickDumpFile();
+ if (!dumpWarningShown) {
+ QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Warning"),
+ tr("Saving the libdivecomputer dump will NOT download dives to the dive list."));
+ dumpWarningShown = true;
+ }
+ }
+void DownloadFromDCWidget::pickDumpFile()
+ QString filename = existing_filename ?: prefs.default_filename;
+ QFileInfo fi(filename);
+ filename = fi.absolutePath().append(QDir::separator()).append("subsurface.bin");
+ dumpFile = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Choose file for divecomputer binary dump file"),
+ filename, tr("Dump files (*.bin)"));
+ if (!dumpFile.isEmpty()) {
+ free(dumpfile_name);
+ dumpfile_name = strdup(dumpFile.toUtf8().data());
+ }
+void DownloadFromDCWidget::reject()
+ // we don't want the download window being able to close
+ // while we're still downloading.
+ if (currentState != DOWNLOADING && currentState != CANCELLING)
+ QDialog::reject();
+void DownloadFromDCWidget::onDownloadThreadFinished()
+ if (currentState == DOWNLOADING) {
+ if (thread->error.isEmpty())
+ updateState(DONE);
+ else
+ updateState(ERROR);
+ } else if (currentState == CANCELLING) {
+ updateState(DONE);
+ }
+ ui.downloadCancelRetryButton->setText(tr("Retry"));
+ ui.downloadCancelRetryButton->setEnabled(true);
+ // regardless, if we got dives, we should show them to the user
+ if ( {
+ diveImportedModel->setImportedDivesIndexes(0, - 1);
+ }
+void DownloadFromDCWidget::on_cancel_clicked()
+ if (currentState == DOWNLOADING || currentState == CANCELLING)
+ return;
+ // now discard all the dives
+ clear_table(&downloadTable);
+ done(-1);
+void DownloadFromDCWidget::on_ok_clicked()
+ struct dive *dive;
+ if (currentState != DONE && currentState != ERROR)
+ return;
+ // record all the dives in the 'real' dive_table
+ for (int i = 0; i <; i++) {
+ if (diveImportedModel->data(diveImportedModel->index(i, 0),Qt::CheckStateRole) == Qt::Checked)
+ record_dive(downloadTable.dives[i]);
+ downloadTable.dives[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ = 0;
+ int uniqId, idx;
+ // remember the last downloaded dive (on most dive computers this will be the chronologically
+ // first new dive) and select it again after processing all the dives
+ MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->unselectDives();
+ dive = get_dive( - 1);
+ if (dive != NULL) {
+ uniqId = get_dive( - 1)->id;
+ process_dives(true, preferDownloaded());
+ // after process_dives does any merging or resorting needed, we need
+ // to recreate the model for the dive list so we can select the newest dive
+ MainWindow::instance()->recreateDiveList();
+ idx = get_idx_by_uniq_id(uniqId);
+ // this shouldn't be necessary - but there are reports that somehow existing dives stay selected
+ // (but not visible as selected)
+ MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->unselectDives();
+ MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->selectDive(idx, true);
+ }
+ if (ostcFirmwareCheck && currentState == DONE)
+ ostcFirmwareCheck->checkLatest(this, &data);
+ accept();
+void DownloadFromDCWidget::markChildrenAsDisabled()
+ ui.device->setEnabled(false);
+ ui.vendor->setEnabled(false);
+ ui.product->setEnabled(false);
+ ui.forceDownload->setEnabled(false);
+ ui.createNewTrip->setEnabled(false);
+ ui.preferDownloaded->setEnabled(false);
+ ui.ok->setEnabled(false);
+ ui.logToFile->setEnabled(false);
+ ui.dumpToFile->setEnabled(false);
+ ui.chooseLogFile->setEnabled(false);
+ ui.chooseDumpFile->setEnabled(false);
+ ui.selectAllButton->setEnabled(false);
+ ui.unselectAllButton->setEnabled(false);
+ ui.bluetoothMode->setEnabled(false);
+ ui.chooseBluetoothDevice->setEnabled(false);
+void DownloadFromDCWidget::markChildrenAsEnabled()
+ ui.device->setEnabled(true);
+ ui.vendor->setEnabled(true);
+ ui.product->setEnabled(true);
+ ui.forceDownload->setEnabled(true);
+ ui.createNewTrip->setEnabled(true);
+ ui.preferDownloaded->setEnabled(true);
+ ui.ok->setEnabled(true);
+ ui.cancel->setEnabled(true);
+ ui.logToFile->setEnabled(true);
+ ui.dumpToFile->setEnabled(true);
+ ui.chooseLogFile->setEnabled(true);
+ ui.chooseDumpFile->setEnabled(true);
+ ui.selectAllButton->setEnabled(true);
+ ui.unselectAllButton->setEnabled(true);
+#if defined(BT_SUPPORT)
+ ui.bluetoothMode->setEnabled(true);
+ ui.chooseBluetoothDevice->setEnabled(true);
+#if defined(BT_SUPPORT)
+void DownloadFromDCWidget::selectRemoteBluetoothDevice()
+ if (!btDeviceSelectionDialog) {
+ btDeviceSelectionDialog = new BtDeviceSelectionDialog(this);
+ connect(btDeviceSelectionDialog, SIGNAL(finished(int)),
+ this, SLOT(bluetoothSelectionDialogIsFinished(int)));
+ }
+ btDeviceSelectionDialog->show();
+void DownloadFromDCWidget::bluetoothSelectionDialogIsFinished(int result)
+ if (result == QDialog::Accepted) {
+ /* Make the selected Bluetooth device default */
+ QString selectedDeviceName = btDeviceSelectionDialog->getSelectedDeviceName();
+ if (selectedDeviceName == NULL || selectedDeviceName.isEmpty()) {
+ ui.device->setCurrentText(btDeviceSelectionDialog->getSelectedDeviceAddress());
+ } else {
+ ui.device->setCurrentText(selectedDeviceName);
+ }
+ } else if (result == QDialog::Rejected){
+ /* Disable Bluetooth download mode */
+ ui.bluetoothMode->setChecked(false);
+ }
+void DownloadFromDCWidget::enableBluetoothMode(int state)
+ ui.chooseBluetoothDevice->setEnabled(state == Qt::Checked);
+ if (state == Qt::Checked)
+ selectRemoteBluetoothDevice();
+ else
+ ui.device->setCurrentIndex(-1);
+static void fillDeviceList(const char *name, void *data)
+ QComboBox *comboBox = (QComboBox *)data;
+ comboBox->addItem(name);
+void DownloadFromDCWidget::fill_device_list(int dc_type)
+ int deviceIndex;
+ ui.device->clear();
+ deviceIndex = enumerate_devices(fillDeviceList, ui.device, dc_type);
+ if (deviceIndex >= 0)
+ ui.device->setCurrentIndex(deviceIndex);
+DownloadThread::DownloadThread(QObject *parent, device_data_t *data) : QThread(parent),
+ data(data)
+static QString str_error(const char *fmt, ...)
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ const QString str = QString().vsprintf(fmt, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ return str;
+void DownloadThread::run()
+ const char *errorText;
+ import_thread_cancelled = false;
+ data->download_table = &downloadTable;
+ if (!strcmp(data->vendor, "Uemis"))
+ errorText = do_uemis_import(data);
+ else
+ errorText = do_libdivecomputer_import(data);
+ if (errorText)
+ error = str_error(errorText, data->devname, data->vendor, data->product);
+DiveImportedModel::DiveImportedModel(QObject *o) : QAbstractTableModel(o),
+ firstIndex(0),
+ lastIndex(-1),
+ checkStates(0)
+int DiveImportedModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &model) const
+ return 3;
+int DiveImportedModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &model) const
+ return lastIndex - firstIndex + 1;
+QVariant DiveImportedModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const
+ if (orientation == Qt::Vertical)
+ return QVariant();
+ if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) {
+ switch (section) {
+ case 0:
+ return QVariant(tr("Date/time"));
+ case 1:
+ return QVariant(tr("Duration"));
+ case 2:
+ return QVariant(tr("Depth"));
+ }
+ }
+ return QVariant();
+QVariant DiveImportedModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
+ if (!index.isValid())
+ return QVariant();
+ if (index.row() + firstIndex > lastIndex)
+ return QVariant();
+ struct dive *d = get_dive_from_table(index.row() + firstIndex, &downloadTable);
+ if (!d)
+ return QVariant();
+ if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) {
+ switch (index.column()) {
+ case 0:
+ return QVariant(get_short_dive_date_string(d->when));
+ case 1:
+ return QVariant(get_dive_duration_string(d->duration.seconds, tr("h:"), tr("min")));
+ case 2:
+ return QVariant(get_depth_string(d->, true, false));
+ }
+ }
+ if (role == Qt::CheckStateRole) {
+ if (index.column() == 0)
+ return checkStates[index.row()] ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked;
+ }
+ return QVariant();
+void DiveImportedModel::changeSelected(QModelIndex clickedIndex)
+ checkStates[clickedIndex.row()] = !checkStates[clickedIndex.row()];
+ dataChanged(index(clickedIndex.row(), 0), index(clickedIndex.row(), 0), QVector<int>() << Qt::CheckStateRole);
+void DiveImportedModel::selectAll()
+ memset(checkStates, true, lastIndex - firstIndex + 1);
+ dataChanged(index(0, 0), index(lastIndex - firstIndex, 0), QVector<int>() << Qt::CheckStateRole);
+void DiveImportedModel::selectNone()
+ memset(checkStates, false, lastIndex - firstIndex + 1);
+ dataChanged(index(0, 0), index(lastIndex - firstIndex,0 ), QVector<int>() << Qt::CheckStateRole);
+Qt::ItemFlags DiveImportedModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
+ if (index.column() != 0)
+ return QAbstractTableModel::flags(index);
+ return QAbstractTableModel::flags(index) | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable;
+void DiveImportedModel::clearTable()
+ beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), 0, lastIndex - firstIndex);
+ lastIndex = -1;
+ firstIndex = 0;
+ endRemoveRows();
+void DiveImportedModel::setImportedDivesIndexes(int first, int last)
+ Q_ASSERT(last >= first);
+ beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), 0, lastIndex - firstIndex);
+ endRemoveRows();
+ beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, last - first);
+ lastIndex = last;
+ firstIndex = first;
+ delete[] checkStates;
+ checkStates = new bool[last - first + 1];
+ memset(checkStates, true, last - first + 1);
+ endInsertRows();