Half-arsed divelog software in C. I'm tired of java programs that don't work etc. License: GPLv2 You need libxml2-devel and gtk2-devel to build this. Usage: make ./divelog dives/*.xml to see my dives (with no notes or commentary). There's a lot of duplicates in there, and divelog will de-duplicate the ones that are exactly the same (just because they were imported multiple times). But at least two of the dives have duplicates that were edited by Dirk in the Suunto Dive Manager, so they don't trigger the "exact duplicates" match. WARNING! I wasn't kidding when I said that I've done this by reading gtk2 tutorials as I've gone along. If somebody is more comfortable with gtk, feel free to send me (signed-off) patches. Just as an example of the extreme hackiness of the code, I don't even bother connecting a signal for the "somebody edited the dive info" cases. I just save/restore the dive info every single time you switch dives. Christ! That's truly lame. Also, I don't actually integrate directly with libdivecomputer, I just read the XML files it can spit out. But I included my own raw dive profile xml files for anybody who isn't a diver, but decides that they want to educate me in gtk. NOTE! Some of the dives are pretty pitiful. All the last dives are from my divemaster course, so they are from following open water students along (many of them the confined*water dives). There a lot of the action is at the surface, so some of the "dives" are 4ft deep and 2min long. Contributing: Please either send me signed-off patches or a pull request with signed-off commits. If you don't sign off on them, I will not accept them. This means adding a line that says "Signed-off-by: Name <email>" at the end of each commit, indicating that you wrote the code and have the right to pass it on as an open source patch. See: http://gerrit.googlecode.com/svn/documentation/2.0/user-signedoffby.html