// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 #include "DiveObjectHelper.h" #include #include #include "core/qthelper.h" #include "core/subsurface-string.h" #include "qt-models/tankinfomodel.h" static QString EMPTY_DIVE_STRING = QStringLiteral(""); enum returnPressureSelector {START_PRESSURE, END_PRESSURE}; static QString getFormattedWeight(struct dive *dive, unsigned int idx) { weightsystem_t *weight = &dive->weightsystem[idx]; if (!weight->description) return QString(EMPTY_DIVE_STRING); QString fmt = QString(weight->description); fmt += ", " + get_weight_string(weight->weight, true); return fmt; } static QString getFormattedCylinder(struct dive *dive, unsigned int idx) { cylinder_t *cyl = &dive->cylinder[idx]; const char *desc = cyl->type.description; if (!desc && idx > 0) return QString(EMPTY_DIVE_STRING); QString fmt = desc ? QString(desc) : gettextFromC::tr("unknown"); fmt += ", " + get_volume_string(cyl->type.size, true); fmt += ", " + get_pressure_string(cyl->type.workingpressure, true); fmt += ", " + get_pressure_string(cyl->start, false) + " - " + get_pressure_string(cyl->end, true); fmt += ", " + get_gas_string(cyl->gasmix); return fmt; } static QString getPressures(struct dive *dive, int i, enum returnPressureSelector ret) { cylinder_t *cyl = &dive->cylinder[i]; QString fmt; if (ret == START_PRESSURE) { if (cyl->start.mbar) fmt = get_pressure_string(cyl->start, true); else if (cyl->sample_start.mbar) fmt = get_pressure_string(cyl->sample_start, true); } if (ret == END_PRESSURE) { if (cyl->end.mbar) fmt = get_pressure_string(cyl->end, true); else if(cyl->sample_end.mbar) fmt = get_pressure_string(cyl->sample_end, true); } return fmt; } DiveObjectHelper::DiveObjectHelper(struct dive *d) : m_dive(d) { m_cyls.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++) { //Don't add blank cylinders, only those that have been defined. if (m_dive->cylinder[i].type.description) m_cyls.append(new CylinderObjectHelper(&m_dive->cylinder[i])); } } DiveObjectHelper::~DiveObjectHelper() { while (!m_cyls.isEmpty()) delete m_cyls.takeFirst(); } int DiveObjectHelper::number() const { return m_dive->number; } int DiveObjectHelper::id() const { return m_dive->id; } struct dive *DiveObjectHelper::getDive() const { return m_dive; } QString DiveObjectHelper::date() const { QDateTime localTime = QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(1000*m_dive->when, Qt::UTC); localTime.setTimeSpec(Qt::UTC); return localTime.date().toString(prefs.date_format_short); } timestamp_t DiveObjectHelper::timestamp() const { return m_dive->when; } QString DiveObjectHelper::time() const { QDateTime localTime = QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(1000*m_dive->when, Qt::UTC); localTime.setTimeSpec(Qt::UTC); return localTime.time().toString(prefs.time_format); } QString DiveObjectHelper::location() const { return get_dive_location(m_dive) ? QString::fromUtf8(get_dive_location(m_dive)) : EMPTY_DIVE_STRING; } QString DiveObjectHelper::gps() const { struct dive_site *ds = get_dive_site_by_uuid(m_dive->dive_site_uuid); return ds ? QString(printGPSCoords(&ds->location)) : QString(); } QString DiveObjectHelper::gps_decimal() const { bool savep = prefs.coordinates_traditional; QString val; prefs.coordinates_traditional = false; val = gps(); prefs.coordinates_traditional = savep; return val; } QVariant DiveObjectHelper::dive_site() const { return QVariant::fromValue((void *)get_dive_site_by_uuid(m_dive->dive_site_uuid)); } QString DiveObjectHelper::duration() const { return get_dive_duration_string(m_dive->duration.seconds, gettextFromC::tr("h"), gettextFromC::tr("min")); } bool DiveObjectHelper::noDive() const { return m_dive->duration.seconds == 0 && m_dive->dc.duration.seconds == 0; } QString DiveObjectHelper::depth() const { return get_depth_string(m_dive->dc.maxdepth.mm, true, true); } QString DiveObjectHelper::divemaster() const { return m_dive->divemaster ? m_dive->divemaster : EMPTY_DIVE_STRING; } QString DiveObjectHelper::buddy() const { return m_dive->buddy ? m_dive->buddy : EMPTY_DIVE_STRING; } QString DiveObjectHelper::airTemp() const { QString temp = get_temperature_string(m_dive->airtemp, true); if (temp.isEmpty()) { temp = EMPTY_DIVE_STRING; } return temp; } QString DiveObjectHelper::waterTemp() const { QString temp = get_temperature_string(m_dive->watertemp, true); if (temp.isEmpty()) { temp = EMPTY_DIVE_STRING; } return temp; } QString DiveObjectHelper::notes() const { QString tmp = m_dive->notes ? QString::fromUtf8(m_dive->notes) : EMPTY_DIVE_STRING; if (same_string(m_dive->dc.model, "planned dive")) { QTextDocument notes; #define _NOTES_BR "\n" tmp.replace("", "" _NOTES_BR) .replace("
", "
" _NOTES_BR) .replace("", "" _NOTES_BR) .replace("", "" _NOTES_BR); notes.setHtml(tmp); tmp = notes.toPlainText(); tmp.replace(_NOTES_BR, "
"); #undef _NOTES_BR } else { tmp.replace("\n", "
"); } return tmp; } QString DiveObjectHelper::tags() const { return get_taglist_string(m_dive->tag_list); } QString DiveObjectHelper::gas() const { /*WARNING: here should be the gastlist, returned * from the get_gas_string function or this is correct? */ QString gas, gases; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++) { if (!is_cylinder_used(m_dive, i)) continue; gas = m_dive->cylinder[i].type.description; if (!gas.isEmpty()) gas += QChar(' '); gas += gasname(m_dive->cylinder[i].gasmix); // if has a description and if such gas is not already present if (!gas.isEmpty() && gases.indexOf(gas) == -1) { if (!gases.isEmpty()) gases += QString(" / "); gases += gas; } } return gases; } QString DiveObjectHelper::sac() const { if (!m_dive->sac) return QString(); const char *unit; int decimal; double value = get_volume_units(m_dive->sac, &decimal, &unit); return QString::number(value, 'f', decimal).append(unit); } QString DiveObjectHelper::weightList() const { QString weights; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WEIGHTSYSTEMS; i++) { QString w = getFormattedWeight(m_dive, i); if (w == EMPTY_DIVE_STRING) continue; weights += w + "; "; } return weights; } QStringList DiveObjectHelper::weights() const { QStringList weights; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WEIGHTSYSTEMS; i++) { QString w = getFormattedWeight(m_dive, i); if (w == EMPTY_DIVE_STRING) continue; weights << w; } return weights; } bool DiveObjectHelper::singleWeight() const { return weightsystem_none(&m_dive->weightsystem[1]); } QString DiveObjectHelper::weight(int idx) const { if ( (idx < 0) || idx > MAX_WEIGHTSYSTEMS ) return QString(EMPTY_DIVE_STRING); return getFormattedWeight(m_dive, idx); } QString DiveObjectHelper::suit() const { return m_dive->suit ? m_dive->suit : EMPTY_DIVE_STRING; } QStringList DiveObjectHelper::cylinderList() const { QStringList cylinders; struct dive *d; int i = 0; for_each_dive (i, d) { for (int j = 0; j < MAX_CYLINDERS; j++) { QString cyl = d->cylinder[j].type.description; if (cyl == EMPTY_DIVE_STRING) continue; cylinders << cyl; } } for (unsigned long ti = 0; ti < MAX_TANK_INFO && tank_info[ti].name != NULL; ti++) { QString cyl = tank_info[ti].name; if (cyl == EMPTY_DIVE_STRING) continue; cylinders << cyl; } cylinders.removeDuplicates(); cylinders.sort(); return cylinders; } QStringList DiveObjectHelper::cylinders() const { QStringList cylinders; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++) { QString cyl = getFormattedCylinder(m_dive, i); if (cyl == EMPTY_DIVE_STRING) continue; cylinders << cyl; } return cylinders; } QString DiveObjectHelper::cylinder(int idx) const { if ( (idx < 0) || idx > MAX_CYLINDERS) return QString(EMPTY_DIVE_STRING); return getFormattedCylinder(m_dive, idx); } QList DiveObjectHelper::cylinderObjects() const { return m_cyls; } QString DiveObjectHelper::trip() const { return m_dive->divetrip ? m_dive->divetrip->location : EMPTY_DIVE_STRING; } // combine the pointer address with the trip title so that // we detect multiple, destinct trips with the same title // the trip title is designed to be // location (# dives) // or, if there is no location name // date range (# dives) // where the date range is given as "month year" or "month-month year" or "month year - month year" QString DiveObjectHelper::tripMeta() const { QString ret = EMPTY_DIVE_STRING; struct dive_trip *dt = m_dive->divetrip; if (dt) { QString numDives = tr("(%n dive(s))", "", dt->showndives); QString title(dt->location); QDateTime firstTime = QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(1000*dt->when, Qt::UTC); QString firstMonth = firstTime.toString("MMM"); QString tripDate = QStringLiteral("%1@%2").arg(firstMonth,firstTime.toString("yy")); ; if (title.isEmpty()) { // so use the date range QString firstYear = firstTime.toString("yyyy"); QDateTime lastTime = QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(1000*dt->dives->when, Qt::UTC); QString lastMonth = lastTime.toString("MMM"); QString lastYear = lastTime.toString("yyyy"); if (lastMonth == firstMonth && lastYear == firstYear) title = firstMonth + " " + firstYear; else if (lastMonth != firstMonth && lastYear == firstYear) title = firstMonth + "-" + lastMonth + " " + firstYear; else title = firstMonth + " " + firstYear + " - " + lastMonth + " " + lastYear; } ret = QString::number((quint64)m_dive->divetrip, 16) + QLatin1Literal("++") + tripDate + QLatin1Literal("::") + QStringLiteral("%1 %2").arg(title, numDives); } return ret; } int DiveObjectHelper::tripNrDives() const { struct dive_trip *dt = m_dive->divetrip; return dt ? dt->nrdives : 0; } int DiveObjectHelper::maxcns() const { return m_dive->maxcns; } int DiveObjectHelper::otu() const { return m_dive->otu; } int DiveObjectHelper::rating() const { return m_dive->rating; } int DiveObjectHelper::visibility() const { return m_dive->visibility; } QString DiveObjectHelper::sumWeight() const { weight_t sum = { 0 }; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WEIGHTSYSTEMS; i++){ sum.grams += m_dive->weightsystem[i].weight.grams; } return get_weight_string(sum, true); } QStringList DiveObjectHelper::getCylinder() const { QStringList getCylinder; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++) { if (is_cylinder_used(m_dive, i)) getCylinder << m_dive->cylinder[i].type.description; } return getCylinder; } QStringList DiveObjectHelper::startPressure() const { QStringList startPressure; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++) { if (is_cylinder_used(m_dive, i)) startPressure << getPressures(m_dive, i, START_PRESSURE); } return startPressure; } QStringList DiveObjectHelper::endPressure() const { QStringList endPressure; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++) { if (is_cylinder_used(m_dive, i)) endPressure << getPressures(m_dive, i, END_PRESSURE); } return endPressure; } QStringList DiveObjectHelper::firstGas() const { QStringList gas; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++) { if (is_cylinder_used(m_dive, i)) gas << get_gas_string(m_dive->cylinder[i].gasmix); } return gas; } // for a full text search / filter function QString DiveObjectHelper::fullText() const { return fullTextNoNotes() + ":-:" + notes(); } QString DiveObjectHelper::fullTextNoNotes() const { return trip() + ":-:" + location() + ":-:" + buddy() + ":-:" + divemaster() + ":-:" + suit() + ":-:" + tags(); }