name: MXE stage 2 Docker Image CI # trigger this second stage via a repository dispaych event # the version that we are building is passed in via the event type that is available to us here # as github.event.action on: repository_dispatch jobs: mxe-build-container-stage2: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v1 with: ref: ${{ github.event.client_payload.target_branch }} # Grab the version from the event name that we were triggered by and add ".stage1" to find the docker image to start FROM # And create the NAME of the final docker image (including the branch if not master) - name: set env run: | v=${{ github.event.action }} s=".stage1" b=${{ github.event.client_payload.target_branch }} # -BRANCH suffix, unless the branch is master b=${b/refs\/heads\//} b=${b,,} # the name needs to be all lower case if [ "$b" = "master" ] || [ "$b" = "" ] ; then b="" ; else b="-$b" ; fi echo "::set-env name=VERSION::${v}${s}" echo "::set-env name=NAME::subsurface/mxe-build-container${b}:${v}" - name: Build and Publish stage 2 Docker image to Dockerhub uses: elgohr/Publish-Docker-Github-Action@master with: name: ${{ env.NAME }} username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }} password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }} dockerfile: 'Dockerfile-stage2' workdir: './scripts/docker/mxe-build-container/' buildargs: VERSION