path: root/qt-models
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-04-12Undo: implement undo of dive site country editingGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-04-12Undo: implement undo of dive site description editingGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-04-12Dive site: remove implicit deletion of empty dive sitesGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-04-12Undo: Implement undo of dive site name editingGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-04-12Undo: make dive site removal undoableGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-04-12Dive site: introduce proxy model DiveSiteSortedModelGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-04-12Coding style: add tab before Q_OBJECTGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-04-12Dive site: inform model of dive site addition / deletionGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-04-12Undo: keep frontend informed of changes to dive site countGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-04-12Dive site: add dive site list tabGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-04-12Dive sites: prepare for dive site ref-countingGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-04-12Undo: consider dive site in AddDive()Gravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-04-12Undo: make undo-system dive site-awareGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-04-12Dive site: add dive site table parameter to dive site functionsGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-04-12replace deprecated qSort() with std::sort()Gravatar Rolf Eike Beer
2019-04-12get rid of some foreach and Q_FOREACH constructsGravatar Rolf Eike Beer
2019-03-29Make sure surface air is not considered a deco gasGravatar Robert C. Helling
2019-03-29Add UI element for final surface segment in plannerGravatar Robert C. Helling
2019-03-27CMake: add headers to targetsGravatar Rolf Eike Beer
2019-03-19Cleanup: make argument to YearStatisticsItem constructor a referenceGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-03-18Profile: pass by reference rather than by value for large structGravatar Robert C. Helling
2019-03-15Map: create correct index in updateMapLocationCoordinates()Gravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-03-12Display statistics by depth and temperature in Yearly statisticsGravatar Doug Junkins
2019-03-05CMake: do not expand variables in if-expressionsGravatar Rolf Eike Beer
2019-02-28Filter panel: add suit and notes search fieldsGravatar Willem Ferguson
2019-02-28Append the dive mode as a tag that is seen by the filter tool.Gravatar willemferguson
2019-02-20Filter: change default mode for location to any-ofGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-02-19Filter: implement any-of modeGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-02-07Profile: add "synchronous" mode for picture plottingGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-01-26Filter: quick implementation of negationGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-01-26Filter: implement reset filterGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-01-26Filter: update counts if dives added / removedGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-01-22Filter: extend range of allowed temperaturesGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-01-22Filter: support imperial unitsGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-01-21Desktop, Filter UI: make date/time consistentGravatar Jan Mulder
2019-01-19Filter: make tags, people and location filter logically-andGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-01-19Filter: reinstate dive-site filter functionalityGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-01-19Filter: ignore unset temperaturesGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-01-19Filter: update filterData directly without copyingGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-01-19Import: control process_imported_dives() by flagsGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-01-19Import: don't add to new trip while downloadingGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-01-19Import: add add_to_new_trip flag to process_imported_dives()Gravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-01-09Undo: make dive-import undoableGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-01-09Import: split process_imported_dives() functionGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-01-09Import: add merge_all_trips parameter to process_imported_dives()Gravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-01-09Import: merge dives trip-wiseGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-01-09Import: add trip_table argument to DiveImportedModel::repopulate()Gravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-01-09Cleanup: Make add_dive_to_table local to divelist.cGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-01-09Core: move autogroup() into divelist.cGravatar Berthold Stoeger
2019-01-08Filter for logged/planned divesGravatar Robert C. Helling