// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 #include "desktop-widgets/subsurfacewebservices.h" #include "core/qthelper.h" #include "core/webservice.h" #include "core/settings/qPrefCloudStorage.h" #include "desktop-widgets/mainwindow.h" #include "desktop-widgets/command.h" #include "desktop-widgets/usersurvey.h" #include "core/trip.h" #include "core/errorhelper.h" #include "core/file.h" #include "desktop-widgets/mapwidget.h" #include "desktop-widgets/tab-widgets/maintab.h" #include "core/display.h" #include "core/membuffer.h" #include "core/cloudstorage.h" #include "core/subsurface-string.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX #include // for dup(2) #endif #include #ifndef PATH_MAX #define PATH_MAX 4096 #endif #ifdef RM_OBSOLETE_CODE struct dive_table gps_location_table; // we don't overwrite any existing GPS info in the dive // so get the dive site and if there is none or there is one without GPS fix, add it static void copy_gps_location(struct dive *from, struct dive *to) { struct dive_site *ds = get_dive_site_for_dive(to); if (!ds || !dive_site_has_gps_location(ds)) { struct dive_site *gds = get_dive_site_for_dive(from); if (!ds) { // simply link to the one created for the fake dive unregister_dive_from_dive_site(to); add_dive_to_dive_site(to, gds); } else { ds->latitude = gds->latitude; ds->longitude = gds->longitude; if (same_string(ds->name, "")) ds->name = copy_string(gds->name); } } } #define SAME_GROUP 6 * 3600 // six hours #define SET_LOCATION(_dive, _gpsfix, _mark) \ { \ copy_gps_location(_gpsfix, _dive); \ changed ++; \ tracer = _mark; \ } //TODO: C Code. static functions are not good if we plan to have a test for them. static bool merge_locations_into_dives(void) { int i, j, tracer=0, changed=0; struct dive *gpsfix, *nextgpsfix, *dive; sort_dive_table(&gps_location_table); for_each_dive (i, dive) { if (!dive_has_gps_location(dive)) { for (j = tracer; (gpsfix = get_dive_from_table(j, &gps_location_table)) !=NULL; j++) { if (time_during_dive_with_offset(dive, gpsfix->when, SAME_GROUP)) { if (verbose) qDebug() << "processing gpsfix @" << get_dive_date_string(gpsfix->when) << "which is withing six hours of dive from" << get_dive_date_string(dive->when) << "until" << get_dive_date_string(dive_endtime(dive)); /* * If position is fixed during dive. This is the good one. * Asign and mark position, and end gps_location loop */ if (time_during_dive_with_offset(dive, gpsfix->when, 0)) { if (verbose) qDebug() << "gpsfix is during the dive, pick that one"; SET_LOCATION(dive, gpsfix, j); break; } else { /* * If it is not, check if there are more position fixes in SAME_GROUP range */ if ((nextgpsfix = get_dive_from_table(j + 1, &gps_location_table)) && time_during_dive_with_offset(dive, nextgpsfix->when, SAME_GROUP)) { if (verbose) qDebug() << "look at the next gps fix @" << get_dive_date_string(nextgpsfix->when); /* we know the gps fixes are sorted; if they are both before the dive, ignore the first, * if theay are both after the dive, take the first, * if the first is before and the second is after, take the closer one */ if (nextgpsfix->when < dive->when) { if (verbose) qDebug() << "which is closer to the start of the dive, do continue with that"; continue; } else if (gpsfix->when > dive_endtime(dive)) { if (verbose) qDebug() << "which is even later after the end of the dive, so pick the previous one"; SET_LOCATION(dive, gpsfix, j); break; } else { /* ok, gpsfix is before, nextgpsfix is after */ if (dive->when - gpsfix->when <= nextgpsfix->when - dive_endtime(dive)) { if (verbose) qDebug() << "pick the one before as it's closer to the start"; SET_LOCATION(dive, gpsfix, j); break; } else { if (verbose) qDebug() << "pick the one after as it's closer to the start"; SET_LOCATION(dive, nextgpsfix, j + 1); break; } } /* * If no more positions in range, the actual is the one. Asign, mark and end loop. */ } else { if (verbose) qDebug() << "which seems to be the best one for this dive, so pick it"; SET_LOCATION(dive, gpsfix, j); break; } } } else { /* If position is out of SAME_GROUP range and in the future, mark position for * next dive iteration and end the gps_location loop */ if (gpsfix->when >= dive_endtime(dive) + SAME_GROUP) { tracer = j; break; } } } } } return changed > 0; } #endif // TODO: This looks like should be ported to C code. or a big part of it. bool DivelogsDeWebServices::prepare_dives_for_divelogs(const QString &tempfile, const bool selected) { static const char errPrefix[] = "divelog.de-upload:"; if (!amount_selected) { report_error(tr("No dives were selected").toUtf8()); return false; } xsltStylesheetPtr xslt = NULL; struct zip *zip; xslt = get_stylesheet("divelogs-export.xslt"); if (!xslt) { qDebug() << errPrefix << "missing stylesheet"; report_error(tr("Stylesheet to export to divelogs.de is not found").toUtf8()); return false; } int error_code; zip = zip_open(QFile::encodeName(QDir::toNativeSeparators(tempfile)), ZIP_CREATE, &error_code); if (!zip) { char buffer[1024]; zip_error_to_str(buffer, sizeof buffer, error_code, errno); report_error(tr("Failed to create zip file for upload: %s").toUtf8(), buffer); return false; } /* walk the dive list in chronological order */ int i; struct dive *dive; for_each_dive (i, dive) { char filename[PATH_MAX]; int streamsize; const char *membuf; xmlDoc *transformed; struct zip_source *s; struct membuffer mb = {}; /* * Get the i'th dive in XML format so we can process it. * We need to save to a file before we can reload it back into memory... */ if (selected && !dive->selected) continue; /* make sure the buffer is empty and add the dive */ mb.len = 0; struct dive_site *ds = dive->dive_site; if (ds) { put_format(&mb, "location, " gps='", "'"); put_format(&mb, ">\n"); if (ds->taxonomy.nr) { for (int j = 0; j < ds->taxonomy.nr; j++) { struct taxonomy *t = &ds->taxonomy.category[j]; if (t->category != TC_NONE && t->category == prefs.geocoding.category[j] && t->value) { put_format(&mb, " category); put_format(&mb, " origin='%d' value='", t->origin); put_quoted(&mb, t->value, 1, 0); put_format(&mb, "'/>\n"); } } } put_format(&mb, "\n\n"); } save_one_dive_to_mb(&mb, dive, false); if (ds) { put_format(&mb, "\n"); } membuf = mb_cstring(&mb); streamsize = strlen(membuf); /* * Parse the memory buffer into XML document and * transform it to divelogs.de format, finally dumping * the XML into a character buffer. */ xmlDoc *doc = xmlReadMemory(membuf, streamsize, "divelog", NULL, 0); if (!doc) { qWarning() << errPrefix << "could not parse back into memory the XML file we've just created!"; report_error(tr("internal error").toUtf8()); goto error_close_zip; } free_buffer(&mb); transformed = xsltApplyStylesheet(xslt, doc, NULL); if (!transformed) { qWarning() << errPrefix << "XSLT transform failed for dive: " << i; report_error(tr("Conversion of dive %1 to divelogs.de format failed").arg(i).toUtf8()); continue; } xmlDocDumpMemory(transformed, (xmlChar **)&membuf, &streamsize); xmlFreeDoc(doc); xmlFreeDoc(transformed); /* * Save the XML document into a zip file. */ snprintf(filename, PATH_MAX, "%d.xml", i + 1); s = zip_source_buffer(zip, membuf, streamsize, 1); if (s) { int64_t ret = zip_add(zip, filename, s); if (ret == -1) qDebug() << errPrefix << "failed to include dive:" << i; } } xsltFreeStylesheet(xslt); if (zip_close(zip)) { int ze, se; #if LIBZIP_VERSION_MAJOR >= 1 zip_error_t *error = zip_get_error(zip); ze = zip_error_code_zip(error); se = zip_error_code_system(error); #else zip_error_get(zip, &ze, &se); #endif report_error(qPrintable(tr("error writing zip file: %s zip error %d system error %d - %s")), qPrintable(QDir::toNativeSeparators(tempfile)), ze, se, zip_strerror(zip)); return false; } return true; error_close_zip: zip_close(zip); QFile::remove(tempfile); xsltFreeStylesheet(xslt); return false; } WebServices::WebServices(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) : QDialog(parent, f), reply(0) { ui.setupUi(this); connect(ui.buttonBox, SIGNAL(clicked(QAbstractButton *)), this, SLOT(buttonClicked(QAbstractButton *))); connect(ui.download, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(startDownload())); connect(ui.upload, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(startUpload())); connect(&timeout, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(downloadTimedOut())); ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Apply)->setEnabled(false); timeout.setSingleShot(true); defaultApplyText = ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Apply)->text(); userAgent = getUserAgent(); } void WebServices::hidePassword() { ui.password->hide(); ui.passLabel->hide(); } void WebServices::hideUpload() { ui.upload->hide(); ui.download->show(); } void WebServices::hideDownload() { ui.download->hide(); ui.upload->show(); } void WebServices::downloadTimedOut() { if (!reply) return; reply->deleteLater(); reply = NULL; resetState(); ui.status->setText(tr("Operation timed out")); } void WebServices::updateProgress(qint64 current, qint64 total) { if (!reply) return; if (total == -1) { total = INT_MAX / 2 - 1; } if (total >= INT_MAX / 2) { // over a gigabyte! if (total >= Q_INT64_C(1) << 47) { total >>= 16; current >>= 16; } total >>= 16; current >>= 16; } ui.progressBar->setRange(0, total); ui.progressBar->setValue(current); ui.status->setText(tr("Transferring data...")); // reset the timer: 30 seconds after we last got any data timeout.start(); } void WebServices::connectSignalsForDownload(QNetworkReply *reply) { connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(downloadFinished())); connect(reply, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), this, SLOT(downloadError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError))); connect(reply, SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)), this, SLOT(updateProgress(qint64, qint64))); timeout.start(30000); // 30s } void WebServices::resetState() { ui.download->setEnabled(true); ui.upload->setEnabled(true); ui.userID->setEnabled(true); ui.password->setEnabled(true); ui.progressBar->reset(); ui.progressBar->setRange(0, 1); ui.status->setText(QString()); ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Apply)->setText(defaultApplyText); } // # // # // # Divelogs DE Web Service Implementation. // # // # struct DiveListResult { QString errorCondition; QString errorDetails; QByteArray idList; // comma-separated, suitable to be sent in the fetch request int idCount; }; static DiveListResult parseDiveLogsDeDiveList(const QByteArray &xmlData) { /* XML format seems to be: * * * DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm * [repeat ] * * */ QXmlStreamReader reader(xmlData); const QString invalidXmlError = gettextFromC::tr("Invalid response from server"); bool seenDiveDates = false; DiveListResult result; result.idCount = 0; if (reader.readNextStartElement() && reader.name() != "DiveDateReader") { result.errorCondition = invalidXmlError; result.errorDetails = gettextFromC::tr("Expected XML tag 'DiveDateReader', got instead '%1") .arg(reader.name().toString()); goto out; } while (reader.readNextStartElement()) { if (reader.name() != "DiveDates") { if (reader.name() == "Login") { QString status = reader.readElementText(); // qDebug() << "Login status:" << status; // Note: there has to be a better way to determine a successful login... if (status == "failed") { result.errorCondition = "Login failed"; goto out; } } else { // qDebug() << "Skipping" << reader.name(); } continue; } // process seenDiveDates = true; while (reader.readNextStartElement()) { if (reader.name() != "date") { // qDebug() << "Skipping" << reader.name(); continue; } QStringRef id = reader.attributes().value("divelogsId"); // qDebug() << "Found" << reader.name() << "with id =" << id; if (!id.isEmpty()) { result.idList += id.toLatin1(); result.idList += ','; ++result.idCount; } reader.skipCurrentElement(); } } // chop the ending comma, if any result.idList.chop(1); if (!seenDiveDates) { result.errorCondition = invalidXmlError; result.errorDetails = gettextFromC::tr("Expected XML tag 'DiveDates' not found"); } out: if (reader.hasError()) { // if there was an XML error, overwrite the result or other error conditions result.errorCondition = invalidXmlError; result.errorDetails = gettextFromC::tr("Malformed XML response. Line %1: %2") .arg(reader.lineNumber()) .arg(reader.errorString()); } return result; } DivelogsDeWebServices *DivelogsDeWebServices::instance() { static DivelogsDeWebServices *self = new DivelogsDeWebServices(MainWindow::instance()); return self; } void DivelogsDeWebServices::downloadDives() { uploadMode = false; resetState(); hideUpload(); exec(); } void DivelogsDeWebServices::prepareDivesForUpload(bool selected) { /* generate a random filename and create/open that file with zip_open */ QString filename = QDir::tempPath() + "/import-" + QString::number(qrand() % 99999999) + ".dld"; if (!amount_selected) { report_error(tr("No dives were selected").toUtf8()); return; } if (prepare_dives_for_divelogs(filename, selected)) { QFile f(filename); if (f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { uploadDives((QIODevice *)&f); f.close(); f.remove(); return; } else { report_error("Failed to open upload file %s\n", qPrintable(filename)); } } else { report_error("Failed to create upload file %s\n", qPrintable(filename)); } } void DivelogsDeWebServices::uploadDives(QIODevice *dldContent) { QHttpMultiPart mp(QHttpMultiPart::FormDataType); QHttpPart part; QFile *f = (QFile *)dldContent; QFileInfo fi(*f); QString args("form-data; name=\"userfile\"; filename=\"" + fi.absoluteFilePath() + "\""); part.setRawHeader("Content-Disposition", args.toLatin1()); part.setBodyDevice(dldContent); mp.append(part); multipart = ∓ hideDownload(); resetState(); uploadMode = true; ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Cancel)->setEnabled(true); ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Apply)->setEnabled(false); ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Apply)->setText(tr("Done")); exec(); multipart = NULL; if (reply != NULL && reply->isOpen()) { reply->abort(); delete reply; reply = NULL; } } DivelogsDeWebServices::DivelogsDeWebServices(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) : WebServices(parent, f), multipart(NULL), uploadMode(false) { // should DivelogDE user and pass be stored in the prefs struct or something? QSettings s; ui.userID->setText(s.value("divelogde_user").toString()); ui.password->setText(s.value("divelogde_pass").toString()); ui.saveUidLocal->hide(); hideUpload(); QShortcut *close = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_W), this); connect(close, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(close())); QShortcut *quit = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_Q), this); connect(quit, SIGNAL(activated()), parent, SLOT(close())); } void DivelogsDeWebServices::startUpload() { QSettings s; s.setValue("divelogde_user", ui.userID->text()); s.setValue("divelogde_pass", ui.password->text()); s.sync(); ui.status->setText(tr("Uploading dive list...")); ui.progressBar->setRange(0, 0); // this makes the progressbar do an 'infinite spin' ui.upload->setEnabled(false); ui.userID->setEnabled(false); ui.password->setEnabled(false); QNetworkRequest request; request.setUrl(QUrl("https://divelogs.de/DivelogsDirectImport.php")); request.setRawHeader("Accept", "text/xml, application/xml"); request.setRawHeader("User-Agent", userAgent.toUtf8()); QHttpPart part; part.setRawHeader("Content-Disposition", "form-data; name=\"user\""); part.setBody(ui.userID->text().toUtf8()); multipart->append(part); part.setRawHeader("Content-Disposition", "form-data; name=\"pass\""); part.setBody(ui.password->text().toUtf8()); multipart->append(part); reply = manager()->post(request, multipart); connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(uploadFinished())); connect(reply, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), this, SLOT(uploadError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError))); connect(reply, SIGNAL(uploadProgress(qint64, qint64)), this, SLOT(updateProgress(qint64, qint64))); timeout.start(30000); // 30s } void DivelogsDeWebServices::startDownload() { ui.status->setText(tr("Downloading dive list...")); ui.progressBar->setRange(0, 0); // this makes the progressbar do an 'infinite spin' ui.download->setEnabled(false); ui.userID->setEnabled(false); ui.password->setEnabled(false); QNetworkRequest request; request.setUrl(QUrl("https://divelogs.de/xml_available_dives.php")); request.setRawHeader("Accept", "text/xml, application/xml"); request.setRawHeader("User-Agent", userAgent.toUtf8()); request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); QUrlQuery body; body.addQueryItem("user", ui.userID->text()); body.addQueryItem("pass", ui.password->text().replace("+", "%2b")); reply = manager()->post(request, body.query(QUrl::FullyEncoded).toLatin1()); connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(listDownloadFinished())); connect(reply, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), this, SLOT(downloadError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError))); timeout.start(30000); // 30s } void DivelogsDeWebServices::listDownloadFinished() { if (!reply) return; QByteArray xmlData = reply->readAll(); reply->deleteLater(); reply = NULL; // parse the XML data we downloaded DiveListResult diveList = parseDiveLogsDeDiveList(xmlData); if (!diveList.errorCondition.isEmpty()) { // error condition resetState(); ui.status->setText(diveList.errorCondition); return; } ui.status->setText(tr("Downloading %1 dives...").arg(diveList.idCount)); QNetworkRequest request; request.setUrl(QUrl("https://divelogs.de/DivelogsDirectExport.php")); request.setRawHeader("Accept", "application/zip, */*"); request.setRawHeader("User-Agent", userAgent.toUtf8()); request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); QUrlQuery body; body.addQueryItem("user", ui.userID->text()); body.addQueryItem("pass", ui.password->text().replace("+", "%2b")); body.addQueryItem("ids", diveList.idList); reply = manager()->post(request, body.query(QUrl::FullyEncoded).toLatin1()); connect(reply, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(saveToZipFile())); connectSignalsForDownload(reply); } void DivelogsDeWebServices::saveToZipFile() { if (!zipFile.isOpen()) { zipFile.setFileTemplate(QDir::tempPath() + "/import-XXXXXX.dld"); zipFile.open(); } zipFile.write(reply->readAll()); } void DivelogsDeWebServices::downloadFinished() { if (!reply) return; ui.download->setEnabled(true); ui.status->setText(tr("Download finished - %1").arg(reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpReasonPhraseAttribute).toString())); reply->deleteLater(); reply = NULL; int errorcode; zipFile.seek(0); #if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) && defined(LIBZIP_VERSION_MAJOR) int duppedfd = dup(zipFile.handle()); struct zip *zip = NULL; if (duppedfd >= 0) { zip = zip_fdopen(duppedfd, 0, &errorcode); if (!zip) ::close(duppedfd); } else { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Problem with download"), tr("The archive could not be opened:\n%1").arg(QString::fromLocal8Bit(strerror(errno)))); return; } #else struct zip *zip = zip_open(QFile::encodeName(zipFile.fileName()), 0, &errorcode); #endif if (!zip) { char buf[512]; zip_error_to_str(buf, sizeof(buf), errorcode, errno); QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Corrupted download"), tr("The archive could not be opened:\n%1").arg(QString::fromLocal8Bit(buf))); zipFile.close(); return; } // now allow the user to cancel or accept ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Apply)->setEnabled(true); zip_close(zip); zipFile.close(); #if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) && defined(LIBZIP_VERSION_MAJOR) ::close(duppedfd); #endif } void DivelogsDeWebServices::uploadFinished() { if (!reply) return; ui.progressBar->setRange(0, 1); ui.upload->setEnabled(true); ui.userID->setEnabled(true); ui.password->setEnabled(true); ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Cancel)->setEnabled(false); ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Apply)->setEnabled(true); ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Apply)->setText(tr("Done")); ui.status->setText(tr("Upload finished")); // check what the server sent us: it might contain // an error condition, such as a failed login QByteArray xmlData = reply->readAll(); reply->deleteLater(); reply = NULL; char *resp = xmlData.data(); if (resp) { char *parsed = strstr(resp, ""); if (parsed) { if (strstr(resp, "succeeded")) { if (strstr(resp, "failed")) { ui.status->setText(tr("Upload failed")); return; } ui.status->setText(tr("Upload successful")); return; } ui.status->setText(tr("Login failed")); return; } ui.status->setText(tr("Cannot parse response")); } } void DivelogsDeWebServices::setStatusText(int) { } void DivelogsDeWebServices::downloadError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError) { resetState(); ui.status->setText(tr("Error: %1").arg(reply->errorString())); reply->deleteLater(); reply = NULL; } void DivelogsDeWebServices::uploadError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError error) { downloadError(error); } void DivelogsDeWebServices::buttonClicked(QAbstractButton *button) { ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Apply)->setEnabled(false); switch (ui.buttonBox->buttonRole(button)) { case QDialogButtonBox::ApplyRole: { /* in 'uploadMode' button is called 'Done' and closes the dialog */ if (uploadMode) { hide(); close(); resetState(); break; } /* parse file and import dives */ struct dive_table table = { 0 }; struct trip_table trips = { 0 }; struct dive_site_table sites = { 0 }; parse_file(QFile::encodeName(zipFile.fileName()), &table, &trips, &sites); Command::importDives(&table, &trips, &sites, IMPORT_MERGE_ALL_TRIPS, QStringLiteral("divelogs.de")); /* store last entered user/pass in config */ QSettings s; s.setValue("divelogde_user", ui.userID->text()); s.setValue("divelogde_pass", ui.password->text()); s.sync(); hide(); close(); resetState(); } break; case QDialogButtonBox::RejectRole: // these two seem to be causing a crash: // reply->deleteLater(); resetState(); break; case QDialogButtonBox::HelpRole: QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl("http://divelogs.de")); break; default: break; } } UserSurveyServices::UserSurveyServices(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) : QDialog(parent, f) { } QNetworkReply *UserSurveyServices::sendSurvey(QString values) { QNetworkRequest request; request.setUrl(QString("http://subsurface-divelog.org/survey?%1").arg(values)); request.setRawHeader("Accept", "text/xml"); request.setRawHeader("User-Agent", getUserAgent().toUtf8()); QNetworkReply *reply = manager()->get(request); return reply; }