path: root/worldmap-save.c
diff options
authorGravatar Gehad <>2014-03-30 22:14:56 +0200
committerGravatar Dirk Hohndel <>2014-03-30 15:52:32 -0700
commit0cd9d09410e2631d3a47edcae7569e3b3f011cf1 (patch)
tree7251ebc0a25f063b00cfb10a34f641e0b314304c /worldmap-save.c
parent7696fbf9cdb6292f487815bffdbc879a178cc73f (diff)
Exporting a World-Map
This patch adds the world map exporter. - add worldmap-save.c that writes the html to the file - use Google maps v3 API to put the place marks on the map - add worldmap-options.h to contain some settings for the JS which will make it easier for those to be changed - add save HTML action in the mainwindow user interface Signed-off-by: Gehad elrobey <> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
Diffstat (limited to 'worldmap-save.c')
1 files changed, 110 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/worldmap-save.c b/worldmap-save.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f9a4bf3fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/worldmap-save.c
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "dive.h"
+#include "membuffer.h"
+#include "worldmap-save.h"
+#include "worldmap-options.h"
+char* getGoogleApi()
+ /* google maps api auth*/
+ return "";
+void put_HTML_date(struct membuffer *b,struct dive *dive)
+ struct tm tm;
+ utc_mkdate(dive->when, &tm);
+ put_format(b, "<p>date=%04u-%02u-%02u</p>",tm.tm_year + 1900, tm.tm_mon + 1, tm.tm_mday);
+ put_format(b, "<p>time=%02u:%02u:%02u</p>",tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec);
+void put_HTML_temp(struct membuffer *b,struct dive *dive)
+ put_temperature(b, dive->airtemp, "<p>Air Temp: ", " C\\'</p>");
+ put_temperature(b, dive->watertemp, "<p>Water Temp: ", " C\\'</p>");
+void put_HTML_notes(struct membuffer *b,struct dive *dive)
+ if (dive->notes) {
+ put_format(b,"<p>Notes : %s </p>",dive->notes);
+ }
+void writeMarkers(struct membuffer *b)
+ int i;
+ struct dive *dive;
+ for_each_dive(i, dive) {
+ /*export selected dives only ?*/
+ if (dive->latitude.udeg==0 && dive->longitude.udeg==0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ put_format(b,"temp = new google.maps.Marker({position: new google.maps.LatLng(%f,%f)});\n",
+ dive->latitude.udeg/1000000.0,dive->longitude.udeg/1000000.0);
+ put_string(b,"markers.push(temp);\ntempinfowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({content: '<div id=\"content\">'+'<div id=\"siteNotice\">'+'</div>'+'<div id=\"bodyContent\">");
+ put_HTML_date(b,dive);
+ put_duration(b, dive->duration, "<p>duration=", " min</p>");
+ put_HTML_temp(b,dive);
+ put_HTML_notes(b,dive);
+ put_string(b,"</p>'+'</div>'+'</div>'});\ninfowindows.push(tempinfowindow);\n");
+ put_format(b,"google.maps.event.addListener(markers[%d], 'mouseover', function() {\ninfowindows[%d].open(map,markers[%d]);}",i,i,i);
+ put_format(b,");google.maps.event.addListener(markers[%d], 'mouseout', function() {\ninfowindows[%d].close();});\n",i,i);
+ }
+void insert_html_header(struct membuffer *b)
+ put_string(b,"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n");
+ put_string(b,"<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no\" />\n<title>World Map</title>\n");
+void insert_css(struct membuffer *b)
+ put_format(b,"<style type=\"text/css\">%s</style>\n",css);
+void insert_javascript(struct membuffer *b)
+ put_string(b,"<script type=\"text/javascript\"src=\"");
+ put_string(b,getGoogleApi());
+ put_string(b,"&sensor=false\">\n</script>\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\nvar map;\n");
+ put_format(b,"function initialize() {\nvar mapOptions = {\n\t%s,",map_options);
+ put_string(b,"rotateControl: false,\n\tstreetViewControl: false,\n\tmapTypeControl: false\n};\n");
+ put_string(b,"map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(\"map-canvas\"),mapOptions);\nvar markers = new Array();");
+ put_string(b,"\nvar infowindows = new Array();\nvar temp;\nvar tempinfowindow;\n");
+ writeMarkers(b);
+ put_string(b,"\nfor(var i=0;i<markers.length;i++)\n\tmarkers[i].setMap(map);\n}\n");
+ put_string(b,"google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);</script>\n");
+void export(struct membuffer *b)
+ insert_html_header(b);
+ insert_css(b);
+ insert_javascript(b);
+ put_string(b,"\t</head>\n<body>\n<div id=\"map-canvas\"/>\n</body>\n</html>");
+void export_worldmap_HTML(const char* file_name)
+ FILE *f;
+ struct membuffer buf = { 0 };
+ export(&buf);
+ f = fopen(file_name,"w+");
+ if (!f) {
+ printf("error"); /*report error*/
+ }
+ flush_buffer(&buf,f); /*check for writing errors? */
+ free_buffer(&buf);
+ fclose(f);