path: root/qt-ui/diveplanner.ui
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2014-06-28Use date / time entry for start time of planned diveGravatar Dirk Hohndel
This is not hooked up, yet, just the UI change. Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2014-06-26Rearrange planner UI elementsGravatar Robert Helling
This is my first attempt at grouping UI elements of the planner in a sensible way. It might still be sensible to combine the two bottom panes into one. In addition there is a new field "altutude" which is sychronized with the surface pressure as for planning we often know the altitude of the dive site rather than the atmospheric pressure. Signed-off-by: Robert C. Helling <> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2014-06-24Drop like a stone mode in plannerGravatar Anton Lundin
Most of my dives i plan i know it will just be full speed down a line in the beginning and thus the planner can figure out that leg of the plan by it self. The config box added here isn't connected, because i saw that the other planner boxes wasn't connected ether, so i left it in the same state as they where. Signed-off-by: Anton Lundin <> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2014-06-20planner: Switch to QSpinBox for SACGravatar Anton Lundin
QSpinBox is nice to see how different sac rate would affect our dive plan. "Hey, What would happen if I would be stressed and my sac goes up by 50%?" Signed-off-by: Anton Lundin <> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2014-06-12Planner: update tabstop order againGravatar Dirk Hohndel
Robert's commit 708f19830e2a ("Planner: New plannerSettingsWidget") moved several of the widgets from the maintab area to the new planner settings widget. Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2014-06-12Planner: New plannerSettingsWidgetGravatar Robert C. Helling
In planner mode, this replaces the globe with the dive plan and introduces a new plannerSettingsWidget in the diveListPane. All new fields are still disfunctional. This is WIP. Signed-off-by: Robert C. Helling <> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2014-06-10Planner: fix the tab orderGravatar Dirk Hohndel
I know this is being redone, but the messed up tab order was driving me insane when testing. Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2014-06-03Planner note logic and layout improvedGravatar Robert C. Helling
Signed-off-by: Robert C. Helling <> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2014-06-03Add print button to plannerGravatar Robert C. Helling
Signed-off-by: Robert C. Helling <> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2014-06-03Layout improvements to the dive planGravatar Robert C. Helling
Changed to html. Signed-off-by: Robert C. Helling <> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2014-06-02Optionally strip diveplan to bare minimumGravatar Robert C. Helling
There are new check-boxes to modify the look of the diveplan in the notes. The old behaviour appears with "verbatim display", others are shorter, runtimes, stoplengths and transitions being optional. Also round to full meters and minutes to remove optical clutter. To be done: Remember these setting in the config. Signed-off-by: Robert C. Helling <> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2014-04-17Improvement for various bits of the plannerGravatar Robert Helling
Rewrite of the actual planner logic. Now ascend to the next potential stop depth. There the state is cached and we try to ascend to the next stop depth. If we hit the ceiling while doing that we go back to the cached state and wait there for a minute. Then we try again. Then loop. Converted all depth related variables from unsigned int to int. During planning, in a time step the current depth can temporarily be negative and comparisons of a negative int with an unsigned it have not the result I expected ( (int) -2 < (unsigned int) 3 turns out to be false). And we don’t really need the 32nd bit that unsigned buys us for depths. Deco stops are now shown in the same table as manually entered stops in boldface (I removed the second table to save screen estate). The gas shown in the table is still misleading as it means the gas used on the segment leading up to that event. The update of the profile only works partially upon changes in the list of available gases. Treatment of various gases is basically there but needs some more love. The ascent velocity is now provided by a function that takes the current depth as argument. Currently it always returns 10m/min but that will later be variable (and hopefully user configurable). The profile is not redrawn while deco is computed (avoiding an infinite recursion). The table got a new column for the duration of a segment while the old “duration” column was renamed “Runtime” to reflect what it actually shows. Currently, only the run time but not the duration are editable. All deco gases are used from the depth where their pO2 is 1.4bar. This should become more flexible. Calculation of the pressure drop in cylinders without configured volumes is suppressed. This solves a problem with the planner crashing when saving a dive where not all cylinders had been manually given a volume. [Short rant break: Treating 0/0 as air bites back at so many places. E.g. Cylinder data is initialized with memsetting the whole structures to 0. Then later suddenly this totally unconfigured cylinder is being treated as it would contain air. Maybe at some point this was a feature. But it lead to a naughty bug which took me over an hour to resolve. We should seriously reconsider this choice and better move to 209/0 being air if changing this everywhere is not too much trouble] Signed-off-by: Robert C. Helling <> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2014-03-31Diveplan with entered and computed waypoints to UIGravatar Lakshman Anumolu
Recently Robert Helling provided a patch "Distinguish between entered and calculated waypoints" in an attempt to distinguish between entered and calculated stops. This patch is an independent (content wise) extension of the above patch and is built relative to it which adds new table to display computed waypoints in plan mode. Currently table includes only two columns "Comp. Depth" and "Comp. Duration", which can extended to show further information. This is only a start to the UI interaction in PLAN mode. In addition to this there are many TODO things that diveplan feature demands TODO: 1. Show more details through "Computed Waypoints" table. 2. Remove tooltip from "Computed Waypoints" table widget. 3. Make contents in "Computed Waypoints" table widget non-editable. 4. Fix error when trying to save dive plan without using cylinder data. 5. Make dive plan editable after saving it. 6. Improvise dive planner graphics window. Signed-off-by: Lakshman Anumolu <> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2013-12-04Add some limits to the GF'sGravatar Anton Lundin
Sets the limit for GF's in the preferences panel to 1<=x<=150 and color it read if gf > 100. Remove the % in the diveplanner view that was rejected for the preferences view. The 150 maximum is needed because QSpinBox defaults to maximum 99. Signed-off-by: Anton Lundin <> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2013-11-29Remove more unused windowTitle propertiesGravatar Dirk Hohndel
These just create pointless source strings for translations. Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2013-11-16Planner: Make cylinder and time/depth boxes scaleGravatar Anton Lundin
When moving the horisontal splitter the cylinder and time/depth boxes didn't scale down but got "stuck" on a certain height. This makes them scale down when pulling the horisontal splitter up. I would prefer if we could scale them individually, but i didn't manage to get that going, but i didn't manage to get that going. Signed-off-by: Anton Lundin <> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2013-11-15Planner: use a QSpinBox for GFLow/GFHighGravatar Anton Lundin
Switch to using a QSpinBox instead of a QLineEdit. This makes it a bit more intuitive and now you can see how the deco plan changes based on the GF's. Signed-off-by: Anton Lundin <> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2013-11-14Correctly sets the size of the Air Types on the plannerGravatar Tomaz Canabrava
The last commit correctly setted the minimumSize, but I forgot to set the maximum size, and thus, it still expanded. sigh. Signed-off-by: Tomaz Canabrava <> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2013-11-14Makes the Air Types widget on the planner smaller ( but expanding.)Gravatar Tomaz Canabrava
This patch makes the Air Types widget on the planner smaller, since on most dives users will only enter 1 to 2 dives, it's not good to have so much whitespace. this makes it smaller for small screens, and it will grow on bigger screens where space is not an issue. Signed-off-by: Tomaz Canabrava <> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2013-11-10Show a cylinder widget in the dive plannerGravatar Dirk Hohndel
This is intended to allow the user to provide the gases / cylinders that she will be diving with. With that information the planner can warn the user about insufficient gases, but more importantly it can show relevant gases in the gas select drop down. Right now the add cylinder button doesn't add a cylinder - that's a problem. Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2013-10-05Modify the dialog text for the question to make more sense.Gravatar Robert C. Helling
Signed-off-by: Robert C. Helling <> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2013-09-26Fixed the display of Subsurface in Smaller ScreensGravatar Tomaz Canabrava
This patch fixes the display of subsurface in smaller screens by creating ScrollArea containers that are now englobbing each of the Tab-pages and the Planner Widget. Some of those widgets were pretty big by the amount of things on it and it was too big for small ( 14" and 15" ) screens. This seems to fix it, and looks good both on Gtk+ and Oxygen styles. Signed-off-by: Tomaz Canabrava <>
2013-09-02Code Cleanup: Merged the three TableViews shared codeGravatar Tomaz Canabrava
Merged the shared code for the three table views into one code, this way less code is needed if we need to construct another tableview in the future. I still need to clean some of the models too. Signed-off-by: Tomaz Canabrava <>
2013-08-26Added a new widget to control the PlannerGravatar Tomaz Canabrava
Added a new widget to control the DivePlanner, now we have two widgets, a graphics one and a qt sidget based one. the Technical divers will most likely use the QtWidget one while the hobbists will most likely use the QGraphicsView one. there's not a option to choose one, they both will appear at the same time. Next step: make the screens to work. Signed-off-by: Tomaz Canabrava <>
2013-06-20Added a new class to handle the DivePlanner dialogGravatar Tomaz Canabrava
Added a new class named DivePlanner that is a QDialog, and renamed the old DivePlanner class to DivePlannerGraphics. Signed-off-by: Tomaz Canabrava <>