AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-02-08mobile/summary: remove dive summary calculationGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2020-02-08mobile/summary: implement frontend code for the new summary modelGravatar Dirk Hohndel
2020-02-08mobile/summary: create DiveSummaryModelGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2020-02-08mobile/summary: recalculate first and last dive on visibility changeGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2020-02-08mobile/summary: implement firstDiveDate and lastDiveDateGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2020-02-08mobile: prevent crash adding divesGravatar Dirk Hohndel
2020-02-08Updates to user manualGravatar willemferguson
2020-02-07mobile/notes-edit: ensure cursor stays visible editing dive notesGravatar Dirk Hohndel
2020-02-06mobile/settings: fix the width of cylinder drop downGravatar Dirk Hohndel
2020-02-06mobile UI: set correct width for TeplatePageGravatar Dirk Hohndel
2020-02-06random white space fixGravatar Dirk Hohndel
2020-02-06mobile UI: redo the screen size magicGravatar Dirk Hohndel
2020-02-06mobile: comment out planner referencesGravatar Dirk Hohndel
2020-02-06mobile/settings: correctly draw the size buttonsGravatar Dirk Hohndel
2020-02-06mobile/settings: refer to the correct theme objectGravatar Dirk Hohndel
2020-02-06mobile/settings: white space cleanupGravatar Dirk Hohndel
2020-02-06mobile/settings: make the color swatches work as color swatchesGravatar Dirk Hohndel
2020-02-06mobile/settings: correctly set label backgroundGravatar Dirk Hohndel
2020-02-06mobile/settings: remove confusing frame around column titlesGravatar Dirk Hohndel
2020-02-06Changes to user manualsGravatar willemferguson
2020-02-06Cleanup: don't initialize DivePlannerPointsModel at startupGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2020-02-06Gps coordinates: be more graceful when parsing coordinatesGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2020-02-06Dive site: don't save invalid GPS coordinatesGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2020-02-06Dive site: give visual clue for invalid coordinatesGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2020-02-06Coding style: remove braces around single-line if blocksGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2020-02-06Coding style: move & from type to variableGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2020-02-06CSV import: fix importing ampersand characterGravatar Miika Turkia
2020-02-05GitHub Actions: convert Coverity build to using container as wellGravatar Dirk Hohndel
2020-02-04Cleanup: remove capture-all lambda clausesGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2020-02-03mobile-widgets: switch to new subsurfaceThemeGravatar jan Iversen
2020-02-03mobile-widgets/qml: secure subsurfaceTheme.initial*Gravatar jan Iversen
2020-02-03mobile-widgets/qml/settings.qml: show all colorsGravatar jan Iversen
2020-02-03mobile-widgets/themeinterface: make most part staticGravatar jan Iversen
2020-02-03mobile-widgets/qml: use new templates in converted pagesGravatar jan Iversen
2020-02-03mobile-widgets/qml: add TemplateButtonGravatar jan Iversen
2020-02-03mobile-widgets/qml: add TemplatePageGravatar jan Iversen
2020-02-04Dive site: ignore dive sites without location in proximity searchGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2020-02-04Dive sites: select each dive site only onceGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2020-02-04Coding style: PascalCase for classesGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2020-02-04Cleanup: rename plannerShared to PlannerSharedGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2020-02-04Dive site: inform map of selection in DiveFilter::setFilterDiveSiteGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2020-02-04Cleanup: lower-case filenames in core/subsurface-qt/Gravatar Berthold Stoeger
2020-02-03GitHub Actions: use the official Ubuntu 18.04 containerGravatar Dirk Hohndel
2020-02-03android: use non-broken version of qt-android-cmakeGravatar Dirk Hohndel
2020-01-31Remove plannerShared::instance()Gravatar Berthold Stoeger
2020-01-31Cleanup: remove QMLInterface::instance()Gravatar Berthold Stoeger
2020-01-31Cleanup: connect QMLInterface signals in constructorGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2020-01-30divesummary: fix potential division by zeroGravatar jan Iversen
2020-01-30mobile-widgets/qml/divesummary.qml: detect change in unitsGravatar jan Iversen
2020-01-30mobile: increment version numberGravatar Dirk Hohndel