path: root/qt-ui/profilegraphics.cpp
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authorGravatar Tomaz Canabrava <>2013-05-07 15:44:54 -0300
committerGravatar Dirk Hohndel <>2013-05-07 16:14:11 -0700
commitc928b9cb94b7e43983aaee46c82074466a6179a6 (patch)
tree602039d54a4560c501e8014c74fc3e3273dbdc1b /qt-ui/profilegraphics.cpp
parent5e4f06e6ad2da553ac7b47bf6837d8053b888f6f (diff)
Added the first overlay of the tooltips, with some test data.
The tooltips now can: 1 - be moved around the canvas 2 - dynamically expand / retreat when a new tooltip is added. Signed-off-by: Tomaz Canabrava <> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
Diffstat (limited to 'qt-ui/profilegraphics.cpp')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/qt-ui/profilegraphics.cpp b/qt-ui/profilegraphics.cpp
index 9f1f115cb..eede292d7 100644
--- a/qt-ui/profilegraphics.cpp
+++ b/qt-ui/profilegraphics.cpp
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
#include <QBrush>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QLineF>
+#include <QSettings>
+#include <QIcon>
+#include <QPropertyAnimation>
#include "../color.h"
#include "../display.h"
@@ -146,13 +149,21 @@ static void plot_set_scale(scale_mode_t scale)
void ProfileGraphicsView::plot(struct dive *dive)
- // Clear the items before drawing this dive.
- qDeleteAll(scene()->items());
+ QSettings s;
+ s.beginGroup("ProfileMap");
+ QPointF toolTipPos = s.value("tooltip_position", QPointF(0,0)).toPointF();
+ s.endGroup();
+ toolTip = new ToolTipItem();
+ toolTip->setPos(toolTipPos);
+ scene()->addItem(toolTip);
struct plot_info *pi;
struct divecomputer *dc = &dive->dc;
@@ -363,7 +374,8 @@ void ProfileGraphicsView::plot_one_event(struct graphics_context *gc, struct plo
//attach_tooltip(x-6, y, 12, 12, buffer, ev);
- triangle->setToolTip(name);
+ //triangle->setToolTip(name);
+ toolTip->addToolTip(name);
void ProfileGraphicsView::plot_depth_profile(struct graphics_context *gc, struct plot_info *pi)
@@ -605,6 +617,16 @@ void ProfileGraphicsView::plot_text(struct graphics_context *gc, text_render_opt
+void ProfileGraphicsView::addToolTip(const QString& text, const QIcon& icon)
+ toolTip->addToolTip(text, icon);
+void ProfileGraphicsView::removeToolTip(const QString& text)
+ toolTip->removeToolTip(text);
void ProfileGraphicsView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)
@@ -614,3 +636,109 @@ void ProfileGraphicsView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)
QRectF r = scene()->sceneRect();
fitInView ( r.x() - 50, r.y() -50, r.width() + 100, r.height() + 100); // do a little bit of spacing;
+void ToolTipItem::addToolTip(const QString& toolTip, const QIcon& icon)
+ qDebug() << "Tooltip Adicionado" << toolTip;
+ QGraphicsPixmapItem *iconItem = 0;
+ if (!icon.isNull()) {
+ iconItem = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(icon.pixmap(ICON_SMALL,ICON_SMALL), this);
+ iconItem->setPos( 4, toolTips.keys().size() * ICON_SMALL + 4);
+ }
+ QGraphicsSimpleTextItem *textItem = new QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(toolTip, this);
+ textItem->setPos( 4 + ICON_SMALL + 4, toolTips.keys().size() * ICON_SMALL + 4);
+ textItem->setPen(QPen(Qt::white, 1));
+ textItem->setBrush(QBrush(Qt::white));
+ textItem->setFlag(ItemIgnoresTransformations);
+ toolTips[toolTip] = qMakePair(iconItem, textItem);
+ expand();
+void ToolTipItem::removeToolTip(const QString& toolTip)
+ ToolTip toBeRemoved = toolTips[toolTip];
+ delete toBeRemoved.first;
+ delete toBeRemoved.second;
+ expand();
+void ToolTipItem::clear()
+ Q_FOREACH(ToolTip t, toolTips) {
+ delete t.first;
+ delete t.second;
+ }
+ toolTips.clear();
+ expand();
+void ToolTipItem::setRect(const QRectF& r)
+ // qDeleteAll(childItems());
+ if (background) {
+ childItems().removeAt(childItems().indexOf(background));
+ delete background;
+ }
+ rectangle = r;
+ setBrush(QBrush(Qt::white));
+ setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 0.5));
+ QPainterPath border;
+ border.addRoundedRect(-2, -2, rectangle.width() + 4, rectangle.height()+ 4, 3, 3);
+ border.addRoundedRect( 0, 0, rectangle.width(), rectangle.height(), 3, 3);
+ setPath(border);
+ QGraphicsRectItem *b = new QGraphicsRectItem(-1, -1, rectangle.width()+1, rectangle.height()+1, this);
+ b->setFlag(ItemStacksBehindParent);
+ QColor c = QColor(Qt::black);
+ c.setAlpha(155);
+ b->setBrush(c);
+ background = b;
+void ToolTipItem::collapse()
+ QRectF newRect = childrenBoundingRect();
+ QPropertyAnimation *animation = new QPropertyAnimation(this, "rect");
+ animation->setDuration(100);
+ animation->setStartValue(boundingRect());
+ animation->setEndValue(QRect(0, 0, ICON_SMALL, ICON_SMALL ));
+ animation->start(QAbstractAnimation::DeleteWhenStopped);
+void ToolTipItem::expand()
+ QRectF newRect = childrenBoundingRect();
+ newRect = QRect(0, 0, newRect.width() + 8, newRect.height() + 8);
+ if (newRect != boundingRect()) {
+ QRectF newRect = childrenBoundingRect();
+ QPropertyAnimation *animation = new QPropertyAnimation(this, "rect");
+ animation->setDuration(100);
+ animation->setStartValue(boundingRect());
+ animation->setEndValue(newRect);
+ animation->start(QAbstractAnimation::DeleteWhenStopped);
+ }
+ToolTipItem::ToolTipItem(QGraphicsItem* parent): QGraphicsPathItem(parent), background(0)
+ setRect(QRectF(0,0,ICON_SMALL, ICON_SMALL));
+ setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations);
+ setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable);
+void ToolTipStatusHandler::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event)
+ QGraphicsItem::mousePressEvent(event);
+ToolTipStatusHandler::ToolTipStatusHandler(QObject* parent): QObject(parent), QGraphicsEllipseItem()