path: root/profile-widget/profilewidget2.cpp
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-11-08Profile: remove ProfileWidget2::recalcCeiling()Gravatar Berthold Stoeger
The ProfileWidget2::recalcCeiling() function is used in one place, namely when an undo-command changes the mode. It recalculates decompression data and repaints the ceilings and thus avoids a full profile-redraw. This is smart, but it becomes problematic when the dive is changed and the ceiling is recalculated before the profile is redrawn. The DivePlotDataModel then still has data from the previous dive but cylinders of the new dive are accessed. This kind of situation may arise if multiple dive fields are updated, as for example when replanning a dive. Currently, this only causes a temporary mis-calculation. When removing MAX_CYLINDERS this will lead to crashes. One might attempt to fix the whole data-dependency mess. This commit goes the cheap route and simply redraws the profile when the mode is changed. Yes, it is in a way ineffective, but we do worse things. The ProfileWidget2::recalcCeiling() thus becomes unused and is removed. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2019-10-26Cleanup: use correct loop boundsGravatar Dirk Hohndel
I'm a bit confused why this enum has two extra values, NUM_DIVEMODE and UNDEF_COMP_TYPE. I can see how this could create confusion. This may benefit from addition review. Found by Coverity. Fixes CID 350092. Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2019-10-20Cleanup: use pointer-to-member-function in addAction() callsGravatar Berthold Stoeger
Since requiring Qt >= 5.9.1, we can use the pointer-to-member-function overloads of addAction (introduced in Qt 5.6). This has the advantage of compile-time checking of the signal/slot parameters. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2019-08-28Profile: properly initialize plot_info structuresGravatar Berthold Stoeger
The create_plot_info_new() function releases old plot data. This can only work if the plot_info structure was initialized previously. The ProfileWidget2 did that by a memset, but other parts of the code did not. Therefore, introduce a init_plot_info() function and call that when generating a plot_info struct. Constructors would make this so much easier - but since this is called from C, we can't use them. Fixes #2251 Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2019-08-08Cleanup: move error reporting function declarations to errorhelper.hGravatar Berthold Stoeger
Move the declarations of the "report_error()" and "set_error_cb()" functions and the "verbose" variable to errorhelper.h. Thus, error-reporting translation units don't have to import the big dive.h header file. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2019-07-18Cleanup: replace pressure reading macros by inline functionsGravatar Berthold Stoeger
Replace the INTERPOLATED_PRESSURE and SENSOR_PRESSURE macros by inline functions. Generate a common inline function that reads a pressure value for a dynamic sensor. Not all SENSOR_PRESSURE macros can be replaced, because the macro is also used to set the value and C sadly doesn't know the concept of "return reference from a function". Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2019-07-12Profile: stop animations on exportGravatar Berthold Stoeger
The plotDive() function had a flag to plot pictures asynchronously. This was used on export. Rename this field to "instant" and disable animations when set. This should make sure that the axes are properly exported. Fixes #2170 Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2019-07-12Profile: store animation speed in profile objectGravatar Berthold Stoeger
When exporting dive pictures we don't want animations. Therefore, store the animation speed in the profile object to avoid nasty hacks with the preferences. This actually removes such a hack. Pictures and tooltips for now still use the values stored in the preferences, because their animations happen only on user-interactions. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2019-07-12Profile: take int instead of bool in DiveEventItem::recalculatePosGravatar Berthold Stoeger
The goal here is to slowly make animation speed a variable of the profile widget, not of the global preferences. Currently the code does some trickeries with setting / unsetting the global animation speed. Start by not taking a bool "instant" but a speed in DiveEventItem::recalculatePos(). Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2019-07-06Cleanup: call calculate_max_limits_new() in create_plot_info_new()Gravatar Berthold Stoeger
All callers of create_plot_info_new() called calculate_max_limits_new() a line before. Thus, simply call the latter in the former. This allows us to automatically free the plot data in create_plot_info_new(). The old code overwrote the corresponding field with NULL. As a side-effect, this removes a bogus static variable. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2019-07-06Cleanup: fix memory management of the plot dataGravatar Berthold Stoeger
There was a global variable last_pi_entry_new, which stored the recently allocated plot data. This was freed when new plot data was generated. A very scary proposition: You can never have two plot datas at the same time! But exactly that happens when you export for example subtitles. The only reason why this didn't lead to very crazy behavior is that at least on my Linux machine, the calloc() call would just return the previously freed memory. Fix this mess by removing the global variable and freeing the data in the callers. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2019-07-04Cleanup: remove unnecessary display refreshGravatar Berthold Stoeger
In ProfileWidget2::splitDive() updateDiveInfo was emitted, but the UndoCommand does this by itself. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2019-05-20Core: let count_divecomputers() operate on an arbitrary diveGravatar Berthold Stoeger
Currently, count_divecomputers only works on the current_dive. Instead, let it take a pointer to an arbitrary dive. This is in preparation for being smarter in the undo code concerning which dive computer to show on deletion. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2019-05-20Undo: make "delete dive computer" undoableGravatar Berthold Stoeger
Simply reuse the code for "move dive computer" by creating a DiveComputerBase base class. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2019-05-20Undo: make "move dive computer to front" undoableGravatar Berthold Stoeger
Instead of the elegant solution that just modifies the dive, keep two copies and add either the old or the new copy. This is primitive, but it trivially keeps the dives in the right order. The order might change on renumbering the dive computers. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2019-04-12Desktop: read tab-items from current_dive, not displayed_diveGravatar Berthold Stoeger
The whole edit logic moved from displayed_dive to current_dive and it became more and more tedious to keep these in sync. Therefore, simply always display current_dive. The only exceptions are the equipment tab and the planner, as these are not yet integrated in the undo system. Once this is done, displayed_dive can be removed. Moreover, remove the clear parameter from updateDiveInfo(). Instead simply clear of there is no current_dive set. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2019-04-12get rid of some foreach and Q_FOREACH constructsGravatar Rolf Eike Beer
See This is reduced to the places where the container is const or can be made const without the need to always introduce an extra variable. Sadly qAsConst (Qt 5.7) and std::as_const (C++17) are not available in all supported setups. Also do some minor cleanups along the way. Signed-off-by: Rolf Eike Beer <>
2019-04-04Undo: implement split-out of dive computerGravatar Berthold Stoeger
Allow splitting out a dive computer into a distinct dive. This is realized by generating a base class from SplitDive. This turned out to be more cumbersome than expected: we don't know a-priori which of the split dives will come first. Since the undo-command saves the indices where the dives will be insert, these have to be calculated. This is an premature optimization, which makes more pain than necessary. Let's remove it and simply determine the insertion index when executing the command. Original code by Linus Torvalds <>. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2019-03-19Cleanup: pass const-reference to RulerItem2::setPlotInfo()Gravatar Berthold Stoeger
Instead of passing a pointer, pass a cons reference. This is more idiomatic and consistent with RulerNodeItem2::setPlotInfo(). Also make the reference passed to RulerNodeItem2::setPlotInfo() const, to make clear that the argument is copied. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2019-03-18Profile: pass by reference rather than by value for large structGravatar Robert C. Helling
Addresses suggestion. Signed-off-by: Robert C. Helling <> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2019-02-07Make struct dive const in plotPicturesInternalGravatar Robert C. Helling
Signed-off-by: Robert C. Helling <>
2019-02-07Profile: plot pictures of correct diveGravatar Berthold Stoeger
The pictures of the current dive were plotted on the profile. In principle OK, as this is what the user is shown. Only on export this results in all profiles having the same pictures. Therefore, pass a dive argument to the picture-plotting function. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2019-02-07Profile: add "synchronous" mode for picture plottingGravatar Berthold Stoeger
The thumbnails were fetched in the background to achieve a snappier UI. The problem with that is that on LaTeX etc. export only placeholder thumbnails were shown. Therefore, implement a synchronous mode. This only tries to fetch cached thumbnails or calculate thumbnails for images. Videos and remote files are not supported. Fixes #1963 Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2019-02-07Export profile imageGravatar Robert C. Helling
With Facebook support gone, we should offer a way to export the profile image. This has been part of the TeX support but this makes it explicit. Signed-off-by: Robert C. Helling <>
2018-10-20Profile: show correct info box for multiple DCsGravatar Jan Mulder
Update the dive info box when toggling the chosen DC using the keyboard. The keyboard toggle does not generate a mouse move event, so this data was not repainted. For this, a sub-optimization of not repainting when not moving the mouse had to be removed. This does not impact ant performance as 99.9999% of the calls of the repaint are caused by mouse movement anyway. Fixes: #1802 Signed-off-by: Jan Mulder <>
2018-10-11Undo: select dives after add, remove, merge, split dive commandsGravatar Berthold Stoeger
Select the proper dives after the add, remove, split and merge dives commands on undo *and* redo. Generally, select the added dives. For undo of add, remember the pre-addition selection. For redo of remove, select the closest dive to the first removed dive. The biggest part of the commit is the signal-interface between the dive commands and the dive-list model and dive-list view. This is done in two steps: 1) To the DiveTripModel in batches of trips. The dive trip model transforms the dives into indices. 2) To the DiveListView. The DiveListView has to translate the DiveTripModel indexes to actual indexes via its QSortFilterProxy- model. For code-reuse, derive all divelist-changing commands from a new base-class, which has a flag that describes whether the divelist changed. The helper functions which add and remove dives are made members of the base class and set the flag is a selected dive is added or removed. To properly detect when the current dive was deleted it became necessary to turn the current dive from an index to a pointer, because indices are not stable. Unfortunately, in some cases an index was expected and these places now have to transform the dive into an index. These should be converted in due course. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-10-11Undo: isolate undo-commandsGravatar Berthold Stoeger
This refactors the undo-commands (which are now only "commands"). - Move everything in namespace Command. This allows shortening of names without polluting the global namespace. Moreover, the prefix Command:: will immediately signal that the undo-machinery is invoked. This is more terse than UndoCommands::instance()->... - Remove the Undo in front of the class-names. Creating an "UndoX" object to do "X" is paradoxical. - Create a base class for all commands that defines the Qt-translation functions. Thus all translations end up in the "Command" context. - Add a workToBeDone() function, which signals whether this should be added to the UndoStack. Thus the caller doesn't have to check itself whether this any work will be done. Note: Qt5.9 introduces "setObsolete" which does the same. - Split into public and internal header files. In the public header file only export the function calls, thus hiding all implementation details from the caller. - Split in different translation units: One for the stubs, one for the base classes and one for groups of commands. Currently, there is only one class of commands: divelist-commands. - Move the undoStack from the MainWindow class into commands_base.cpp. If we want to implement MDI, this can easily be moved into an appropriate Document class. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-10-11Undo: implement rudimentary support for undo of dive-splittingGravatar Berthold Stoeger
For this, the core functionality of the split_dive() and split_dive_at_time() functions were split out into new split_dive_dont_insert() and split_dive_at_time_dont_insert(), which do not add the new dives to the log. Thus, the undo-command can take ownership of these dives, without having to remove them first. The split-dive functionality is temporarily made desktop-only until mobile also supports "UndoObjects". Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-10-08Mobile: show temperature graph when no gas graphGravatar Jan Mulder
In commit bd0c99dfb71 (display pO2 and Setpoint for CCR dives) the choice was made: when CCR than never a temperature graph. While this seems reasonable, there is small group of mCCR divers that do not log their po2 digitally, so the only po2 they can display is the setpoint that is reported by the used DC. As this is a bit of a dull flat line, most of these divers do not display this. And this leaves room on the small mobile display for the temperature data. So effectively: show temperature or po2 graphs. Suggested-by: Peter Zaal <> Signed-off-by: Jan Mulder <>
2018-09-11desktop/profile-widget: update signal from _changed to ChangedGravatar jan Iversen
Update connect calls to use Changed from qPref, due to QML demands Signed-off-by: Jan Iversen <>
2018-09-07Cleanup: constify threshold pointers in DiveProfileItemGravatar Berthold Stoeger
These were pointers into the global prefs object. The user must not use these to modify the settings, therefore make them pointers-to-const. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-08-25profilewidget: remove QSettingsGravatar jan Iversen
Update profilewidget to use qPrefDisplay (amended variable) Signed-off-by: Jan Iversen <>
2018-08-25core/tests: merge Animations and add vars. to qPrefDisplayGravatar jan Iversen
Add class variable tooltip_position to qPrefDisplay Add class variable lastDir to qPrefDisplay qPrefDisplay is updated to use new qPrefPrivate functions Adjust test cases incl. qml tests qPrefAnimations only has 1 variable, that really is a display variable Merge the variable into qPrefDisplay, to simplify setup (and avoid loading extra page in qml). correct theme to save in correct place, and make it a static class variable Signed-off-by: Jan Iversen <>
2018-08-23Cleanup: const-ify functions taking pointers to eventsGravatar Berthold Stoeger
This is another entry in the series to make more things "const-clean" with the ultimate goal of merge_dive() take const pointers. This concerns functions taking pointers to events and the fallout from making these const. The somewhat debatable part of this commit might be that get_next_event() is split in a two distinct (const and non-const) versions with different names, since C doesn't allow overloading. The linker should recognize that these functions are identical and remove one of them. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-08-23Cleanup: pass gasmix by valueGravatar Berthold Stoeger
In a previous commit, the get_gasmix_* functions were changed to return by value. For consistency, also pass gasmix by value. Note that on common 64-bit platforms struct gasmix is the size of a pointer [2 * 32 bit vs. 64 bit] and therefore uses the same space on the stack. On 32-bit platforms, the stack use is probably doubled, but in return a dereference is avoided. Supporting arbitrary gas-mixes (H2, Ar, ...) will be such an invasive change that going back to pointers is probably the least of our worries. This commit is a step in const-ifying input parameters (passing by value is the ultimate way of signaling that the input parameter will not be changed [unless there are references to said parameter]). Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-08-23Cleanup: unify get_gas_at_time() and get_gasmix()Gravatar Berthold Stoeger
There were two functions for getting gas-mixes at a certain timestamp: - get_gasmix() for repeated queries. - get_gas_at_time() for a single query. Since the latter is a special case of the former, simply call the former in the latter. Moreover, rename to get_gasmix_at_time() for consistency. Replace on get_gasmix() call, which was outside of a loop by the corresponding get_gasmix_at_time() call. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-08-23Cleanup: return gasmix by valueGravatar Berthold Stoeger
Currently, get_gasmix_from_event() and get_gasmix() return pointers to either static or to (possibly changing) dive data. This seems like a dangerous practice and the returned data should be used immediately. Instead, return the gasmix by value. This is in preparation of const-ifying input parameters of a number of core functions, which will ultimately let the merge() function take const-arguments in preparation of undo of dive-merging. On common 64-bit systems gasmix (two "int"s) is the size of a pointer and can be returned in a register. On 32-bit systems a pointer to the struct to be filled out will be passed. Since get_gasmix() now returns a value, the first invocation is tested by a NULL-initialized "struct event *". Document this in a comment. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-08-15profile-widget: remove SettingsObjectWrapper and update qPref callsGravatar jan Iversen
remove use of SettingsObjectWrapper:: remove include of SettingsObjectWrapper.h use qPrefFoo:: for setters and getters replace with qPrefXYZ::foo() where feasible (this expands to the same code, but gives us more control over the variable). Signed-off-by: Jan Iversen <>
2018-08-14core: activate qPrefPartialPressureGasGravatar jan Iversen
remove PartialPressureGas from SettingsObjectWrapper and reference qPrefPartialPressureGas update files using SettingsObjectWrapper/PartialPressureGas to use qPrefPartialPressureGas this activated qPrefPartialPressureGas and removed the similar class from SettingsObjectWrapper. Signed-off-by: Jan Iversen <>
2018-08-12core: activate qPrefTechnicalDetailsGravatar jan Iversen
remove TechnicalDetails from SettingsObjectWrapper and reference qPrefTechnicalDetails update files using SettingsObjectWrapper/TechnicalDetails to use qPrefTechnicalDetails this activated qPrefTechnicalDetails and removed the similar class from SettingsObjectWrapper. Signed-off-by: Jan Iversen <>
2018-08-07profilewidget: remove warning of unused varGravatar jan Iversen
SUBSURFACE_MOBILE does not include the single function that uses the variable add #ifndef SUBSURFACE_MOBILE to avoid warning Signed-off-by: Jan Iversen <>
2018-07-23Dive video: paint duration-bar above thumbnail in profile plotGravatar Berthold Stoeger
Paint a rectangle on top of thumbnails indicating the run-time of the video. Use the z=100.0-101.0 range for painting the thumbnails, whereby the z-value increases uniformly from first to last thumbnail (sorted by timestamp). The duration-bars are placed at z-values midway between those of the thumbnails. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-07-18Dive media: transport dive-id in drag'n'drop eventsGravatar Berthold Stoeger
9efb56e2d43161d952efb444d1f13d87bfdd45b5 introduced rather complex logic for picture drag'n'drop events onto the profile. Among other things, the code had to check whether the picture actually belongs to the displayed dive. This can be simplified by transporting the dive-id in the drag'n'drop event structure. The flow goes like this: DivePictureModel--(1)-->DivePictureWidget--(2)-->ProfileWidget For (1), we can use the Qt::UserRole role. This was used to transport the picture-offset, but this is not needed anymore since ProfileWidget was decoupled from DivePictureModel. For (2), we simply replace the "position" value, which was never used. Why would the receiver care which pixel was pressed in the media-tab? This commit also contains a minor cleanup in DivePictureWidget: QListView::mousePressEvent(event) was called in both branches of an if and can therefore be removed from the if. This is so trivial, that it doesn't warrant its own commit. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-07-16Dive media: fix stacking of thumbnails in profile plotGravatar Berthold Stoeger
9efb56e2d43161d952efb444d1f13d87bfdd45b5 added code to rearrange pictures on drag'n'drop. To keep the correct repainting order (i.e. later thumbnails are painted on top of previous thumbnails), the z-value was set accordingly. In principle a sound idea, but it did not work out, because on hoverEnter and hoverExit events, the z-values were modified, thus restoring the wrong drawing order. Instead, use the QGraphicsItem::packBefore() function. Experimentation showed that this only works if stacking is done from the back of the list. Silence an erroneous compiler warning by initializing a variable to 0.0. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-07-13Dive pictures: don't update all images on drag&drop to profileGravatar Berthold Stoeger
Gracefully handle drag & drop to the profile, which changes the offset of the pictures. To do this, keep the pictures in the DivePictureModel and the ProfileWidget2 sorted by offset and re-arrange if needed to keep the list sorted. This needs some code reshuffling. Introduce a helper-function that moves ranges in arrays. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2018-07-13Dive pictures: update thumbnail positions on deletionGravatar Berthold Stoeger
If pictures were deleted, the remaining thumbails where staying at their positions. Only when switching between dives, the new positions were recalculated. Do the recalculation immediately. More precisely: the x-coordinate, which is determined by the timestamp, stays identical. Only the y-coordinate is recalculated such that overlapping of thumbnails is avoided. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2018-07-08Dive pictures: detach ProfileWidget2 from DivePictureModelGravatar Berthold Stoeger
As long as ProfileWidget2 and DivePictureModel showed the same set of pictures and any change would lead to a full recalculation of the set, it made sense to let ProfileWidget2 use DivePictureModel's data. Recently, keeping the two lists in sync become more and more of a burden. Therefore, disconnect ProfileWidget2 and DivePictureModel. This will lead to some code-duplication and perhaps a temporary drop in UI-performance, but in the end the code is distinctly simpler and also more flexible. Thus, for example the DivePhotoTab could be changed to support headings without having to touch ProfileWidget2 at all. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-07-03Profile context menu entry to split a diveGravatar Robert C. Helling
Allow the user to manually split a dive in two. Signed-off-by: Robert C. Helling <>
2018-07-04core/profile: move PP_GRAPHS_ENABLED from pref.hGravatar jan Iversen
PP_GRAPHS_ENABLED is only used in profilewidget2.cpp make local to profilewidget.cpp Signed-off-by: Jan Iversen <>core/profile: move PP_GRAPHS_ENABLED from pref.h
2018-06-29Dive pictures: connect DivePictureModel signals in constructorGravatar Berthold Stoeger
The DivePictureModel signals were connected int the setProfileState() function of ProfileWidget2. If this function was called repeatedly (e.g. after adding a dive), multiple connections were made, which led to multiply delivered signals. This in turn led to confusion, when deleting pictures (i.e. multiple pictures were deleted). Instead, connect once in ProfileWidget2's constructor. It is unclear whether these signals should be disconnected temporarily if no pictures are shown. In any case, the weren't, so this shouldn't introduce any regression. Fixes #1441 Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>