// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
#include "core/pref.h"

#include <QObject>

class qPrefDiveComputer : public QObject {
	Q_PROPERTY(QString device READ device WRITE set_device NOTIFY device_changed);
	Q_PROPERTY(QString device_name READ device_name WRITE set_device_name NOTIFY device_name_changed);
	Q_PROPERTY(int download_mode READ download_mode WRITE set_download_mode NOTIFY download_mode_changed);
	Q_PROPERTY(QString product READ product WRITE set_product NOTIFY product_changed);
	Q_PROPERTY(QString vendor READ vendor WRITE	set_vendor NOTIFY vendor_changed);

	qPrefDiveComputer(QObject *parent = NULL);
	static qPrefDiveComputer *instance();

	// Load/Sync local settings (disk) and struct preference
	void loadSync(bool doSync);
	void inline load() {loadSync(false); }
	void inline sync() {loadSync(true); }

	static inline QString device() {return prefs.dive_computer.device; };
	static inline QString device_name() {return prefs.dive_computer.device_name; };
	static inline int download_mode() {return prefs.dive_computer.download_mode; };
	static inline QString product() {return prefs.dive_computer.product; };
	static inline QString vendor() {return prefs.dive_computer.vendor; };

public slots:
	void set_device(const QString& device);
	void set_device_name(const QString& device_name);
	void set_download_mode(int mode);
	void set_product(const QString& product);
	void set_vendor(const QString& vendor);

	void device_changed(const QString& device);
	void device_name_changed(const QString& device_name);
	void download_mode_changed(int mode);
	void product_changed(const QString& product);
	void vendor_changed(const QString& vendor);

	// functions to load/sync variable with disk
	void disk_device(bool doSync);
	void disk_device_name(bool doSync);
	void disk_download_mode(bool doSync);
	void disk_product(bool doSync);
	void disk_vendor(bool doSync);
