path: root/tests/testgitstorage.cpp
diff options
authorGravatar Dirk Hohndel <>2015-08-25 13:57:12 -0700
committerGravatar Dirk Hohndel <>2015-08-25 13:57:12 -0700
commitc22adebebe9792fc0471a5f4c2cab9de6aff1d6e (patch)
tree25a872afa0650a30c036fbf09aa872babfb5714b /tests/testgitstorage.cpp
parentab255e07ea6060d1a36a5195f6be9cccd3e0ffcc (diff)
parent72817ff47f8a990aa043603ebe2d3ead1ff811c9 (diff)
Merge branch 'gitMerge'
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/testgitstorage.cpp')
1 files changed, 261 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/testgitstorage.cpp b/tests/testgitstorage.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f5846bbd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testgitstorage.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+#include "testgitstorage.h"
+#include "dive.h"
+#include "divelist.h"
+#include "file.h"
+#include "git2.h"
+#include "prefs-macros.h"
+#include <QDir>
+#include <QTextStream>
+#include <QNetworkProxy>
+#include <QSettings>
+#include <QDebug>
+// this is a local helper function in git-access.c
+extern "C" char *get_local_dir(const char *remote, const char *branch);
+void TestGitStorage::testSetup()
+ // first, setup the preferences an proxy information
+ prefs = default_prefs;
+ QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName("Subsurface");
+ QCoreApplication::setOrganizationDomain("");
+ QCoreApplication::setApplicationName("Subsurface");
+ QSettings s;
+ QVariant v;
+ s.beginGroup("Network");
+ GET_INT_DEF("proxy_type", proxy_type, QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy);
+ GET_TXT("proxy_host", proxy_host);
+ GET_INT("proxy_port", proxy_port);
+ GET_BOOL("proxy_auth", proxy_auth);
+ GET_TXT("proxy_user", proxy_user);
+ GET_TXT("proxy_pass", proxy_pass);
+ s.endGroup();
+ s.beginGroup("CloudStorage");
+ GET_TXT("cloud_base_url", cloud_base_url);
+ QString gitUrl(prefs.cloud_base_url);
+ if (gitUrl.right(1) != "/")
+ gitUrl += "/";
+ prefs.cloud_git_url = strdup(qPrintable(gitUrl + "git"));
+ s.endGroup();
+ prefs.cloud_storage_email_encoded = strdup("");
+ prefs.cloud_storage_password = strdup("geheim");
+ prefs.cloud_background_sync = true;
+ QNetworkProxy proxy;
+ proxy.setType(QNetworkProxy::ProxyType(prefs.proxy_type));
+ proxy.setHostName(prefs.proxy_host);
+ proxy.setPort(prefs.proxy_port);
+ if (prefs.proxy_auth) {
+ proxy.setUser(prefs.proxy_user);
+ proxy.setPassword(prefs.proxy_pass);
+ }
+ QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy(proxy);
+ // now cleanup the cache dir in case there's something weird from previous runs
+ QString localCacheDir(get_local_dir("", ""));
+ QDir localCacheDirectory(localCacheDir);
+ QCOMPARE(localCacheDirectory.removeRecursively(), true);
+void TestGitStorage::testGitStorageLocal()
+ // test writing and reading back from local git storage
+ git_repository *repo;
+ git_libgit2_init();
+ QCOMPARE(parse_file(SUBSURFACE_SOURCE "/dives/SampleDivesV2.ssrf"), 0);
+ QString testDirName("./gittest");
+ QDir testDir(testDirName);
+ QCOMPARE(testDir.removeRecursively(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(QDir().mkdir(testDirName), true);
+ QCOMPARE(git_repository_init(&repo, qPrintable(testDirName), false), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(save_dives(qPrintable(testDirName + "[test]")), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesV3.ssrf"), 0);
+ clear_dive_file_data();
+ QCOMPARE(parse_file(qPrintable(testDirName + "[test]")), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesV3viagit.ssrf"), 0);
+ QFile org("./SampleDivesV3.ssrf");
+ QFile out("./SampleDivesV3viagit.ssrf");
+ QTextStream orgS(&org);
+ QTextStream outS(&out);
+ QString readin = orgS.readAll();
+ QString written = outS.readAll();
+ QCOMPARE(readin, written);
+ clear_dive_file_data();
+void TestGitStorage::testGitStorageCloud()
+ // test writing and reading back from cloud storage
+ // connect to the ssrftest repository on the cloud server
+ // and repeat the same test as before with the local git storage
+ QString cloudTestRepo("[]");
+ QCOMPARE(parse_file(SUBSURFACE_SOURCE "/dives/SampleDivesV2.ssrf"), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(save_dives(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo)), 0);
+ clear_dive_file_data();
+ QCOMPARE(parse_file(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo)), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesV3viacloud.ssrf"), 0);
+ QFile org("./SampleDivesV3.ssrf");
+ QFile out("./SampleDivesV3viacloud.ssrf");
+ QTextStream orgS(&org);
+ QTextStream outS(&out);
+ QString readin = orgS.readAll();
+ QString written = outS.readAll();
+ QCOMPARE(readin, written);
+ clear_dive_file_data();
+void TestGitStorage::testGitStorageCloudOfflineSync()
+ // make a change to local cache repo (pretending that we did some offline changes)
+ // and then open the remote one again and check that things were propagated correctly
+ QString cloudTestRepo("[]");
+ QString localCacheDir(get_local_dir("", ""));
+ QString localCacheRepo = localCacheDir + "[]";
+ // read the local repo from the previous test and add dive 10
+ QCOMPARE(parse_file(qPrintable(localCacheRepo)), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(parse_file(SUBSURFACE_SOURCE "/dives/test10.xml"), 0);
+ // calling process_dive() sorts the table, but calling it with
+ // is_imported == true causes it to try to update the window title... let's not do that
+ process_dives(false, false);
+ // now save only to the local cache but not to the remote server
+ QCOMPARE(save_dives(qPrintable(localCacheRepo)), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesV3plus10local.ssrf"), 0);
+ clear_dive_file_data();
+ // open the cloud storage and compare
+ QCOMPARE(parse_file(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo)), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesV3plus10viacloud.ssrf"), 0);
+ QFile org("./SampleDivesV3plus10local.ssrf");
+ QFile out("./SampleDivesV3plus10viacloud.ssrf");
+ QTextStream orgS(&org);
+ QTextStream outS(&out);
+ QString readin = orgS.readAll();
+ QString written = outS.readAll();
+ QCOMPARE(readin, written);
+ // write back out to cloud storage, move away the local cache, open again and compare
+ QCOMPARE(save_dives(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo)), 0);
+ clear_dive_file_data();
+ QDir localCacheDirectory(localCacheDir);
+ QDir localCacheDirectorySave(localCacheDir + "save");
+ QCOMPARE(localCacheDirectorySave.removeRecursively(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(localCacheDirectory.rename(localCacheDir, localCacheDir + "save"), true);
+ QCOMPARE(parse_file(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo)), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesV3plus10fromcloud.ssrf"), 0);
+ org.close();
+ QFile out2("./SampleDivesV3plus10fromcloud.ssrf");
+ QTextStream orgS2(&org);
+ QTextStream outS2(&out2);
+ readin = orgS2.readAll();
+ written = outS2.readAll();
+ QCOMPARE(readin, written);
+ clear_dive_file_data();
+void TestGitStorage::testGitStorageCloudMerge()
+ // now we need to mess with the local git repo to get an actual merge
+ // first we add another dive to the "moved away" repository, pretending we did
+ // another offline change there
+ QString cloudTestRepo("[]");
+ QString localCacheDir(get_local_dir("", ""));
+ QString localCacheRepoSave = localCacheDir + "save[]";
+ QCOMPARE(parse_file(qPrintable(localCacheRepoSave)), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(parse_file(SUBSURFACE_SOURCE "/dives/test11.xml"), 0);
+ process_dives(false, false);
+ QCOMPARE(save_dives(qPrintable(localCacheRepoSave)), 0);
+ clear_dive_file_data();
+ // now we open the cloud storage repo and add a different dive to it
+ QCOMPARE(parse_file(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo)), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(parse_file(SUBSURFACE_SOURCE "/dives/test12.xml"), 0);
+ process_dives(false, false);
+ QCOMPARE(save_dives(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo)), 0);
+ clear_dive_file_data();
+ // now we move the saved local cache into place and try to open the cloud repo
+ // -> this forces a merge
+ QDir localCacheDirectory(localCacheDir);
+ QCOMPARE(localCacheDirectory.removeRecursively(), true);
+ QDir localCacheDirectorySave(localCacheDir + "save");
+ QCOMPARE(localCacheDirectory.rename(localCacheDir + "save", localCacheDir), true);
+ QCOMPARE(parse_file(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo)), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SapleDivesV3plus10-11-12-merged.ssrf"), 0);
+ clear_dive_file_data();
+ QCOMPARE(parse_file("./SampleDivesV3plus10local.ssrf"), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(parse_file(SUBSURFACE_SOURCE "/dives/test11.xml"), 0);
+ process_dives(false, false);
+ QCOMPARE(parse_file(SUBSURFACE_SOURCE "/dives/test12.xml"), 0);
+ process_dives(false, false);
+ QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SapleDivesV3plus10-11-12.ssrf"), 0);
+ QFile org("./SapleDivesV3plus10-11-12-merged.ssrf");
+ QFile out("./SapleDivesV3plus10-11-12.ssrf");
+ QTextStream orgS(&org);
+ QTextStream outS(&out);
+ QString readin = orgS.readAll();
+ QString written = outS.readAll();
+ QCOMPARE(readin, written);
+ clear_dive_file_data();
+void TestGitStorage::testGitStorageCloudMerge2()
+ // delete a dive offline
+ // edit the same dive in the cloud repo
+ // merge
+ QString cloudTestRepo("[]");
+ QString localCacheDir(get_local_dir("", ""));
+ QString localCacheRepo = localCacheDir + "[]";
+ QCOMPARE(parse_file(qPrintable(localCacheRepo)), 0);
+ process_dives(false, false);
+ struct dive *dive = get_dive(1);
+ delete_single_dive(1);
+ QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesMinus1.ssrf"), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(save_dives(qPrintable(localCacheRepo)), 0);
+ clear_dive_file_data();
+ // move the local cache away
+ { // scope for variables
+ QDir localCacheDirectory(localCacheDir);
+ QDir localCacheDirectorySave(localCacheDir + "save");
+ QCOMPARE(localCacheDirectorySave.removeRecursively(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(localCacheDirectory.rename(localCacheDir, localCacheDir + "save"), true);
+ }
+ // now we open the cloud storage repo and modify that first dive
+ QCOMPARE(parse_file(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo)), 0);
+ process_dives(false, false);
+ dive = get_dive(1);
+ free(dive->notes);
+ dive->notes = strdup("These notes have been modified by TestGitStorage");
+ QCOMPARE(save_dives(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo)), 0);
+ clear_dive_file_data();
+ // now we move the saved local cache into place and try to open the cloud repo
+ // -> this forces a merge
+ QDir localCacheDirectory(localCacheDir);
+ QDir localCacheDirectorySave(localCacheDir + "save");
+ QCOMPARE(localCacheDirectory.removeRecursively(), true);
+ QCOMPARE(localCacheDirectorySave.rename(localCacheDir + "save", localCacheDir), true);
+ QCOMPARE(parse_file(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo)), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesMinus1-merged.ssrf"), 0);
+ QCOMPARE(save_dives(qPrintable(cloudTestRepo)), 0);
+ QFile org("./SampleDivesMinus1-merged.ssrf");
+ QFile out("./SampleDivesMinus1.ssrf");
+ QTextStream orgS(&org);
+ QTextStream outS(&out);
+ QString readin = orgS.readAll();
+ QString written = outS.readAll();
+ QCOMPARE(readin, written);