// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 #include "findmovedimagesdialog.h" #include "core/picture.h" #include "core/qthelper.h" #include "desktop-widgets/divelistview.h" // TODO: used for lastUsedImageDir() #include "qt-models/divepicturemodel.h" #include <QFileDialog> #include <QtConcurrent> FindMovedImagesDialog::FindMovedImagesDialog(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent) { ui.setupUi(this); fontMetrics.reset(new QFontMetrics(ui.scanning->font())); connect(&watcher, &QFutureWatcher<QVector<Match>>::finished, this, &FindMovedImagesDialog::searchDone); connect(ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Apply), &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &FindMovedImagesDialog::apply); ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Apply)->setEnabled(false); } // Compare two full paths and return the number of matching levels, starting from the filename. // String comparison is case-insensitive. static int matchPath(const QString &path1, const QString &path2) { QFileInfo f1(path1); QFileInfo f2(path2); int score = 0; for (;;) { QString fn1 = f1.fileName(); QString fn2 = f2.fileName(); if (fn1.isEmpty() || fn2.isEmpty()) break; if (fn1 == ".") { f1 = QFileInfo(f1.path()); continue; } if (fn2 == ".") { f2 = QFileInfo(f2.path()); continue; } if (QString::compare(fn1, fn2, Qt::CaseInsensitive) != 0) break; f1 = QFileInfo(f1.path()); f2 = QFileInfo(f2.path()); ++score; } return score; } FindMovedImagesDialog::ImagePath::ImagePath(const QString &path) : fullPath(path), filenameUpperCase(QFileInfo(path).fileName().toUpper()) { } bool FindMovedImagesDialog::ImagePath::operator<(const ImagePath &path2) const { return filenameUpperCase < path2.filenameUpperCase; } void FindMovedImagesDialog::learnImage(const QString &filename, QMap<QString, ImageMatch> &matches, const QVector<ImagePath> &imagePaths) { QStringList newMatches; int bestScore = 1; // Find matching file paths by a binary search of the file name ImagePath path(filename); for (auto it = std::lower_bound(imagePaths.begin(), imagePaths.end(), path); it != imagePaths.end() && it->filenameUpperCase == path.filenameUpperCase; ++it) { int score = matchPath(filename, it->fullPath); if (score < bestScore) continue; if (score > bestScore) newMatches.clear(); newMatches.append(it->fullPath); bestScore = score; } // Add the new original filenames to the list of matches, if the score is higher than previously for (const QString &originalFilename: newMatches) { auto it = matches.find(originalFilename); if (it == matches.end()) matches.insert(originalFilename, { filename, bestScore }); else if (it->score < bestScore) *it = { filename, bestScore }; } } // We use a stack to recurse into directories. Each level of the stack is made up of // a list of subdirectories to process. For each directory we keep track of the progress // that is done when processing this directory. In principle the from value is redundant // (it could be extracted from previous stack entries, but it makes code simpler. struct Dir { QString path; double progressFrom, progressTo; }; QVector<FindMovedImagesDialog::Match> FindMovedImagesDialog::learnImages(const QString &rootdir, int maxRecursions, QVector<QString> imagePathsIn) { QMap<QString, ImageMatch> matches; // For divelogs with thousands of images, we don't want to compare the path of every image. // Therefore, keep an array of image paths sorted by the filename in upper case. // Thus, we can access all paths ending in the same filename by a binary search. We suppose that // there aren't many pictures with the same filename but different paths. QVector<ImagePath> imagePaths; imagePaths.reserve(imagePathsIn.size()); for (const QString &path: imagePathsIn) imagePaths.append(ImagePath(path)); // No emplace() in QVector? Sheesh. std::sort(imagePaths.begin(), imagePaths.end()); // Free memory of original path vector - we don't need it any more imagePathsIn.clear(); QVector<QVector<Dir>> stack; // Use a stack to recurse into directories stack.reserve(maxRecursions + 1); stack.append({ { rootdir, 0.0, 1.0 } }); while (!stack.isEmpty()) { if (stack.last().isEmpty()) { stack.removeLast(); continue; } Dir entry = stack.last().takeLast(); QDir dir(entry.path); // Since we're running in a different thread, use invokeMethod to set progress. QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "setProgress", Q_ARG(double, entry.progressFrom), Q_ARG(QString, dir.absolutePath())); for (const QString &file: dir.entryList(QDir::Files)) { if (stopScanning != 0) goto out; learnImage(dir.absoluteFilePath(file), matches, imagePaths); } if (stack.size() <= maxRecursions) { stack.append(QVector<Dir>()); QVector<Dir> &newItem = stack.last(); for (const QString &dirname: dir.entryList(QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::Dirs)) stack.last().append({ dir.filePath(dirname), 0.0, 0.0 }); int num = newItem.size(); double diff = entry.progressTo - entry.progressFrom; // We pop from back therefore we fill the progress in reverse for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) { newItem[num - i - 1].progressFrom = (i / (double)num) * diff + entry.progressFrom; newItem[num - i - 1].progressTo = ((i + 1) / (double)num) * diff + entry.progressFrom; } } } out: QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "setProgress", Q_ARG(double, 1.0), Q_ARG(QString, QString())); QVector<FindMovedImagesDialog::Match> ret; for (auto it = matches.begin(); it != matches.end(); ++it) ret.append({ it.key(), it->localFilename, it->score }); return ret; } void FindMovedImagesDialog::setProgress(double progress, QString path) { ui.progress->setValue((int)(progress * 100.0)); // Elide text to avoid rescaling of the window if path is too long. // Note that we subtract an arbitrary 10 pixels from the width, because otherwise the label slowly grows. QString elidedPath = fontMetrics->elidedText(path, Qt::ElideMiddle, ui.scanning->width() - 10); ui.scanning->setText(elidedPath); } void FindMovedImagesDialog::on_scanButton_clicked() { if (watcher.isRunning()) { stopScanning = 1; return; } // TODO: is lastUsedImageDir really well-placed in DiveListView? QString dirName = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Traverse media directories"), DiveListView::lastUsedImageDir(), QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly); if (dirName.isEmpty()) return; DiveListView::updateLastUsedImageDir(dirName); ui.scanButton->setText(tr("Stop scanning")); ui.buttonBox->setEnabled(false); ui.imagesText->clear(); // We have to collect the names of the image filenames in the main thread bool onlySelected = ui.onlySelectedDives->isChecked(); QVector<QString> imagePaths; int i; struct dive *dive; for_each_dive (i, dive) if (!onlySelected || dive->selected) FOR_EACH_PICTURE(dive) imagePaths.append(QString(picture->filename)); stopScanning = 0; QFuture<QVector<Match>> future = QtConcurrent::run( // Note that we capture everything but "this" by copy to avoid dangling references. [this, dirName, imagePaths]() { return learnImages(dirName, 20, imagePaths);} ); watcher.setFuture(future); } static QString formatPath(const QString &path, int numBold) { QString res; QVector<QString> boldPaths; boldPaths.reserve(numBold); QFileInfo info(path); for (int i = 0; i < numBold; ++i) { QString fn = info.fileName(); if (fn.isEmpty()) break; boldPaths.append(fn); info = QFileInfo(info.path()); } QString nonBoldPath = info.filePath(); QString separator = QDir::separator(); if (!nonBoldPath.isEmpty()) { res += nonBoldPath.toHtmlEscaped(); if (!boldPaths.isEmpty() && nonBoldPath[nonBoldPath.size() - 1] != QDir::separator()) res += separator; } if (boldPaths.size() > 0) { res += "<b>"; for (int i = boldPaths.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { res += boldPaths[i].toHtmlEscaped(); if (i > 0) res += separator; } res += "</b>"; } return res; } static bool sameFile(const QString &f1, const QString &f2) { return QFileInfo(f1) == QFileInfo(f2); } void FindMovedImagesDialog::searchDone() { ui.scanButton->setText(tr("Select folder and scan")); ui.buttonBox->setEnabled(true); ui.scanning->clear(); matches = watcher.result(); ui.imagesText->clear(); QString text; int numChanged = 0; if (stopScanning != 0) { text += "<b>" + tr("Scanning cancelled - results may be incomplete") + "</b><br/>"; stopScanning = 0; } if (matches.isEmpty()) { text += "<i>" + tr("No matching media files found") + "</i>"; } else { QString matchesText; for (const Match &match: matches) { if (!sameFile(match.localFilename, localFilePath(match.originalFilename))) { ++numChanged; matchesText += formatPath(match.originalFilename, match.matchingPathItems) + " → " + formatPath(match.localFilename, match.matchingPathItems) + "<br/>"; } } int numUnchanged = matches.size() - numChanged; if (numUnchanged > 0) text += tr("Found <b>%1</b> media files at their current place.").arg(numUnchanged) + "<br/>"; if (numChanged > 0) { text += tr("Found <b>%1</b> media files at new locations:").arg(numChanged) + "<br/>"; text += matchesText; } } ui.imagesText->setHtml(text); ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Apply)->setEnabled(numChanged > 0); } void FindMovedImagesDialog::apply() { for (const Match &match: matches) learnPictureFilename(match.originalFilename, match.localFilename); write_hashes(); DivePictureModel::instance()->updateDivePictures(); ui.imagesText->clear(); matches.clear(); hide(); close(); } void FindMovedImagesDialog::on_buttonBox_rejected() { ui.imagesText->clear(); matches.clear(); }