path: root/desktop-widgets/importgps.cpp
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1 files changed, 294 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/desktop-widgets/importgps.cpp b/desktop-widgets/importgps.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e4845951
--- /dev/null
+++ b/desktop-widgets/importgps.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+#include "desktop-widgets/importgps.h"
+/* Import dive coordinates from a GPS device and synchronise them with the dive profile information
+ of a dive computer. This file contains the infrastructure to:
+ 1) Read a .GPX file from a GPS system.
+ 2) Find the first gpx trackpoint that follows after the start of the dive.
+ 3) Allow modification of the coordinates dependent on international time zone and
+ on differences in local time settings between the GPS and the dive computer.
+ 4) Saving the coordinates into the Coordinates text box in the Dive Site Edit panel
+ and which which causes the map to show the location of the dive site.
+ The structure coords is used to store critical information. */
+ImportGPS::ImportGPS(QWidget *parent, QString fileName, class Ui::LocationInformation *LocationUI) : QDialog(parent),
+ fileName(fileName), LocationUI(LocationUI)
+ ui.setupUi(this);
+ connect(ui.timeDiffEdit, &QTimeEdit::timeChanged, this, &ImportGPS::timeDiffEditChanged);
+ connect(ui.timeZoneEdit, &QTimeEdit::timeChanged, this, &ImportGPS::timeZoneEditChanged);
+ connect(ui.timezone_backwards, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &ImportGPS::changeZoneBackwards);
+ connect(ui.timezone_forward, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &ImportGPS::changeZoneForward);
+ connect(ui.diff_backwards, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &ImportGPS::changeDiffBackwards);
+ connect(ui.diff_forward, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &ImportGPS::changeDiffForward);
+ connect(ui.GPSbuttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::clicked, this, &ImportGPS::buttonClicked);
+ coords.settingsDiff_offset = 0;
+ coords.timeZone_offset = 0;
+ = 0;
+ coords.lon = 0;
+ pixmapSize = (int) (ui.diveDateLabel->height() / 2);
+void ImportGPS::buttonClicked(QAbstractButton *button)
+ if (ui.GPSbuttonBox->buttonRole(button) == QDialogButtonBox::AcceptRole) {
+ // Write the coordinates in decimal degree format to the Coordinates QLineEdit of the LocationaInformationWidget UI:
+ LocationUI->diveSiteCoordinates->setText(QString::number( + ", " + QString::number(coords.lon));
+ LocationUI->diveSiteCoordinates->editingFinished();
+ } else {
+ close();
+ }
+// Read text from the present position in the file until
+// the first 'delim' character is encountered.
+int ImportGPS::getSubstring(QFile *file, QString *bufptr, char delim)
+ char c;
+ bufptr->clear();
+ do {
+ if (file->read(&c, 1) <= 0) // EOF
+ return 1;
+ if (c == delim) break;
+ bufptr->append(QChar(c));
+ } while (c != delim);
+ return 0;
+// Find the next occurence of a specified target GPX element in the file,
+// characerised by a "<xxx " or "<xxx>" character sequence.
+// 'target' specifies the name of the element searched for.
+// termc is the ending character of the element name search = '>' or ' '.
+int ImportGPS::findXmlElement(QFile *fileptr, QString target, QString *bufptr, char termc)
+ bool match = false;
+ char c;
+ char skipdelim = (termc == ' ') ? '>' : ' ';
+ do { // Skip input until first start new of element (<) is encountered:
+ if (getSubstring(fileptr, bufptr, '<'))
+ return 1; // EOF
+ bufptr->clear();
+ do { // Read name of following element and store it in buf
+ if (fileptr->read(&c, 1) <= 0) // EOF encountered
+ return 1;
+ if ((c == '>') || (c == ' ')) // found a valid delimiter
+ break;
+ bufptr->append(QChar(c));
+ } while ((c != '>') && (c != ' '));
+ if (*bufptr == "/trk") // End of GPS track found: return EOF
+ return 1;
+ if (c == skipdelim)
+ continue; // if inappropriate delimiter was found, redo from start
+ if (*bufptr == target) // Compare xml element name from gpx file with the
+ match = true; // the target element searched for.
+ } while (match == false);
+ return 0;
+// Find the coordinates at the time specified in coords.start_dive
+// by searching the gpx file "fileName". Here is a typical trkpt element in GPX:
+// <trkpt lat="-26.84" lon="32.88"><ele>-53.7</ele><time>2017-08-06T04:56:42Z</time></trkpt>
+int ImportGPS::getCoordsFromFile()
+ struct tm tm1;
+ time_t when = 0;
+ double lon, lat;
+ int line = 0;
+ int64_t time_offset = coords.settingsDiff_offset + coords.timeZone_offset;
+ time_t divetime;
+ bool first_line = true;
+ bool found = false;
+ divetime = coords.start_dive;
+ QString buf;
+ QFile f1;
+ f1.setFileName(fileName);
+ if (! | QIODevice::Text)) {
+ QByteArray local8bitBAString1 = fileName.toLocal8Bit();
+ char *fname =; // convert QString to a C string fileName
+ fprintf(stderr, "GPS file open error: file name = %s\n", fname);
+ return 1;
+ }
+#ifdef GPSDEBUG
+ struct tm time; // decode the time of start of dive:
+ utc_mkdate(divetime, &time);
+ int dyr,dmon,dday,dhr,dmin;
+ dyr = time.tm_year;
+ dmon = time.tm_mon;
+ dday = time.tm_mday;
+ dhr = time.tm_hour;
+ dmin = time.tm_min;
+ do {
+ line++; // this is the sequence number of the trkpt xml element processed
+ // Find next trkpt xml element (This function also detects </trk> that signals EOF):
+ if (findXmlElement(&f1, QString("trkpt"), &buf, ' ')) // This is the normal exit point
+ break; // for this routine
+ // == Get coordinates: ==
+ if (getSubstring(&f1, &buf, '"')) // read up to the end of the "lat=" label
+ break; // on EOF
+ if (buf != "lat=") {
+ fprintf(stderr, "GPX parse error: cannot find latitude (trkpt #%d)\n", line);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (getSubstring(&f1, &buf, '"')) // read up to the end of the latitude value
+ break; // on EOF
+ lat = buf.toDouble(); // Convert lat to decimal
+ if (getSubstring(&f1, &buf, ' ')) // Read past space char
+ break; // on EOF
+ if (getSubstring(&f1, &buf, '"')) // Read up to end of "lon=" label
+ break; // on EOF
+ if (buf != "lon=") {
+ fprintf(stderr, "GPX parse error: cannot find longitude (trkpt #%d)\n", line);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (getSubstring(&f1, &buf, '"')) // get string with longitude
+ break; // on EOF
+ lon = buf.toDouble(); // Convert longitude to decimal
+ // == get time: ==
+ if (findXmlElement(&f1, QString("time"), &buf, '>')) // Find the <time> element
+ break; // on EOF
+ if (getSubstring(&f1, &buf, '<')) // Read the string containing date/time
+ break; // on EOF
+ bool ok;
+ tm1.tm_year = buf.left(4).toInt(&ok, 10); // Extract the different substrings:
+ tm1.tm_mon = buf.mid(5,2).toInt(&ok,10) - 1;
+ tm1.tm_mday = buf.mid(8,2).toInt(&ok,10);
+ tm1.tm_hour = buf.mid(11,2).toInt(&ok,10);
+ tm1.tm_min = buf.mid(14,2).toInt(&ok,10);
+ tm1.tm_sec = buf.mid(17,2).toInt(&ok,10);
+ when = utc_mktime(&tm1) + time_offset;
+ if (first_line) {
+ first_line = false;
+ coords.start_track = when; // Local time of start of GPS track
+ }
+ if ((when > divetime && found == false)) { // This GPS local time corresponds to the start time of the dive
+ coords.lon = lon; // save the coordinates
+ = lat;
+ found = true;
+ }
+#ifdef GPSDEBUG
+ utc_mkdate(when, &time); // print time and coordinates of each of the trkpt elements of the GPX file
+ fprintf(stderr, " %02d: lat=%f lon=%f timestamp=%ld (%ld) %02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d dt=%ld %02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d\n", line, lat,
+ lon, when, time_offset, time.tm_year, time.tm_mon+1, time.tm_mday, time.tm_hour, time.tm_min, divetime, dyr, dmon+1, dday,dhr, dmin );
+ } while (true); // This loop executes until EOF causes a break out of the loop
+ coords.end_track = when; // This is the local time of the end of the GPS track
+ f1.close();
+ return 0;
+// Fill the visual elements of the synchronisation panel with information
+void ImportGPS::updateUI()
+ struct tm time;
+ int dive_day, gps_day;
+ char datestr[50];
+ QString problemString = "";
+ utc_mkdate(coords.start_track, &time); // Display GPS date and local start and end times of track:
+ gps_day = time.tm_mday;
+ datestr[0] = 0x0;
+ strftime(datestr, sizeof(datestr), "%A %d %B ", &time); // GPS date
+ ui.trackDateLabel->setText("GPS date = " + QString(datestr) + QString::number(time.tm_year));
+ ui.startTimeLabel->setText(QString::number(time.tm_hour) + ":" + QString("%1").arg(time.tm_min, 2, 10, QChar('0'))); // track start time
+ utc_mkdate(coords.end_track, &time);
+ ui.endTimeLabel->setText(QString::number(time.tm_hour) + ":" + QString("%1").arg(time.tm_min, 2, 10, QChar('0'))); // track end time
+ utc_mkdate(coords.start_dive, &time); // Display dive date and start and end times of dive:
+ dive_day = time.tm_mday;
+ datestr[0] = 0x0;
+ strftime(datestr, sizeof(datestr), "%A %d %B ", localtime(&(coords.start_dive))); // dive date
+ ui.diveDateLabel->setText("Dive date = " + QString(datestr) + QString::number(time.tm_year));
+ ui.startTimeSyncLabel->setText( QString::number(time.tm_hour) + ":" + QString("%1").arg(time.tm_min, 2, 10, QChar('0'))); // dive start time
+ utc_mkdate(coords.end_dive, &time);
+ ui.endTimeSyncLabel->setText(QString::number(time.tm_hour) + ":" + QString("%1").arg(time.tm_min, 2, 10, QChar('0'))); // dive end time
+ // This section implements extensive warnings in case there is not synchronisation between dive and GPS data:
+ if (gps_day != dive_day)
+ problemString = "(different dates)";
+ // Create 3 icons to indicate the quality of the synchrinisation between dive and GPS
+ QPixmap goodResultIcon (":gps_good_result-icon");
+ ui.goodIconLabel->setPixmap(goodResultIcon.scaled(pixmapSize,pixmapSize,Qt::KeepAspectRatio));
+ ui.goodIconLabel->setVisible(false);
+ QPixmap warningResultIcon (":gps_warning_result-icon");
+ ui.warningIconLabel->setPixmap(warningResultIcon.scaled(pixmapSize,pixmapSize,Qt::KeepAspectRatio));
+ ui.warningIconLabel->setVisible(false);
+ QPixmap badResultIcon (":gps_bad_result-icon");
+ ui.badIconLabel->setPixmap(badResultIcon.scaled(pixmapSize,pixmapSize,Qt::KeepAspectRatio));
+ ui.badIconLabel->setVisible(false);
+ // Show information or warning message as well as synch quality icon
+ if (coords.start_dive < coords.start_track) {
+ ui.resultLabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: red;} ");
+ ui.resultLabel->setText("PROBLEM: Dive started before the GPS track "+ problemString);
+ ui.badIconLabel->setVisible(true);
+ } else {
+ if (coords.start_dive > coords.end_track) {
+ ui.resultLabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: red;} ");
+ ui.resultLabel->setText("PROBLEM: Dive started after the GPS track " + problemString);
+ ui.badIconLabel->setVisible(true);
+ } else {
+ if (coords.end_dive > coords.end_track) {
+ ui.resultLabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: red;} ");
+ ui.resultLabel->setText("WARNING: Dive ended after the GPS track " + problemString);
+ ui.warningIconLabel->setVisible(true);
+ } else {
+ ui.resultLabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: darkgreen;} ");
+ ui.resultLabel->setText("Dive coordinates: "+ QString::number( + "S, " + QString::number(coords.lon) + "E");
+ ui.goodIconLabel->setVisible(true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void ImportGPS::changeZoneForward()
+ coords.timeZone_offset = abs(coords.timeZone_offset);
+ getCoordsFromFile(); // If any of the time controls are changed
+ updateUI(); // .. then recalculate the synchronisation
+void ImportGPS::changeZoneBackwards()
+ if (coords.timeZone_offset > 0)
+ coords.timeZone_offset = 0 - coords.timeZone_offset;
+ getCoordsFromFile();
+ updateUI();
+void ImportGPS::changeDiffForward()
+ coords.settingsDiff_offset = abs(coords.settingsDiff_offset);
+ getCoordsFromFile();
+ updateUI();
+void ImportGPS::changeDiffBackwards()
+ if (coords.settingsDiff_offset > 0)
+ coords.settingsDiff_offset = 0 - coords.settingsDiff_offset;
+ getCoordsFromFile();
+ updateUI();
+void ImportGPS::timeDiffEditChanged()
+ coords.settingsDiff_offset = ui.timeDiffEdit->time().hour() * 3600 + ui.timeDiffEdit->time().minute() * 60;
+ if (ui.diff_backwards->isChecked())
+ coords.settingsDiff_offset = 0 - coords.settingsDiff_offset;
+ getCoordsFromFile();
+ updateUI();
+void ImportGPS::timeZoneEditChanged()
+ coords.timeZone_offset = ui.timeZoneEdit->time().hour() * 3600;
+ if (ui.timezone_backwards->isChecked())
+ coords.timeZone_offset = 0 - coords.timeZone_offset;
+ getCoordsFromFile();
+ updateUI();