path: root/mobile-widgets/qml
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1 files changed, 37 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/mobile-widgets/qml/main.qml b/mobile-widgets/qml/main.qml
index 837b29b59..1fa3da74f 100644
--- a/mobile-widgets/qml/main.qml
+++ b/mobile-widgets/qml/main.qml
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ Kirigami.ApplicationWindow {
reachableModeEnabled: false // while it's a good idea, it seems to confuse more than help
wideScreen: false // workaround for probably Kirigami bug. See commits.
+ // ensure we get all information on screen rotation
+ Screen.orientationUpdateMask: Qt.LandscapeOrientation | Qt.PortraitOrientation | Qt.InvertedLandscapeOrientation | Qt.InvertedPortraitOrientation
// the documentation claims that the ApplicationWindow should pick up the font set on
// the C++ side. But as a matter of fact, it doesn't, unless you add this line:
font: Qt.application.font
@@ -688,35 +691,50 @@ if you have network connectivity and want to sync your data to cloud storage."),
Component.onCompleted: {
// break the binding
initialWidth = initialWidth * 1
- manager.appendTextToLog("screenSizeObject constructor completed, initial width " + initialWidth)
+ manager.appendTextToLog("[screensetup] screenSizeObject constructor completed, initial width " + initialWidth)
onWidthChanged: {
- manager.appendTextToLog("Window width changed to " + width + " orientation " + Screen.primaryOrientation)
- if (screenSizeObject.initialWidth !== undefined) {
- if (width !== screenSizeObject.initialWidth && screenSizeObject.firstChange) {
- screenSizeObject.firstChange = false
- screenSizeObject.lastOrientation = Screen.primaryOrientation
- screenSizeObject.initialWidth = width
- screenSizeObject.initialHeight = height
- manager.appendTextToLog("first real change, so recalculating units and recording size as " + width + " x " + height)
- setupUnits()
- } else if (screenSizeObject.lastOrientation !== undefined && screenSizeObject.lastOrientation !== Screen.primaryOrientation) {
- manager.appendTextToLog("Screen rotated, no action necessary")
- screenSizeObject.lastOrientation = Screen.primaryOrientation
- setupUnits()
- } else {
- manager.appendTextToLog("size change without rotation to " + width + " x " + height)
- if ((Qt.platform.os === "android" || Qt.platform.os === "ios") && width > screenSizeObject.initialWidth) {
- manager.appendTextToLog("resetting to initial width " + screenSizeObject.initialWidth + " and height " + screenSizeObject.initialHeight)
+ manager.appendTextToLog("[screensetup] width changed now " + width + " x " + height + " vs screen " + Screen.width + " x " + Screen.height)
+ if (screenSizeObject.lastOrientation === undefined) {
+ manager.appendTextToLog("[screensetup] found initial orientation " + Screen.orientation)
+ screenSizeObject.lastOrientation = Screen.orientation
+ }
+ manager.appendTextToLog("[screensetup] window width changed to " + width + " orientation " + Screen.orientation)
+ // on Android devices we often get incorrect size updates during startup from Kirigami and we need to ignore those,
+ // or more specifically, reset the Kirigami sizes when we notice them
+ if (Screen.orientation === screenSizeObject.lastOrientation) {
+ // not rotation
+ if (width > Screen.width || height > Screen.height) {
+ manager.appendTextToLog("[screensetup] received size update that exceeds screen size")
+ if (screenSizeObject.initialWidth !== undefined) {
+ manager.appendTextToLog("[screensetup] resetting to initial size " + screenSizeObject.initialWidth + " x " + screenSizeObject.initialHeight)
rootItem.width = screenSizeObject.initialWidth
rootItem.height = screenSizeObject.initialHeight
+ } else {
+ // we don't have a size that we believe, yet - using Screen size is almost certainly wrong
+ manager.appendTextToLog("[screensetup] restricting to screen size " + Screen.width + " x " + Screen.height)
+ rootItem.width = Screen.width
+ rootItem.heigh = Screen.height
+ }
+ } else {
+ // this could be a realistic size
+ if (screenSizeObject.initialWidth !== undefined) {
+ if (screenSizeObject.initialHeight < height) {
+ manager.appendTextToLog("[screensetup] remembering better height")
+ screenSizeObject.initialHeight = height
+ }
+ if (screenSizeObject.initialWidth < width) {
+ manager.appendTextToLog("[screensetup] remembering better height")
+ screenSizeObject.initialWidth = width
+ }
} else {
- manager.appendTextToLog("width changed before initial width initialized, ignoring")
+ manager.appendTextToLog("[screensetup] remembering new orientation")
+ screenSizeObject.lastOrientation = Screen.orientation