path: root/qt-mobile/qml/TopBar.qml
diff options
authorGravatar Sebastian Kügler <>2015-11-07 03:32:37 +0100
committerGravatar Dirk Hohndel <>2015-11-07 09:04:22 -0800
commitff82d1cc150fc6ac70886ab2225eef6beb51cc38 (patch)
tree251f0221b2f868e98e6ff2db3298013ea33fc8f4 /qt-mobile/qml/TopBar.qml
parent09b7ebf28b32d8ec20482818f1380d3fb91af409 (diff)
Improve TopBar and login window layout
This provides a bit more spacing around the logo and aligns the text to the bottom of the logo, rather than to its horizontal center. Looks cleaner. Text in the login page is now aligned towards the inputs, giving a closer connection between label and widget. Signed-off-by: Sebastian Kügler <> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
Diffstat (limited to 'qt-mobile/qml/TopBar.qml')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/qt-mobile/qml/TopBar.qml b/qt-mobile/qml/TopBar.qml
index eb7403f9b..624002242 100644
--- a/qt-mobile/qml/TopBar.qml
+++ b/qt-mobile/qml/TopBar.qml
@@ -13,27 +13,41 @@ Rectangle {
property bool goBack: (stackView.depth > 1)
color: theme.accentColor
- Layout.minimumHeight: units.gridUnit * 2 + units.smallSpacing * 2
+ Layout.minimumHeight: units.gridUnit * 2 + units.largeSpacing
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.margins: 0
RowLayout {
anchors.bottom: topPart.bottom
- anchors.bottomMargin: units.smallSpacing
+ anchors.bottomMargin: units.largeSpacing / 2
anchors.left: topPart.left
- anchors.leftMargin: units.smallSpacing
+ anchors.leftMargin: units.largeSpacing / 2
anchors.right: topPart.right
- anchors.rightMargin: units.smallSpacing
- Image {
- source: "qrc:/qml/subsurface-mobile-icon.png"
- Layout.maximumWidth: units.gridUnit * 2
- Layout.preferredWidth: units.gridUnit * 2
- Layout.preferredHeight: units.gridUnit * 2
- }
- Text {
- text: qsTr("Subsurface")
- font.pointSize: units.fontMetrics.font.pointSize * 2
- Layout.fillWidth: false
- color: theme.accentTextColor
+ anchors.rightMargin: units.largeSpacing / 2
+ Item {
+ Layout.preferredHeight: subsurfaceLogo.height
+ Image {
+ id: subsurfaceLogo
+ source: "qrc:/qml/subsurface-mobile-icon.png"
+ anchors {
+ top:
+ left: parent.left
+ }
+ width: units.gridUnit * 2
+ height: width
+ }
+ Text {
+ text: qsTr("Subsurface")
+ height: subsurfaceLogo.height
+ anchors {
+ left: subsurfaceLogo.right
+ bottom: subsurfaceLogo.bottom
+ leftMargin: units.gridUnit / 2
+ }
+ font.pointSize: units.fontMetrics.font.pointSize * 1.5
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignBottom
+ Layout.fillWidth: false
+ color: theme.accentTextColor
+ }
Item {
Layout.fillWidth: true