// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 #include <QFileInfo> #include <QDir> #include <QtConcurrent> #include "core/membuffer.h" #include "core/divesite.h" #include "core/gettextfromc.h" #include "core/tag.h" #include "core/file.h" #include "core/errorhelper.h" #include "core/divefilter.h" #include "core/divesite.h" #include "exportfuncs.h" #if !defined(SUBSURFACE_MOBILE) void exportProfile(QString filename, bool selected_only) { struct dive *dive; int i; int count = 0; if (!filename.endsWith(".png", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) filename = filename.append(".png"); QFileInfo fi(filename); for_each_dive (i, dive) { if (selected_only && !dive->selected) continue; if (count) exportProfile(dive, fi.path() + QDir::separator() + fi.completeBaseName().append(QString("-%1.").arg(count)) + fi.suffix()); else exportProfile(dive, filename); ++count; } } void export_TeX(const char *filename, bool selected_only, bool plain) { FILE *f; QDir texdir = QFileInfo(filename).dir(); struct dive *dive; const struct units *units = get_units(); const char *unit; const char *ssrf; int i; bool need_pagebreak = false; struct membuffer buf = {}; if (plain) { ssrf = ""; put_format(&buf, "\\input subsurfacetemplate\n"); put_format(&buf, "%% This is a plain TeX file. Compile with pdftex, not pdflatex!\n"); put_format(&buf, "%% You will also need a subsurfacetemplate.tex in the current directory.\n"); } else { ssrf = "ssrf"; put_format(&buf, "\\input subsurfacelatextemplate\n"); put_format(&buf, "%% This is a plain LaTeX file. Compile with pdflatex, not pdftex!\n"); put_format(&buf, "%% You will also need a subsurfacelatextemplate.tex in the current directory.\n"); } put_format(&buf, "%% You can download an example from http://www.atdotde.de/~robert/subsurfacetemplate\n%%\n"); put_format(&buf, "%%\n"); put_format(&buf, "%% Notes: TeX/LaTex will not render the degree symbol correctly by default. In LaTeX, you may\n"); put_format(&buf, "%% add the following line to the end of the preamble of your template to ensure correct output:\n"); put_format(&buf, "%% \\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}\n"); put_format(&buf, "%% \\usepackage{gensymb}\n"); put_format(&buf, "%% \\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{00B0}{\\degree}\n"); //replaces ° with \degree put_format(&buf, "%%\n"); /* Define text fields with the units used for export. These values are set in the Subsurface Preferences * and the text fields created here are included in the data fields below. */ put_format(&buf, "\n%% These fields contain the units used in other fields below. They may be\n"); put_format(&buf, "%% referenced as needed in TeX templates.\n"); put_format(&buf, "%% \n"); put_format(&buf, "%% By default, Subsurface exports units of volume as \"ℓ\" and \"cuft\", which do\n"); put_format(&buf, "%% not render well in TeX/LaTeX. The code below substitutes \"L\" and \"ft$^{3}$\",\n"); put_format(&buf, "%% respectively. If you wish to display the original values, you may edit this\n"); put_format(&buf, "%% list and all calls to those units will be updated in your document.\n"); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sdepthunit{\\%sunit%s}", ssrf, ssrf, units->length == units::METERS ? "meter" : "ft"); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sweightunit{\\%sunit%s}",ssrf, ssrf, units->weight == units::KG ? "kg" : "lb"); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%spressureunit{\\%sunit%s}", ssrf, ssrf, units->pressure == units::BAR ? "bar" : "psi"); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%stemperatureunit{\\%sunit%s}", ssrf, ssrf, units->temperature == units::CELSIUS ? "centigrade" : "fahrenheit"); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%svolumeunit{\\%sunit%s}", ssrf, ssrf, units->volume == units::LITER ? "liter" : "cuft"); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sverticalspeedunit{\\%sunit%s}", ssrf, ssrf, units->length == units::METERS ? "meterpermin" : "ftpermin"); put_format(&buf, "\n%%%%%%%%%% Begin Dive Data: %%%%%%%%%%\n"); for_each_dive (i, dive) { if (selected_only && !dive->selected) continue; exportProfile(dive, texdir.filePath(QString("profile%1.png").arg(dive->number))); struct tm tm; utc_mkdate(dive->when, &tm); dive_site *site = dive->dive_site; QRegExp ct("countrytag: (\\w+)"); QString country; if (site && ct.indexIn(site->notes) >= 0) country = ct.cap(1); else country = ""; pressure_t delta_p = {.mbar = 0}; QString star = "*"; QString viz = star.repeated(dive->visibility); QString rating = star.repeated(dive->rating); int i; int qty_cyl; int qty_weight; double total_weight; if (need_pagebreak) { if (plain) put_format(&buf, "\\vfill\\eject\n"); else put_format(&buf, "\\newpage\n"); } need_pagebreak = true; put_format(&buf, "\n%% Time, Date, and location:\n"); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sdate{%04u-%02u-%02u}\n", ssrf, tm.tm_year, tm.tm_mon+1, tm.tm_mday); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%shour{%02u}\n", ssrf, tm.tm_hour); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sminute{%02u}\n", ssrf, tm.tm_min); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%snumber{%d}\n", ssrf, dive->number); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%splace{%s}\n", ssrf, site ? site->name : ""); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sspot{}\n", ssrf); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%ssitename{%s}\n", ssrf, site ? site->name : ""); site ? put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sgpslat{%f}\n", ssrf, site->location.lat.udeg / 1000000.0) : put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sgpslat{}\n", ssrf); site ? put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sgpslon{%f}\n", ssrf, site->location.lon.udeg / 1000000.0) : put_format(&buf, "\\def\\gpslon{}\n"); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scomputer{%s}\n", ssrf, dive->dc.model); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scountry{%s}\n", ssrf, qPrintable(country)); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%stime{%u:%02u}\n", ssrf, FRACTION(dive->duration.seconds, 60)); put_format(&buf, "\n%% Dive Profile Details:\n"); dive->maxtemp.mkelvin ? put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%smaxtemp{%.1f\\%stemperatureunit}\n", ssrf, get_temp_units(dive->maxtemp.mkelvin, &unit), ssrf) : put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%smaxtemp{}\n", ssrf); dive->mintemp.mkelvin ? put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%smintemp{%.1f\\%stemperatureunit}\n", ssrf, get_temp_units(dive->mintemp.mkelvin, &unit), ssrf) : put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%ssrfmintemp{}\n", ssrf); dive->watertemp.mkelvin ? put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%swatertemp{%.1f\\%stemperatureunit}\n", ssrf, get_temp_units(dive->watertemp.mkelvin, &unit), ssrf) : put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%swatertemp{}\n", ssrf); dive->airtemp.mkelvin ? put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sairtemp{%.1f\\%stemperatureunit}\n", ssrf, get_temp_units(dive->airtemp.mkelvin, &unit), ssrf) : put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sairtemp{}\n", ssrf); dive->maxdepth.mm ? put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%smaximumdepth{%.1f\\%sdepthunit}\n", ssrf, get_depth_units(dive->maxdepth.mm, NULL, &unit), ssrf) : put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%smaximumdepth{}\n", ssrf); dive->meandepth.mm ? put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%smeandepth{%.1f\\%sdepthunit}\n", ssrf, get_depth_units(dive->meandepth.mm, NULL, &unit), ssrf) : put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%smeandepth{}\n", ssrf); struct tag_entry *tag = dive->tag_list; QString tags; if (tag) { tags = tag->tag->name; while ((tag = tag->next)) tags += QString(", ") + QString(tag->tag->name); } put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%stype{%s}\n", ssrf, qPrintable(tags)); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sviz{%s}\n", ssrf, qPrintable(viz)); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%srating{%s}\n", ssrf, qPrintable(rating)); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%splot{\\includegraphics[width=9cm,height=4cm]{profile%d}}\n", ssrf, dive->number); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sprofilename{profile%d}\n", ssrf, dive->number); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scomment{%s}\n", ssrf, dive->notes ? dive->notes : ""); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sbuddy{%s}\n", ssrf, dive->buddy ? dive->buddy : ""); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sdivemaster{%s}\n", ssrf, dive->divemaster ? dive->divemaster : ""); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%ssuit{%s}\n", ssrf, dive->suit ? dive->suit : ""); // Print cylinder data put_format(&buf, "\n%% Gas use information:\n"); qty_cyl = 0; for (i = 0; i < dive->cylinders.nr; i++){ const cylinder_t &cyl = *get_cylinder(dive, i); if (is_cylinder_used(dive, i) || (prefs.display_unused_tanks && cyl.type.description)){ put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scyl%cdescription{%s}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i, cyl.type.description); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scyl%cgasname{%s}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i, gasname(cyl.gasmix)); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scyl%cmixO2{%.1f\\%%}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i, get_o2(cyl.gasmix)/10.0); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scyl%cmixHe{%.1f\\%%}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i, get_he(cyl.gasmix)/10.0); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scyl%cmixN2{%.1f\\%%}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i, (100.0 - (get_o2(cyl.gasmix)/10.0) - (get_he(cyl.gasmix)/10.0))); delta_p.mbar += cyl.start.mbar - cyl.end.mbar; put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scyl%cstartpress{%.1f\\%spressureunit}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i, get_pressure_units(cyl.start.mbar, &unit)/1.0, ssrf); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scyl%cendpress{%.1f\\%spressureunit}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i, get_pressure_units(cyl.end.mbar, &unit)/1.0, ssrf); qty_cyl += 1; } else { put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scyl%cdescription{}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scyl%cgasname{}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scyl%cmixO2{}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scyl%cmixHe{}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scyl%cmixN2{}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i); delta_p.mbar += cyl.start.mbar - cyl.end.mbar; put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scyl%cstartpress{}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%scyl%cendpress{}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i); qty_cyl += 1; } } put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sqtycyl{%d}\n", ssrf, qty_cyl); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sgasuse{%.1f\\%spressureunit}\n", ssrf, get_pressure_units(delta_p.mbar, &unit)/1.0, ssrf); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%ssac{%.2f\\%svolumeunit/min}\n", ssrf, get_volume_units(dive->sac, NULL, &unit), ssrf); //Code block prints all weights listed in dive. put_format(&buf, "\n%% Weighting information:\n"); qty_weight = 0; total_weight = 0; for (i = 0; i < dive->weightsystems.nr; i++) { weightsystem_t w = dive->weightsystems.weightsystems[i]; put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sweight%ctype{%s}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i, w.description); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sweight%camt{%.3f\\%sweightunit}\n", ssrf, 'a' + i, get_weight_units(w.weight.grams, NULL, &unit), ssrf); qty_weight += 1; total_weight += get_weight_units(w.weight.grams, NULL, &unit); } put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sqtyweights{%d}\n", ssrf, qty_weight); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%stotalweight{%.2f\\%sweightunit}\n", ssrf, total_weight, ssrf); unit = ""; // Legacy fields put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sspot{}\n", ssrf); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sentrance{}\n", ssrf); put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%splace{%s}\n", ssrf, site ? site->name : ""); dive->maxdepth.mm ? put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sdepth{%.1f\\%sdepthunit}\n", ssrf, get_depth_units(dive->maxdepth.mm, NULL, &unit), ssrf) : put_format(&buf, "\\def\\%sdepth{}\n", ssrf); put_format(&buf, "\\%spage\n", ssrf); } if (plain) put_format(&buf, "\\bye\n"); else put_format(&buf, "\\end{document}\n"); f = subsurface_fopen(filename, "w+"); if (!f) { report_error(qPrintable(gettextFromC::tr("Can't open file %s")), filename); } else { flush_buffer(&buf, f); /*check for writing errors? */ fclose(f); } free_buffer(&buf); } void export_depths(const char *filename, bool selected_only) { FILE *f; struct dive *dive; depth_t depth; int i; const char *unit = NULL; struct membuffer buf = {}; for_each_dive (i, dive) { if (selected_only && !dive->selected) continue; FOR_EACH_PICTURE (dive) { int n = dive->dc.samples; struct sample *s = dive->dc.sample; depth.mm = 0; while (--n >= 0 && (int32_t)s->time.seconds <= picture->offset.seconds) { depth.mm = s->depth.mm; s++; } put_format(&buf, "%s\t%.1f", picture->filename, get_depth_units(depth.mm, NULL, &unit)); put_format(&buf, "%s\n", unit); } } f = subsurface_fopen(filename, "w+"); if (!f) { report_error(qPrintable(gettextFromC::tr("Can't open file %s")), filename); } else { flush_buffer(&buf, f); /*check for writing errors? */ fclose(f); } free_buffer(&buf); } #endif /* ! SUBSURFACE_MOBILE */ std::vector<const dive_site *> getDiveSitesToExport(bool selectedOnly) { std::vector<const dive_site *> res; #ifndef SUBSURFACE_MOBILE // Waiting for DiveFilter to be combined for both mobile and desktop if (selectedOnly && DiveFilter::instance()->diveSiteMode()) { // Special case in dive site mode: export all selected dive sites, // not the dive sites of selected dives. QVector<dive_site *> sites = DiveFilter::instance()->filteredDiveSites(); res.reserve(sites.size()); for (const dive_site *ds: sites) res.push_back(ds); return res; } res.reserve(dive_site_table.nr); for (int i = 0; i < dive_site_table.nr; i++) { struct dive_site *ds = get_dive_site(i, &dive_site_table); if (dive_site_is_empty(ds)) continue; if (selectedOnly && !is_dive_site_selected(ds)) continue; res.push_back(ds); } #else /* walk the dive site list */ int i; const struct dive_site *ds; for_each_dive_site (i, ds, &dive_site_table) res.push_back(get_dive_site(i, &dive_site_table)); #endif return res; } QFuture<int> exportUsingStyleSheet(QString filename, bool doExport, int units, QString stylesheet, bool anonymize) { return QtConcurrent::run(export_dives_xslt, filename.toUtf8(), doExport, units, stylesheet.toUtf8(), anonymize); }