path: root/mobile-widgets/qmlmanager.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mobile-widgets/qmlmanager.cpp')
1 files changed, 1078 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mobile-widgets/qmlmanager.cpp b/mobile-widgets/qmlmanager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bfde62aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobile-widgets/qmlmanager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1078 @@
+#include "qmlmanager.h"
+#include <QUrl>
+#include <QSettings>
+#include <QDebug>
+#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
+#include <QAuthenticator>
+#include <QDesktopServices>
+#include <QTextDocument>
+#include <QRegularExpression>
+#include <QApplication>
+#include <QElapsedTimer>
+#include "qt-models/divelistmodel.h"
+#include "qt-models/gpslistmodel.h"
+#include "core/divelist.h"
+#include "core/device.h"
+#include "core/pref.h"
+#include "core/qthelper.h"
+#include "core/qt-gui.h"
+#include "core/git-access.h"
+#include "core/cloudstorage.h"
+QMLManager *QMLManager::m_instance = NULL;
+#define RED_FONT QLatin1Literal("<font color=\"red\">")
+#define END_FONT QLatin1Literal("</font>")
+static void appendTextToLogStandalone(const char *text)
+ QMLManager *self = QMLManager::instance();
+ if (self)
+ self->appendTextToLog(QString(text));
+extern "C" int gitProgressCB(int percent, const char *text)
+ static QElapsedTimer timer;
+ static qint64 lastTime = 0;
+ static int lastPercent = -100;
+ if (!timer.isValid() || percent == 0) {
+ timer.restart();
+ lastTime = 0;
+ lastPercent = -100;
+ }
+ QMLManager *self = QMLManager::instance();
+ if (self) {
+ qint64 elapsed = timer.elapsed();
+ // don't show the same status twice in 200ms
+ if (percent == lastPercent && elapsed - lastTime < 200)
+ return 0;
+ self->loadDiveProgress(percent);
+ QString logText = QString::number(elapsed / 1000.0, 'f', 1) + " / " + QString::number((elapsed - lastTime) / 1000.0, 'f', 3) +
+ QString(" : git progress %1 (%2)").arg(percent).arg(text);
+ self->appendTextToLog(logText);
+ qDebug() << logText;
+ qApp->processEvents();
+ qApp->flush();
+ lastTime = elapsed;
+ }
+ // return 0 so that we don't end the download
+ return 0;
+QMLManager::QMLManager() : m_locationServiceEnabled(false),
+ m_verboseEnabled(false),
+ reply(0),
+ deletedDive(0),
+ deletedTrip(0),
+ m_credentialStatus(UNKNOWN),
+ m_lastDevicePixelRatio(1.0),
+ alreadySaving(false)
+ m_instance = this;
+ connect(qobject_cast<QApplication *>(QApplication::instance()), &QApplication::applicationStateChanged, this, &QMLManager::applicationStateChanged);
+ appendTextToLog(getUserAgent());
+ appendTextToLog(QStringLiteral("build with Qt Version %1, runtime from Qt Version %2").arg(QT_VERSION_STR).arg(qVersion()));
+ qDebug() << "Starting" << getUserAgent();
+ qDebug() << QStringLiteral("build with Qt Version %1, runtime from Qt Version %2").arg(QT_VERSION_STR).arg(qVersion());
+ setStartPageText(tr("Starting..."));
+ setAccessingCloud(-1);
+ setSyncToCloud(true);
+ // create location manager service
+ locationProvider = new GpsLocation(&appendTextToLogStandalone, this);
+ set_git_update_cb(&gitProgressCB);
+ // make sure we know if the current cloud repo has been successfully synced
+ syncLoadFromCloud();
+void QMLManager::applicationStateChanged(Qt::ApplicationState state)
+ if (!timer.isValid())
+ timer.start();
+ QString stateText;
+ switch (state) {
+ case Qt::ApplicationActive: stateText = "active"; break;
+ case Qt::ApplicationHidden: stateText = "hidden"; break;
+ case Qt::ApplicationSuspended: stateText = "suspended"; break;
+ case Qt::ApplicationInactive: stateText = "inactive"; break;
+ default: stateText = QString("none of the four: 0x") + QString::number(state, 16);
+ }
+ stateText.prepend(QString::number(timer.elapsed() / 1000.0,'f', 3) + ": AppState changed to ");
+ stateText.append(" with ");
+ stateText.append((alreadySaving ? QLatin1Literal("") : QLatin1Literal("no ")) + QLatin1Literal("save ongoing"));
+ stateText.append(" and ");
+ stateText.append((unsaved_changes() ? QLatin1Literal("") : QLatin1Literal("no ")) + QLatin1Literal("unsaved changes"));
+ appendTextToLog(stateText);
+ qDebug() << stateText;
+ if (!alreadySaving && state == Qt::ApplicationInactive && unsaved_changes()) {
+ // FIXME
+ // make sure the user sees that we are saving data if they come back
+ // while this is running
+ alreadySaving = true;
+ saveChanges();
+ alreadySaving = false;
+ appendTextToLog(QString::number(timer.elapsed() / 1000.0,'f', 3) + ": done saving to git local / remote");
+ mark_divelist_changed(false);
+ }
+void QMLManager::openLocalThenRemote(QString url)
+ clear_dive_file_data();
+ QByteArray fileNamePrt = QFile::encodeName(url);
+ bool glo = prefs.git_local_only;
+ prefs.git_local_only = true;
+ int error = parse_file(;
+ setAccessingCloud(-1);
+ prefs.git_local_only = glo;
+ if (error) {
+ appendTextToLog(QStringLiteral("loading dives from cache failed %1").arg(error));
+ } else {
+ // if we can load from the cache, we know that we have at least a valid email
+ if (credentialStatus() == UNKNOWN)
+ setCredentialStatus(VALID_EMAIL);
+ prefs.unit_system = informational_prefs.unit_system;
+ if (informational_prefs.unit_system == IMPERIAL)
+ informational_prefs.units = IMPERIAL_units;
+ prefs.units = informational_prefs.units;
+ int i;
+ struct dive *d;
+ process_dives(false, false);
+ DiveListModel::instance()->clear();
+ for_each_dive (i, d) {
+ DiveListModel::instance()->addDive(d);
+ }
+ appendTextToLog(QStringLiteral("%1 dives loaded from cache").arg(i));
+ }
+ appendTextToLog(QStringLiteral("have cloud credentials, trying to connect"));
+ tryRetrieveDataFromBackend();
+void QMLManager::finishSetup()
+ // Initialize cloud credentials.
+ setCloudUserName(prefs.cloud_storage_email);
+ setCloudPassword(prefs.cloud_storage_password);
+ // if the cloud credentials are valid, we should get the GPS Webservice ID as well
+ QString url;
+ if (!cloudUserName().isEmpty() &&
+ !cloudPassword().isEmpty() &&
+ getCloudURL(url) == 0) {
+ openLocalThenRemote(url);
+ } else {
+ setCredentialStatus(INCOMPLETE);
+ appendTextToLog(QStringLiteral("no cloud credentials"));
+ setStartPageText(RED_FONT + tr("Please enter valid cloud credentials.") + END_FONT);
+ }
+ setDistanceThreshold(prefs.distance_threshold);
+ setTimeThreshold(prefs.time_threshold / 60);
+ m_instance = NULL;
+QMLManager *QMLManager::instance()
+ return m_instance;
+void QMLManager::savePreferences()
+ QSettings s;
+ s.beginGroup("LocationService");
+ s.setValue("time_threshold", timeThreshold() * 60);
+ prefs.time_threshold = timeThreshold() * 60;
+ s.setValue("distance_threshold", distanceThreshold());
+ prefs.distance_threshold = distanceThreshold();
+ s.sync();
+#define CLOUDURL QString(prefs.cloud_base_url)
+#define CLOUDREDIRECTURL CLOUDURL + "/cgi-bin/"
+void QMLManager::saveCloudCredentials()
+ QSettings s;
+ bool cloudCredentialsChanged = false;
+ s.beginGroup("CloudStorage");
+ s.setValue("email", cloudUserName());
+ s.setValue("password", cloudPassword());
+ s.sync();
+ if (!same_string(prefs.cloud_storage_email, qPrintable(cloudUserName()))) {
+ free(prefs.cloud_storage_email);
+ prefs.cloud_storage_email = strdup(qPrintable(cloudUserName()));
+ cloudCredentialsChanged = true;
+ }
+ cloudCredentialsChanged |= !same_string(prefs.cloud_storage_password, qPrintable(cloudPassword()));
+ if (!same_string(prefs.cloud_storage_password, qPrintable(cloudPassword()))) {
+ free(prefs.cloud_storage_password);
+ prefs.cloud_storage_password = strdup(qPrintable(cloudPassword()));
+ }
+ if (cloudUserName().isEmpty() || cloudPassword().isEmpty()) {
+ setStartPageText(RED_FONT + tr("Please enter valid cloud credentials.") + END_FONT);
+ } else if (cloudCredentialsChanged) {
+ free(prefs.userid);
+ prefs.userid = NULL;
+ syncLoadFromCloud();
+ QString url;
+ getCloudURL(url);
+ manager()->clearAccessCache(); // remove any chached credentials
+ clear_git_id(); // invalidate our remembered GIT SHA
+ clear_dive_file_data();
+ DiveListModel::instance()->clear();
+ GpsListModel::instance()->clear();
+ setStartPageText(tr("Attempting to open cloud storage with new credentials"));
+ openLocalThenRemote(url);
+ }
+void QMLManager::checkCredentialsAndExecute(execute_function_type execute)
+ // if the cloud credentials are present, we should try to get the GPS Webservice ID
+ // and (if we haven't done so) load the dive list
+ if (!same_string(prefs.cloud_storage_email, "") &&
+ !same_string(prefs.cloud_storage_password, "")) {
+ setAccessingCloud(0);
+ setStartPageText(tr("Testing cloud credentials"));
+ appendTextToLog("Have credentials, let's see if they are valid");
+ connect(manager(), &QNetworkAccessManager::authenticationRequired, this, &QMLManager::provideAuth, Qt::UniqueConnection);
+ connect(manager(), &QNetworkAccessManager::finished, this, execute, Qt::UniqueConnection);
+ request = QNetworkRequest(url);
+ request.setRawHeader("User-Agent", getUserAgent().toUtf8());
+ request.setRawHeader("Accept", "text/html");
+ reply = manager()->get(request);
+ connect(reply, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), this, SLOT(handleError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)));
+ connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::sslErrors, this, &QMLManager::handleSslErrors);
+ }
+void QMLManager::tryRetrieveDataFromBackend()
+ checkCredentialsAndExecute(&QMLManager::retrieveUserid);
+void QMLManager::provideAuth(QNetworkReply *reply, QAuthenticator *auth)
+ if (auth->user() == QString(prefs.cloud_storage_email) &&
+ auth->password() == QString(prefs.cloud_storage_password)) {
+ // OK, credentials have been tried and didn't work, so they are invalid
+ appendTextToLog("Cloud credentials are invalid");
+ setStartPageText(RED_FONT + tr("Cloud credentials are invalid") + END_FONT);
+ setCredentialStatus(INVALID);
+ reply->disconnect();
+ reply->abort();
+ reply->deleteLater();
+ return;
+ }
+ auth->setUser(prefs.cloud_storage_email);
+ auth->setPassword(prefs.cloud_storage_password);
+void QMLManager::handleSslErrors(const QList<QSslError> &errors)
+ setStartPageText(RED_FONT + tr("Cannot open cloud storage: Error creating https connection") + END_FONT);
+ Q_FOREACH (QSslError e, errors) {
+ qDebug() << e.errorString();
+ }
+ reply->abort();
+ reply->deleteLater();
+ setAccessingCloud(-1);
+void QMLManager::handleError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError nError)
+ QString errorString = reply->errorString();
+ qDebug() << "handleError" << nError << errorString;
+ setStartPageText(RED_FONT + tr("Cannot open cloud storage: %1").arg(errorString) + END_FONT);
+ reply->abort();
+ reply->deleteLater();
+ setAccessingCloud(-1);
+void QMLManager::retrieveUserid()
+ if (reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute) != 302) {
+ appendTextToLog(QStringLiteral("Cloud storage connection not working correctly: %1").arg(QString(reply->readAll())));
+ setAccessingCloud(-1);
+ return;
+ }
+ setCredentialStatus(VALID);
+ QString userid(prefs.userid);
+ if (userid.isEmpty()) {
+ if (same_string(prefs.cloud_storage_email, "") || same_string(prefs.cloud_storage_password, "")) {
+ appendTextToLog("cloud user name or password are empty, can't retrieve web user id");
+ setAccessingCloud(-1);
+ return;
+ }
+ appendTextToLog(QStringLiteral("calling getUserid with user %1").arg(prefs.cloud_storage_email));
+ userid = locationProvider->getUserid(prefs.cloud_storage_email, prefs.cloud_storage_password);
+ }
+ if (!userid.isEmpty()) {
+ // overwrite the existing userid
+ free(prefs.userid);
+ prefs.userid = strdup(qPrintable(userid));
+ QSettings s;
+ s.setValue("subsurface_webservice_uid", prefs.userid);
+ s.sync();
+ }
+ loadDivesWithValidCredentials();
+void QMLManager::loadDiveProgress(int percent)
+ QString text(tr("Loading dive list from cloud storage."));
+ setAccessingCloud(percent);
+ while (percent > 0) {
+ text.append(".");
+ percent -= 10;
+ }
+ setStartPageText(text);
+void QMLManager::loadDivesWithValidCredentials()
+ if (reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute) != 302) {
+ appendTextToLog(QStringLiteral("Cloud storage connection not working correctly: ") + reply->readAll());
+ setStartPageText(RED_FONT + tr("Cannot connect to cloud storage") + END_FONT);
+ setAccessingCloud(-1);
+ return;
+ }
+ setCredentialStatus(VALID);
+ appendTextToLog("Cloud credentials valid, loading dives...");
+ setStartPageText("Cloud credentials valid, loading dives...");
+ git_storage_update_progress(0, "load dives with valid credentials");
+ QString url;
+ if (getCloudURL(url)) {
+ QString errorString(get_error_string());
+ appendTextToLog(errorString);
+ setStartPageText(RED_FONT + tr("Cloud storage error: %1").arg(errorString) + END_FONT);
+ setAccessingCloud(-1);
+ return;
+ }
+ QByteArray fileNamePrt = QFile::encodeName(url);
+ if (check_git_sha( == 0) {
+ qDebug() << "local cache was current, no need to modify dive list";
+ appendTextToLog("Cloud sync shows local cache was current");
+ setLoadFromCloud(true);
+ setAccessingCloud(-1);
+ return;
+ }
+ clear_dive_file_data();
+ DiveListModel::instance()->clear();
+ int error = parse_file(;
+ setAccessingCloud(-1);
+ if (!error) {
+ report_error("filename is now %s",;
+ const char *error_string = get_error_string();
+ appendTextToLog(error_string);
+ set_filename(, true);
+ } else {
+ report_error("failed to open file %s",;
+ QString errorString(get_error_string());
+ appendTextToLog(errorString);
+ setStartPageText(RED_FONT + tr("Cloud storage error: %1").arg(errorString) + END_FONT);
+ return;
+ }
+ prefs.unit_system = informational_prefs.unit_system;
+ if (informational_prefs.unit_system == IMPERIAL)
+ informational_prefs.units = IMPERIAL_units;
+ prefs.units = informational_prefs.units;
+ process_dives(false, false);
+ int i;
+ struct dive *d;
+ for_each_dive (i, d) {
+ DiveListModel::instance()->addDive(d);
+ }
+ appendTextToLog(QStringLiteral("%1 dives loaded").arg(i));
+ if ( == 0)
+ setStartPageText(tr("Cloud storage open successfully. No dives in dive list."));
+ setLoadFromCloud(true);
+void QMLManager::refreshDiveList()
+ int i;
+ struct dive *d;
+ DiveListModel::instance()->clear();
+ for_each_dive (i, d) {
+ DiveListModel::instance()->addDive(d);
+ }
+// update the dive and return the notes field, stripped of the HTML junk
+void QMLManager::commitChanges(QString diveId, QString date, QString location, QString gps, QString duration, QString depth,
+ QString airtemp, QString watertemp, QString suit, QString buddy, QString diveMaster, QString weight, QString notes,
+ QString startpressure, QString endpressure, QString gasmix)
+#define DROP_EMPTY_PLACEHOLDER(_s) if ((_s) == QLatin1Literal("--")) (_s).clear()
+ DROP_EMPTY_PLACEHOLDER(startpressure);
+ struct dive *d = get_dive_by_uniq_id(diveId.toInt());
+ // notes comes back as rich text - let's convert this into plain text
+ QTextDocument doc;
+ doc.setHtml(notes);
+ notes = doc.toPlainText();
+ if (!d) {
+ qDebug() << "don't touch this... no dive";
+ return;
+ }
+ bool diveChanged = false;
+ bool needResort = false;
+ invalidate_dive_cache(d);
+ if (date != get_dive_date_string(d->when)) {
+ diveChanged = needResort = true;
+ QDateTime newDate;
+ // what a pain - Qt will not parse dates if the day of the week is incorrect
+ // so if the user changed the date but didn't update the day of the week (most likely behavior, actually),
+ // we need to make sure we don't try to parse that
+ QString format(QString(prefs.date_format) + QChar(' ') + prefs.time_format);
+ if (format.contains(QLatin1String("ddd")) || format.contains(QLatin1String("dddd"))) {
+ QString dateFormatToDrop = format.contains(QLatin1String("ddd")) ? QStringLiteral("ddd") : QStringLiteral("dddd");
+ QDateTime ts;
+ QLocale loc = getLocale();
+ ts.setMSecsSinceEpoch(d->when * 1000L);
+ QString drop = loc.toString(ts.toUTC(), dateFormatToDrop);
+ format.replace(dateFormatToDrop, "");
+ date.replace(drop, "");
+ }
+ newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date, format);
+ if (!newDate.isValid()) {
+ qDebug() << "unable to parse date" << date << "with the given format" << format;
+ QRegularExpression isoDate("\\d+-\\d+-\\d+[^\\d]+\\d+:\\d+");
+ if (date.contains(isoDate)) {
+ newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date, "yyyy-M-d h:m:s");
+ if (newDate.isValid())
+ goto parsed;
+ newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date, "yy-M-d h:m:s");
+ if (newDate.isValid())
+ goto parsed;
+ }
+ QRegularExpression isoDateNoSecs("\\d+-\\d+-\\d+[^\\d]+\\d+");
+ if (date.contains(isoDateNoSecs)) {
+ newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date, "yyyy-M-d h:m");
+ if (newDate.isValid())
+ goto parsed;
+ newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date, "yy-M-d h:m");
+ if (newDate.isValid())
+ goto parsed;
+ }
+ QRegularExpression usDate("\\d+/\\d+/\\d+[^\\d]+\\d+:\\d+:\\d+");
+ if (date.contains(usDate)) {
+ newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date, "M/d/yyyy h:m:s");
+ if (newDate.isValid())
+ goto parsed;
+ newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date, "M/d/yy h:m:s");
+ if (newDate.isValid())
+ goto parsed;
+ newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date.toLower(), "M/d/yyyy h:m:sap");
+ if (newDate.isValid())
+ goto parsed;
+ newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date.toLower(), "M/d/yy h:m:sap");
+ if (newDate.isValid())
+ goto parsed;
+ }
+ QRegularExpression usDateNoSecs("\\d+/\\d+/\\d+[^\\d]+\\d+:\\d+");
+ if (date.contains(usDateNoSecs)) {
+ newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date, "M/d/yyyy h:m");
+ if (newDate.isValid())
+ goto parsed;
+ newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date, "M/d/yy h:m");
+ if (newDate.isValid())
+ goto parsed;
+ newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date.toLower(), "M/d/yyyy h:map");
+ if (newDate.isValid())
+ goto parsed;
+ newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date.toLower(), "M/d/yy h:map");
+ if (newDate.isValid())
+ goto parsed;
+ }
+ QRegularExpression leDate("\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+[^\\d]+\\d+:\\d+:\\d+");
+ if (date.contains(leDate)) {
+ newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date, "d.M.yyyy h:m:s");
+ if (newDate.isValid())
+ goto parsed;
+ newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date, "d.M.yy h:m:s");
+ if (newDate.isValid())
+ goto parsed;
+ }
+ QRegularExpression leDateNoSecs("\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+[^\\d]+\\d+:\\d+");
+ if (date.contains(leDateNoSecs)) {
+ newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date, "d.M.yyyy h:m");
+ if (newDate.isValid())
+ goto parsed;
+ newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date, "d.M.yy h:m");
+ if (newDate.isValid())
+ goto parsed;
+ }
+ }
+ if (newDate.isValid()) {
+ // stupid Qt... two digit years are always 19xx - WTF???
+ // so if adding a hundred years gets you into something before a year from now...
+ // add a hundred years.
+ if (newDate.addYears(100) < QDateTime::currentDateTime().addYears(1))
+ newDate = newDate.addYears(100);
+ d->dc.when = d->when = newDate.toMSecsSinceEpoch() / 1000 + gettimezoneoffset(newDate.toMSecsSinceEpoch() / 1000);
+ } else {
+ qDebug() << "none of our parsing attempts worked for the date string";
+ }
+ }
+ struct dive_site *ds = get_dive_site_by_uuid(d->dive_site_uuid);
+ char *locationtext = NULL;
+ if (ds)
+ locationtext = ds->name;
+ if (!same_string(locationtext, qPrintable(location))) {
+ diveChanged = true;
+ // this is not ideal - and it's missing the gps information
+ // but for now let's just create a new dive site
+ ds = get_dive_site_by_uuid(create_dive_site(qPrintable(location), d->when));
+ d->dive_site_uuid = ds->uuid;
+ }
+ if (!gps.isEmpty()) {
+ QString gpsString = getCurrentPosition();
+ if (gpsString != QString("waiting for the next gps location")) {
+ qDebug() << "from commitChanges call to getCurrentPosition returns" << gpsString;
+ double lat, lon;
+ if (parseGpsText(qPrintable(gpsString), &lat, &lon)) {
+ struct dive_site *ds = get_dive_site_by_uuid(d->dive_site_uuid);
+ if (ds) {
+ ds->latitude.udeg = lat * 1000000;
+ ds->longitude.udeg = lon * 1000000;
+ } else {
+ degrees_t latData, lonData;
+ latData.udeg = lat;
+ lonData.udeg = lon;
+ d->dive_site_uuid = create_dive_site_with_gps("new site", latData, lonData, d->when);
+ }
+ qDebug() << "set up dive site with new GPS data";
+ }
+ } else {
+ qDebug() << "still don't have a position - will need to implement some sort of callback";
+ }
+ }
+ if (get_dive_duration_string(d->duration.seconds, tr("h:"), tr("min")) != duration) {
+ diveChanged = true;
+ int h = 0, m = 0, s = 0;
+ QRegExp r1(QStringLiteral("(\\d*)\\s*%1[\\s,:]*(\\d*)\\s*%2[\\s,:]*(\\d*)\\s*%3").arg(tr("h")).arg(tr("min")).arg(tr("sec")), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
+ QRegExp r2(QStringLiteral("(\\d*)\\s*%1[\\s,:]*(\\d*)\\s*%2").arg(tr("h")).arg(tr("min")), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
+ QRegExp r3(QStringLiteral("(\\d*)\\s*%1").arg(tr("min")), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
+ QRegExp r4(QStringLiteral("(\\d*):(\\d*):(\\d*)"));
+ QRegExp r5(QStringLiteral("(\\d*):(\\d*)"));
+ QRegExp r6(QStringLiteral("(\\d*)"));
+ if (r1.indexIn(duration) >= 0) {
+ h = r1.cap(1).toInt();
+ m = r1.cap(2).toInt();
+ s = r1.cap(3).toInt();
+ } else if (r2.indexIn(duration) >= 0) {
+ h = r2.cap(1).toInt();
+ m = r2.cap(2).toInt();
+ } else if (r3.indexIn(duration) >= 0) {
+ m = r3.cap(1).toInt();
+ } else if (r4.indexIn(duration) >= 0) {
+ h = r4.cap(1).toInt();
+ m = r4.cap(2).toInt();
+ s = r4.cap(3).toInt();
+ } else if (r5.indexIn(duration) >= 0) {
+ h = r5.cap(1).toInt();
+ m = r5.cap(2).toInt();
+ } else if (r6.indexIn(duration) >= 0) {
+ m = r6.cap(1).toInt();
+ }
+ d->dc.duration.seconds = d->duration.seconds = h * 3600 + m * 60 + s;
+ if (same_string(d->dc.model, "manually added dive")) {
+ free(d->dc.sample);
+ d->dc.sample = 0;
+ d->dc.samples = 0;
+ } else {
+ qDebug() << "changing the duration on a dive that wasn't manually added - Uh-oh";
+ }
+ }
+ if (get_depth_string(d->, true, true) != depth) {
+ int depthValue = parseLengthToMm(depth);
+ // the QML code should stop negative depth, but massively huge depth can make
+ // the profile extremely slow or even run out of memory and crash, so keep
+ // the depth <= 500m
+ if (0 <= depthValue && depthValue <= 500000) {
+ diveChanged = true;
+ d-> = depthValue;
+ if (same_string(d->dc.model, "manually added dive")) {
+ d-> = d->;
+ free(d->dc.sample);
+ d->dc.sample = 0;
+ d->dc.samples = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (get_temperature_string(d->airtemp, true) != airtemp) {
+ diveChanged = true;
+ d->airtemp.mkelvin = parseTemperatureToMkelvin(airtemp);
+ }
+ if (get_temperature_string(d->watertemp, true) != watertemp) {
+ diveChanged = true;
+ d->watertemp.mkelvin = parseTemperatureToMkelvin(watertemp);
+ }
+ // not sure what we'd do if there was more than one weight system
+ // defined - for now just ignore that case
+ if (weightsystem_none((void *)&d->weightsystem[1])) {
+ if (get_weight_string(d->weightsystem[0].weight, true) != weight) {
+ diveChanged = true;
+ d->weightsystem[0].weight.grams = parseWeightToGrams(weight);
+ }
+ }
+ // start and end pressures for first cylinder only
+ if (get_pressure_string(d->cylinder[0].start, true) != startpressure || get_pressure_string(d->cylinder[0].end, true) != endpressure) {
+ diveChanged = true;
+ d->cylinder[0].start.mbar = parsePressureToMbar(startpressure);
+ d->cylinder[0].end.mbar = parsePressureToMbar(endpressure);
+ if (d->cylinder[0].end.mbar > d->cylinder[0].start.mbar)
+ d->cylinder[0].end.mbar = d->cylinder[0].start.mbar;
+ }
+ // gasmix for first cylinder
+ if (get_gas_string(d->cylinder[0].gasmix) != gasmix) {
+ int o2 = parseGasMixO2(gasmix);
+ int he = parseGasMixHE(gasmix);
+ // the QML code SHOULD only accept valid gas mixes, but just to make sure
+ if (o2 >= 0 && o2 <= 1000 &&
+ he >= 0 && he <= 1000 &&
+ o2 + he <= 1000) {
+ diveChanged = true;
+ d->cylinder[0].gasmix.o2.permille = o2;
+ d->cylinder[0].gasmix.he.permille = he;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!same_string(d->suit, qPrintable(suit))) {
+ diveChanged = true;
+ free(d->suit);
+ d->suit = strdup(qPrintable(suit));
+ }
+ if (!same_string(d->buddy, qPrintable(buddy))) {
+ diveChanged = true;
+ free(d->buddy);
+ d->buddy = strdup(qPrintable(buddy));
+ }
+ if (!same_string(d->divemaster, qPrintable(diveMaster))) {
+ diveChanged = true;
+ free(d->divemaster);
+ d->divemaster = strdup(qPrintable(diveMaster));
+ }
+ if (!same_string(d->notes, qPrintable(notes))) {
+ diveChanged = true;
+ free(d->notes);
+ d->notes = strdup(qPrintable(notes));
+ }
+ // now that we have it all figured out, let's see what we need
+ // to update
+ DiveListModel *dm = DiveListModel::instance();
+ int oldModelIdx = dm->getDiveIdx(d->id);
+ int oldIdx = get_idx_by_uniq_id(d->id);
+ if (needResort) {
+ // we know that the only thing that might happen in a resort is that
+ // this one dive moves to a different spot in the dive list
+ sort_table(&dive_table);
+ int newIdx = get_idx_by_uniq_id(d->id);
+ if (newIdx != oldIdx) {
+ DiveObjectHelper *newDive = new DiveObjectHelper(d);
+ DiveListModel::instance()->removeDive(oldModelIdx);
+ DiveListModel::instance()->insertDive(oldModelIdx - (newIdx - oldIdx), newDive);
+ diveChanged = false; // because we already modified things
+ }
+ }
+ if (diveChanged) {
+ if (d-> == d-> &&
+ d-> > 0 &&
+ same_string(d->dc.model, "manually added dive") &&
+ d->dc.samples == 0) {
+ // so we have depth > 0, a manually added dive and no samples
+ // let's create an actual profile so the desktop version can work it
+ // first clear out the mean depth (or the fake_dc() function tries
+ // to be too clever
+ d-> = d-> = 0;
+ d->dc = *fake_dc(&d->dc, true);
+ }
+ DiveListModel::instance()->updateDive(oldModelIdx, d);
+ }
+ if (diveChanged || needResort)
+ // we no longer save right away, but only the next time the app is not
+ // in the foreground (or when explicitly requested)
+ mark_divelist_changed(true);
+void QMLManager::saveChanges()
+ if (!loadFromCloud()) {
+ appendTextToLog("Don't save dives without loading from the cloud, first.");
+ return;
+ }
+ appendTextToLog("Saving dives.");
+ git_storage_update_progress(0, "saveChanges"); // reset the timers
+ QString fileName;
+ if (getCloudURL(fileName)) {
+ appendTextToLog(get_error_string());
+ return;
+ }
+ if (prefs.git_local_only == false) {
+ setAccessingCloud(0);
+ qApp->processEvents(); // make sure that the notification is actually shown
+ }
+ if (save_dives(fileName.toUtf8().data())) {
+ appendTextToLog(get_error_string());
+ setAccessingCloud(-1);
+ return;
+ }
+ setAccessingCloud(-1);
+ appendTextToLog("Updated dive list saved.");
+ set_filename(fileName.toUtf8().data(), true);
+ mark_divelist_changed(false);
+void QMLManager::undoDelete(int id)
+ if (!deletedDive || deletedDive->id != id) {
+ qDebug() << "can't find the deleted dive";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (deletedTrip)
+ insert_trip(&deletedTrip);
+ if (deletedDive->divetrip) {
+ struct dive_trip *trip = deletedDive->divetrip;
+ tripflag_t tripflag = deletedDive->tripflag; // this gets overwritten in add_dive_to_trip()
+ deletedDive->divetrip = NULL;
+ deletedDive->next = NULL;
+ deletedDive->pprev = NULL;
+ add_dive_to_trip(deletedDive, trip);
+ deletedDive->tripflag = tripflag;
+ }
+ record_dive(deletedDive);
+ DiveListModel::instance()->addDive(deletedDive);
+ // make sure the changes get saved if the app is no longer in the foreground
+ // or if the user requests a save
+ mark_divelist_changed(true);
+ deletedDive = NULL;
+ deletedTrip = NULL;
+void QMLManager::deleteDive(int id)
+ struct dive *d = get_dive_by_uniq_id(id);
+ if (!d) {
+ qDebug() << "oops, trying to delete non-existing dive";
+ return;
+ }
+ // clean up (or create) the storage for the deleted dive and trip (if applicable)
+ if (!deletedDive)
+ deletedDive = alloc_dive();
+ else
+ clear_dive(deletedDive);
+ copy_dive(d, deletedDive);
+ if (!deletedTrip) {
+ deletedTrip = (struct dive_trip *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct dive_trip));
+ } else {
+ free(deletedTrip->location);
+ free(deletedTrip->notes);
+ memset(deletedTrip, 0, sizeof(struct dive_trip));
+ }
+ // if this is the last dive in that trip, remember the trip as well
+ if (d->divetrip && d->divetrip->nrdives == 1) {
+ *deletedTrip = *d->divetrip;
+ deletedTrip->location = copy_string(d->divetrip->location);
+ deletedTrip->notes = copy_string(d->divetrip->notes);
+ deletedTrip->nrdives = 0;
+ deletedDive->divetrip = deletedTrip;
+ }
+ DiveListModel::instance()->removeDiveById(id);
+ delete_single_dive(get_idx_by_uniq_id(id));
+ // make sure the changes get saved if the app is no longer in the foreground
+ // or if the user requests a save
+ mark_divelist_changed(true);
+QString QMLManager::addDive()
+ appendTextToLog("Adding new dive.");
+ return DiveListModel::instance()->startAddDive();
+void QMLManager::addDiveAborted(int id)
+ DiveListModel::instance()->removeDiveById(id);
+QString QMLManager::getCurrentPosition()
+ return locationProvider->currentPosition();
+void QMLManager::applyGpsData()
+ if (locationProvider->applyLocations())
+ refreshDiveList();
+void QMLManager::sendGpsData()
+ locationProvider->uploadToServer();
+void QMLManager::downloadGpsData()
+ locationProvider->downloadFromServer();
+ populateGpsData();
+void QMLManager::populateGpsData()
+ if (GpsListModel::instance())
+ GpsListModel::instance()->update();
+void QMLManager::clearGpsData()
+ locationProvider->clearGpsData();
+ populateGpsData();
+void QMLManager::deleteGpsFix(quint64 when)
+ locationProvider->deleteGpsFix(when);
+ populateGpsData();
+QString QMLManager::logText() const
+ QString logText = m_logText + QString("\nNumer of GPS fixes: %1").arg(locationProvider->getGpsNum());
+ return logText;
+void QMLManager::setLogText(const QString &logText)
+ m_logText = logText;
+ emit logTextChanged();
+void QMLManager::appendTextToLog(const QString &newText)
+ m_logText += "\n" + newText;
+ emit logTextChanged();
+bool QMLManager::locationServiceEnabled() const
+ return m_locationServiceEnabled;
+void QMLManager::setLocationServiceEnabled(bool locationServiceEnabled)
+ m_locationServiceEnabled = locationServiceEnabled;
+ locationProvider->serviceEnable(m_locationServiceEnabled);
+bool QMLManager::verboseEnabled() const
+ return m_verboseEnabled;
+void QMLManager::setVerboseEnabled(bool verboseMode)
+ m_verboseEnabled = verboseMode;
+ verbose = verboseMode;
+ qDebug() << "verbose is" << verbose;
+ emit verboseEnabledChanged();
+QString QMLManager::cloudPassword() const
+ return m_cloudPassword;
+void QMLManager::setCloudPassword(const QString &cloudPassword)
+ m_cloudPassword = cloudPassword;
+ emit cloudPasswordChanged();
+QString QMLManager::cloudUserName() const
+ return m_cloudUserName;
+void QMLManager::setCloudUserName(const QString &cloudUserName)
+ m_cloudUserName = cloudUserName.toLower();
+ emit cloudUserNameChanged();
+int QMLManager::distanceThreshold() const
+ return m_distanceThreshold;
+void QMLManager::setDistanceThreshold(int distance)
+ m_distanceThreshold = distance;
+ emit distanceThresholdChanged();
+int QMLManager::timeThreshold() const
+ return m_timeThreshold;
+void QMLManager::setTimeThreshold(int time)
+ m_timeThreshold = time;
+ emit timeThresholdChanged();
+bool QMLManager::loadFromCloud() const
+ return m_loadFromCloud;
+void QMLManager::syncLoadFromCloud()
+ QSettings s;
+ QString cloudMarker = QLatin1Literal("loadFromCloud") + QString(prefs.cloud_storage_email);
+ m_loadFromCloud = s.contains(cloudMarker) && s.value(cloudMarker).toBool();
+void QMLManager::setLoadFromCloud(bool done)
+ QSettings s;
+ QString cloudMarker = QLatin1Literal("loadFromCloud") + QString(prefs.cloud_storage_email);
+ s.setValue(cloudMarker, done);
+ m_loadFromCloud = done;
+ emit loadFromCloudChanged();
+QString QMLManager::startPageText() const
+ return m_startPageText;
+void QMLManager::setStartPageText(const QString& text)
+ m_startPageText = text;
+ emit startPageTextChanged();
+// this is an enum, but I don't know how to do enums in QML
+QMLManager::credentialStatus_t QMLManager::credentialStatus() const
+ return m_credentialStatus;
+void QMLManager::setCredentialStatus(const credentialStatus_t value)
+ if (m_credentialStatus != value) {
+ m_credentialStatus = value;
+ emit credentialStatusChanged();
+ }
+// where in the QML dive list is that dive?
+int QMLManager::getIndex(const QString &diveId)
+ int dive_id = diveId.toInt();
+ int idx = DiveListModel::instance()->getDiveIdx(dive_id);
+ return idx;
+QString QMLManager::getNumber(const QString& diveId)
+ int dive_id = diveId.toInt();
+ struct dive *d = get_dive_by_uniq_id(dive_id);
+ QString number;
+ if (d)
+ number = QString::number(d->number);
+ return number;
+QString QMLManager::getDate(const QString& diveId)
+ int dive_id = diveId.toInt();
+ struct dive *d = get_dive_by_uniq_id(dive_id);
+ QString datestring;
+ if (d)
+ datestring = get_dive_date_string(d->when);
+ return datestring;
+QString QMLManager::getVersion() const
+ QRegExp versionRe(".*:([()\\.,\\d]+).*");
+ if (!versionRe.exactMatch(getUserAgent()))
+ return QString();
+ return versionRe.cap(1);
+int QMLManager::accessingCloud() const
+ return m_accessingCloud;
+void QMLManager::setAccessingCloud(int status)
+ m_accessingCloud = status;
+ emit accessingCloudChanged();
+bool QMLManager::syncToCloud() const
+ return m_syncToCloud;
+void QMLManager::setSyncToCloud(bool status)
+ m_syncToCloud = status;
+ prefs.git_local_only = !status;
+ prefs.cloud_background_sync = status;
+ QSettings s;
+ s.beginGroup("CloudStorage");
+ s.setValue("git_local_only", prefs.git_local_only);
+ s.setValue("cloud_background_sync", prefs.cloud_background_sync);
+ emit syncToCloudChanged();
+qreal QMLManager::lastDevicePixelRatio()
+ return m_lastDevicePixelRatio;
+void QMLManager::screenChanged(QScreen *screen)
+ m_lastDevicePixelRatio = screen->devicePixelRatio();
+ emit sendScreenChanged(screen);