#ifndef SERIAL_USB_ANDROID_H #define SERIAL_USB_ANDROID_H #include <string> #include <vector> /* USB Device Information */ struct android_usb_serial_device_descriptor { QAndroidJniObject usbDevice; /* the UsbDevice */ std::string className; /* the driver class name. If empty, then "autodetect" */ std::string uiRepresentation; /* The string that can be used for the user interface. */ // Device information std::string usbManufacturer; std::string usbProduct; std::string manufacturer; std::string product; uint16_t pid; uint16_t vid; }; std::vector<android_usb_serial_device_descriptor> serial_usb_android_get_devices(); android_usb_serial_device_descriptor getDescriptor(QAndroidJniObject usbDevice); #endif