From e49d6213ad129284a45d53c3fcdc03249e84efe2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Tomaz Canabrava Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2015 14:20:19 -0300 Subject: Move qt-ui to desktop-widgets Since we have now destkop and mobile versions, 'qt-ui' was a very poor name choice for a folder that contains only destkop-enabled widgets. Also, move the graphicsview-common.h/cpp to subsurface-core because it doesn't depend on qgraphicsview, it merely implements all the colors that we use throughout Subsurface, and we will use colors on both desktop and mobile versions Same thing applies for metrics.h/cpp Signed-off-by: Tomaz Canabrava Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel --- qt-ui/maintab.cpp | 1612 ----------------------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 1612 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 qt-ui/maintab.cpp (limited to 'qt-ui/maintab.cpp') diff --git a/qt-ui/maintab.cpp b/qt-ui/maintab.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 0afb7b4c0..000000000 --- a/qt-ui/maintab.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1612 +0,0 @@ -/* - * maintab.cpp - * - * classes for the "notebook" area of the main window of Subsurface - * - */ -#include "maintab.h" -#include "mainwindow.h" -#include "globe.h" -#include "helpers.h" -#include "statistics.h" -#include "modeldelegates.h" -#include "diveplannermodel.h" -#include "divelistview.h" -#include "display.h" -#include "profile/profilewidget2.h" -#include "diveplanner.h" -#include "divesitehelpers.h" -#include "cylindermodel.h" -#include "weightmodel.h" -#include "divepicturemodel.h" -#include "divecomputerextradatamodel.h" -#include "divelocationmodel.h" -#include "divesite.h" -#include "locationinformation.h" -#include "divesite.h" - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -MainTab::MainTab(QWidget *parent) : QTabWidget(parent), - weightModel(new WeightModel(this)), - cylindersModel(CylindersModel::instance()), - extraDataModel(new ExtraDataModel(this)), - editMode(NONE), - divePictureModel(DivePictureModel::instance()), - copyPaste(false), - currentTrip(0) -{ - ui.setupUi(this); - ui.dateEdit->setDisplayFormat(getDateFormat()); - - memset(&displayed_dive, 0, sizeof(displayed_dive)); - memset(&displayedTrip, 0, sizeof(displayedTrip)); - - ui.cylinders->setModel(cylindersModel); - ui.weights->setModel(weightModel); - ui.photosView->setModel(divePictureModel); - connect(ui.photosView, SIGNAL(photoDoubleClicked(QString)), this, SLOT(photoDoubleClicked(QString))); - ui.extraData->setModel(extraDataModel); - closeMessage(); - - connect(ui.editDiveSiteButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), MainWindow::instance(), SIGNAL(startDiveSiteEdit())); -#ifndef NO_MARBLE - connect(ui.location, &DiveLocationLineEdit::entered, GlobeGPS::instance(), &GlobeGPS::centerOnIndex); - connect(ui.location, &DiveLocationLineEdit::currentChanged, GlobeGPS::instance(), &GlobeGPS::centerOnIndex); -#endif - - QAction *action = new QAction(tr("Apply changes"), this); - connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(acceptChanges())); - addMessageAction(action); - - action = new QAction(tr("Discard changes"), this); - connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(rejectChanges())); - addMessageAction(action); - - QShortcut *closeKey = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_Escape), this); - connect(closeKey, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(escDetected())); - - if (qApp->style()->objectName() == "oxygen") - setDocumentMode(true); - else - setDocumentMode(false); - - // we start out with the fields read-only; once things are - // filled from a dive, they are made writeable - setEnabled(false); - - Q_FOREACH (QObject *obj, ui.statisticsTab->children()) { - QLabel *label = qobject_cast(obj); - if (label) - label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); - } - ui.cylinders->setTitle(tr("Cylinders")); - ui.cylinders->setBtnToolTip(tr("Add cylinder")); - connect(ui.cylinders, SIGNAL(addButtonClicked()), this, SLOT(addCylinder_clicked())); - - ui.weights->setTitle(tr("Weights")); - ui.weights->setBtnToolTip(tr("Add weight system")); - connect(ui.weights, SIGNAL(addButtonClicked()), this, SLOT(addWeight_clicked())); - - // This needs to be the same order as enum dive_comp_type in dive.h! - ui.DiveType->insertItems(0, QStringList() << tr("OC") << tr("CCR") << tr("pSCR") << tr("Freedive")); - connect(ui.DiveType, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(divetype_Changed(int))); - - connect(ui.cylinders->view(), SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(editCylinderWidget(QModelIndex))); - connect(ui.weights->view(), SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(editWeightWidget(QModelIndex))); - - ui.cylinders->view()->setItemDelegateForColumn(CylindersModel::TYPE, new TankInfoDelegate(this)); - ui.cylinders->view()->setItemDelegateForColumn(CylindersModel::USE, new TankUseDelegate(this)); - ui.weights->view()->setItemDelegateForColumn(WeightModel::TYPE, new WSInfoDelegate(this)); - ui.cylinders->view()->setColumnHidden(CylindersModel::DEPTH, true); - completers.buddy = new QCompleter(&buddyModel, ui.buddy); - completers.divemaster = new QCompleter(&diveMasterModel, ui.divemaster); - completers.suit = new QCompleter(&suitModel, ui.suit); - completers.tags = new QCompleter(&tagModel, ui.tagWidget); - completers.buddy->setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive); - completers.divemaster->setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive); - completers.suit->setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive); - completers.tags->setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive); - ui.buddy->setCompleter(completers.buddy); - ui.divemaster->setCompleter(completers.divemaster); - ui.suit->setCompleter(completers.suit); - ui.tagWidget->setCompleter(completers.tags); - ui.diveNotesMessage->hide(); - ui.diveEquipmentMessage->hide(); - ui.diveInfoMessage->hide(); - ui.diveStatisticsMessage->hide(); - setMinimumHeight(0); - setMinimumWidth(0); - - // Current display of things on Gnome3 looks like shit, so - // let`s fix that. - if (isGnome3Session()) { - QPalette p; - p.setColor(QPalette::Window, QColor(Qt::white)); - ui.scrollArea->viewport()->setPalette(p); - ui.scrollArea_2->viewport()->setPalette(p); - ui.scrollArea_3->viewport()->setPalette(p); - ui.scrollArea_4->viewport()->setPalette(p); - - // GroupBoxes in Gnome3 looks like I'v drawn them... - static const QString gnomeCss( - "QGroupBox {" - " background-color: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1," - " stop: 0 #E0E0E0, stop: 1 #FFFFFF);" - " border: 2px solid gray;" - " border-radius: 5px;" - " margin-top: 1ex;" - "}" - "QGroupBox::title {" - " subcontrol-origin: margin;" - " subcontrol-position: top center;" - " padding: 0 3px;" - " background-color: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1," - " stop: 0 #E0E0E0, stop: 1 #FFFFFF);" - "}"); - Q_FOREACH (QGroupBox *box, findChildren()) { - box->setStyleSheet(gnomeCss); - } - } - // QLineEdit and QLabels should have minimal margin on the left and right but not waste vertical space - QMargins margins(3, 2, 1, 0); - Q_FOREACH (QLabel *label, findChildren()) { - label->setContentsMargins(margins); - } - ui.cylinders->view()->horizontalHeader()->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::ActionsContextMenu); - ui.weights->view()->horizontalHeader()->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::ActionsContextMenu); - - QSettings s; - s.beginGroup("cylinders_dialog"); - for (int i = 0; i < CylindersModel::COLUMNS; i++) { - if ((i == CylindersModel::REMOVE) || (i == CylindersModel::TYPE)) - continue; - bool checked = s.value(QString("column%1_hidden").arg(i)).toBool(); - action = new QAction(cylindersModel->headerData(i, Qt::Horizontal, Qt::DisplayRole).toString(), ui.cylinders->view()); - action->setCheckable(true); - action->setData(i); - action->setChecked(!checked); - connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(toggleTriggeredColumn())); - ui.cylinders->view()->setColumnHidden(i, checked); - ui.cylinders->view()->horizontalHeader()->addAction(action); - } - - QAction *deletePhoto = new QAction(this); - deletePhoto->setShortcut(Qt::Key_Delete); - deletePhoto->setShortcutContext(Qt::WidgetShortcut); - ui.photosView->addAction(deletePhoto); - ui.photosView->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection); - connect(deletePhoto, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(removeSelectedPhotos())); - - ui.waitingSpinner->setRoundness(70.0); - ui.waitingSpinner->setMinimumTrailOpacity(15.0); - ui.waitingSpinner->setTrailFadePercentage(70.0); - ui.waitingSpinner->setNumberOfLines(8); - ui.waitingSpinner->setLineLength(5); - ui.waitingSpinner->setLineWidth(3); - ui.waitingSpinner->setInnerRadius(5); - ui.waitingSpinner->setRevolutionsPerSecond(1); - - connect(ReverseGeoLookupThread::instance(), SIGNAL(finished()), - LocationInformationModel::instance(), SLOT(update())); - - connect(ReverseGeoLookupThread::instance(), &QThread::finished, - this, &MainTab::setCurrentLocationIndex); - - connect(ui.diveNotesMessage, &KMessageWidget::showAnimationFinished, - ui.location, &DiveLocationLineEdit::fixPopupPosition); - - acceptingEdit = false; - - ui.diveTripLocation->hide(); -} - -MainTab::~MainTab() -{ - QSettings s; - s.beginGroup("cylinders_dialog"); - for (int i = 0; i < CylindersModel::COLUMNS; i++) { - if ((i == CylindersModel::REMOVE) || (i == CylindersModel::TYPE)) - continue; - s.setValue(QString("column%1_hidden").arg(i), ui.cylinders->view()->isColumnHidden(i)); - } -} - -void MainTab::setCurrentLocationIndex() -{ - if (current_dive) { - struct dive_site *ds = get_dive_site_by_uuid(current_dive->dive_site_uuid); - if (ds) - ui.location->setCurrentDiveSiteUuid(ds->uuid); - else - ui.location->clear(); - } -} - -void MainTab::enableGeoLookupEdition() -{ - ui.waitingSpinner->stop(); -} - -void MainTab::disableGeoLookupEdition() -{ - ui.waitingSpinner->start(); -} - -void MainTab::toggleTriggeredColumn() -{ - QAction *action = qobject_cast(sender()); - int col = action->data().toInt(); - QTableView *view = ui.cylinders->view(); - - if (action->isChecked()) { - view->showColumn(col); - if (view->columnWidth(col) <= 15) - view->setColumnWidth(col, 80); - } else - view->hideColumn(col); -} - -void MainTab::addDiveStarted() -{ - enableEdition(ADD); -} - -void MainTab::addMessageAction(QAction *action) -{ - ui.diveEquipmentMessage->addAction(action); - ui.diveNotesMessage->addAction(action); - ui.diveInfoMessage->addAction(action); - ui.diveStatisticsMessage->addAction(action); -} - -void MainTab::hideMessage() -{ - ui.diveNotesMessage->animatedHide(); - ui.diveEquipmentMessage->animatedHide(); - ui.diveInfoMessage->animatedHide(); - ui.diveStatisticsMessage->animatedHide(); - updateTextLabels(false); -} - -void MainTab::closeMessage() -{ - hideMessage(); - ui.diveNotesMessage->setCloseButtonVisible(false); - ui.diveEquipmentMessage->setCloseButtonVisible(false); - ui.diveInfoMessage->setCloseButtonVisible(false); - ui.diveStatisticsMessage->setCloseButtonVisible(false); -} - -void MainTab::displayMessage(QString str) -{ - ui.diveNotesMessage->setCloseButtonVisible(false); - ui.diveEquipmentMessage->setCloseButtonVisible(false); - ui.diveInfoMessage->setCloseButtonVisible(false); - ui.diveStatisticsMessage->setCloseButtonVisible(false); - ui.diveNotesMessage->setText(str); - ui.diveNotesMessage->animatedShow(); - ui.diveEquipmentMessage->setText(str); - ui.diveEquipmentMessage->animatedShow(); - ui.diveInfoMessage->setText(str); - ui.diveInfoMessage->animatedShow(); - ui.diveStatisticsMessage->setText(str); - ui.diveStatisticsMessage->animatedShow(); - updateTextLabels(); -} - -void MainTab::updateTextLabels(bool showUnits) -{ - if (showUnits) { - ui.airTempLabel->setText(tr("Air temp. [%1]").arg(get_temp_unit())); - ui.waterTempLabel->setText(tr("Water temp. [%1]").arg(get_temp_unit())); - } else { - ui.airTempLabel->setText(tr("Air temp.")); - ui.waterTempLabel->setText(tr("Water temp.")); - } -} - -void MainTab::enableEdition(EditMode newEditMode) -{ - const bool isTripEdit = MainWindow::instance() && - MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->selectedTrips().count() == 1; - - if (((newEditMode == DIVE || newEditMode == NONE) && current_dive == NULL) || editMode != NONE) - return; - modified = false; - copyPaste = false; - if ((newEditMode == DIVE || newEditMode == NONE) && - !isTripEdit && - current_dive->dc.model && - strcmp(current_dive->dc.model, "manually added dive") == 0) { - // editCurrentDive will call enableEdition with newEditMode == MANUALLY_ADDED_DIVE - // so exit this function here after editCurrentDive() returns - - - - // FIXME : can we get rid of this recursive crap? - - - - MainWindow::instance()->editCurrentDive(); - return; - } - - ui.editDiveSiteButton->setEnabled(false); - MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->setEnabled(false); - MainWindow::instance()->setEnabledToolbar(false); - - if (isTripEdit) { - // we are editing trip location and notes - displayMessage(tr("This trip is being edited.")); - currentTrip = current_dive->divetrip; - ui.dateEdit->setEnabled(false); - editMode = TRIP; - } else { - ui.dateEdit->setEnabled(true); - if (amount_selected > 1) { - displayMessage(tr("Multiple dives are being edited.")); - } else { - displayMessage(tr("This dive is being edited.")); - } - editMode = newEditMode != NONE ? newEditMode : DIVE; - } -} - -void MainTab::clearEquipment() -{ - cylindersModel->clear(); - weightModel->clear(); -} - -void MainTab::nextInputField(QKeyEvent *event) -{ - keyPressEvent(event); -} - -void MainTab::clearInfo() -{ - ui.sacText->clear(); - ui.otuText->clear(); - ui.maxcnsText->clear(); - ui.oxygenHeliumText->clear(); - ui.gasUsedText->clear(); - ui.dateText->clear(); - ui.diveTimeText->clear(); - ui.surfaceIntervalText->clear(); - ui.maximumDepthText->clear(); - ui.averageDepthText->clear(); - ui.waterTemperatureText->clear(); - ui.airTemperatureText->clear(); - ui.airPressureText->clear(); - ui.salinityText->clear(); - ui.tagWidget->clear(); -} - -void MainTab::clearStats() -{ - ui.depthLimits->clear(); - ui.sacLimits->clear(); - ui.divesAllText->clear(); - ui.tempLimits->clear(); - ui.totalTimeAllText->clear(); - ui.timeLimits->clear(); -} - -#define UPDATE_TEXT(d, field) \ - if (clear || !d.field) \ - ui.field->setText(QString()); \ - else \ - ui.field->setText(d.field) - -#define UPDATE_TEMP(d, field) \ - if (clear || d.field.mkelvin == 0) \ - ui.field->setText(""); \ - else \ - ui.field->setText(get_temperature_string(d.field, true)) - -bool MainTab::isEditing() -{ - return editMode != NONE; -} - -void MainTab::showLocation() -{ - if (get_dive_site_by_uuid(displayed_dive.dive_site_uuid)) - ui.location->setCurrentDiveSiteUuid(displayed_dive.dive_site_uuid); - else - ui.location->clear(); -} - -// Seems wrong, since we can also call updateDiveInfo(), but since the updateDiveInfo -// has a parameter on it's definition it didn't worked on the signal slot connection. -void MainTab::refreshDiveInfo() -{ - updateDiveInfo(); -} - -void MainTab::updateDiveInfo(bool clear) -{ - ui.location->refreshDiveSiteCache(); - EditMode rememberEM = editMode; - // don't execute this while adding / planning a dive - if (editMode == ADD || editMode == MANUALLY_ADDED_DIVE || MainWindow::instance()->graphics()->isPlanner()) - return; - if (!isEnabled() && !clear ) - setEnabled(true); - if (isEnabled() && clear) - setEnabled(false); - editMode = IGNORE; // don't trigger on changes to the widgets - - // This method updates ALL tabs whenever a new dive or trip is - // selected. - // If exactly one trip has been selected, we show the location / notes - // for the trip in the Info tab, otherwise we show the info of the - // selected_dive - temperature_t temp; - struct dive *prevd; - char buf[1024]; - - process_selected_dives(); - process_all_dives(&displayed_dive, &prevd); - - divePictureModel->updateDivePictures(); - - ui.notes->setText(QString()); - if (!clear) { - QString tmp(displayed_dive.notes); - if (tmp.indexOf("setHtml(tmp); - else - ui.notes->setPlainText(tmp); - } - UPDATE_TEXT(displayed_dive, notes); - UPDATE_TEXT(displayed_dive, suit); - UPDATE_TEXT(displayed_dive, divemaster); - UPDATE_TEXT(displayed_dive, buddy); - UPDATE_TEMP(displayed_dive, airtemp); - UPDATE_TEMP(displayed_dive, watertemp); - ui.DiveType->setCurrentIndex(get_dive_dc(&displayed_dive, dc_number)->divemode); - - if (!clear) { - struct dive_site *ds = NULL; - // if we are showing a dive and editing it, let's refer to the displayed_dive_site as that - // already may contain changes, otherwise start with the dive site referred to by the displayed - // dive - if (rememberEM == DIVE) { - ds = &displayed_dive_site; - } else { - ds = get_dive_site_by_uuid(displayed_dive.dive_site_uuid); - if (ds) - copy_dive_site(ds, &displayed_dive_site); - } - - if (ds) { - ui.location->setCurrentDiveSiteUuid(ds->uuid); - ui.locationTags->setText(constructLocationTags(ds->uuid)); - } else { - ui.location->clear(); - clear_dive_site(&displayed_dive_site); - } - - // Subsurface always uses "local time" as in "whatever was the local time at the location" - // so all time stamps have no time zone information and are in UTC - QDateTime localTime = QDateTime::fromTime_t(displayed_dive.when - gettimezoneoffset(displayed_dive.when)); - localTime.setTimeSpec(Qt::UTC); - ui.dateEdit->setDate(; - ui.timeEdit->setTime(localTime.time()); - if (MainWindow::instance() && MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->selectedTrips().count() == 1) { - setTabText(0, tr("Trip notes")); - currentTrip = *MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->selectedTrips().begin(); - // only use trip relevant fields - ui.divemaster->setVisible(false); - ui.DivemasterLabel->setVisible(false); - ui.buddy->setVisible(false); - ui.BuddyLabel->setVisible(false); - ui.suit->setVisible(false); - ui.SuitLabel->setVisible(false); - ui.rating->setVisible(false); - ui.RatingLabel->setVisible(false); - ui.visibility->setVisible(false); - ui.visibilityLabel->setVisible(false); - ui.tagWidget->setVisible(false); - ui.TagLabel->setVisible(false); - ui.airTempLabel->setVisible(false); - ui.airtemp->setVisible(false); - ui.DiveType->setVisible(false); - ui.TypeLabel->setVisible(false); - ui.waterTempLabel->setVisible(false); - ui.watertemp->setVisible(false); - ui.diveTripLocation->show(); - ui.location->hide(); - ui.editDiveSiteButton->hide(); - // rename the remaining fields and fill data from selected trip - ui.LocationLabel->setText(tr("Trip location")); - ui.diveTripLocation->setText(currentTrip->location); - ui.locationTags->clear(); - //TODO: Fix this. - //ui.location->setText(currentTrip->location); - ui.NotesLabel->setText(tr("Trip notes")); - ui.notes->setText(currentTrip->notes); - clearEquipment(); - ui.equipmentTab->setEnabled(false); - } else { - setTabText(0, tr("Notes")); - currentTrip = NULL; - // make all the fields visible writeable - ui.diveTripLocation->hide(); - ui.location->show(); - ui.editDiveSiteButton->show(); - ui.divemaster->setVisible(true); - ui.buddy->setVisible(true); - ui.suit->setVisible(true); - ui.SuitLabel->setVisible(true); - ui.rating->setVisible(true); - ui.RatingLabel->setVisible(true); - ui.visibility->setVisible(true); - ui.visibilityLabel->setVisible(true); - ui.BuddyLabel->setVisible(true); - ui.DivemasterLabel->setVisible(true); - ui.TagLabel->setVisible(true); - ui.tagWidget->setVisible(true); - ui.airTempLabel->setVisible(true); - ui.airtemp->setVisible(true); - ui.TypeLabel->setVisible(true); - ui.DiveType->setVisible(true); - ui.waterTempLabel->setVisible(true); - ui.watertemp->setVisible(true); - /* and fill them from the dive */ - ui.rating->setCurrentStars(displayed_dive.rating); - ui.visibility->setCurrentStars(displayed_dive.visibility); - // reset labels in case we last displayed trip notes - ui.LocationLabel->setText(tr("Location")); - ui.NotesLabel->setText(tr("Notes")); - ui.equipmentTab->setEnabled(true); - cylindersModel->updateDive(); - weightModel->updateDive(); - extraDataModel->updateDive(); - taglist_get_tagstring(displayed_dive.tag_list, buf, 1024); - ui.tagWidget->setText(QString(buf)); - } - ui.maximumDepthText->setText(get_depth_string(displayed_dive.maxdepth, true)); - ui.averageDepthText->setText(get_depth_string(displayed_dive.meandepth, true)); - ui.maxcnsText->setText(QString("%1\%").arg(displayed_dive.maxcns)); - ui.otuText->setText(QString("%1").arg(displayed_dive.otu)); - ui.waterTemperatureText->setText(get_temperature_string(displayed_dive.watertemp, true)); - ui.airTemperatureText->setText(get_temperature_string(displayed_dive.airtemp, true)); - ui.DiveType->setCurrentIndex(get_dive_dc(&displayed_dive, dc_number)->divemode); - - volume_t gases[MAX_CYLINDERS] = {}; - get_gas_used(&displayed_dive, gases); - QString volumes; - int mean[MAX_CYLINDERS], duration[MAX_CYLINDERS]; - per_cylinder_mean_depth(&displayed_dive, select_dc(&displayed_dive), mean, duration); - volume_t sac; - QString gaslist, SACs, separator; - - gaslist = ""; SACs = ""; volumes = ""; separator = ""; - for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++) { - if (!is_cylinder_used(&displayed_dive, i)) - continue; - gaslist.append(separator); volumes.append(separator); SACs.append(separator); - separator = "\n"; - - gaslist.append(gasname(&displayed_dive.cylinder[i].gasmix)); - if (!gases[i].mliter) - continue; - volumes.append(get_volume_string(gases[i], true)); - if (duration[i]) { - sac.mliter = gases[i].mliter / (depth_to_atm(mean[i], &displayed_dive) * duration[i] / 60); - SACs.append(get_volume_string(sac, true).append(tr("/min"))); - } - } - ui.gasUsedText->setText(volumes); - ui.oxygenHeliumText->setText(gaslist); - ui.dateText->setText(get_short_dive_date_string(displayed_dive.when)); - if (displayed_dive.dc.divemode != FREEDIVE) - ui.diveTimeText->setText(get_time_string_s(displayed_dive.duration.seconds + 30, 0, false)); - else - ui.diveTimeText->setText(get_time_string_s(displayed_dive.duration.seconds, 0, true)); - if (prevd) - ui.surfaceIntervalText->setText(get_time_string_s(displayed_dive.when - (prevd->when + prevd->duration.seconds), 4, - (displayed_dive.dc.divemode == FREEDIVE))); - else - ui.surfaceIntervalText->clear(); - if (mean[0]) - ui.sacText->setText(SACs); - else - ui.sacText->clear(); - if (displayed_dive.surface_pressure.mbar) - /* this is ALWAYS displayed in mbar */ - ui.airPressureText->setText(QString("%1mbar").arg(displayed_dive.surface_pressure.mbar)); - else - ui.airPressureText->clear(); - if (displayed_dive.salinity) - ui.salinityText->setText(QString("%1g/l").arg(displayed_dive.salinity / 10.0)); - else - ui.salinityText->clear(); - ui.depthLimits->setMaximum(get_depth_string(stats_selection.max_depth, true)); - ui.depthLimits->setMinimum(get_depth_string(stats_selection.min_depth, true)); - // the overall average depth is really confusing when listed between the - // deepest and shallowest dive - let's just not set it - // ui.depthLimits->setAverage(get_depth_string(stats_selection.avg_depth, true)); - ui.depthLimits->overrideMaxToolTipText(tr("Deepest dive")); - ui.depthLimits->overrideMinToolTipText(tr("Shallowest dive")); - if (amount_selected > 1 && stats_selection.max_sac.mliter) - ui.sacLimits->setMaximum(get_volume_string(stats_selection.max_sac, true).append(tr("/min"))); - else - ui.sacLimits->setMaximum(""); - if (amount_selected > 1 && stats_selection.min_sac.mliter) - ui.sacLimits->setMinimum(get_volume_string(stats_selection.min_sac, true).append(tr("/min"))); - else - ui.sacLimits->setMinimum(""); - if (stats_selection.avg_sac.mliter) - ui.sacLimits->setAverage(get_volume_string(stats_selection.avg_sac, true).append(tr("/min"))); - else - ui.sacLimits->setAverage(""); - ui.sacLimits->overrideMaxToolTipText(tr("Highest total SAC of a dive")); - ui.sacLimits->overrideMinToolTipText(tr("Lowest total SAC of a dive")); - ui.sacLimits->overrideAvgToolTipText(tr("Average total SAC of all selected dives")); - ui.divesAllText->setText(QString::number(stats_selection.selection_size)); - temp.mkelvin = stats_selection.max_temp; - ui.tempLimits->setMaximum(get_temperature_string(temp, true)); - temp.mkelvin = stats_selection.min_temp; - ui.tempLimits->setMinimum(get_temperature_string(temp, true)); - if (stats_selection.combined_temp && stats_selection.combined_count) { - const char *unit; - get_temp_units(0, &unit); - ui.tempLimits->setAverage(QString("%1%2").arg(stats_selection.combined_temp / stats_selection.combined_count, 0, 'f', 1).arg(unit)); - } - ui.tempLimits->overrideMaxToolTipText(tr("Highest temperature")); - ui.tempLimits->overrideMinToolTipText(tr("Lowest temperature")); - ui.tempLimits->overrideAvgToolTipText(tr("Average temperature of all selected dives")); - ui.totalTimeAllText->setText(get_time_string_s(stats_selection.total_time.seconds, 0, (displayed_dive.dc.divemode == FREEDIVE))); - int seconds = stats_selection.total_time.seconds; - if (stats_selection.selection_size) - seconds /= stats_selection.selection_size; - ui.timeLimits->setAverage(get_time_string_s(seconds, 0,(displayed_dive.dc.divemode == FREEDIVE))); - if (amount_selected > 1) { - ui.timeLimits->setMaximum(get_time_string_s(stats_selection.longest_time.seconds, 0, (displayed_dive.dc.divemode == FREEDIVE))); - ui.timeLimits->setMinimum(get_time_string_s(stats_selection.shortest_time.seconds, 0, (displayed_dive.dc.divemode == FREEDIVE))); - } - ui.timeLimits->overrideMaxToolTipText(tr("Longest dive")); - ui.timeLimits->overrideMinToolTipText(tr("Shortest dive")); - ui.timeLimits->overrideAvgToolTipText(tr("Average length of all selected dives")); - // now let's get some gas use statistics - QVector > gasUsed; - QString gasUsedString; - volume_t vol; - selectedDivesGasUsed(gasUsed); - for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) { - if (gasUsed.isEmpty()) - break; - QPair gasPair = gasUsed.last(); - gasUsed.pop_back(); - vol.mliter = gasPair.second; - gasUsedString.append(gasPair.first).append(": ").append(get_volume_string(vol, true)).append("\n"); - } - if (!gasUsed.isEmpty()) - gasUsedString.append("..."); - volume_t o2_tot = {}, he_tot = {}; - selected_dives_gas_parts(&o2_tot, &he_tot); - - /* No need to show the gas mixing information if diving - * with pure air, and only display the he / O2 part when - * it is used. - */ - if (he_tot.mliter || o2_tot.mliter) { - gasUsedString.append(tr("These gases could be\nmixed from Air and using:\n")); - if (he_tot.mliter) - gasUsedString.append(QString("He: %1").arg(get_volume_string(he_tot, true))); - if (he_tot.mliter && o2_tot.mliter) - gasUsedString.append(tr(" and ")); - if (o2_tot.mliter) - gasUsedString.append(QString("O2: %2\n").arg(get_volume_string(o2_tot, true))); - } - ui.gasConsumption->setText(gasUsedString); - if(ui.locationTags->text().isEmpty()) - ui.locationTags->hide(); - else - ui.locationTags->show(); - /* unset the special value text for date and time, just in case someone dove at midnight */ - ui.dateEdit->setSpecialValueText(QString("")); - ui.timeEdit->setSpecialValueText(QString("")); - - } else { - /* clear the fields */ - clearInfo(); - clearStats(); - clearEquipment(); - ui.rating->setCurrentStars(0); - ui.visibility->setCurrentStars(0); - ui.location->clear(); - /* set date and time to minimums which triggers showing the special value text */ - ui.dateEdit->setSpecialValueText(QString("-")); - ui.dateEdit->setMinimumDate(QDate(1, 1, 1)); - ui.dateEdit->setDate(QDate(1, 1, 1)); - ui.timeEdit->setSpecialValueText(QString("-")); - ui.timeEdit->setMinimumTime(QTime(0, 0, 0, 0)); - ui.timeEdit->setTime(QTime(0, 0, 0, 0)); - } - editMode = rememberEM; - ui.cylinders->view()->hideColumn(CylindersModel::DEPTH); - if (get_dive_dc(&displayed_dive, dc_number)->divemode == CCR) - ui.cylinders->view()->showColumn(CylindersModel::USE); - else - ui.cylinders->view()->hideColumn(CylindersModel::USE); - - if (verbose) - qDebug() << "Set the current dive site:" << displayed_dive.dive_site_uuid; - emit diveSiteChanged(get_dive_site_by_uuid(displayed_dive.dive_site_uuid)); -} - -void MainTab::addCylinder_clicked() -{ - if (editMode == NONE) - enableEdition(); - cylindersModel->add(); -} - -void MainTab::addWeight_clicked() -{ - if (editMode == NONE) - enableEdition(); - weightModel->add(); -} - -void MainTab::reload() -{ - suitModel.updateModel(); - buddyModel.updateModel(); - diveMasterModel.updateModel(); - tagModel.updateModel(); - LocationInformationModel::instance()->update(); -} - -// tricky little macro to edit all the selected dives -// loop over all dives, for each selected dive do WHAT, but do it -// last for the current dive; this is required in case the invocation -// wants to compare things to the original value in current_dive like it should -#define MODIFY_SELECTED_DIVES(WHAT) \ - do { \ - struct dive *mydive = NULL; \ - int _i; \ - for_each_dive (_i, mydive) { \ - if (!mydive->selected || mydive == cd) \ - continue; \ - \ - WHAT; \ - } \ - mydive = cd; \ - WHAT; \ - mark_divelist_changed(true); \ - } while (0) - -#define EDIT_TEXT(what) \ - if (same_string(mydive->what, cd->what) || copyPaste) { \ - free(mydive->what); \ - mydive->what = copy_string(displayed_dive.what); \ - } - -MainTab::EditMode MainTab::getEditMode() const -{ - return editMode; -} - -#define EDIT_VALUE(what) \ - if (mydive->what == cd->what || copyPaste) { \ - mydive->what = displayed_dive.what; \ - } - -void MainTab::refreshDisplayedDiveSite() -{ - if (displayed_dive_site.uuid) { - copy_dive_site(get_dive_site_by_uuid(displayed_dive_site.uuid), &displayed_dive_site); - ui.location->setCurrentDiveSiteUuid(displayed_dive_site.uuid); - } -} - -// when this is called we already have updated the current_dive and know that it exists -// there is no point in calling this function if there is no current dive -uint32_t MainTab::updateDiveSite(uint32_t pickedUuid, int divenr) -{ - struct dive *cd = get_dive(divenr); - if (!cd) - return 0; - - if (ui.location->text().isEmpty()) - return 0; - - if (pickedUuid == 0) - return 0; - - const uint32_t origUuid = cd->dive_site_uuid; - struct dive_site *origDs = get_dive_site_by_uuid(origUuid); - struct dive_site *newDs = NULL; - bool createdNewDive = false; - - if (pickedUuid == origUuid) - return origUuid; - - if (pickedUuid == RECENTLY_ADDED_DIVESITE) { - pickedUuid = create_dive_site(ui.location->text().isEmpty() ? qPrintable(tr("New dive site")) : qPrintable(ui.location->text()), displayed_dive.when); - createdNewDive = true; - } - - newDs = get_dive_site_by_uuid(pickedUuid); - - // Copy everything from the displayed_dive_site, so we have the latitude, longitude, notes, etc. - // The user *might* be using wrongly the 'choose dive site' just to edit the name of it, sigh. - if (origDs) { - if(createdNewDive) { - copy_dive_site(origDs, newDs); - free(newDs->name); - newDs->name = copy_string(qPrintable(ui.location->text().constData())); - newDs->uuid = pickedUuid; - qDebug() << "Creating and copying dive site"; - } else if (newDs->latitude.udeg == 0 && newDs->longitude.udeg == 0) { - newDs->latitude.udeg = origDs->latitude.udeg; - newDs->longitude.udeg = origDs->longitude.udeg; - qDebug() << "Copying GPS information"; - } - } - - if (origDs && pickedUuid != origDs->uuid && same_string(origDs->notes, "SubsurfaceWebservice")) { - if (!is_dive_site_used(origDs->uuid, false)) { - if (verbose) - qDebug() << "delete the autogenerated dive site" << origDs->name; - delete_dive_site(origDs->uuid); - } - } - - cd->dive_site_uuid = pickedUuid; - qDebug() << "Setting the dive site id on the dive:" << pickedUuid; - return pickedUuid; -} - -void MainTab::acceptChanges() -{ - int i, addedId = -1; - struct dive *d; - bool do_replot = false; - - if(ui.location->hasFocus()) { - this->setFocus(); - } - - acceptingEdit = true; - tabBar()->setTabIcon(0, QIcon()); // Notes - tabBar()->setTabIcon(1, QIcon()); // Equipment - ui.dateEdit->setEnabled(true); - hideMessage(); - ui.equipmentTab->setEnabled(true); - if (editMode == ADD) { - // We need to add the dive we just created to the dive list and select it. - // Easy, right? - struct dive *added_dive = clone_dive(&displayed_dive); - record_dive(added_dive); - addedId = added_dive->id; - // make sure that the dive site is handled as well - updateDiveSite(ui.location->currDiveSiteUuid(), get_idx_by_uniq_id(added_dive->id)); - - // unselect everything as far as the UI is concerned and select the new - // dive - we'll have to undo/redo this later after we resort the dive_table - // but we need the dive selected for the middle part of this function - this - // way we can reuse the code used for editing dives - MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->unselectDives(); - selected_dive = get_divenr(added_dive); - amount_selected = 1; - } else if (MainWindow::instance() && MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->selectedTrips().count() == 1) { - /* now figure out if things have changed */ - if (displayedTrip.notes && !same_string(displayedTrip.notes, currentTrip->notes)) { - currentTrip->notes = copy_string(displayedTrip.notes); - mark_divelist_changed(true); - } - if (displayedTrip.location && !same_string(displayedTrip.location, currentTrip->location)) { - currentTrip->location = copy_string(displayedTrip.location); - mark_divelist_changed(true); - } - currentTrip = NULL; - ui.dateEdit->setEnabled(true); - } else { - if (editMode == MANUALLY_ADDED_DIVE) { - // preserve any changes to the profile - free(current_dive->dc.sample); - copy_samples(&displayed_dive.dc, ¤t_dive->dc); - addedId =; - } - struct dive *cd = current_dive; - struct divecomputer *displayed_dc = get_dive_dc(&displayed_dive, dc_number); - // now check if something has changed and if yes, edit the selected dives that - // were identical with the master dive shown (and mark the divelist as changed) - if (!same_string(displayed_dive.suit, cd->suit)) - MODIFY_SELECTED_DIVES(EDIT_TEXT(suit)); - if (!same_string(displayed_dive.notes, cd->notes)) - MODIFY_SELECTED_DIVES(EDIT_TEXT(notes)); - if (displayed_dive.rating != cd->rating) - MODIFY_SELECTED_DIVES(EDIT_VALUE(rating)); - if (displayed_dive.visibility != cd->visibility) - MODIFY_SELECTED_DIVES(EDIT_VALUE(visibility)); - if (displayed_dive.airtemp.mkelvin != cd->airtemp.mkelvin) - MODIFY_SELECTED_DIVES(EDIT_VALUE(airtemp.mkelvin)); - if (displayed_dc->divemode != current_dc->divemode) { - MODIFY_SELECTED_DIVES( - if (get_dive_dc(mydive, dc_number)->divemode == current_dc->divemode || copyPaste) { - get_dive_dc(mydive, dc_number)->divemode = displayed_dc->divemode; - } - ); - MODIFY_SELECTED_DIVES(update_setpoint_events(get_dive_dc(mydive, dc_number))); - do_replot = true; - } - if (displayed_dive.watertemp.mkelvin != cd->watertemp.mkelvin) - MODIFY_SELECTED_DIVES(EDIT_VALUE(watertemp.mkelvin)); - if (displayed_dive.when != cd->when) { - time_t offset = cd->when - displayed_dive.when; - MODIFY_SELECTED_DIVES(mydive->when -= offset;); - } - - if (displayed_dive.dive_site_uuid != cd->dive_site_uuid) - MODIFY_SELECTED_DIVES(EDIT_VALUE(dive_site_uuid)); - - // three text fields are somewhat special and are represented as tags - // in the UI - they need somewhat smarter handling - saveTaggedStrings(); - saveTags(); - - if (editMode != ADD && cylindersModel->changed) { - mark_divelist_changed(true); - MODIFY_SELECTED_DIVES( - for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++) { - if (mydive != cd) { - if (same_string(mydive->cylinder[i].type.description, cd->cylinder[i].type.description) || copyPaste) { - // if we started out with the same cylinder description (for multi-edit) or if we do copt & paste - // make sure that we have the same cylinder type and copy the gasmix, but DON'T copy the start - // and end pressures (those are per dive after all) - if (!same_string(mydive->cylinder[i].type.description, displayed_dive.cylinder[i].type.description)) { - free((void*)mydive->cylinder[i].type.description); - mydive->cylinder[i].type.description = copy_string(displayed_dive.cylinder[i].type.description); - } - mydive->cylinder[i].type.size = displayed_dive.cylinder[i].type.size; - mydive->cylinder[i].type.workingpressure = displayed_dive.cylinder[i].type.workingpressure; - mydive->cylinder[i].gasmix = displayed_dive.cylinder[i].gasmix; - mydive->cylinder[i].cylinder_use = displayed_dive.cylinder[i].cylinder_use; - mydive->cylinder[i].depth = displayed_dive.cylinder[i].depth; - } - } - } - ); - for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++) { - // copy the cylinder but make sure we have our own copy of the strings - free((void*)cd->cylinder[i].type.description); - cd->cylinder[i] = displayed_dive.cylinder[i]; - cd->cylinder[i].type.description = copy_string(displayed_dive.cylinder[i].type.description); - } - /* if cylinders changed we may have changed gas change events - * - so far this is ONLY supported for a single selected dive */ - struct divecomputer *tdc = ¤t_dive->dc; - struct divecomputer *sdc = &displayed_dive.dc; - while(tdc && sdc) { - free_events(tdc->events); - copy_events(sdc, tdc); - tdc = tdc->next; - sdc = sdc->next; - } - do_replot = true; - } - - if (weightModel->changed) { - mark_divelist_changed(true); - MODIFY_SELECTED_DIVES( - for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WEIGHTSYSTEMS; i++) { - if (mydive != cd && (copyPaste || same_string(mydive->weightsystem[i].description, cd->weightsystem[i].description))) { - mydive->weightsystem[i] = displayed_dive.weightsystem[i]; - mydive->weightsystem[i].description = copy_string(displayed_dive.weightsystem[i].description); - } - } - ); - for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WEIGHTSYSTEMS; i++) { - cd->weightsystem[i] = displayed_dive.weightsystem[i]; - cd->weightsystem[i].description = copy_string(displayed_dive.weightsystem[i].description); - } - } - - // update the dive site for the selected dives that had the same dive site as the current dive - uint32_t oldUuid = cd->dive_site_uuid; - uint32_t newUuid = 0; - MODIFY_SELECTED_DIVES( - if (mydive->dive_site_uuid == current_dive->dive_site_uuid) { - newUuid = updateDiveSite(newUuid == 0 ? ui.location->currDiveSiteUuid() : newUuid, get_idx_by_uniq_id(mydive->id)); - } - ); - if (!is_dive_site_used(oldUuid, false)) { - if (verbose) { - struct dive_site *ds = get_dive_site_by_uuid(oldUuid); - qDebug() << "delete now unused dive site" << ((ds && ds->name) ? ds->name : "without name"); - } - delete_dive_site(oldUuid); - GlobeGPS::instance()->reload(); - } - // the code above can change the correct uuid for the displayed dive site - and the - // code below triggers an update of the display without re-initializing displayed_dive - // so let's make sure here that our data is consistent now that we have handled the - // dive sites - displayed_dive.dive_site_uuid = current_dive->dive_site_uuid; - struct dive_site *ds = get_dive_site_by_uuid(displayed_dive.dive_site_uuid); - if (ds) - copy_dive_site(ds, &displayed_dive_site); - - // each dive that was selected might have had the temperatures in its active divecomputer changed - // so re-populate the temperatures - easiest way to do this is by calling fixup_dive - for_each_dive (i, d) { - if (d->selected) - fixup_dive(d); - } - } - if (editMode != TRIP && current_dive->divetrip) { - current_dive->divetrip->when = current_dive->when; - find_new_trip_start_time(current_dive->divetrip); - } - if (editMode == ADD || editMode == MANUALLY_ADDED_DIVE) { - // we just added or edited the dive, let fixup_dive() make - // sure we get the max depth right - current_dive-> = current_dc-> = 0; - fixup_dive(current_dive); - set_dive_nr_for_current_dive(); - MainWindow::instance()->showProfile(); - mark_divelist_changed(true); - DivePlannerPointsModel::instance()->setPlanMode(DivePlannerPointsModel::NOTHING); - } - int scrolledBy = MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->verticalScrollBar()->sliderPosition(); - resetPallete(); - if (editMode == ADD || editMode == MANUALLY_ADDED_DIVE) { - // since a newly added dive could be in the middle of the dive_table we need - // to resort the dive list and make sure the newly added dive gets selected again - sort_table(&dive_table); - MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->reload(DiveTripModel::CURRENT, true); - int newDiveNr = get_divenr(get_dive_by_uniq_id(addedId)); - MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->unselectDives(); - MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->selectDive(newDiveNr, true); - editMode = NONE; - MainWindow::instance()->refreshDisplay(); - MainWindow::instance()->graphics()->replot(); - emit addDiveFinished(); - } else { - editMode = NONE; - if (do_replot) - MainWindow::instance()->graphics()->replot(); - MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->rememberSelection(); - sort_table(&dive_table); - MainWindow::instance()->refreshDisplay(); - MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->restoreSelection(); - } - DivePlannerPointsModel::instance()->setPlanMode(DivePlannerPointsModel::NOTHING); - MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->verticalScrollBar()->setSliderPosition(scrolledBy); - MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->setFocus(); - cylindersModel->changed = false; - weightModel->changed = false; - MainWindow::instance()->setEnabledToolbar(true); - acceptingEdit = false; - ui.editDiveSiteButton->setEnabled(true); -} - -void MainTab::resetPallete() -{ - QPalette p; - ui.buddy->setPalette(p); - ui.notes->setPalette(p); - ui.location->setPalette(p); - ui.divemaster->setPalette(p); - ui.suit->setPalette(p); - ui.airtemp->setPalette(p); - ui.DiveType->setPalette(p); - ui.watertemp->setPalette(p); - ui.dateEdit->setPalette(p); - ui.timeEdit->setPalette(p); - ui.tagWidget->setPalette(p); - ui.diveTripLocation->setPalette(p); -} - -#define EDIT_TEXT2(what, text) \ - textByteArray = text.toUtf8(); \ - free(what); \ - what = strdup(; - -#define FREE_IF_DIFFERENT(what) \ - if (displayed_dive.what != cd->what) \ - free(displayed_dive.what) - -void MainTab::rejectChanges() -{ - EditMode lastMode = editMode; - - if (lastMode != NONE && current_dive && - (modified || - memcmp(¤t_dive->cylinder[0], &displayed_dive.cylinder[0], sizeof(cylinder_t) * MAX_CYLINDERS) || - memcmp(¤t_dive->cylinder[0], &displayed_dive.weightsystem[0], sizeof(weightsystem_t) * MAX_WEIGHTSYSTEMS))) { - if (QMessageBox::warning(MainWindow::instance(), TITLE_OR_TEXT(tr("Discard the changes?"), - tr("You are about to discard your changes.")), - QMessageBox::Discard | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Discard) != QMessageBox::Discard) { - return; - } - } - ui.dateEdit->setEnabled(true); - editMode = NONE; - tabBar()->setTabIcon(0, QIcon()); // Notes - tabBar()->setTabIcon(1, QIcon()); // Equipment - hideMessage(); - resetPallete(); - // no harm done to call cancelPlan even if we were not in ADD or PLAN mode... - DivePlannerPointsModel::instance()->cancelPlan(); - if(lastMode == ADD) - MainWindow::instance()->dive_list()->restoreSelection(); - - // now make sure that the correct dive is displayed - if (selected_dive >= 0) - copy_dive(current_dive, &displayed_dive); - else - clear_dive(&displayed_dive); - updateDiveInfo(selected_dive < 0); - DivePictureModel::instance()->updateDivePictures(); - // the user could have edited the location and then canceled the edit - // let's get the correct location back in view -#ifndef NO_MARBLE - GlobeGPS::instance()->centerOnDiveSite(get_dive_site_by_uuid(displayed_dive.dive_site_uuid)); -#endif - // show the profile and dive info - MainWindow::instance()->graphics()->replot(); - MainWindow::instance()->setEnabledToolbar(true); - cylindersModel->changed = false; - weightModel->changed = false; - cylindersModel->updateDive(); - weightModel->updateDive(); - extraDataModel->updateDive(); - ui.editDiveSiteButton->setEnabled(true); -} -#undef EDIT_TEXT2 - -void MainTab::markChangedWidget(QWidget *w) -{ - QPalette p; - qreal h, s, l, a; - enableEdition(); - qApp->palette().color(QPalette::Text).getHslF(&h, &s, &l, &a); - p.setBrush(QPalette::Base, (l <= 0.3) ? QColor(Qt::yellow).lighter() : (l <= 0.6) ? QColor(Qt::yellow).light() : /* else */ QColor(Qt::yellow).darker(300)); - w->setPalette(p); - modified = true; -} - -void MainTab::on_buddy_textChanged() -{ - if (editMode == IGNORE || acceptingEdit == true) - return; - - if (same_string(displayed_dive.buddy, ui.buddy->toPlainText().toUtf8().data())) - return; - - QStringList text_list = ui.buddy->toPlainText().split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts); - for (int i = 0; i < text_list.size(); i++) - text_list[i] = text_list[i].trimmed(); - QString text = text_list.join(", "); - free(displayed_dive.buddy); - displayed_dive.buddy = strdup(text.toUtf8().data()); - markChangedWidget(ui.buddy); -} - -void MainTab::on_divemaster_textChanged() -{ - if (editMode == IGNORE || acceptingEdit == true) - return; - - if (same_string(displayed_dive.divemaster, ui.divemaster->toPlainText().toUtf8().data())) - return; - - QStringList text_list = ui.divemaster->toPlainText().split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts); - for (int i = 0; i < text_list.size(); i++) - text_list[i] = text_list[i].trimmed(); - QString text = text_list.join(", "); - free(displayed_dive.divemaster); - displayed_dive.divemaster = strdup(text.toUtf8().data()); - markChangedWidget(ui.divemaster); -} - -void MainTab::on_airtemp_textChanged(const QString &text) -{ - if (editMode == IGNORE || acceptingEdit == true) - return; - displayed_dive.airtemp.mkelvin = parseTemperatureToMkelvin(text); - markChangedWidget(ui.airtemp); - validate_temp_field(ui.airtemp, text); -} - -void MainTab::divetype_Changed(int index) -{ - if (editMode == IGNORE) - return; - struct divecomputer *displayed_dc = get_dive_dc(&displayed_dive, dc_number); - displayed_dc->divemode = (enum dive_comp_type) index; - update_setpoint_events(displayed_dc); - markChangedWidget(ui.DiveType); - MainWindow::instance()->graphics()->recalcCeiling(); -} - -void MainTab::on_watertemp_textChanged(const QString &text) -{ - if (editMode == IGNORE || acceptingEdit == true) - return; - displayed_dive.watertemp.mkelvin = parseTemperatureToMkelvin(text); - markChangedWidget(ui.watertemp); - validate_temp_field(ui.watertemp, text); -} - -void MainTab::validate_temp_field(QLineEdit *tempField, const QString &text) -{ - static bool missing_unit = false; - static bool missing_precision = false; - if (!text.contains(QRegExp("^[-+]{0,1}[0-9]+([,.][0-9]+){0,1}(°[CF]){0,1}$")) && - !text.isEmpty() && - !text.contains(QRegExp("^[-+]$"))) { - if (text.contains(QRegExp("^[-+]{0,1}[0-9]+([,.][0-9]+){0,1}(°)$")) && !missing_unit) { - if (!missing_unit) { - missing_unit = true; - return; - } - } - if (text.contains(QRegExp("^[-+]{0,1}[0-9]+([,.]){0,1}(°[CF]){0,1}$")) && !missing_precision) { - if (!missing_precision) { - missing_precision = true; - return; - } - } - QPalette p; - p.setBrush(QPalette::Base, QColor(Qt::red).lighter()); - tempField->setPalette(p); - } else { - missing_unit = false; - missing_precision = false; - } -} - -void MainTab::on_dateEdit_dateChanged(const QDate &date) -{ - if (editMode == IGNORE || acceptingEdit == true) - return; - markChangedWidget(ui.dateEdit); - QDateTime dateTime = QDateTime::fromTime_t(displayed_dive.when - gettimezoneoffset(displayed_dive.when)); - dateTime.setTimeSpec(Qt::UTC); - dateTime.setDate(date); - DivePlannerPointsModel::instance()->getDiveplan().when = displayed_dive.when = dateTime.toTime_t(); - emit dateTimeChanged(); -} - -void MainTab::on_timeEdit_timeChanged(const QTime &time) -{ - if (editMode == IGNORE || acceptingEdit == true) - return; - markChangedWidget(ui.timeEdit); - QDateTime dateTime = QDateTime::fromTime_t(displayed_dive.when - gettimezoneoffset(displayed_dive.when)); - dateTime.setTimeSpec(Qt::UTC); - dateTime.setTime(time); - DivePlannerPointsModel::instance()->getDiveplan().when = displayed_dive.when = dateTime.toTime_t(); - emit dateTimeChanged(); -} - -// changing the tags on multiple dives is semantically strange - what's the right thing to do? -// here's what I think... add the tags that were added to the displayed dive and remove the tags -// that were removed from it -void MainTab::saveTags() -{ - struct dive *cd = current_dive; - struct tag_entry *added_list = NULL; - struct tag_entry *removed_list = NULL; - struct tag_entry *tl; - - taglist_free(displayed_dive.tag_list); - displayed_dive.tag_list = NULL; - Q_FOREACH (const QString& tag, ui.tagWidget->getBlockStringList()) - taglist_add_tag(&displayed_dive.tag_list, tag.toUtf8().data()); - taglist_cleanup(&displayed_dive.tag_list); - - // figure out which tags were added and which tags were removed - added_list = taglist_added(cd->tag_list, displayed_dive.tag_list); - removed_list = taglist_added(displayed_dive.tag_list, cd->tag_list); - // dump_taglist("added tags:", added_list); - // dump_taglist("removed tags:", removed_list); - - // we need to check if the tags were changed before just overwriting them - if (added_list == NULL && removed_list == NULL) - return; - - MODIFY_SELECTED_DIVES( - // create a new tag list and all the existing tags that were not - // removed and then all the added tags - struct tag_entry *new_tag_list; - new_tag_list = NULL; - tl = mydive->tag_list; - while (tl) { - if (!taglist_contains(removed_list, tl->tag->name)) - taglist_add_tag(&new_tag_list, tl->tag->name); - tl = tl->next; - } - tl = added_list; - while (tl) { - taglist_add_tag(&new_tag_list, tl->tag->name); - tl = tl->next; - } - taglist_free(mydive->tag_list); - mydive->tag_list = new_tag_list; - ); - taglist_free(added_list); - taglist_free(removed_list); -} - -// buddy and divemaster are represented in the UI just like the tags, but the internal -// representation is just a string (with commas as delimiters). So we need to do the same -// thing we did for tags, just differently -void MainTab::saveTaggedStrings() -{ - QStringList addedList, removedList; - struct dive *cd = current_dive; - - diffTaggedStrings(cd->buddy, displayed_dive.buddy, addedList, removedList); - MODIFY_SELECTED_DIVES( - QStringList oldList = QString(mydive->buddy).split(QRegExp("\\s*,\\s*"), QString::SkipEmptyParts); - QString newString; - QString comma; - Q_FOREACH (const QString tag, oldList) { - if (!removedList.contains(tag, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { - newString += comma + tag; - comma = ", "; - } - } - Q_FOREACH (const QString tag, addedList) { - if (!oldList.contains(tag, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { - newString += comma + tag; - comma = ", "; - } - } - free(mydive->buddy); - mydive->buddy = copy_string(qPrintable(newString)); - ); - addedList.clear(); - removedList.clear(); - diffTaggedStrings(cd->divemaster, displayed_dive.divemaster, addedList, removedList); - MODIFY_SELECTED_DIVES( - QStringList oldList = QString(mydive->divemaster).split(QRegExp("\\s*,\\s*"), QString::SkipEmptyParts); - QString newString; - QString comma; - Q_FOREACH (const QString tag, oldList) { - if (!removedList.contains(tag, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { - newString += comma + tag; - comma = ", "; - } - } - Q_FOREACH (const QString tag, addedList) { - if (!oldList.contains(tag, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { - newString += comma + tag; - comma = ", "; - } - } - free(mydive->divemaster); - mydive->divemaster = copy_string(qPrintable(newString)); - ); -} - -void MainTab::diffTaggedStrings(QString currentString, QString displayedString, QStringList &addedList, QStringList &removedList) -{ - QStringList displayedList, currentList; - currentList = currentString.split(',', QString::SkipEmptyParts); - displayedList = displayedString.split(',', QString::SkipEmptyParts); - Q_FOREACH ( const QString tag, currentList) { - if (!displayedList.contains(tag, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) - removedList << tag.trimmed(); - } - Q_FOREACH (const QString tag, displayedList) { - if (!currentList.contains(tag, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) - addedList << tag.trimmed(); - } -} - -void MainTab::on_tagWidget_textChanged() -{ - char buf[1024]; - - if (editMode == IGNORE || acceptingEdit == true) - return; - - taglist_get_tagstring(displayed_dive.tag_list, buf, 1024); - if (same_string(buf, ui.tagWidget->toPlainText().toUtf8().data())) - return; - - markChangedWidget(ui.tagWidget); -} - -void MainTab::on_location_textChanged() -{ - if (editMode == IGNORE) - return; - - // we don't want to act on the edit until editing is finished, - // but we want to mark the field so it's obvious it is being edited - QString currentLocation; - struct dive_site *ds = get_dive_site_by_uuid(displayed_dive.dive_site_uuid); - if (ds) - currentLocation = ds->name; - if (ui.location->text() != currentLocation) - markChangedWidget(ui.location); -} - -void MainTab::on_location_diveSiteSelected() -{ - if (editMode == IGNORE || acceptingEdit == true) - return; - - if (ui.location->text().isEmpty()) { - displayed_dive.dive_site_uuid = 0; - markChangedWidget(ui.location); - emit diveSiteChanged(0); - return; - } else { - if (ui.location->currDiveSiteUuid() != displayed_dive.dive_site_uuid) { - markChangedWidget(ui.location); - } else { - QPalette p; - ui.location->setPalette(p); - } - } -} - -void MainTab::on_diveTripLocation_textEdited(const QString& text) -{ - if (currentTrip) { - free(displayedTrip.location); - displayedTrip.location = strdup(qPrintable(text)); - markChangedWidget(ui.diveTripLocation); - } -} - -void MainTab::on_suit_textChanged(const QString &text) -{ - if (editMode == IGNORE || acceptingEdit == true) - return; - free(displayed_dive.suit); - displayed_dive.suit = strdup(text.toUtf8().data()); - markChangedWidget(ui.suit); -} - -void MainTab::on_notes_textChanged() -{ - if (editMode == IGNORE || acceptingEdit == true) - return; - if (currentTrip) { - if (same_string(displayedTrip.notes, ui.notes->toPlainText().toUtf8().data())) - return; - free(displayedTrip.notes); - displayedTrip.notes = strdup(ui.notes->toPlainText().toUtf8().data()); - } else { - if (same_string(displayed_dive.notes, ui.notes->toPlainText().toUtf8().data())) - return; - free(displayed_dive.notes); - if (ui.notes->toHtml().indexOf("toHtml().toUtf8().data()); - else - displayed_dive.notes = strdup(ui.notes->toPlainText().toUtf8().data()); - } - markChangedWidget(ui.notes); -} - -void MainTab::on_rating_valueChanged(int value) -{ - if (acceptingEdit == true) - return; - if (displayed_dive.rating != value) { - displayed_dive.rating = value; - modified = true; - enableEdition(); - } -} - -void MainTab::on_visibility_valueChanged(int value) -{ - if (acceptingEdit == true) - return; - if (displayed_dive.visibility != value) { - displayed_dive.visibility = value; - modified = true; - enableEdition(); - } -} - -#undef MODIFY_SELECTED_DIVES -#undef EDIT_TEXT -#undef EDIT_VALUE - -void MainTab::editCylinderWidget(const QModelIndex &index) -{ - // we need a local copy or bad things happen when enableEdition() is called - QModelIndex editIndex = index; - if (cylindersModel->changed && editMode == NONE) { - enableEdition(); - return; - } - if (editIndex.isValid() && editIndex.column() != CylindersModel::REMOVE) { - if (editMode == NONE) - enableEdition(); - ui.cylinders->edit(editIndex); - } -} - -void MainTab::editWeightWidget(const QModelIndex &index) -{ - if (editMode == NONE) - enableEdition(); - - if (index.isValid() && index.column() != WeightModel::REMOVE) - ui.weights->edit(index); -} - -void MainTab::escDetected() -{ - if (editMode != NONE) - rejectChanges(); -} - -void MainTab::photoDoubleClicked(const QString filePath) -{ - QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(filePath)); -} - -void MainTab::removeSelectedPhotos() -{ - if (!ui.photosView->selectionModel()->hasSelection()) - return; - - QModelIndex photoIndex = ui.photosView->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes().first(); - QString fileUrl =; - DivePictureModel::instance()->removePicture(fileUrl); -} - -#define SHOW_SELECTIVE(_component) \ - if (what._component) \ - ui._component->setText(displayed_dive._component); - -void MainTab::showAndTriggerEditSelective(struct dive_components what) -{ - // take the data in our copyPasteDive and apply it to selected dives - enableEdition(); - copyPaste = true; - SHOW_SELECTIVE(buddy); - SHOW_SELECTIVE(divemaster); - SHOW_SELECTIVE(suit); - if (what.notes) { - QString tmp(displayed_dive.notes); - if (tmp.contains("setHtml(tmp); - else - ui.notes->setPlainText(tmp); - } - if (what.rating) - ui.rating->setCurrentStars(displayed_dive.rating); - if (what.visibility) - ui.visibility->setCurrentStars(displayed_dive.visibility); - if (what.divesite) - ui.location->setCurrentDiveSiteUuid(displayed_dive.dive_site_uuid); - if (what.tags) { - char buf[1024]; - taglist_get_tagstring(displayed_dive.tag_list, buf, 1024); - ui.tagWidget->setText(QString(buf)); - } - if (what.cylinders) { - cylindersModel->updateDive(); - cylindersModel->changed = true; - } - if (what.weights) { - weightModel->updateDive(); - weightModel->changed = true; - } -} -- cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2