# -*- Makefile -*- # Rules for building and creating the version file VERSION_FILE = version.h # There's only one line in $(VERSION_FILE); use the shell builtin `read' STORED_VERSION_STRING = \ $(subst ",,$(shell [ ! -r $(VERSION_FILE) ] || \ read ignore ignore v <$(VERSION_FILE) && echo $$v)) #" workaround editor syntax highlighting quirk GET_VERSION = ./scripts/get-version VERSION_STRING := $(shell $(GET_VERSION) linux || echo "v$(VERSION)") # Mac Info.plist style with three numbers 1.2.3 CFBUNDLEVERSION_STRING := $(shell $(GET_VERSION) darwin $(VERSION_STRING) || \ echo "$(VERSION).0") # Windows .nsi style with four numbers PRODVERSION_STRING := $(shell $(GET_VERSION) win $(VERSION_STRING) || \ echo "$(VERSION).0.0") MSGOBJS=$(addprefix share/locale/,$(MSGLANGS:.po=.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/subsurface.mo)) ifeq ($(V),1) PRETTYECHO=true COMPILE_PREFIX= else PRETTYECHO=echo COMPILE_PREFIX=@ endif C_SOURCES = $(filter %.c, $(SOURCES)) CXX_SOURCES = $(filter %.cpp, $(SOURCES)) $(RESOURCES:.qrc=.qrc.cpp) OTHER_SOURCES = $(filter-out %.c %.cpp, $(SOURCES)) OBJS = $(C_SOURCES:.c=.o) $(CXX_SOURCES:.cpp=.o) $(OTHER_SOURCES) # Add the objects for the header files which define QObject subclasses HEADERS_NEEDING_MOC += $(shell grep -l -s 'Q_OBJECT' $(HEADERS)) MOC_OBJS = $(HEADERS_NEEDING_MOC:.h=.moc.o) ALL_OBJS = $(OBJS) $(MOC_OBJS) # Files for using Qt Creator CREATOR_FILES = subsurface.config subsurface.creator subsurface.files subsurface.includes all: $(NAME) $(NAME): gen_version_file $(ALL_OBJS) $(MSGOBJS) $(INFOPLIST) @$(PRETTYECHO) ' LINK' $(NAME) $(COMPILE_PREFIX)$(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) -o $(NAME) $(ALL_OBJS) $(LIBS) gen_version_file $(VERSION_FILE): ifneq ($(STORED_VERSION_STRING),$(VERSION_STRING)) $(info updating $(VERSION_FILE) to $(VERSION_STRING)) @echo \#define VERSION_STRING \"$(VERSION_STRING)\" >$(VERSION_FILE) endif install: all $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(BINDIR) $(INSTALL) $(NAME) $(BINDIR) $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(DESKTOPDIR) $(INSTALL) $(DESKTOPFILE) $(DESKTOPDIR) $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(ICONDIR) $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(ICONFILE) $(ICONDIR) @-if test -z "$(DESTDIR)"; then \ $(gtk_update_icon_cache); \ fi $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(MANDIR) $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(MANFILES) $(MANDIR) @-if test ! -z "$(XSLT)"; then \ $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(DATADIR)/subsurface; \ $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(XSLTDIR); \ $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(XSLTFILES) $(XSLTDIR); \ fi for LOC in $(wildcard share/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES); do \ $(INSTALL) -d $(prefix)/$$LOC; \ $(INSTALL) -m 644 $$LOC/subsurface.mo $(prefix)/$$LOC/subsurface.mo; \ done install-macosx: all $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(MACOSXINSTALL)/Contents/Resources $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(MACOSXINSTALL)/Contents/MacOS $(INSTALL) $(NAME) $(MACOSXINSTALL)/Contents/MacOS/$(NAME)-bin $(INSTALL) $(MACOSXFILES)/$(NAME).sh $(MACOSXINSTALL)/Contents/MacOS/$(NAME) $(INSTALL) $(MACOSXFILES)/PkgInfo $(MACOSXINSTALL)/Contents/ $(INSTALL) $(MACOSXFILES)/Info.plist $(MACOSXINSTALL)/Contents/ $(INSTALL) $(ICONFILE) $(MACOSXINSTALL)/Contents/Resources/ $(INSTALL) $(MACOSXFILES)/Subsurface.icns $(MACOSXINSTALL)/Contents/Resources/ for LOC in $(wildcard share/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES); do \ $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(MACOSXINSTALL)/Contents/Resources/$$LOC; \ $(INSTALL) $$LOC/subsurface.mo $(MACOSXINSTALL)/Contents/Resources/$$LOC/subsurface.mo; \ done @-if test ! -z "$(XSLT)"; then \ $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(MACOSXINSTALL)/Contents/Resources/xslt; \ $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(XSLTFILES) $(MACOSXINSTALL)/Contents/Resources/xslt/; \ fi create-macosx-bundle: all $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(MACOSXSTAGING)/Contents/Resources $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(MACOSXSTAGING)/Contents/MacOS $(INSTALL) $(NAME) $(MACOSXSTAGING)/Contents/MacOS/ $(INSTALL) $(MACOSXFILES)/PkgInfo $(MACOSXSTAGING)/Contents/ $(INSTALL) $(MACOSXFILES)/Info.plist $(MACOSXSTAGING)/Contents/ $(INSTALL) $(ICONFILE) $(MACOSXSTAGING)/Contents/Resources/ $(INSTALL) $(MACOSXFILES)/Subsurface.icns $(MACOSXSTAGING)/Contents/Resources/ for LOC in $(wildcard share/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES); do \ $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(MACOSXSTAGING)/Contents/Resources/$$LOC; \ $(INSTALL) $$LOC/subsurface.mo $(MACOSXSTAGING)/Contents/Resources/$$LOC/subsurface.mo; \ done @-if test ! -z "$(XSLT)"; then \ $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(MACOSXSTAGING)/Contents/Resources/xslt; \ $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(XSLTFILES) $(MACOSXSTAGING)/Contents/Resources/xslt/; \ fi $(GTK_MAC_BUNDLER) packaging/macosx/subsurface.bundle sign-macosx-bundle: all codesign -s "3A8CE62A483083EDEA5581A61E770EC1FA8BECE8" /Applications/Subsurface.app/Contents/MacOS/subsurface-bin install-cross-windows: all $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(WINDOWSSTAGING)/share/locale for MSG in $(WINMSGDIRS); do\ $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(WINDOWSSTAGING)/$$MSG;\ $(INSTALL) $(CROSS_PATH)/$$MSG/* $(WINDOWSSTAGING)/$$MSG;\ done for LOC in $(wildcard share/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES); do \ $(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(WINDOWSSTAGING)/$$LOC; \ $(INSTALL) $$LOC/subsurface.mo $(WINDOWSSTAGING)/$$LOC/subsurface.mo; \ done create-windows-installer: all $(NSIFILE) install-cross-windows $(MAKENSIS) $(NSIFILE) $(NSIFILE): $(NSIINPUTFILE) $(shell cat $(NSIINPUTFILE) | sed -e 's/VERSIONTOKEN/$(VERSION_STRING)/;s/PRODVTOKEN/$(PRODVERSION_STRING)/' > $(NSIFILE)) $(INFOPLIST): $(INFOPLISTINPUT) $(shell cat $(INFOPLISTINPUT) | sed -e 's/CFBUNDLEVERSION_TOKEN/$(CFBUNDLEVERSION_STRING)/' > $(INFOPLIST)) # Transifex merge the translations update-po-files: xgettext -o po/subsurface-new.pot -s -k_ -kN_ -ktr --keyword=C_:1c,2 --add-comments="++GETTEXT" *.c qt-ui/*.cpp tx push -s tx pull -af MOCFLAGS = $(filter -I%, $(CXXFLAGS) $(EXTRA_FLAGS)) $(filter -D%, $(CXXFLAGS) $(EXTRA_FLAGS)) %.o: %.c @$(PRETTYECHO) ' CC' $< @mkdir -p .dep/$(@D) $(COMPILE_PREFIX)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_FLAGS) -MD -MF .dep/$@.dep -c -o $@ $< %.o: %.cpp @$(PRETTYECHO) ' CXX' $< @mkdir -p .dep/$(@D) $(COMPILE_PREFIX)$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(EXTRA_FLAGS) -MD -MF .dep/$@.dep -c -o $@ $< # This rule is for running the moc on QObject subclasses defined in the .h # files. %.moc.cpp: %.h @$(PRETTYECHO) ' MOC' $< $(COMPILE_PREFIX)$(MOC) $(MOCFLAGS) $< -o $@ # This rule is for running the moc on QObject subclasses defined in the .cpp # files; remember to #include "<file>.moc" at the end of the .cpp file, or # you'll get linker errors ("undefined vtable for...") %.moc: %.cpp @$(PRETTYECHO) ' MOC' $< $(COMPILE_PREFIX)$(MOC) -i $(MOCFLAGS) $< -o $@ # This creates the Qt resource sources. %.qrc.cpp: %.qrc @$(PRETTYECHO) ' RCC' $< $(COMPILE_PREFIX)$(RCC) $< -o $@ %.qrc: # This creates the ui headers. ui_%.h: %.ui @$(PRETTYECHO) ' UIC' $< $(COMPILE_PREFIX)$(UIC) $< -o $@ # This forces the creation of ui headers with the wrong path # This is required because the -MG option to the compiler outputs # unknown files with no path prefix ui_%.h: qt-ui/%.ui @$(PRETTYECHO) ' UIC' $< $(COMPILE_PREFIX)$(UIC) $< -o qt-ui/$@ share/locale/%.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/subsurface.mo: po/%.po po/%.aliases @$(PRETTYECHO) ' MSGFMT' $*.po @mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(COMPILE_PREFIX)msgfmt -c -o $@ po/$*.po @-if test -s po/$*.aliases; then \ for ALIAS in `cat po/$*.aliases`; do \ mkdir -p share/locale/$$ALIAS/LC_MESSAGES; \ cp $@ share/locale/$$ALIAS/LC_MESSAGES; \ done; \ fi satellite.png: satellite.svg convert -transparent white -resize 11x16 -depth 8 $< $@ # This should work, but it doesn't get the colors quite right - so I manually converted with Gimp # convert -colorspace RGB -transparent white -resize 256x256 subsurface-icon.svg subsurface-icon.png # # The following creates the pixbuf data in .h files with the basename followed by '_pixmap' # as name of the data structure %.h: %.png @echo ' gdk-pixbuf-csource' $< @gdk-pixbuf-csource --struct --name `echo $* | sed 's/-/_/g'`_pixbuf $< > $@ doc: $(MAKE) -C Documentation doc clean: rm -f $(ALL_OBJS) *~ $(NAME) $(NAME).exe po/*~ po/subsurface-new.pot \ $(VERSION_FILE) $(HEADERS_NEEDING_MOC:.h=.moc) *.moc qt-ui/*.moc qt-ui/ui_*.h rm -f $(RESOURCES:.qrc=.qrc.cpp) rm -rf share confclean: clean rm -f $(CONFIGFILE) rm -rf .dep distclean: confclean rm -f $(CREATOR_FILES) .PHONY: creator-files creator-files: $(CREATOR_FILES) subsurface.files: Makefile $(CONFIGFILE) echo $(wildcard *.h) $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq > subsurface.files subsurface.config: Makefile $(CONFIGFILE) echo $(patsubst -D%,%,$(filter -D%, $(CXXFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_FLAGS))) | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq > subsurface.config subsurface.includes: Makefile $(CONFIGFILE) echo $$PWD > subsurface.includes echo $(patsubst -I%,%,$(filter -I%, $(CXXFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_FLAGS))) | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq >> subsurface.includes subsurface.creator: echo '[General]' > subsurface.creator ifneq ($(CONFIGURED)$(CONFIGURING),) .dep/%.o.dep: %.cpp @mkdir -p $(@D) @$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(EXTRA_FLAGS) -MM -MG -MF $@ -MT $(<:.cpp=.o) -c $< endif DEPS = $(addprefix .dep/,$(C_SOURCES:.c=.o.dep) $(CXX_SOURCES:.cpp=.o.dep)) -include $(DEPS)