path: root/gtk-gui.c
diff options
authorGravatar Linus Torvalds <>2011-11-24 10:42:37 -0800
committerGravatar Linus Torvalds <>2011-11-24 10:42:37 -0800
commit290ce56d0181c0c7e7d6e1af3eb27d3015cffca7 (patch)
tree6d63b311740a875434119f83d3dc03175fbcd4a9 /gtk-gui.c
parentcb2114f263d7b23b8b2471cdf2037a0877eec50d (diff)
parent671f6544ac8b4a6eb68576b37344e84808511eb8 (diff)
Merge branch 'mac-fixes' of git://
* 'mac-fixes' of git:// Split reading/writing preferences into OS specific files
Diffstat (limited to 'gtk-gui.c')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 171 deletions
diff --git a/gtk-gui.c b/gtk-gui.c
index e740357cd..22f6870dd 100644
--- a/gtk-gui.c
+++ b/gtk-gui.c
@@ -8,15 +8,6 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
-#if defined __linux__
-#include <gconf/gconf-client.h>
-#elif defined WIN32
-#include <windows.h>
-#elif defined __APPLE__
-#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
-static CFURLRef fileURL;
#include "dive.h"
#include "divelist.h"
#include "display.h"
@@ -33,11 +24,6 @@ int error_count;
const char *divelist_font;
-#ifdef __linux__
-GConfClient *gconf;
-#define GCONF_NAME(x) "/apps/subsurface/" #x
struct units output_units;
static GtkWidget *dive_profile;
@@ -409,74 +395,18 @@ static void preferences_dialog(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data)
-#ifdef __linux__
- gconf_client_set_bool(gconf, GCONF_NAME(feet), output_units.length == FEET, NULL);
- gconf_client_set_bool(gconf, GCONF_NAME(psi), output_units.pressure == PSI, NULL);
- gconf_client_set_bool(gconf, GCONF_NAME(cuft), output_units.volume == CUFT, NULL);
- gconf_client_set_bool(gconf, GCONF_NAME(fahrenheit), output_units.temperature == FAHRENHEIT, NULL);
- gconf_client_set_bool(gconf, GCONF_NAME(TEMPERATURE), visible_cols.temperature, NULL);
- gconf_client_set_bool(gconf, GCONF_NAME(CYLINDER), visible_cols.cylinder, NULL);
- gconf_client_set_bool(gconf, GCONF_NAME(NITROX), visible_cols.nitrox, NULL);
- gconf_client_set_bool(gconf, GCONF_NAME(SAC), visible_cols.sac, NULL);
- gconf_client_set_bool(gconf, GCONF_NAME(OTU), visible_cols.otu, NULL);
- gconf_client_set_string(gconf, GCONF_NAME(divelist_font), divelist_font, NULL);
-#elif defined __APPLE__
-#define STRING_BOOL(_cond) (_cond) ? CFSTR("1") : CFSTR("0")
- CFPropertyListRef propertyList;
- CFMutableDictionaryRef dict;
- CFDataRef xmlData;
- CFStringRef cf_divelist_font;
- Boolean status;
- SInt32 errorCode;
- dict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
- &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
- CFDictionarySetValue(dict, CFSTR("feet"), STRING_BOOL(output_units.length == FEET));
- CFDictionarySetValue(dict, CFSTR("psi"), STRING_BOOL(output_units.pressure == PSI));
- CFDictionarySetValue(dict, CFSTR("cuft"), STRING_BOOL(output_units.volume == CUFT));
- CFDictionarySetValue(dict, CFSTR("fahrenheit"), STRING_BOOL(output_units.temperature == FAHRENHEIT));
- CFDictionarySetValue(dict, CFSTR("TEMPERATURE"), STRING_BOOL(visible_cols.temperature));
- CFDictionarySetValue(dict, CFSTR("CYLINDER"), STRING_BOOL(visible_cols.cylinder));
- CFDictionarySetValue(dict, CFSTR("NITROX"), STRING_BOOL(visible_cols.nitrox));
- CFDictionarySetValue(dict, CFSTR("SAC"), STRING_BOOL(visible_cols.sac));
- CFDictionarySetValue(dict, CFSTR("OTU"), STRING_BOOL(visible_cols.otu));
- cf_divelist_font = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, divelist_font, 1);
- CFDictionarySetValue(dict, CFSTR("divelist_font"), cf_divelist_font);
- propertyList = dict;
- xmlData = CFPropertyListCreateXMLData(kCFAllocatorDefault, propertyList);
- status = CFURLWriteDataAndPropertiesToResource (fileURL, xmlData, NULL, &errorCode);
- // some error handling
- CFRelease(xmlData);
- CFRelease(propertyList);
-#elif defined WIN32
- HKEY hkey;
- LONG success = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, TEXT("Software\\subsurface"),
- NULL, &hkey, NULL);
- if (success != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- printf("CreateKey Software\\subsurface failed %ld\n", success);
- DWORD value;
-#define StoreInReg(_key, _val) { \
- value = (_val) ; \
- RegSetValueEx(hkey, TEXT(_key), 0, REG_DWORD, &value, 4); \
- }
- StoreInReg("feet", output_units.length == FEET);
- StoreInReg("psi", output_units.pressure == PSI);
- StoreInReg("cuft", output_units.volume == CUFT);
- StoreInReg("fahrenheit", output_units.temperature == FAHRENHEIT);
- StoreInReg("temperature", visible_cols.temperature);
- StoreInReg("cylinder", visible_cols.cylinder);
- StoreInReg("nitrox", visible_cols.nitrox);
- StoreInReg("sac", visible_cols.sac);
- StoreInReg("otu", visible_cols.otu);
- RegSetValueEx(hkey, TEXT("divelist_font"), 0, REG_SZ, divelist_font, strlen(divelist_font));
- if (RegFlushKey(hkey) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- printf("RegFlushKey failed %ld\n");
- RegCloseKey(hkey);
+ subsurface_set_conf("feet", PREF_BOOL, BOOL_TO_PTR(output_units.length == FEET));
+ subsurface_set_conf("psi", PREF_BOOL, BOOL_TO_PTR(output_units.pressure == PSI));
+ subsurface_set_conf("cuft", PREF_BOOL, BOOL_TO_PTR(output_units.volume == CUFT));
+ subsurface_set_conf("fahrenheit", PREF_BOOL, BOOL_TO_PTR(output_units.temperature == FAHRENHEIT));
+ subsurface_set_conf("TEMPERATURE", PREF_BOOL, BOOL_TO_PTR(visible_cols.temperature));
+ subsurface_set_conf("CYLINDER", PREF_BOOL, BOOL_TO_PTR(visible_cols.cylinder));
+ subsurface_set_conf("NITROX", PREF_BOOL, BOOL_TO_PTR(visible_cols.nitrox));
+ subsurface_set_conf("SAC", PREF_BOOL, BOOL_TO_PTR(visible_cols.sac));
+ subsurface_set_conf("OTU", PREF_BOOL, BOOL_TO_PTR(visible_cols.otu));
+ subsurface_set_conf("divelist_font", PREF_STRING, divelist_font);
+ subsurface_close_conf();
@@ -756,21 +686,6 @@ static gboolean drag_cb(GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *context,
return TRUE;
-#if defined WIN32
-static int get_from_registry(HKEY hkey, const char *key)
- DWORD value;
- DWORD len = 4;
- LONG success;
- success = RegQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT(key), NULL, NULL,
- (LPBYTE) &value, &len );
- if (success != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- return FALSE; /* that's what happens the first time we start */
- return value;
void init_ui(int *argcp, char ***argvp)
GtkWidget *win;
@@ -795,86 +710,24 @@ void init_ui(int *argcp, char ***argvp)
-#ifdef __linux__
- gconf = gconf_client_get_default();
- if (gconf_client_get_bool(gconf, GCONF_NAME(feet), NULL))
+ subsurface_open_conf();
+ if (subsurface_get_conf("feet", PREF_BOOL))
output_units.length = FEET;
- if (gconf_client_get_bool(gconf, GCONF_NAME(psi), NULL))
+ if (subsurface_get_conf("psi", PREF_BOOL))
output_units.pressure = PSI;
- if (gconf_client_get_bool(gconf, GCONF_NAME(cuft), NULL))
+ if (subsurface_get_conf("cuft", PREF_BOOL))
output_units.volume = CUFT;
- if (gconf_client_get_bool(gconf, GCONF_NAME(fahrenheit), NULL))
+ if (subsurface_get_conf("fahrenheit", PREF_BOOL))
output_units.temperature = FAHRENHEIT;
/* an unset key is FALSE - all these are hidden by default */
- visible_cols.cylinder = gconf_client_get_bool(gconf, GCONF_NAME(CYLINDER), NULL);
- visible_cols.temperature = gconf_client_get_bool(gconf, GCONF_NAME(TEMPERATURE), NULL);
- visible_cols.nitrox = gconf_client_get_bool(gconf, GCONF_NAME(NITROX), NULL);
- visible_cols.otu = gconf_client_get_bool(gconf, GCONF_NAME(OTU), NULL);
- visible_cols.sac = gconf_client_get_bool(gconf, GCONF_NAME(SAC), NULL);
- divelist_font = gconf_client_get_string(gconf, GCONF_NAME(divelist_font), NULL);
-#elif defined WIN32
- DWORD len = 4;
- LONG success;
- HKEY hkey;
- success = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, TEXT("Software\\subsurface"), 0,
- KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey);
- output_units.length = get_from_registry(hkey, "feet");
- output_units.pressure = get_from_registry(hkey, "psi");
- output_units.volume = get_from_registry(hkey, "cuft");
- output_units.temperature = get_from_registry(hkey, "fahrenheit");
- visible_cols.temperature = get_from_registry(hkey, "temperature");
- visible_cols.cylinder = get_from_registry(hkey, "cylinder");
- visible_cols.nitrox = get_from_registry(hkey, "nitrox");
- visible_cols.sac = get_from_registry(hkey, "sac");
- visible_cols.otu = get_from_registry(hkey, "otu");
- divelist_font = malloc(80);
- len = 80;
- success = RegQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("divelist_font"), NULL, NULL,
- (LPBYTE) divelist_font, &len );
- if (success != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
- /* that's what happens the first time we start - just use the default */
- free(divelist_font);
- divelist_font = NULL;
- }
- RegCloseKey(hkey);
-#elif defined __APPLE__
-#define BOOL_FROM_CFSTRING(_pl,_key) \
- strcmp("0", CFStringGetCStringPtr(CFDictionaryGetValue(_pl, CFSTR(_key)), 0) ? : "")
- CFPropertyListRef propertyList;
- CFStringRef errorString;
- CFDataRef resourceData;
- Boolean status;
- SInt32 errorCode;
- fileURL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorDefault,
- CFSTR("subsurface.pref"),// file path name
- kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, // interpret as POSIX path
- false ); // is it a directory?
- status = CFURLCreateDataAndPropertiesFromResource(kCFAllocatorDefault,
- fileURL, &resourceData,
- NULL, NULL, &errorCode);
- propertyList = CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(kCFAllocatorDefault,
- resourceData, kCFPropertyListImmutable,
- &errorString);
- CFRelease(resourceData);
- output_units.length = BOOL_FROM_CFSTRING(propertyList, "feet") ? FEET : METERS;
- output_units.pressure = BOOL_FROM_CFSTRING(propertyList, "psi") ? PSI : BAR;
- output_units.volume = BOOL_FROM_CFSTRING(propertyList, "cuft") ? CUFT : LITER;
- output_units.temperature = BOOL_FROM_CFSTRING(propertyList, "fahrenheit") ? FAHRENHEIT : CELSIUS;
- visible_cols.temperature = BOOL_FROM_CFSTRING(propertyList, "TEMPERATURE");
- visible_cols.cylinder = BOOL_FROM_CFSTRING(propertyList, "CYLINDER");
- visible_cols.nitrox = BOOL_FROM_CFSTRING(propertyList, "NITROX");
- visible_cols.sac = BOOL_FROM_CFSTRING(propertyList, "SAC");
- visible_cols.otu = BOOL_FROM_CFSTRING(propertyList, "OTU");
- CFRelease(propertyList);
+ visible_cols.cylinder = PTR_TO_BOOL(subsurface_get_conf("CYLINDER", PREF_BOOL));
+ visible_cols.temperature = PTR_TO_BOOL(subsurface_get_conf("TEMPERATURE", PREF_BOOL));
+ visible_cols.nitrox = PTR_TO_BOOL(subsurface_get_conf("NITROX", PREF_BOOL));
+ visible_cols.otu = PTR_TO_BOOL(subsurface_get_conf("OTU", PREF_BOOL));
+ visible_cols.sac = PTR_TO_BOOL(subsurface_get_conf("SAC", PREF_BOOL));
+ divelist_font = subsurface_get_conf("divelist_font", PREF_STRING);
if (!divelist_font)
divelist_font = DIVELIST_DEFAULT_FONT;