path: root/qt-ui/divelogimportdialog.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'qt-ui/divelogimportdialog.cpp')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/qt-ui/divelogimportdialog.cpp b/qt-ui/divelogimportdialog.cpp
index 07987e9e4..4aa1cceb2 100644
--- a/qt-ui/divelogimportdialog.cpp
+++ b/qt-ui/divelogimportdialog.cpp
@@ -330,14 +330,8 @@ DiveLogImportDialog::DiveLogImportDialog(QStringList fn, QWidget *parent) : QDia
ui->CSVSeparator->addItems( QStringList() << tr("Tab") << ";" << ",");
- ui->knownImports->setCurrentIndex(1);
- ColumnNameProvider *provider = new ColumnNameProvider(this);
- ui->avaliableColumns->setModel(provider);
- ui->avaliableColumns->setItemDelegate(new TagDragDelegate(ui->avaliableColumns));
- resultModel = new ColumnNameResult(this);
- ui->tableView->setModel(resultModel);
- loadFileContents();
+ loadFileContents(-1, INITIAL);
/* manually import CSV file */
QShortcut *close = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_W), this);
@@ -345,7 +339,8 @@ DiveLogImportDialog::DiveLogImportDialog(QStringList fn, QWidget *parent) : QDia
QShortcut *quit = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_Q), this);
connect(quit, SIGNAL(activated()), parent, SLOT(close()));
- connect(ui->CSVSeparator, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(loadFileContents()));
+ connect(ui->CSVSeparator, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(loadFileContentsSeperatorSelected(int)));
+ connect(ui->knownImports, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(loadFileContentsKnownTypesSelected(int)));
@@ -353,51 +348,112 @@ DiveLogImportDialog::~DiveLogImportDialog()
delete ui;
-void DiveLogImportDialog::loadFileContents() {
+void DiveLogImportDialog::loadFileContentsSeperatorSelected(int value)
+ loadFileContents(value, SEPARATOR);
+void DiveLogImportDialog::loadFileContentsKnownTypesSelected(int value)
+ loadFileContents(value, KNOWNTYPES);
+void DiveLogImportDialog::loadFileContents(int value, whatChanged triggeredBy)
QFile f(fileNames.first());
QList<QStringList> fileColumns;
QStringList currColumns;
QStringList headers;
bool matchedSome = false;
+ // reset everything
+ ColumnNameProvider *provider = new ColumnNameProvider(this);
+ ui->avaliableColumns->setModel(provider);
+ ui->avaliableColumns->setItemDelegate(new TagDragDelegate(ui->avaliableColumns));
+ resultModel = new ColumnNameResult(this);
+ ui->tableView->setModel(resultModel);
- // guess the separator
QString firstLine = f.readLine();
- QString separator;
- int tabs = firstLine.count('\t');
- int commas = firstLine.count(',');
- int semis = firstLine.count(';');
- if (tabs > commas && tabs > semis)
- separator = "\t";
- else if (commas > tabs && commas > semis)
- separator = ",";
- else if (semis > tabs && semis > commas)
- separator = ";";
- else
- separator = ui->CSVSeparator->currentText() == tr("Tab") ? "\t" : ui->CSVSeparator->currentText();
- if (ui->CSVSeparator->currentText() != separator)
- ui->CSVSeparator->setCurrentText(separator);
- // now try and guess the columns
+ QString separator = ui->CSVSeparator->currentText() == tr("Tab") ? "\t" : ui->CSVSeparator->currentText();
currColumns = firstLine.split(separator);
- Q_FOREACH (QString columnText, currColumns) {
- ColumnNameProvider *model = (ColumnNameProvider *)ui->avaliableColumns->model();
- columnText.replace("\"", "");
- columnText.replace("number", "#", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
- int idx = model->mymatch(columnText);
- if (idx >= 0) {
- QString foundHeading = model->data(model->index(idx, 0), Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
- model->removeRow(idx);
- headers.append(foundHeading);
- matchedSome = true;
- } else {
- headers.append("");
+ if (triggeredBy == INITIAL) {
+ // guess the separator
+ int tabs = firstLine.count('\t');
+ int commas = firstLine.count(',');
+ int semis = firstLine.count(';');
+ if (tabs > commas && tabs > semis)
+ separator = "\t";
+ else if (commas > tabs && commas > semis)
+ separator = ",";
+ else if (semis > tabs && semis > commas)
+ separator = ";";
+ if (ui->CSVSeparator->currentText() != separator) {
+ blockSignals(true);
+ ui->CSVSeparator->setCurrentText(separator);
+ blockSignals(false);
+ currColumns = firstLine.split(separator);
- if (matchedSome) {
- ui->dragInstructions->setText(tr("Some column headers were pre-populated; please drag and drop the headers so they match the column they are in."));
- ui->knownImports->setCurrentIndex(0); // <- that's "Manual import"
+ if (triggeredBy == INITIAL || (triggeredBy == KNOWNTYPES && value == 0) || triggeredBy == SEPARATOR) {
+ // now try and guess the columns
+ Q_FOREACH (QString columnText, currColumns) {
+ ColumnNameProvider *model = (ColumnNameProvider *)ui->avaliableColumns->model();
+ columnText.replace("\"", "");
+ columnText.replace("number", "#", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
+ int idx = model->mymatch(columnText);
+ if (idx >= 0) {
+ QString foundHeading = model->data(model->index(idx, 0), Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
+ model->removeRow(idx);
+ headers.append(foundHeading);
+ matchedSome = true;
+ } else {
+ headers.append("");
+ }
+ }
+ if (matchedSome) {
+ ui->dragInstructions->setText(tr("Some column headers were pre-populated; please drag and drop the headers so they match the column they are in."));
+ if (triggeredBy != KNOWNTYPES) {
+ blockSignals(true);
+ ui->knownImports->setCurrentIndex(0); // <- that's "Manual import"
+ blockSignals(false);
+ }
+ }
+ if (triggeredBy == KNOWNTYPES && value != 0) {
+ // an actual known type
+ separator = CSVApps[value].separator;
+ if (ui->CSVSeparator->currentText() != separator) {
+ blockSignals(true);
+ ui->CSVSeparator->setCurrentText(separator);
+ blockSignals(false);
+ if (separator == "Tab")
+ separator = "\t";
+ currColumns = firstLine.split(separator);
+ }
+ // now set up time, depth, temperature, po2, cns, ndl, tts, stopdepth, pressure
+ for (int i = 0; i < currColumns.count(); i++)
+ headers.append("");
+ if (CSVApps[value].time != -1)
+ headers.replace(CSVApps[value].time, tr("Sample time"));
+ if (CSVApps[value].depth != -1)
+ headers.replace(CSVApps[value].depth, tr("Sample depth"));
+ if (CSVApps[value].temperature != -1)
+ headers.replace(CSVApps[value].temperature, tr("Sample temperature"));
+ if (CSVApps[value].po2 != -1)
+ headers.replace(CSVApps[value].po2, tr("Sample po2"));
+ if (CSVApps[value].cns != -1)
+ headers.replace(CSVApps[value].cns, tr("Sample cns"));
+ if (CSVApps[value].ndl != -1)
+ headers.replace(CSVApps[value].ndl, tr("Sample ndl"));
+ if (CSVApps[value].tts != -1)
+ headers.replace(CSVApps[value].tts, tr("Sample tts"));
+ if (CSVApps[value].stopdepth != -1)
+ headers.replace(CSVApps[value].stopdepth, tr("Sample stopdepth"));
+ if (CSVApps[value].pressure != -1)
+ headers.replace(CSVApps[value].pressure, tr("Samples pressure"));
+ }
int rows = 0;
while (rows < 10 || !f.atEnd()) {