PreferencesDefaults 0 0 561 558 Form Font for lists and tables 5 Font true Font size Animations 5 true In some actions, e.g. when zooming the dive profile, the changing axis values are animated. Select the speed with which this animation should occur (maximum = 500): Speed 500 Qt::Horizontal 500 Header text colors 5 true Depending on the display mode, sometimes the blue text used in headers in the various information panes is not clearly visible. Select a color that fits the current theme of your computer. For dark mode, select either Light Blue or Black (rendered white using a dark theme). The default is Medium Blue. Medium Blue Light Blue Black Qt::Vertical 0 195 Qt::Vertical 0 195 velocitySlider valueChanged(int) velocitySpinBox setValue(int) 437 299 531 301 velocitySpinBox valueChanged(int) velocitySlider setValue(int) 547 274 482 276