/* divesite.c */
#include "divesite.h"
#include "dive.h"

struct dive_site_table dive_site_table;

/* try to create a uniqe ID - fingers crossed */
static uint32_t dive_site_getUniqId()
	uint32_t id = 0;

	while (id == 0 || get_dive_site_by_uuid(id))
		id = random() + random();

	return id;

struct dive_site *alloc_dive_site()
	int nr = dive_site_table.nr, allocated = dive_site_table.allocated;
	struct dive_site **sites = dive_site_table.dive_sites;

	if (nr >= allocated) {
		allocated = (nr + 32) * 3 / 2;
		sites = realloc(sites, allocated * sizeof(struct dive_site *));
		if (!sites)
		dive_site_table.dive_sites = sites;
		dive_site_table.allocated = allocated;
	struct dive_site *ds = calloc(1, sizeof(*ds));
	if (!ds)
	sites[nr] = ds;
	dive_site_table.nr = nr + 1;
	ds->uuid = dive_site_getUniqId();
	return ds;

/* allocate a new site and add it to the table */
uint32_t create_dive_site(const char *name)
	struct dive_site *ds = alloc_dive_site();
	ds->name = copy_string(name);

	return ds->uuid;

/* same as before, but with GPS data */
uint32_t create_dive_site_with_gps(const char *name, degrees_t latitude, degrees_t longitude)
	struct dive_site *ds = alloc_dive_site();
	ds->uuid = dive_site_getUniqId();
	ds->name = copy_string(name);
	ds->latitude = latitude;
	ds->longitude = longitude;

	return ds->uuid;

/* this either returns the uuid for a site with that name or creates an entry */
uint32_t dive_site_uuid_by_name(const char *name)
	uint32_t id = get_dive_site_uuid_by_name(name);
	if (id == 0)
		id = create_dive_site(name);

	return id;

/* if the uuid is valid, just get the site, otherwise create it first;
 * so you can call this with dive->dive_site_uuid and you'll either get the existing
 * dive site or it will create a new one - so make sure you assign the uuid back to
 * dive->dive_site_uuid when using this function! */
struct dive_site *get_or_create_dive_site_by_uuid(uint32_t uuid)
	struct dive_site *ds = get_dive_site_by_uuid(uuid);

	if (!ds)
		ds = alloc_dive_site();

	return ds;