path: root/qt-models/filtermodels.cpp
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-11-01Dive list: implement custom lessThan functionGravatar Berthold Stoeger
The dive list was sorted using the default-sorter of QSortFilterProxy model. This is mighty inflexible as it considers only one column. This has the funky effect that for rows with identical elements, the sort order depends on the previous sorting. Implement a lessThan() function in the MultiFilterSortModel, which simply hands the sorting down to the actual model. This might be considered a layering violation, but it makes things so much easier. Sadly, it seems like the column-to-be-sorted is transported in the provided indices. Therefore, the comparison is chosen using a switch for *every* comparison. It would seem much more logical to set a function pointer once and use that. Further investigations are necessary. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-11-01Dive list: make filter model aware of its sourceGravatar Berthold Stoeger
The data-flow from C-core to list-view is as follows: C-core --> DiveTripModel --> MultiSortFilterModel --> DiveListView The control-flow, on the other hand, differs as DiveListView accesses both MultiSortFilterModel and DiveTripModel, whereas MultiSortFilterModel is mostly unaware of its source model. This is in principle legitimate, as the MultiSortFilterModel might be used for different sources. In our particular case, this is not so. MultiSortFilterModel is written for a particular use case. Therefore, model control-flow follow after data-flow: Let MultiSortFilterModel set its own source model and DiveListView access the MultiSortFilterModel, which then manages its source model. This is not bike-shedding, but will enable a more flexible and higher-performance sorting. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-10-29Dive site: compare pointers in MultiFilterSortModel::showDive()Gravatar Berthold Stoeger
To test whether to show a dive, the UUIDs of the filtered-by location and the dive-site of a dive were compared. Since UUIDs are unique (as the name implies), directly compare pointers. Note: this code comes from a time when the filtered-by location was not a pointer, but a copy. Moreover, the if tested first for the same name, then (logical-or) for the same uuid. This makes no sense, as the same dive-site implies the same name. This code likewise can be explained by historic reasons: the filtered-by location may have contained a different name. Swap the order of the conditions: first test for the same object and only of the objects differ, test for the same same. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-10-29Dive site: replace dive->dive_site_uuid by dive_siteGravatar Berthold Stoeger
Replace the UUID reference of struct dive by a pointer to dive_site. This commit is rather large in lines, but nevertheless quite simple since most of the UUID->pointer work was done in previous commits. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-10-29Dive site: remove [start|stop]FilterDiveSite signalsGravatar Berthold Stoeger
This is another case of a weird pattern where an object would connect it's own signal to the slot of a different object. There seems to be no reason why the former couldn't simply call the latter. Remove the [start|stop]FilterDiveSite signals of LocationInformationWidget and call the corresponding functions of MultiFilterSortModel directly. While doing so, replace the UUID argument by a pointer-to-divesite. It will be converted anyway right at the beginning of the function. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-10-21Dive list: move dive-selection code from filter to listGravatar Berthold Stoeger
After invalidating the filter, the dive-selection was modified to ensure that at least one dive is selected. This was done in the filter code, but it seems preferrable to do this in the dive-list code, which has direct access to the selection-model. Therefore, move the code from MultiFilterSortModel to DiveListView. While doing so, split the code in DiveListView into more functions to: 1) Get the index of the first dive (if any). 2) Select the first dive (if any). This allows a distinct size reduction of conditional compilation in MultiFilterSortModel (accesses to MainWindow are not possible in mobile code). Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-10-13Cleanup: rename MainWindow member variablesGravatar Berthold Stoeger
Instead of the weirdly named "information" and the inconsistent "dive_list" use the logical "mainTab" and the camel-cased "diveList", respectively. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-10-13Cleanup: Turn widget accessor-functions into simple pointersGravatar Berthold Stoeger
The keeps track of different sub widgets needed by other parts of the code, notably: MainTab PlannerDetails PlannerSettingsWidget ProfileWidget2 DivePlannerWidget DiveListView Access to these widgets was provided with accessor functions. Now these functions were very weird: instead of simply returning pointers that were stored in the class, they accessed a data structure which describes the different application states. But this data structure was "duck-typed", so there was an implicit agreement at which position the pointers to the widgets were put inside. The widgets were then down-cast by the accessor functions. This might make sense if the individual widgets could for some reason be replaced by other widgets [dynamic plugins?], but even then it would be strange, as one would expect to get a pointer to some base class. Therefore, directly store the properly typed pointers to the widgets and simply remove the accessor functions. Why bother? Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-10-11Filter: reload only when checkstate changedGravatar Berthold Stoeger
Currently, the filter is recalculated if a filter-entry is changed. This also happens if the counts of a filter-entry changes. This is to be avoided, as it causes unnecessary churn. Therefore, send the proper role with the dataChanged() signal and add a new slot, which invalidates only if a field with the Qt::CheckStateRole is changed. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-10-11Filter: Make filters aware of added / removed divesGravatar Berthold Stoeger
Instead of reloading all the filter, only increment / decrement the count of the entries of added / removed dives. Originally, this was planned to be done via the signals from the divelist, but it turned out that this was suboptimal, because if the filter decides that the new item is selected, this has to be done *before* adding the dive. Otherwise, it wouldn't be shown. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-08-31Filter: sort filter items in FilterModelBase::updateList()Gravatar Berthold Stoeger
All callers of FilterModelBase::updateList() sorted the items (except the last one). Thus we can do the sorting inside the function. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-08-31Filter: Make FilterModelBase a proper Qt model (mostly)Gravatar Berthold Stoeger
Since FilterModelBase now contains complex data (counts and checked), we might just as well make it a full model and keep track of the name as well. I.e. do not derive from QStringListModel but from QAbstractListModel and add the name to the item structure. Implement proper reset / add / rename semantics. This is overkill at the moment, as after all any modification the model will be reset, but ultimately it will allow us to be smarter and only update rows when needed. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-08-28Filter: cache number of dives fulfilling filter rulesGravatar Berthold Stoeger
Currently, in FilterModelBase::data() the number of dives is recalculated. This happens for every mouse-over event! Calculate the number of dives only on recalculation and store the count in the items-struct. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-08-28Whitespace: make range based for loops consistent in filtermodels.cppGravatar Berthold Stoeger
Consistently use "for(item: items)" instead if "for(item : items)". Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-08-28Filter: replace checked-state by structGravatar Berthold Stoeger
In the future, we might be smarter about the dive-counts and calculate them only once and incrementally (if e.g. new dives are added). Prepare for more complex caching by turning the checked boolean into a struct, which can then be extended by a count and other things (e.g. the name). Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-08-16Filter: separate backend from frontend logicGravatar Berthold Stoeger
The filter code was an unholy intermixture of backend and frontend logic, which made it hard to access it from outside of the UI. Notably, it expected that Qt would call filterAcceptsRow on all rows. For trip-view, apparently the filter functions were called twice (once for filtering the trip, then for filtering the individual dives). Make the filtering explicit, by calling showDive() for all dives in MultiFilterSortModel::myInvalidate(), setting the hidden_by_filter flags accordingly and ultimately invalidating the filter. The UI code only accesses the hidden_by_filter flag set previously. The "justCleared" flag can then be removed, since accessing the filter does not have side effects. Moreover, there is no noticeable performance gain by returning out early. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-08-14Filter: break out showDive() function from filterAcceptsRow()Gravatar Berthold Stoeger
To make dive-filtering accessible from other parts of the code, break out the actual dive-filtering code into a function that takes a pointer-to-dive instead of QModelIndex. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-08-14Filter: constify doFilter() argumentGravatar Berthold Stoeger
Conceptually, the doFilter() functions shouldn't modify the dive they test. Therefore, make the argument const. To do this, constify the parameter of get_dive_location(), which likewise seems to be the right thing to do. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-08-14Filter: remove unused parameters from doFilter functionsGravatar Berthold Stoeger
Change the signature from of the virtual doFilter() functions from bool doFilter(struct dive *d, QModelIndex&, QAbstractItemModel*) const; to bool LocationFilterModel::doFilter(struct dive *d) const; as the QModelIndex and QAbstractItemModel parameters were not used. This makes this functions independent from Qt's model/view framework. This is in preparation for making the undo-machinery compatible with the filtering. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-07-30Cleanup: remove DiveListView::fixMessyQtModelBehaviour()Gravatar Berthold Stoeger
The function DiveListView::fixMessyQtModelBehaviour() was used to expand the first columns of dive-trips in the dive-list view. This function was called everytime that the dive-list was modified. It is kind of ludicrous that external callers would have to tell the DiveListView, when it has to update its column headers. Instead, place this functionality in the overriden reset() and rowsInserted() functions, as these are the only ways that rows can be added. Change the DiveTripModel to use the proper beginResetModel()/endResetModel() pair instead of the previous full deletion and full repopulation using the beginRemoveRows()/ endRemoveRows() and beginInsertRows()/endInsertRows(). Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-05-21qt-models: Change Q_UNUSED to no parameter nameGravatar jan Iversen
C++ permits use of parameters without name, which signals unused Signed-off-by: Jan Iversen <>
2018-05-14Core: introduce new subsurface-string headerGravatar Dirk Hohndel
First small step to shrinking dive.h. Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2018-03-14Cleanup: consistently use qPrintable()Gravatar Berthold Stoeger
Replace constructs of the kind s.toUtf8().data(), s.toUtf8().constData(), s.toLocal8Bit().data(), s.toLocal8Bit.constData() or qUtf8Printable(s) by qPrintable(s). This is concise, consistent and - in principle - more performant than the .data() versions. Sadly, owing to a suboptimal implementation, qPrintable(s) currently is a pessimization compared to s.toUtf8().data(). A fix is scheduled for new Qt versions: Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2018-02-17Coding-style: remove superfluous parenthesesGravatar Berthold Stoeger
Mostly replace "return (expression);" by "return expression;" and one case of "function((parameter))" by "function(parameter)". Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2017-12-28cleanup: Argument cannot be negativeGravatar Jan Mulder
CID 208296. IndexOf can return -1 when not found, which will not happen in this context, so just to silence Coverity. Signed-off-by: Jan Mulder <>
2017-12-28filter: fix trip header bugGravatar Jan Mulder
With commit 5962f00679fae555, a well known problem was introduced. Incorrect width setting for the spanning trip lines. And as there is even a specific functon for that, just call this. The reason the mentioned commit introduces this, is that invalidate() causes layoutChanged signals, and invalidateFilter() does not. Signed-off-by: Jan Mulder <>
2017-12-28filter: setStringList() at end of every changeGravatar Jan Mulder
This is mainly code maintenance. Instead of emitting explicit dataChanged signals, we can make sure that setStringList() is called after all model data manipulation is ready. Accoording to the Qt docs: "The model will notify any attached views that its underlying data has changed". In itself, this does not solve the tripped assert mentioned in commit 5962f00679fae5, but this calling at the end just feels better. Signed-off-by: Jan Mulder <>
2017-12-28filter: prevent assert trap on exit filtersGravatar Jan Mulder
This "bug" is found using Qt 5.10 compiled in developer mode. Access the filers, click a little around here, close the filters. Almost every time the following assert is triggered: ASSERT failure in QPersistentModelIndex::~QPersistentModelIndex: "persistent model indexes corrupted", file itemmodels/qabstractitemmodel.cpp, line 643 This is relatively deep down in Qt, and it is triggered by clearing the filters. Trying to force a crash when using the same scenario in Qt 5.10 compiled for production (so no active asserts) did not result in a crash. So, upto this time, it is unclear if the Qt assert points out a real problem, or it is some false alarm (for whatever reason). Further investigation shows that the assert can be solved by changing the invalidate() to an invalidateFilter(). Indeed, the last variant is a little more lightweigt, and does seem to do the same job from a functional point of view (in this case). Signed-off-by: Jan Mulder <>
2017-12-28Remove unnecessary dynamic_cast<>s in filter codeGravatar Berthold Stoeger
FilterModelBase is a direct subclass of QAbstractItemModel. Therefore, dynamic_cast<>ing the former to the latter is unnecessary. Probably an artifact of previous code. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2017-12-26Introduce negate-toggle buttons to filter listsGravatar Berthold Stoeger
Introduce toggle buttons which mean "filter all dives except those fulfilling the selected criteria". The old code used to check for rowCount() == 0. This should never happen, because there is always a row "empty field". This check was moved into the preamble of the functions to seperate it from the actual logic. Fixes #435 Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2017-12-24Small whitespace updatesGravatar Dirk Hohndel
We aren't really consistent. And I don't do this often enough. But based on a few things that I saw in a recent commit, I wanted to at least fix those. And then of course fixed everything in those two files. Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2017-12-24Add select-all, deselect-all and invert-selection options to filtersGravatar Berthold Stoeger
To every filter list add a menu button that allows selection of all, selection of none or inversion of selection. Implements #435. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2017-12-24Move *FilterModel functions into base classGravatar Berthold Stoeger
The *FilterModels had a number of of virtual functions, which only accessed members of the base class. Moreover, these functions were identical and generated with macros. Therefore, move these functions to the base class. The one excption is data(), which uses different count functions (passed as a macro parameter). Thus, introduce a virtual countDives() function and likewise move data() to the base class. A function pointer might be even more clear, but since the rest of the code/Qt relies heavily on runtime polymorphism, let's do the same here. The only macros left are those creating the singleton accessors. This could be more clearly realized by templates, but let's likewise keep it the way is. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2017-12-24Fold MultiFilterInterface into FilterModelBaseGravatar Berthold Stoeger
There were two classes, MultiFilterInterface and FiterModelBase. The latter derives from the former and from QStringListModel. The former was not used anywhere else. Moreover, in contradiction to its name, MultiFilterInterface is not an interface (in the Java sense), because it actually has (non-virtual) data members. All in all, the data model is very weird. Merge these two classes, since there seems to be no gain whatsoever from keeping MultiFilterInterface separate. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2017-12-21Fix BuddyFilterModelGravatar Berthold Stoeger
Commit 6343515fedbc43be4fd2cb3f1b3fea384e362c59 introduced equality instead of substring comparison for filters. This broke the buddy filter in the case of more than one buddy, because in such a case the buddy list is a comma-separated string. Fix this by splitting the buddy string, trimming the individual strings and search in the list. Fixes #969 Reported-by: <> Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2017-11-26Inform LocationFilterModel of added dive site nameGravatar Berthold Stoeger
If the user implicitly adds a dive site by editing a dive, and a location filter is active, check the new dive site in the location filter. This is done by informing the LocationFilterModel of the new dive site name prior to repopulation. The LocationFilterModel then adds a corresponding entry and marks it as checked. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2017-11-26Inform LocationFilterModel of changed dive site nameGravatar Berthold Stoeger
Since commit 01d961086c1d175732c597dc9acdba7cc4cd2d26, the location filter list is updated if a dive site is edited. The problem is that if the name of a selected dive site is changed, the selection is lost. Therefore, before repopulating, inform the location filter that a dive site changed its name. The location filter then internally changes the name and can properly transfer the old selection on repopulate. This is performed via the new LocationInformationWidget::nameChanged signal, which is connected to the new LocationFilterModel::changeName slot. A special case to be handled is the following: [ ] Site 1 [x] Site 2 and "Site 2" being renamed to "Site 1", i.e. both sites being merged. Here, the merging is detected and "Site 1" will likewise be checked: [x] Site 1 [x] Site 1 No merging is performed, as the list will be repopulated anyway. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2017-11-25Use equality instead of substring comparison in suits and buddy filterGravatar Berthold Stoeger
This commit is a continuation of commit 739b27427cfb5119eebe214c984843cd5d155620, in which a substring comparison was replaced by equality comparison to avoid confusing UI behavior of the filter interface. The suit and buddy filters were plagued by the same problem, so change their code in analogy. Fixes #551 (in conjunction with commit dd2466f51899aae406dc8c13904787710f30ec1c). Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2017-11-25Update filters on refreshDisplay and remember old selecttionsGravatar Berthold Stoeger
Update the filters if the list of dives is updated by calling MultiFilterSortModel::instance()->myInvalidate(); This had the side effect of clearing all selections. Thus, in the repopulate() methods of the FilterModels, check those entries that were checked previously. Since all the filter models use the same code, introduce a base class FilterModelBase. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2017-11-25Replace bool * array by std::vector<char> in MultiFilterInterfaceGravatar Berthold Stoeger
This replaces a dynamically allocated array of bool by std::vector<char>. 1) This makes the code shorter and less error prone, because memory management has not to be done by hand. 2) It fixes a bug in the old code: memset(checkState, false, list.count()) is wrong, because bool is not guaranteed to be the same size as char! Two notes: 1) QMap<>, QVector<>, etc. are used numerous times in the code, so this doesn't introduce a new C++ concept. Here, the std:: version is used, because there is no need for reference counting, COW semantics, etc. 2) std::vector<char> is used instead of std::vector<bool>, because the latter does a pessimization where a bitfield is used! Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2017-11-25LocationFilter: use equality instead of substring comparisonGravatar Berthold Stoeger
The location filter used a substring comparison, which had the side effect that dives with the location "Test 1" were shown when filtering for "Test 12". Moreover, avoid a deep copy of the location list. This is done by looping over one item less than rowCount() instead of removing the last item. While doing this, remove an unnecessary if-statement. This commit partially fixes #675. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
2017-04-29Add SPDX header to Qt modelsGravatar Dirk Hohndel
Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2016-07-09Fix fix for filtersGravatar Dirk Hohndel
Commit aa1446bed2e4 ("Make filters work again in master") makes filters work again for the desktop app, but breaks building Subsurface-mobile. Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2016-07-09Make filters work again in masterGravatar Salvador Cuñat
Since 6cd711a1 filters don't work. This went unnoticed because the commit wasn't applied on v4.5-branch. Partially reverting it makes filters work again. Signed-off-by: Salvador Cuñat <> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2016-04-04Move subsurface-core to core and qt-mobile to mobile-widgetsGravatar Dirk Hohndel
Having subsurface-core as a directory name really messes with autocomplete and is obviously redundant. Simmilarly, qt-mobile caused an autocomplete conflict and also was inconsistent with the desktop-widget name for the directory containing the "other" UI. And while cleaning up the resulting change in the path name for include files, I decided to clean up those even more to make them consistent overall. This could have been handled in more commits, but since this requires a make clean before the build, it seemed more sensible to do it all in one. Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2016-03-07Silence more warningsGravatar Tomaz Canabrava
Signed-off-by: Tomaz Canabrava <> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2015-11-07filtermodels.cpp: fix an argument order warningGravatar Lubomir I. Ivanov
Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov <>
2015-10-30Move qt-ui to desktop-widgetsGravatar Tomaz Canabrava
Since we have now destkop and mobile versions, 'qt-ui' was a very poor name choice for a folder that contains only destkop-enabled widgets. Also, move the graphicsview-common.h/cpp to subsurface-core because it doesn't depend on qgraphicsview, it merely implements all the colors that we use throughout Subsurface, and we will use colors on both desktop and mobile versions Same thing applies for metrics.h/cpp Signed-off-by: Tomaz Canabrava <> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2015-10-30Modify code to make it compile after rebaseGravatar Tomaz Canabrava
Did a git rebase and some stuff changed in the meantime; This is a compatibility commit: Add a few include directories on the cmake to quiet some ui_headers.h not being found (the ones that are created automatically by uic) and a few noiseances like models requiring interface functionality. Signed-off-by: Tomaz Canabrava <> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2015-08-20Display dives from the same location on the listGravatar Tomaz Canabrava
Some dive sites are separated in more than one real dive site (for instance, a 'blue hole' dive site that has different entry points on the gps), so instead of checking only the dive_site id, also check it's name. Signed-off-by: Tomaz Canabrava <> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>