path: root/qt-ui/profile/diveprofileitem.cpp
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authorGravatar Dirk Hohndel <>2015-11-02 19:54:34 -0800
committerGravatar Dirk Hohndel <>2015-11-02 19:54:34 -0800
commit8ea7f404574c2ee571d2dde6bb6be3791e962150 (patch)
tree6a050178bfc71bf10558968f2a3bc0a12d8c525f /qt-ui/profile/diveprofileitem.cpp
parentb273c1b0ca7bfe933e7c83742f1610f6bbe3f4d3 (diff)
parentdf7818a9b8495285b4d9812e5d6d50d6f9c08813 (diff)
Merge branch 'cmakeAndPreferences'
Diffstat (limited to 'qt-ui/profile/diveprofileitem.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 979 deletions
diff --git a/qt-ui/profile/diveprofileitem.cpp b/qt-ui/profile/diveprofileitem.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c814678a..000000000
--- a/qt-ui/profile/diveprofileitem.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,979 +0,0 @@
-#include "diveprofileitem.h"
-#include "diveplotdatamodel.h"
-#include "divecartesianaxis.h"
-#include "divetextitem.h"
-#include "animationfunctions.h"
-#include "dive.h"
-#include "profile.h"
-#include "preferences.h"
-#include "diveplannermodel.h"
-#include "helpers.h"
-#include "libdivecomputer/parser.h"
-#include "mainwindow.h"
-#include "maintab.h"
-#include "profile/profilewidget2.h"
-#include "diveplanner.h"
-#include <QSettings>
-AbstractProfilePolygonItem::AbstractProfilePolygonItem() : QObject(), QGraphicsPolygonItem(), hAxis(NULL), vAxis(NULL), dataModel(NULL), hDataColumn(-1), vDataColumn(-1)
- setCacheMode(DeviceCoordinateCache);
- connect(PreferencesDialog::instance(), SIGNAL(settingsChanged()), this, SLOT(settingsChanged()));
-void AbstractProfilePolygonItem::settingsChanged()
-void AbstractProfilePolygonItem::setHorizontalAxis(DiveCartesianAxis *horizontal)
- hAxis = horizontal;
- connect(hAxis, SIGNAL(sizeChanged()), this, SLOT(modelDataChanged()));
- modelDataChanged();
-void AbstractProfilePolygonItem::setHorizontalDataColumn(int column)
- hDataColumn = column;
- modelDataChanged();
-void AbstractProfilePolygonItem::setModel(DivePlotDataModel *model)
- dataModel = model;
- connect(dataModel, SIGNAL(dataChanged(QModelIndex, QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(modelDataChanged(QModelIndex, QModelIndex)));
- connect(dataModel, SIGNAL(rowsAboutToBeRemoved(QModelIndex, int, int)), this, SLOT(modelDataRemoved(QModelIndex, int, int)));
- modelDataChanged();
-void AbstractProfilePolygonItem::modelDataRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int from, int to)
- setPolygon(QPolygonF());
- qDeleteAll(texts);
- texts.clear();
-void AbstractProfilePolygonItem::setVerticalAxis(DiveCartesianAxis *vertical)
- vAxis = vertical;
- connect(vAxis, SIGNAL(sizeChanged()), this, SLOT(modelDataChanged()));
- connect(vAxis, SIGNAL(maxChanged()), this, SLOT(modelDataChanged()));
- modelDataChanged();
-void AbstractProfilePolygonItem::setVerticalDataColumn(int column)
- vDataColumn = column;
- modelDataChanged();
-bool AbstractProfilePolygonItem::shouldCalculateStuff(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight)
- if (!hAxis || !vAxis)
- return false;
- if (!dataModel || dataModel->rowCount() == 0)
- return false;
- if (hDataColumn == -1 || vDataColumn == -1)
- return false;
- if (topLeft.isValid() && bottomRight.isValid()) {
- if ((topLeft.column() >= vDataColumn || topLeft.column() >= hDataColumn) &&
- (bottomRight.column() <= vDataColumn || topLeft.column() <= hDataColumn)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return true;
-void AbstractProfilePolygonItem::modelDataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight)
- // We don't have enougth data to calculate things, quit.
- // Calculate the polygon. This is the polygon that will be painted on screen
- // on the ::paint method. Here we calculate the correct position of the points
- // regarting our cartesian plane ( made by the hAxis and vAxis ), the QPolygonF
- // is an array of QPointF's, so we basically get the point from the model, convert
- // to our coordinates, store. no painting is done here.
- QPolygonF poly;
- for (int i = 0, modelDataCount = dataModel->rowCount(); i < modelDataCount; i++) {
- qreal horizontalValue = dataModel->index(i, hDataColumn).data().toReal();
- qreal verticalValue = dataModel->index(i, vDataColumn).data().toReal();
- QPointF point(hAxis->posAtValue(horizontalValue), vAxis->posAtValue(verticalValue));
- poly.append(point);
- }
- setPolygon(poly);
- qDeleteAll(texts);
- texts.clear();
-DiveProfileItem::DiveProfileItem() : show_reported_ceiling(0), reported_ceiling_in_red(0)
-void DiveProfileItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
- Q_UNUSED(widget);
- if (polygon().isEmpty())
- return;
- painter->save();
- // This paints the Polygon + Background. I'm setting the pen to QPen() so we don't get a black line here,
- // after all we need to plot the correct velocities colors later.
- setPen(Qt::NoPen);
- QGraphicsPolygonItem::paint(painter, option, widget);
- // Here we actually paint the boundaries of the Polygon using the colors that the model provides.
- // Those are the speed colors of the dives.
- QPen pen;
- pen.setCosmetic(true);
- pen.setWidth(2);
- QPolygonF poly = polygon();
- // This paints the colors of the velocities.
- for (int i = 1, count = dataModel->rowCount(); i < count; i++) {
- QModelIndex colorIndex = dataModel->index(i, DivePlotDataModel::COLOR);
- pen.setBrush(QBrush(<QColor>()));
- painter->setPen(pen);
- painter->drawLine(poly[i - 1], poly[i]);
- }
- painter->restore();
-int DiveProfileItem::maxCeiling(int row)
- int max = -1;
- plot_data *entry = dataModel->data().entry + row;
- for (int tissue = 0; tissue < 16; tissue++) {
- if (max < entry->ceilings[tissue])
- max = entry->ceilings[tissue];
- }
- return max;
-void DiveProfileItem::modelDataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight)
- bool eventAdded = false;
- if (!shouldCalculateStuff(topLeft, bottomRight))
- return;
- AbstractProfilePolygonItem::modelDataChanged(topLeft, bottomRight);
- if (polygon().isEmpty())
- return;
- show_reported_ceiling = prefs.dcceiling;
- reported_ceiling_in_red = prefs.redceiling;
- profileColor = getColor(DEPTH_BOTTOM);
- int currState = qobject_cast<ProfileWidget2 *>(scene()->views().first())->currentState;
- if (currState == ProfileWidget2::PLAN) {
- plot_data *entry = dataModel->data().entry;
- for (int i = 0; i < dataModel->rowCount(); i++, entry++) {
- int max = maxCeiling(i);
- // Don't scream if we violate the ceiling by a few cm
- if (entry->depth < max - 100 && entry->sec > 0) {
- profileColor = QColor(Qt::red);
- if (!eventAdded) {
- add_event(&displayed_dive.dc, entry->sec, SAMPLE_EVENT_CEILING, -1, max / 1000, "planned waypoint above ceiling");
- eventAdded = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* Show any ceiling we may have encountered */
- if (prefs.dcceiling && !prefs.redceiling) {
- QPolygonF p = polygon();
- plot_data *entry = dataModel->data().entry + dataModel->rowCount() - 1;
- for (int i = dataModel->rowCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--, entry--) {
- if (!entry->in_deco) {
- /* not in deco implies this is a safety stop, no ceiling */
- p.append(QPointF(hAxis->posAtValue(entry->sec), vAxis->posAtValue(0)));
- } else {
- p.append(QPointF(hAxis->posAtValue(entry->sec), vAxis->posAtValue(qMin(entry->stopdepth, entry->depth))));
- }
- }
- setPolygon(p);
- }
- // This is the blueish gradient that the Depth Profile should have.
- // It's a simple QLinearGradient with 2 stops, starting from top to bottom.
- QLinearGradient pat(0, polygon().boundingRect().top(), 0, polygon().boundingRect().bottom());
- pat.setColorAt(1, profileColor);
- pat.setColorAt(0, getColor(DEPTH_TOP));
- setBrush(QBrush(pat));
- int last = -1;
- for (int i = 0, count = dataModel->rowCount(); i < count; i++) {
- struct plot_data *entry = dataModel->data().entry + i;
- if (entry->depth < 2000)
- continue;
- if ((entry == entry->max[2]) && entry->depth / 100 != last) {
- plot_depth_sample(entry, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignBottom, getColor(SAMPLE_DEEP));
- last = entry->depth / 100;
- }
- if ((entry == entry->min[2]) && entry->depth / 100 != last) {
- plot_depth_sample(entry, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignTop, getColor(SAMPLE_SHALLOW));
- last = entry->depth / 100;
- }
- if (entry->depth != last)
- last = -1;
- }
-void DiveProfileItem::settingsChanged()
- //TODO: Only modelDataChanged() here if we need to rebuild the graph ( for instance,
- // if the prefs.dcceiling are enabled, but prefs.redceiling is disabled
- // and only if it changed something. let's not waste cpu cycles repoloting something we don't need to.
- modelDataChanged();
-void DiveProfileItem::plot_depth_sample(struct plot_data *entry, QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> flags, const QColor &color)
- int decimals;
- double d = get_depth_units(entry->depth, &decimals, NULL);
- DiveTextItem *item = new DiveTextItem(this);
- item->setPos(hAxis->posAtValue(entry->sec), vAxis->posAtValue(entry->depth));
- item->setText(QString("%1").arg(d, 0, 'f', 1));
- item->setAlignment(flags);
- item->setBrush(color);
- texts.append(item);
- QPen pen;
- pen.setBrush(QBrush(getColor(::HR_PLOT)));
- pen.setCosmetic(true);
- pen.setWidth(1);
- setPen(pen);
- settingsChanged();
-void DiveHeartrateItem::modelDataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight)
- int last = -300, last_printed_hr = 0, sec = 0;
- struct {
- int sec;
- int hr;
- } hist[3] = {};
- // We don't have enougth data to calculate things, quit.
- if (!shouldCalculateStuff(topLeft, bottomRight))
- return;
- qDeleteAll(texts);
- texts.clear();
- // Ignore empty values. a heartrate of 0 would be a bad sign.
- QPolygonF poly;
- for (int i = 0, modelDataCount = dataModel->rowCount(); i < modelDataCount; i++) {
- int hr = dataModel->index(i, vDataColumn).data().toInt();
- if (!hr)
- continue;
- sec = dataModel->index(i, hDataColumn).data().toInt();
- QPointF point(hAxis->posAtValue(sec), vAxis->posAtValue(hr));
- poly.append(point);
- if (hr == hist[2].hr)
- // same as last one, no point in looking at printing
- continue;
- hist[0] = hist[1];
- hist[1] = hist[2];
- hist[2].sec = sec;
- hist[2].hr = hr;
- // don't print a HR
- // if it's not a local min / max
- // if it's been less than 5min and less than a 20 beats change OR
- // if it's been less than 2min OR if the change from the
- // last print is less than 10 beats
- // to test min / max requires three points, so we now look at the
- // previous one
- sec = hist[1].sec;
- hr = hist[1].hr;
- if ((hist[0].hr < hr && hr < hist[2].hr) ||
- (hist[0].hr > hr && hr > hist[2].hr) ||
- ((sec < last + 300) && (abs(hr - last_printed_hr) < 20)) ||
- (sec < last + 120) ||
- (abs(hr - last_printed_hr) < 10))
- continue;
- last = sec;
- createTextItem(sec, hr);
- last_printed_hr = hr;
- }
- setPolygon(poly);
- if (texts.count())
- texts.last()->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignBottom);
-void DiveHeartrateItem::createTextItem(int sec, int hr)
- DiveTextItem *text = new DiveTextItem(this);
- text->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignBottom);
- text->setBrush(getColor(HR_TEXT));
- text->setPos(QPointF(hAxis->posAtValue(sec), vAxis->posAtValue(hr)));
- text->setScale(0.7); // need to call this BEFORE setText()
- text->setText(QString("%1").arg(hr));
- texts.append(text);
-void DiveHeartrateItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
- if (polygon().isEmpty())
- return;
- painter->save();
- painter->setPen(pen());
- painter->drawPolyline(polygon());
- painter->restore();
-void DiveHeartrateItem::settingsChanged()
- setVisible(prefs.hrgraph);
-DivePercentageItem::DivePercentageItem(int i)
- QPen pen;
- QColor color;
- color.setHsl(100 + 10 * i, 200, 100);
- pen.setBrush(QBrush(color));
- pen.setCosmetic(true);
- pen.setWidth(1);
- setPen(pen);
- settingsChanged();
-void DivePercentageItem::modelDataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight)
- int sec = 0;
- // We don't have enougth data to calculate things, quit.
- if (!shouldCalculateStuff(topLeft, bottomRight))
- return;
- // Ignore empty values. a heartrate of 0 would be a bad sign.
- QPolygonF poly;
- for (int i = 0, modelDataCount = dataModel->rowCount(); i < modelDataCount; i++) {
- int hr = dataModel->index(i, vDataColumn).data().toInt();
- if (!hr)
- continue;
- sec = dataModel->index(i, hDataColumn).data().toInt();
- QPointF point(hAxis->posAtValue(sec), vAxis->posAtValue(hr));
- poly.append(point);
- }
- setPolygon(poly);
- if (texts.count())
- texts.last()->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignBottom);
-void DivePercentageItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
- if (polygon().isEmpty())
- return;
- painter->save();
- painter->setPen(pen());
- painter->drawPolyline(polygon());
- painter->restore();
-void DivePercentageItem::settingsChanged()
- setVisible(prefs.percentagegraph);
- QPen pen;
- pen.setBrush(QBrush(getColor(::AMB_PRESSURE_LINE)));
- pen.setCosmetic(true);
- pen.setWidth(2);
- setPen(pen);
- settingsChanged();
-void DiveAmbPressureItem::modelDataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight)
- int sec = 0;
- // We don't have enougth data to calculate things, quit.
- if (!shouldCalculateStuff(topLeft, bottomRight))
- return;
- // Ignore empty values. a heartrate of 0 would be a bad sign.
- QPolygonF poly;
- for (int i = 0, modelDataCount = dataModel->rowCount(); i < modelDataCount; i++) {
- int hr = dataModel->index(i, vDataColumn).data().toInt();
- if (!hr)
- continue;
- sec = dataModel->index(i, hDataColumn).data().toInt();
- QPointF point(hAxis->posAtValue(sec), vAxis->posAtValue(hr));
- poly.append(point);
- }
- setPolygon(poly);
- if (texts.count())
- texts.last()->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignBottom);
-void DiveAmbPressureItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
- if (polygon().isEmpty())
- return;
- painter->save();
- painter->setPen(pen());
- painter->drawPolyline(polygon());
- painter->restore();
-void DiveAmbPressureItem::settingsChanged()
- setVisible(prefs.percentagegraph);
- QPen pen;
- pen.setBrush(QBrush(getColor(::GF_LINE)));
- pen.setCosmetic(true);
- pen.setWidth(2);
- setPen(pen);
- settingsChanged();
-void DiveGFLineItem::modelDataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight)
- int sec = 0;
- // We don't have enougth data to calculate things, quit.
- if (!shouldCalculateStuff(topLeft, bottomRight))
- return;
- // Ignore empty values. a heartrate of 0 would be a bad sign.
- QPolygonF poly;
- for (int i = 0, modelDataCount = dataModel->rowCount(); i < modelDataCount; i++) {
- int hr = dataModel->index(i, vDataColumn).data().toInt();
- if (!hr)
- continue;
- sec = dataModel->index(i, hDataColumn).data().toInt();
- QPointF point(hAxis->posAtValue(sec), vAxis->posAtValue(hr));
- poly.append(point);
- }
- setPolygon(poly);
- if (texts.count())
- texts.last()->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignBottom);
-void DiveGFLineItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
- if (polygon().isEmpty())
- return;
- painter->save();
- painter->setPen(pen());
- painter->drawPolyline(polygon());
- painter->restore();
-void DiveGFLineItem::settingsChanged()
- setVisible(prefs.percentagegraph);
- QPen pen;
- pen.setBrush(QBrush(getColor(::TEMP_PLOT)));
- pen.setCosmetic(true);
- pen.setWidth(2);
- setPen(pen);
-void DiveTemperatureItem::modelDataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight)
- int last = -300, last_printed_temp = 0, sec = 0, last_valid_temp = 0;
- // We don't have enougth data to calculate things, quit.
- if (!shouldCalculateStuff(topLeft, bottomRight))
- return;
- qDeleteAll(texts);
- texts.clear();
- // Ignore empty values. things do not look good with '0' as temperature in kelvin...
- QPolygonF poly;
- for (int i = 0, modelDataCount = dataModel->rowCount(); i < modelDataCount; i++) {
- int mkelvin = dataModel->index(i, vDataColumn).data().toInt();
- if (!mkelvin)
- continue;
- last_valid_temp = mkelvin;
- sec = dataModel->index(i, hDataColumn).data().toInt();
- QPointF point(hAxis->posAtValue(sec), vAxis->posAtValue(mkelvin));
- poly.append(point);
- /* don't print a temperature
- * if it's been less than 5min and less than a 2K change OR
- * if it's been less than 2min OR if the change from the
- * last print is less than .4K (and therefore less than 1F) */
- if (((sec < last + 300) && (abs(mkelvin - last_printed_temp) < 2000)) ||
- (sec < last + 120) ||
- (abs(mkelvin - last_printed_temp) < 400))
- continue;
- last = sec;
- if (mkelvin > 200000)
- createTextItem(sec, mkelvin);
- last_printed_temp = mkelvin;
- }
- setPolygon(poly);
- /* it would be nice to print the end temperature, if it's
- * different or if the last temperature print has been more
- * than a quarter of the dive back */
- if (last_valid_temp > 200000 &&
- ((abs(last_valid_temp - last_printed_temp) > 500) || ((double)last / (double)sec < 0.75))) {
- createTextItem(sec, last_valid_temp);
- }
- if (texts.count())
- texts.last()->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignBottom);
-void DiveTemperatureItem::createTextItem(int sec, int mkelvin)
- double deg;
- const char *unit;
- deg = get_temp_units(mkelvin, &unit);
- DiveTextItem *text = new DiveTextItem(this);
- text->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignBottom);
- text->setBrush(getColor(TEMP_TEXT));
- text->setPos(QPointF(hAxis->posAtValue(sec), vAxis->posAtValue(mkelvin)));
- text->setScale(0.8); // need to call this BEFORE setText()
- text->setText(QString("%1%2").arg(deg, 0, 'f', 1).arg(unit));
- texts.append(text);
-void DiveTemperatureItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
- if (polygon().isEmpty())
- return;
- painter->save();
- painter->setPen(pen());
- painter->drawPolyline(polygon());
- painter->restore();
- QPen pen;
- pen.setBrush(QBrush(getColor(::HR_AXIS)));
- pen.setCosmetic(true);
- pen.setWidth(2);
- setPen(pen);
- settingsChanged();
-void DiveMeanDepthItem::modelDataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight)
- double meandepthvalue = 0.0;
- // We don't have enougth data to calculate things, quit.
- if (!shouldCalculateStuff(topLeft, bottomRight))
- return;
- QPolygonF poly;
- plot_data *entry = dataModel->data().entry;
- for (int i = 0, modelDataCount = dataModel->rowCount(); i < modelDataCount; i++, entry++) {
- // Ignore empty values
- if (entry->running_sum == 0 || entry->sec == 0)
- continue;
- meandepthvalue = entry->running_sum / entry->sec;
- QPointF point(hAxis->posAtValue(entry->sec), vAxis->posAtValue(meandepthvalue));
- poly.append(point);
- }
- lastRunningSum = meandepthvalue;
- setPolygon(poly);
- createTextItem();
-void DiveMeanDepthItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
- if (polygon().isEmpty())
- return;
- painter->save();
- painter->setPen(pen());
- painter->drawPolyline(polygon());
- painter->restore();
-void DiveMeanDepthItem::settingsChanged()
- setVisible(prefs.show_average_depth);
-void DiveMeanDepthItem::createTextItem() {
- plot_data *entry = dataModel->data().entry;
- int sec = entry[dataModel->rowCount()-1].sec;
- qDeleteAll(texts);
- texts.clear();
- int decimals;
- const char *unitText;
- double d = get_depth_units(lastRunningSum, &decimals, &unitText);
- DiveTextItem *text = new DiveTextItem(this);
- text->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignTop);
- text->setBrush(getColor(TEMP_TEXT));
- text->setPos(QPointF(hAxis->posAtValue(sec) + 1, vAxis->posAtValue(lastRunningSum)));
- text->setScale(0.8); // need to call this BEFORE setText()
- text->setText(QString("%1%2").arg(d, 0, 'f', 1).arg(unitText));
- texts.append(text);
-void DiveGasPressureItem::modelDataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight)
- // We don't have enougth data to calculate things, quit.
- if (!shouldCalculateStuff(topLeft, bottomRight))
- return;
- int last_index = -1;
- int o2mbar;
- QPolygonF boundingPoly, o2Poly; // This is the "Whole Item", but a pressure can be divided in N Polygons.
- polygons.clear();
- if (displayed_dive.dc.divemode == CCR)
- polygons.append(o2Poly);
- for (int i = 0, count = dataModel->rowCount(); i < count; i++) {
- o2mbar = 0;
- plot_data *entry = dataModel->data().entry + i;
- int mbar = GET_PRESSURE(entry);
- if (displayed_dive.dc.divemode == CCR)
- o2mbar = GET_O2CYLINDER_PRESSURE(entry);
- if (entry->cylinderindex != last_index) {
- polygons.append(QPolygonF()); // this is the polygon that will be actually drawn on screen.
- last_index = entry->cylinderindex;
- }
- if (!mbar) {
- continue;
- }
- if (o2mbar) {
- QPointF o2point(hAxis->posAtValue(entry->sec), vAxis->posAtValue(o2mbar));
- boundingPoly.push_back(o2point);
- polygons.first().push_back(o2point);
- }
- QPointF point(hAxis->posAtValue(entry->sec), vAxis->posAtValue(mbar));
- boundingPoly.push_back(point); // The BoundingRect
- polygons.last().push_back(point); // The polygon thta will be plotted.
- }
- setPolygon(boundingPoly);
- qDeleteAll(texts);
- texts.clear();
- int mbar, cyl;
- int seen_cyl[MAX_CYLINDERS] = { false, };
- int last_pressure[MAX_CYLINDERS] = { 0, };
- int last_time[MAX_CYLINDERS] = { 0, };
- struct plot_data *entry;
- cyl = -1;
- o2mbar = 0;
- double print_y_offset[8][2] = { { 0, -0.5 }, { 0, -0.5 }, { 0, -0.5 }, { 0, -0.5 }, { 0, -0.5 } ,{ 0, -0.5 }, { 0, -0.5 }, { 0, -0.5 } };
- // CCR dives: These are offset values used to print the gas lables and pressures on a CCR dive profile at
- // appropriate Y-coordinates: One doublet of values for each of 8 cylinders.
- // Order of offsets within a doublet: gas lable offset; gas pressure offset.
- // The array is initialised with default values that apply to non-CCR dives.
- bool offsets_initialised = false;
- int o2cyl = -1, dilcyl = -1;
- QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> alignVar= Qt::AlignTop, align_dil = Qt::AlignBottom, align_o2 = Qt::AlignTop;
- double axisRange = (vAxis->maximum() - vAxis->minimum())/1000; // Convert axis pressure range to bar
- double axisLog = log10(log10(axisRange));
- for (int i = 0, count = dataModel->rowCount(); i < count; i++) {
- entry = dataModel->data().entry + i;
- mbar = GET_PRESSURE(entry);
- if (displayed_dive.dc.divemode == CCR && displayed_dive.oxygen_cylinder_index >= 0)
- o2mbar = GET_O2CYLINDER_PRESSURE(entry);
- if (o2mbar) { // If there is an o2mbar value then this is a CCR dive. Then do:
- // The first time an o2 value is detected, see if the oxygen cyl pressure graph starts above or below the dil graph
- if (!offsets_initialised) { // Initialise the parameters for placing the text correctly near the graph line:
- o2cyl = displayed_dive.oxygen_cylinder_index;
- dilcyl = displayed_dive.diluent_cylinder_index;
- if ((o2mbar > mbar)) { // If above, write o2 start cyl pressure above graph and diluent pressure below graph:
- print_y_offset[o2cyl][0] = -7 * axisLog; // y offset for oxygen gas lable (above); pressure offsets=-0.5, already initialised
- print_y_offset[dilcyl][0] = 5 * axisLog; // y offset for diluent gas lable (below)
- } else { // ... else write o2 start cyl pressure below graph:
- print_y_offset[o2cyl][0] = 5 * axisLog; // o2 lable & pressure below graph; pressure offsets=-0.5, already initialised
- print_y_offset[dilcyl][0] = -7.8 * axisLog; // and diluent lable above graph.
- align_dil = Qt::AlignTop;
- align_o2 = Qt::AlignBottom;
- }
- offsets_initialised = true;
- }
- if (!seen_cyl[displayed_dive.oxygen_cylinder_index]) { //For o2, on the left of profile, write lable and pressure
- plotPressureValue(o2mbar, entry->sec, align_o2, print_y_offset[o2cyl][1]);
- plotGasValue(o2mbar, entry->sec, displayed_dive.cylinder[displayed_dive.oxygen_cylinder_index].gasmix, align_o2, print_y_offset[o2cyl][0]);
- seen_cyl[displayed_dive.oxygen_cylinder_index] = true;
- }
- last_pressure[displayed_dive.oxygen_cylinder_index] = o2mbar;
- last_time[displayed_dive.oxygen_cylinder_index] = entry->sec;
- alignVar = align_dil;
- }
- if (!mbar)
- continue;
- if (cyl != entry->cylinderindex) { // Pressure value near the left hand edge of the profile - other cylinders:
- cyl = entry->cylinderindex; // For each other cylinder, write the gas lable and pressure
- if (!seen_cyl[cyl]) {
- plotPressureValue(mbar, entry->sec, alignVar, print_y_offset[cyl][1]);
- plotGasValue(mbar, entry->sec, displayed_dive.cylinder[cyl].gasmix, align_dil, print_y_offset[cyl][0]);
- seen_cyl[cyl] = true;
- }
- }
- last_pressure[cyl] = mbar;
- last_time[cyl] = entry->sec;
- }
- for (cyl = 0; cyl < MAX_CYLINDERS; cyl++) { // For each cylinder, on right hand side of profile, write cylinder pressure
- alignVar = ((o2cyl >= 0) && (cyl == displayed_dive.oxygen_cylinder_index)) ? align_o2 : align_dil;
- if (last_time[cyl]) {
- plotPressureValue(last_pressure[cyl], last_time[cyl], (alignVar | Qt::AlignLeft), print_y_offset[cyl][1]);
- }
- }
-void DiveGasPressureItem::plotPressureValue(int mbar, int sec, QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> align, double pressure_offset)
- const char *unit;
- int pressure = get_pressure_units(mbar, &unit);
- DiveTextItem *text = new DiveTextItem(this);
- text->setPos(hAxis->posAtValue(sec), vAxis->posAtValue(mbar) + pressure_offset );
- text->setText(QString("%1 %2").arg(pressure).arg(unit));
- text->setAlignment(align);
- text->setBrush(getColor(PRESSURE_TEXT));
- texts.push_back(text);
-void DiveGasPressureItem::plotGasValue(int mbar, int sec, struct gasmix gasmix, QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> align, double gasname_offset)
- QString gas = get_gas_string(gasmix);
- DiveTextItem *text = new DiveTextItem(this);
- text->setPos(hAxis->posAtValue(sec), vAxis->posAtValue(mbar) + gasname_offset );
- text->setText(gas);
- text->setAlignment(align);
- text->setBrush(getColor(PRESSURE_TEXT));
- texts.push_back(text);
-void DiveGasPressureItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
- if (polygon().isEmpty())
- return;
- QPen pen;
- pen.setCosmetic(true);
- pen.setWidth(2);
- painter->save();
- struct plot_data *entry;
- Q_FOREACH (const QPolygonF &poly, polygons) {
- entry = dataModel->data().entry;
- for (int i = 1, count = poly.count(); i < count; i++, entry++) {
- if (entry->sac)
- pen.setBrush(getSacColor(entry->sac, displayed_dive.sac));
- else
- pen.setBrush(MED_GRAY_HIGH_TRANS);
- painter->setPen(pen);
- painter->drawLine(poly[i - 1], poly[i]);
- }
- }
- painter->restore();
-DiveCalculatedCeiling::DiveCalculatedCeiling() : is3mIncrement(false)
- settingsChanged();
-void DiveCalculatedCeiling::modelDataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight)
- if (MainWindow::instance()->information())
- connect(MainWindow::instance()->information(), SIGNAL(dateTimeChanged()), this, SLOT(recalc()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
- // We don't have enougth data to calculate things, quit.
- if (!shouldCalculateStuff(topLeft, bottomRight))
- return;
- AbstractProfilePolygonItem::modelDataChanged(topLeft, bottomRight);
- // Add 2 points to close the polygon.
- QPolygonF poly = polygon();
- if (poly.isEmpty())
- return;
- QPointF p1 = poly.first();
- QPointF p2 = poly.last();
- poly.prepend(QPointF(p1.x(), vAxis->posAtValue(0)));
- poly.append(QPointF(p2.x(), vAxis->posAtValue(0)));
- setPolygon(poly);
- QLinearGradient pat(0, polygon().boundingRect().top(), 0, polygon().boundingRect().bottom());
- pat.setColorAt(0, getColor(CALC_CEILING_SHALLOW));
- pat.setColorAt(1, getColor(CALC_CEILING_DEEP));
- setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::NoBrush), 0));
- setBrush(pat);
-void DiveCalculatedCeiling::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
- if (polygon().isEmpty())
- return;
- QGraphicsPolygonItem::paint(painter, option, widget);
- settingsChanged();
-void DiveCalculatedTissue::settingsChanged()
- setVisible(prefs.calcalltissues && prefs.calcceiling);
-void DiveReportedCeiling::modelDataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight)
- if (!shouldCalculateStuff(topLeft, bottomRight))
- return;
- QPolygonF p;
- p.append(QPointF(hAxis->posAtValue(0), vAxis->posAtValue(0)));
- plot_data *entry = dataModel->data().entry;
- for (int i = 0, count = dataModel->rowCount(); i < count; i++, entry++) {
- if (entry->in_deco && entry->stopdepth) {
- p.append(QPointF(hAxis->posAtValue(entry->sec), vAxis->posAtValue(qMin(entry->stopdepth, entry->depth))));
- } else {
- p.append(QPointF(hAxis->posAtValue(entry->sec), vAxis->posAtValue(0)));
- }
- }
- setPolygon(p);
- QLinearGradient pat(0, p.boundingRect().top(), 0, p.boundingRect().bottom());
- // does the user want the ceiling in "surface color" or in red?
- if (prefs.redceiling) {
- pat.setColorAt(0, getColor(CEILING_SHALLOW));
- pat.setColorAt(1, getColor(CEILING_DEEP));
- } else {
- pat.setColorAt(0, getColor(BACKGROUND_TRANS));
- pat.setColorAt(1, getColor(BACKGROUND_TRANS));
- }
- setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::NoBrush), 0));
- setBrush(pat);
-void DiveCalculatedCeiling::recalc()
- dataModel->calculateDecompression();
-void DiveCalculatedCeiling::settingsChanged()
- if (dataModel && is3mIncrement != prefs.calcceiling3m) {
- // recalculate that part.
- recalc();
- }
- is3mIncrement = prefs.calcceiling3m;
- setVisible(prefs.calcceiling);
-void DiveReportedCeiling::settingsChanged()
- setVisible(prefs.dcceiling);
-void DiveReportedCeiling::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
- if (polygon().isEmpty())
- return;
- QGraphicsPolygonItem::paint(painter, option, widget);
-void PartialPressureGasItem::modelDataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight)
- //AbstractProfilePolygonItem::modelDataChanged();
- if (!shouldCalculateStuff(topLeft, bottomRight))
- return;
- plot_data *entry = dataModel->data().entry;
- QPolygonF poly;
- QPolygonF alertpoly;
- alertPolygons.clear();
- QSettings s;
- s.beginGroup("TecDetails");
- double threshold = 0.0;
- if (thresholdPtr)
- threshold = *thresholdPtr;
- bool inAlertFragment = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < dataModel->rowCount(); i++, entry++) {
- double value = dataModel->index(i, vDataColumn).data().toDouble();
- int time = dataModel->index(i, hDataColumn).data().toInt();
- QPointF point(hAxis->posAtValue(time), vAxis->posAtValue(value));
- poly.push_back(point);
- if (value >= threshold) {
- if (inAlertFragment) {
- alertPolygons.back().push_back(point);
- } else {
- alertpoly.clear();
- alertpoly.push_back(point);
- alertPolygons.append(alertpoly);
- inAlertFragment = true;
- }
- } else {
- inAlertFragment = false;
- }
- }
- setPolygon(poly);
- /*
- createPPLegend(trUtf8("pN" UTF8_SUBSCRIPT_2),getColor(PN2), legendPos);
- */
-void PartialPressureGasItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
- const qreal pWidth = 0.0;
- painter->save();
- painter->setPen(QPen(normalColor, pWidth));
- painter->drawPolyline(polygon());
- QPolygonF poly;
- painter->setPen(QPen(alertColor, pWidth));
- Q_FOREACH (const QPolygonF &poly, alertPolygons)
- painter->drawPolyline(poly);
- painter->restore();
-void PartialPressureGasItem::setThreshouldSettingsKey(double *prefPointer)
- thresholdPtr = prefPointer;
-PartialPressureGasItem::PartialPressureGasItem() :
- thresholdPtr(NULL)
-void PartialPressureGasItem::settingsChanged()
- QSettings s;
- s.beginGroup("TecDetails");
- setVisible(s.value(visibilityKey).toBool());
-void PartialPressureGasItem::setVisibilitySettingsKey(const QString &key)
- visibilityKey = key;
-void PartialPressureGasItem::setColors(const QColor &normal, const QColor &alert)
- normalColor = normal;
- alertColor = alert;