path: root/qt-ui/profile/divecartesianaxis.cpp
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authorGravatar Dirk Hohndel <>2015-11-02 19:54:34 -0800
committerGravatar Dirk Hohndel <>2015-11-02 19:54:34 -0800
commit8ea7f404574c2ee571d2dde6bb6be3791e962150 (patch)
tree6a050178bfc71bf10558968f2a3bc0a12d8c525f /qt-ui/profile/divecartesianaxis.cpp
parentb273c1b0ca7bfe933e7c83742f1610f6bbe3f4d3 (diff)
parentdf7818a9b8495285b4d9812e5d6d50d6f9c08813 (diff)
Merge branch 'cmakeAndPreferences'
Diffstat (limited to 'qt-ui/profile/divecartesianaxis.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 459 deletions
diff --git a/qt-ui/profile/divecartesianaxis.cpp b/qt-ui/profile/divecartesianaxis.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index bf5a5380c..000000000
--- a/qt-ui/profile/divecartesianaxis.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,459 +0,0 @@
-#include "divecartesianaxis.h"
-#include "divetextitem.h"
-#include "helpers.h"
-#include "preferences.h"
-#include "diveplotdatamodel.h"
-#include "animationfunctions.h"
-#include "mainwindow.h"
-#include "divelineitem.h"
-#include "profilewidget2.h"
-QPen DiveCartesianAxis::gridPen()
- QPen pen;
- pen.setColor(getColor(TIME_GRID));
- /* cosmetic width() == 0 for lines in printMode
- * having setCosmetic(true) and width() > 0 does not work when
- * printing on OSX and Linux */
- pen.setWidth(DiveCartesianAxis::printMode ? 0 : 2);
- pen.setCosmetic(true);
- return pen;
-double DiveCartesianAxis::tickInterval() const
- return interval;
-double DiveCartesianAxis::tickSize() const
- return tick_size;
-void DiveCartesianAxis::setFontLabelScale(qreal scale)
- labelScale = scale;
- changed = true;
-void DiveCartesianAxis::setPrintMode(bool mode)
- printMode = mode;
- // update the QPen of all lines depending on printMode
- QPen newPen = gridPen();
- QColor oldColor = pen().brush().color();
- newPen.setBrush(oldColor);
- setPen(newPen);
- Q_FOREACH (DiveLineItem *item, lines)
- item->setPen(pen());
-void DiveCartesianAxis::setMaximum(double maximum)
- if (IS_FP_SAME(max, maximum))
- return;
- max = maximum;
- changed = true;
- emit maxChanged();
-void DiveCartesianAxis::setMinimum(double minimum)
- if (IS_FP_SAME(min, minimum))
- return;
- min = minimum;
- changed = true;
-void DiveCartesianAxis::setTextColor(const QColor &color)
- textColor = color;
-DiveCartesianAxis::DiveCartesianAxis() : QObject(),
- QGraphicsLineItem(),
- printMode(false),
- unitSystem(0),
- orientation(LeftToRight),
- min(0),
- max(0),
- interval(1),
- tick_size(0),
- textVisibility(true),
- lineVisibility(true),
- labelScale(1.0),
- line_size(1),
- changed(true)
- setPen(gridPen());
-void DiveCartesianAxis::setLineSize(qreal lineSize)
- line_size = lineSize;
- changed = true;
-void DiveCartesianAxis::setOrientation(Orientation o)
- orientation = o;
- changed = true;
-QColor DiveCartesianAxis::colorForValue(double value)
- return QColor(Qt::black);
-void DiveCartesianAxis::setTextVisible(bool arg1)
- if (textVisibility == arg1) {
- return;
- }
- textVisibility = arg1;
- Q_FOREACH (DiveTextItem *item, labels) {
- item->setVisible(textVisibility);
- }
-void DiveCartesianAxis::setLinesVisible(bool arg1)
- if (lineVisibility == arg1) {
- return;
- }
- lineVisibility = arg1;
- Q_FOREACH (DiveLineItem *item, lines) {
- item->setVisible(lineVisibility);
- }
-template <typename T>
-void emptyList(QList<T *> &list, double steps)
- if (!list.isEmpty() && list.size() > steps) {
- while (list.size() > steps) {
- T *removedItem = list.takeLast();
- Animations::animDelete(removedItem);
- }
- }
-void DiveCartesianAxis::updateTicks(color_indice_t color)
- if (!scene() || (!changed && !MainWindow::instance()->graphics()->getPrintMode()))
- return;
- QLineF m = line();
- // unused so far:
- // QGraphicsView *view = scene()->views().first();
- double steps = (max - min) / interval;
- double currValueText = min;
- double currValueLine = min;
- if (steps < 1)
- return;
- emptyList(labels, steps);
- emptyList(lines, steps);
- // Move the remaining Ticks / Text to it's corerct position
- // Regartind the possibly new values for the Axis
- qreal begin, stepSize;
- if (orientation == TopToBottom) {
- begin = m.y1();
- stepSize = (m.y2() - m.y1());
- } else if (orientation == BottomToTop) {
- begin = m.y2();
- stepSize = (m.y2() - m.y1());
- } else if (orientation == LeftToRight) {
- begin = m.x1();
- stepSize = (m.x2() - m.x1());
- } else /* if (orientation == RightToLeft) */ {
- begin = m.x2();
- stepSize = (m.x2() - m.x1());
- }
- stepSize = stepSize / steps;
- for (int i = 0, count = labels.size(); i < count; i++, currValueText += interval) {
- qreal childPos = (orientation == TopToBottom || orientation == LeftToRight) ?
- begin + i * stepSize :
- begin - i * stepSize;
- labels[i]->setText(textForValue(currValueText));
- if (orientation == LeftToRight || orientation == RightToLeft) {
- Animations::moveTo(labels[i],childPos, m.y1() + tick_size);
- } else {
- Animations::moveTo(labels[i],m.x1() - tick_size, childPos);
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0, count = lines.size(); i < count; i++, currValueLine += interval) {
- qreal childPos = (orientation == TopToBottom || orientation == LeftToRight) ?
- begin + i * stepSize :
- begin - i * stepSize;
- if (orientation == LeftToRight || orientation == RightToLeft) {
- Animations::moveTo(lines[i],childPos, m.y1());
- } else {
- Animations::moveTo(lines[i],m.x1(), childPos);
- }
- }
- // Add's the rest of the needed Ticks / Text.
- for (int i = labels.size(); i < steps; i++, currValueText += interval) {
- qreal childPos;
- if (orientation == TopToBottom || orientation == LeftToRight) {
- childPos = begin + i * stepSize;
- } else {
- childPos = begin - i * stepSize;
- }
- DiveTextItem *label = new DiveTextItem(this);
- label->setText(textForValue(currValueText));
- label->setBrush(colorForValue(currValueText));
- label->setScale(fontLabelScale());
- label->setZValue(1);
- labels.push_back(label);
- if (orientation == RightToLeft || orientation == LeftToRight) {
- label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignHCenter);
- label->setPos(scene()->sceneRect().width() + 10, m.y1() + tick_size); // position it outside of the scene);
- Animations::moveTo(label,childPos, m.y1() + tick_size);
- } else {
- label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignLeft);
- label->setPos(m.x1() - tick_size, scene()->sceneRect().height() + 10);
- Animations::moveTo(label,m.x1() - tick_size, childPos);
- }
- }
- // Add's the rest of the needed Ticks / Text.
- for (int i = lines.size(); i < steps; i++, currValueText += interval) {
- qreal childPos;
- if (orientation == TopToBottom || orientation == LeftToRight) {
- childPos = begin + i * stepSize;
- } else {
- childPos = begin - i * stepSize;
- }
- DiveLineItem *line = new DiveLineItem(this);
- QPen pen = gridPen();
- pen.setBrush(getColor(color));
- line->setPen(pen);
- line->setZValue(0);
- lines.push_back(line);
- if (orientation == RightToLeft || orientation == LeftToRight) {
- line->setLine(0, -line_size, 0, 0);
- line->setPos(scene()->sceneRect().width() + 10, m.y1()); // position it outside of the scene);
- Animations::moveTo(line,childPos, m.y1());
- } else {
- QPointF p1 = mapFromScene(3, 0);
- QPointF p2 = mapFromScene(line_size, 0);
- line->setLine(p1.x(), 0, p2.x(), 0);
- line->setPos(m.x1(), scene()->sceneRect().height() + 10);
- Animations::moveTo(line,m.x1(), childPos);
- }
- }
- Q_FOREACH (DiveTextItem *item, labels)
- item->setVisible(textVisibility);
- Q_FOREACH (DiveLineItem *item, lines)
- item->setVisible(lineVisibility);
- changed = false;
-void DiveCartesianAxis::setLine(const QLineF &line)
- QGraphicsLineItem::setLine(line);
- changed = true;
-void DiveCartesianAxis::animateChangeLine(const QLineF &newLine)
- setLine(newLine);
- updateTicks();
- sizeChanged();
-QString DiveCartesianAxis::textForValue(double value)
- return QString::number(value);
-void DiveCartesianAxis::setTickSize(qreal size)
- tick_size = size;
-void DiveCartesianAxis::setTickInterval(double i)
- interval = i;
-qreal DiveCartesianAxis::valueAt(const QPointF &p) const
- QLineF m = line();
- QPointF relativePosition = p;
- relativePosition -= pos(); // normalize p based on the axis' offset on screen
- double retValue = (orientation == LeftToRight || orientation == RightToLeft) ?
- max * (relativePosition.x() - m.x1()) / (m.x2() - m.x1()) :
- max * (relativePosition.y() - m.y1()) / (m.y2() - m.y1());
- return retValue;
-qreal DiveCartesianAxis::posAtValue(qreal value)
- QLineF m = line();
- QPointF p = pos();
- double size = max - min;
- // unused for now:
- // double distanceFromOrigin = value - min;
- double percent = IS_FP_SAME(min, max) ? 0.0 : (value - min) / size;
- double realSize = orientation == LeftToRight || orientation == RightToLeft ?
- m.x2() - m.x1() :
- m.y2() - m.y1();
- // Inverted axis, just invert the percentage.
- if (orientation == RightToLeft || orientation == BottomToTop)
- percent = 1 - percent;
- double retValue = realSize * percent;
- double adjusted =
- orientation == LeftToRight ? retValue + m.x1() + p.x() :
- orientation == RightToLeft ? retValue + m.x1() + p.x() :
- orientation == TopToBottom ? retValue + m.y1() + p.y() :
- /* entation == BottomToTop */ retValue + m.y1() + p.y();
- return adjusted;
-qreal DiveCartesianAxis::percentAt(const QPointF &p)
- qreal value = valueAt(p);
- double size = max - min;
- double percent = value / size;
- return percent;
-double DiveCartesianAxis::maximum() const
- return max;
-double DiveCartesianAxis::minimum() const
- return min;
-double DiveCartesianAxis::fontLabelScale() const
- return labelScale;
-void DiveCartesianAxis::setColor(const QColor &color)
- QPen defaultPen = gridPen();
- defaultPen.setColor(color);
- defaultPen.setJoinStyle(Qt::RoundJoin);
- defaultPen.setCapStyle(Qt::RoundCap);
- setPen(defaultPen);
-QString DepthAxis::textForValue(double value)
- if (value == 0)
- return QString();
- return get_depth_string(value, false, false);
-QColor DepthAxis::colorForValue(double value)
- Q_UNUSED(value);
- return QColor(Qt::red);
- connect(PreferencesDialog::instance(), SIGNAL(settingsChanged()), this, SLOT(settingsChanged()));
- changed = true;
- settingsChanged();
-void DepthAxis::settingsChanged()
- static int unitSystem = prefs.units.length;
- if ( unitSystem == prefs.units.length )
- return;
- changed = true;
- updateTicks();
- unitSystem = prefs.units.length;
-QColor TimeAxis::colorForValue(double value)
- Q_UNUSED(value);
- return QColor(Qt::blue);
-QString TimeAxis::textForValue(double value)
- int nr = value / 60;
- if (maximum() < 600)
- return QString("%1:%2").arg(nr).arg((int)value % 60, 2, 10, QChar('0'));
- return QString::number(nr);
-void TimeAxis::updateTicks()
- DiveCartesianAxis::updateTicks();
- if (maximum() > 600) {
- for (int i = 0; i < labels.count(); i++) {
- labels[i]->setVisible(i % 2);
- }
- }
-QString TemperatureAxis::textForValue(double value)
- return QString::number(mkelvin_to_C((int)value));
-PartialGasPressureAxis::PartialGasPressureAxis() :
- DiveCartesianAxis(),
- model(NULL)
- connect(PreferencesDialog::instance(), SIGNAL(settingsChanged()), this, SLOT(settingsChanged()));
-void PartialGasPressureAxis::setModel(DivePlotDataModel *m)
- model = m;
- connect(model, SIGNAL(dataChanged(QModelIndex, QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(settingsChanged()));
- settingsChanged();
-void PartialGasPressureAxis::settingsChanged()
- bool showPhe = prefs.pp_graphs.phe;
- bool showPn2 = prefs.pp_graphs.pn2;
- bool showPo2 = prefs.pp_graphs.po2;
- setVisible(showPhe || showPn2 || showPo2);
- if (!model->rowCount())
- return;
- double max = showPhe ? model->pheMax() : -1;
- if (showPn2 && model->pn2Max() > max)
- max = model->pn2Max();
- if (showPo2 && model->po2Max() > max)
- max = model->po2Max();
- qreal pp = floor(max * 10.0) / 10.0 + 0.2;
- if (IS_FP_SAME(maximum(), pp))
- return;
- setMaximum(pp);
- setTickInterval(pp > 4 ? 0.5 : 0.25);
- updateTicks();