path: root/core/plannernotes.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'core/plannernotes.c')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/core/plannernotes.c b/core/plannernotes.c
index 68c9bae25..5b6667051 100644
--- a/core/plannernotes.c
+++ b/core/plannernotes.c
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ void add_plan_to_notes(struct diveplan *diveplan, struct dive *dive, bool show_d
/* Print gas consumption: This loop covers all cylinders */
for (int gasidx = 0; gasidx < MAX_CYLINDERS; gasidx++) {
- double volume, pressure, deco_volume, deco_pressure, mingas_volume, mingas_pressure, mingas_depth;
+ double volume, pressure, deco_volume, deco_pressure, mingas_volume, mingas_pressure, mingas_d_pressure, mingas_depth;
const char *unit, *pressure_unit, *depth_unit;
char warning[1000] = "";
char mingas[1000] = "";
@@ -380,9 +380,9 @@ void add_plan_to_notes(struct diveplan *diveplan, struct dive *dive, bool show_d
deco_volume = get_volume_units(cyl->deco_gas_used.mliter, NULL, &unit);
if (cyl->type.size.mliter) {
int remaining_gas = lrint((double)cyl->end.mbar * cyl->type.size.mliter / 1000.0 / gas_compressibility_factor(&cyl->gasmix, cyl->end.mbar / 1000.0));
- double deco_pressure_bar = isothermal_pressure(&cyl->gasmix, 1.0, remaining_gas + cyl->deco_gas_used.mliter, cyl->type.size.mliter)
- - cyl->end.mbar / 1000.0;
- deco_pressure = get_pressure_units(lrint(1000.0 * deco_pressure_bar), &pressure_unit);
+ double deco_pressure_mbar = isothermal_pressure(&cyl->gasmix, 1.0, remaining_gas + cyl->deco_gas_used.mliter, cyl->type.size.mliter) * 1000
+ - cyl->end.mbar;
+ deco_pressure = get_pressure_units(lrint(deco_pressure_mbar), &pressure_unit);
pressure = get_pressure_units(cyl->start.mbar - cyl->end.mbar, &pressure_unit);
/* Warn if the plan uses more gas than is available in a cylinder
* This only works if we have working pressure for the cylinder
@@ -414,18 +414,19 @@ void add_plan_to_notes(struct diveplan *diveplan, struct dive *dive, bool show_d
/* Translate all results into correct units */
mingas_volume = get_volume_units(mingasv.mliter, NULL, &unit);
mingas_pressure = get_pressure_units(lastbottomdp->minimum_gas.mbar, &pressure_unit);
+ mingas_d_pressure = get_pressure_units(lrint((double)cyl->end.mbar + deco_pressure_mbar - lastbottomdp->minimum_gas.mbar), &pressure_unit);
mingas_depth = get_depth_units(lastbottomdp->, NULL, &depth_unit);
/* Print it to results */
- bool minok = (mingasv.mliter <=
- cyl->deco_gas_used.mliter +
- lrint((double)cyl->end.mbar * cyl->type.size.mliter / 1000.0 / gas_compressibility_factor(&cyl->gasmix, cyl->end.mbar / 1000.0)));
if (cyl->start.mbar > lastbottomdp->minimum_gas.mbar) snprintf(mingas, sizeof(mingas),
- translate("gettextFromC", "<br>&nbsp;&mdash; <span style='color: %s;'>Minimum gas</span> (based on %.1fxSAC/+%dmin@%.0f%s): %.0f%s/%.0f%s"),
- minok ? "green" :"red",
+ translate("gettextFromC", "<br>&nbsp;&mdash; <span style='color: %s;'>Minimum gas</span> (based on %.1fxSAC/+%dmin@%.0f%s): \
+ %.0f%s/%.0f%s/<span style='color: %s;'>&Delta;:%+.0f%s</span>"),
+ mingas_d_pressure > 0 ? "green" :"red",
prefs.sacfactor / 100.0, prefs.problemsolvingtime,
mingas_depth, depth_unit,
mingas_volume, unit,
- mingas_pressure, pressure_unit);
+ mingas_pressure, pressure_unit,
+ mingas_d_pressure > 0 ? "green" :"red",
+ mingas_d_pressure, pressure_unit);
else snprintf(warning, sizeof(warning), "<br>&nbsp;&mdash; <span style='color: red;'>%s </span> %s",
translate("gettextFromC", "Warning:"),
translate("gettextFromC", "required minimum gas for ascent already exceeding start pressure of cylinder!"));