#include <stdio.h> #include <gtk/gtk.h> #include "dive.h" #include "divelist.h" #include "display.h" /* libdivecomputer */ #include <device.h> #include <suunto.h> #include <reefnet.h> #include <uwatec.h> #include <oceanic.h> #include <mares.h> #include <hw.h> #include <cressi.h> #include <zeagle.h> #include <atomics.h> #include <utils.h> /* handling uemis Zurich SDA files */ #include "uemis.h" /* * I'd love to do a while-loop here for pending events, but * that seems to screw up with the dive computer reading timing. * * I may need to spawn a new thread to do the computer * reading stuff.. */ static int run_gtk_mainloop(void) { return gtk_main_iteration_do(0); } static void error(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; GError *error; va_start(args, fmt); error = g_error_new_valist( g_quark_from_string("divelog"), DIVE_ERROR_PARSE, fmt, args); va_end(args); report_error(error); g_error_free(error); } typedef struct device_data_t { device_type_t type; const char *name, *devname; GtkWidget *progressbar; device_devinfo_t devinfo; device_clock_t clock; } device_data_t; static parser_status_t create_parser(device_data_t *devdata, parser_t **parser) { switch (devdata->type) { case DEVICE_TYPE_SUUNTO_SOLUTION: return suunto_solution_parser_create(parser); case DEVICE_TYPE_SUUNTO_EON: return suunto_eon_parser_create(parser, 0); case DEVICE_TYPE_SUUNTO_VYPER: if (devdata->devinfo.model == 0x01) return suunto_eon_parser_create(parser, 1); return suunto_vyper_parser_create(parser); case DEVICE_TYPE_SUUNTO_VYPER2: case DEVICE_TYPE_SUUNTO_D9: return suunto_d9_parser_create(parser, devdata->devinfo.model); case DEVICE_TYPE_UWATEC_ALADIN: case DEVICE_TYPE_UWATEC_MEMOMOUSE: return uwatec_memomouse_parser_create(parser, devdata->clock.devtime, devdata->clock.systime); case DEVICE_TYPE_UWATEC_SMART: return uwatec_smart_parser_create(parser, devdata->devinfo.model, devdata->clock.devtime, devdata->clock.systime); case DEVICE_TYPE_REEFNET_SENSUS: return reefnet_sensus_parser_create(parser, devdata->clock.devtime, devdata->clock.systime); case DEVICE_TYPE_REEFNET_SENSUSPRO: return reefnet_sensuspro_parser_create(parser, devdata->clock.devtime, devdata->clock.systime); case DEVICE_TYPE_REEFNET_SENSUSULTRA: return reefnet_sensusultra_parser_create(parser, devdata->clock.devtime, devdata->clock.systime); case DEVICE_TYPE_OCEANIC_VTPRO: return oceanic_vtpro_parser_create(parser); case DEVICE_TYPE_OCEANIC_VEO250: return oceanic_veo250_parser_create(parser, devdata->devinfo.model); case DEVICE_TYPE_OCEANIC_ATOM2: return oceanic_atom2_parser_create(parser, devdata->devinfo.model); case DEVICE_TYPE_MARES_NEMO: case DEVICE_TYPE_MARES_PUCK: return mares_nemo_parser_create(parser, devdata->devinfo.model); case DEVICE_TYPE_MARES_ICONHD: return mares_iconhd_parser_create(parser); case DEVICE_TYPE_HW_OSTC: return hw_ostc_parser_create(parser); case DEVICE_TYPE_CRESSI_EDY: case DEVICE_TYPE_ZEAGLE_N2ITION3: return cressi_edy_parser_create(parser, devdata->devinfo.model); case DEVICE_TYPE_ATOMICS_COBALT: return atomics_cobalt_parser_create(parser); default: return PARSER_STATUS_ERROR; } } static int parse_gasmixes(struct dive *dive, parser_t *parser, int ngases) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ngases; i++) { int rc; gasmix_t gasmix = {0}; int o2, he; rc = parser_get_field(parser, FIELD_TYPE_GASMIX, i, &gasmix); if (rc != PARSER_STATUS_SUCCESS && rc != PARSER_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED) return rc; if (i >= MAX_CYLINDERS) continue; o2 = gasmix.oxygen * 1000 + 0.5; he = gasmix.helium * 1000 + 0.5; /* Ignore bogus data - libdivecomputer does some crazy stuff */ if (o2 < 210 || o2 >= 1000) o2 = 0; if (he < 0 || he >= 800 || o2+he >= 1000) he = 0; dive->cylinder[i].gasmix.o2.permille = o2; dive->cylinder[i].gasmix.he.permille = he; } return PARSER_STATUS_SUCCESS; } void sample_cb(parser_sample_type_t type, parser_sample_value_t value, void *userdata) { int i; static const char *events[] = { "none", "deco", "rbt", "ascent", "ceiling", "workload", "transmitter", "violation", "bookmark", "surface", "safety stop", "gaschange", "safety stop (voluntary)", "safety stop (mandatory)", "deepstop", "ceiling (safety stop)", "unknown", "divetime", "maxdepth", "OLF", "PO2", "airtime", "rgbm", "heading", "tissue level warning"}; struct dive **divep = userdata; struct dive *dive = *divep; struct sample *sample; /* * We fill in the "previous" sample - except for SAMPLE_TYPE_TIME, * which creates a new one. */ sample = dive->samples ? dive->sample+dive->samples-1 : NULL; switch (type) { case SAMPLE_TYPE_TIME: sample = prepare_sample(divep); sample->time.seconds = value.time; finish_sample(*divep, sample); break; case SAMPLE_TYPE_DEPTH: sample->depth.mm = value.depth * 1000 + 0.5; break; case SAMPLE_TYPE_PRESSURE: sample->cylinderindex = value.pressure.tank; sample->cylinderpressure.mbar = value.pressure.value * 1000 + 0.5; break; case SAMPLE_TYPE_TEMPERATURE: sample->temperature.mkelvin = (value.temperature + 273.15) * 1000 + 0.5; break; case SAMPLE_TYPE_EVENT: printf(" <event type=\"%u\" time=\"%u\" flags=\"%u\" value=\"%u\">%s</event>\n", value.event.type, value.event.time, value.event.flags, value.event.value, events[value.event.type]); break; case SAMPLE_TYPE_RBT: printf(" <rbt>%u</rbt>\n", value.rbt); break; case SAMPLE_TYPE_HEARTBEAT: printf(" <heartbeat>%u</heartbeat>\n", value.heartbeat); break; case SAMPLE_TYPE_BEARING: printf(" <bearing>%u</bearing>\n", value.bearing); break; case SAMPLE_TYPE_VENDOR: printf(" <vendor type=\"%u\" size=\"%u\">", value.vendor.type, value.vendor.size); for (i = 0; i < value.vendor.size; ++i) printf("%02X", ((unsigned char *) value.vendor.data)[i]); printf("</vendor>\n"); break; default: break; } } static int parse_samples(struct dive **divep, parser_t *parser) { // Parse the sample data. printf("Parsing the sample data.\n"); return parser_samples_foreach(parser, sample_cb, divep); } static int dive_cb(const unsigned char *data, unsigned int size, const unsigned char *fingerprint, unsigned int fsize, void *userdata) { int rc; parser_t *parser = NULL; device_data_t *devdata = userdata; dc_datetime_t dt = {0}; struct tm tm; struct dive *dive; /* Christ, this is hacky */ run_gtk_mainloop(); rc = create_parser(devdata, &parser); if (rc != PARSER_STATUS_SUCCESS) { error("Unable to create parser for %s", devdata->name); return rc; } rc = parser_set_data(parser, data, size); if (rc != PARSER_STATUS_SUCCESS) { error("Error registering the data."); parser_destroy(parser); return rc; } dive = alloc_dive(); rc = parser_get_datetime(parser, &dt); if (rc != PARSER_STATUS_SUCCESS && rc != PARSER_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED) { error("Error parsing the datetime."); parser_destroy (parser); return rc; } tm.tm_year = dt.year; tm.tm_mon = dt.month-1; tm.tm_mday = dt.day; tm.tm_hour = dt.hour; tm.tm_min = dt.minute; tm.tm_sec = dt.second; dive->when = utc_mktime(&tm); // Parse the divetime. printf("Parsing the divetime.\n"); unsigned int divetime = 0; rc = parser_get_field (parser, FIELD_TYPE_DIVETIME, 0, &divetime); if (rc != PARSER_STATUS_SUCCESS && rc != PARSER_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED) { error("Error parsing the divetime."); parser_destroy(parser); return rc; } dive->duration.seconds = divetime; // Parse the maxdepth. printf("Parsing the maxdepth.\n"); double maxdepth = 0.0; rc = parser_get_field(parser, FIELD_TYPE_MAXDEPTH, 0, &maxdepth); if (rc != PARSER_STATUS_SUCCESS && rc != PARSER_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED) { error("Error parsing the maxdepth."); parser_destroy(parser); return rc; } dive->maxdepth.mm = maxdepth * 1000 + 0.5; // Parse the gas mixes. printf("Parsing the gas mixes.\n"); unsigned int ngases = 0; rc = parser_get_field(parser, FIELD_TYPE_GASMIX_COUNT, 0, &ngases); if (rc != PARSER_STATUS_SUCCESS && rc != PARSER_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED) { error("Error parsing the gas mix count."); parser_destroy(parser); return rc; } rc = parse_gasmixes(dive, parser, ngases); if (rc != PARSER_STATUS_SUCCESS) { error("Error parsing the gas mix."); parser_destroy(parser); return rc; } // Initialize the sample data. rc = parse_samples(&dive, parser); if (rc != PARSER_STATUS_SUCCESS) { error("Error parsing the samples."); parser_destroy(parser); return rc; } record_dive(dive); parser_destroy(parser); return 1; } static device_status_t import_device_data(device_t *device, device_data_t *devicedata) { return device_foreach(device, dive_cb, devicedata); } static device_status_t device_open(const char *devname, device_type_t type, device_t **device) { switch (type) { case DEVICE_TYPE_SUUNTO_SOLUTION: return suunto_solution_device_open(device, devname); case DEVICE_TYPE_SUUNTO_EON: return suunto_eon_device_open(device, devname); case DEVICE_TYPE_SUUNTO_VYPER: return suunto_vyper_device_open(device, devname); case DEVICE_TYPE_SUUNTO_VYPER2: return suunto_vyper2_device_open(device, devname); case DEVICE_TYPE_SUUNTO_D9: return suunto_d9_device_open(device, devname); case DEVICE_TYPE_UWATEC_ALADIN: return uwatec_aladin_device_open(device, devname); case DEVICE_TYPE_UWATEC_MEMOMOUSE: return uwatec_memomouse_device_open(device, devname); case DEVICE_TYPE_UWATEC_SMART: return uwatec_smart_device_open(device); case DEVICE_TYPE_REEFNET_SENSUS: return reefnet_sensus_device_open(device, devname); case DEVICE_TYPE_REEFNET_SENSUSPRO: return reefnet_sensuspro_device_open(device, devname); case DEVICE_TYPE_REEFNET_SENSUSULTRA: return reefnet_sensusultra_device_open(device, devname); case DEVICE_TYPE_OCEANIC_VTPRO: return oceanic_vtpro_device_open(device, devname); case DEVICE_TYPE_OCEANIC_VEO250: return oceanic_veo250_device_open(device, devname); case DEVICE_TYPE_OCEANIC_ATOM2: return oceanic_atom2_device_open(device, devname); case DEVICE_TYPE_MARES_NEMO: return mares_nemo_device_open(device, devname); case DEVICE_TYPE_MARES_PUCK: return mares_puck_device_open(device, devname); case DEVICE_TYPE_MARES_ICONHD: return mares_iconhd_device_open(device, devname); case DEVICE_TYPE_HW_OSTC: return hw_ostc_device_open(device, devname); case DEVICE_TYPE_CRESSI_EDY: return cressi_edy_device_open(device, devname); case DEVICE_TYPE_ZEAGLE_N2ITION3: return zeagle_n2ition3_device_open(device, devname); case DEVICE_TYPE_ATOMICS_COBALT: return atomics_cobalt_device_open(device); default: return DEVICE_STATUS_ERROR; } } static void event_cb(device_t *device, device_event_t event, const void *data, void *userdata) { const device_progress_t *progress = (device_progress_t *) data; const device_devinfo_t *devinfo = (device_devinfo_t *) data; const device_clock_t *clock = (device_clock_t *) data; device_data_t *devdata = (device_data_t *) userdata; /* Christ, this is hacky */ run_gtk_mainloop(); switch (event) { case DEVICE_EVENT_WAITING: printf("Event: waiting for user action\n"); break; case DEVICE_EVENT_PROGRESS: gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction(GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(devdata->progressbar), (double) progress->current / (double) progress->maximum); break; case DEVICE_EVENT_DEVINFO: devdata->devinfo = *devinfo; printf("Event: model=%u (0x%08x), firmware=%u (0x%08x), serial=%u (0x%08x)\n", devinfo->model, devinfo->model, devinfo->firmware, devinfo->firmware, devinfo->serial, devinfo->serial); break; case DEVICE_EVENT_CLOCK: devdata->clock = *clock; printf("Event: systime=%lld, devtime=%u\n", clock->systime, clock->devtime); break; default: break; } } static int cancel_cb(void *userdata) { return run_gtk_mainloop(); } static void do_import(device_data_t *data) { device_t *device = NULL; device_status_t rc; if (data->type == DEVICE_TYPE_UEMIS) { return uemis_import(); } rc = device_open(data->devname, data->type, &device); if (rc != DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS) { error("Unable to open %s (%s)", data->name, data->devname); return; } // Register the event handler. int events = DEVICE_EVENT_WAITING | DEVICE_EVENT_PROGRESS | DEVICE_EVENT_DEVINFO | DEVICE_EVENT_CLOCK; rc = device_set_events(device, events, event_cb, data); if (rc != DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS) { error("Error registering the event handler."); device_close(device); return; } // Register the cancellation handler. rc = device_set_cancel(device, cancel_cb, data); if (rc != DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS) { error("Error registering the cancellation handler."); device_close(device); return; } rc = import_device_data(device, data); if (rc != DEVICE_STATUS_SUCCESS) { error("Dive data import error"); device_close(device); return; } device_close(device); } /* * Taken from 'example.c' in libdivecomputer. * * I really wish there was some way to just have * libdivecomputer tell us what devices it supports, * rather than have the application have to know.. */ struct device_list { const char *name; device_type_t type; } device_list[] = { { "Suunto Solution", DEVICE_TYPE_SUUNTO_SOLUTION }, { "Suunto Eon", DEVICE_TYPE_SUUNTO_EON }, { "Suunto Vyper", DEVICE_TYPE_SUUNTO_VYPER }, { "Suunto Vyper Air", DEVICE_TYPE_SUUNTO_VYPER2 }, { "Suunto D9", DEVICE_TYPE_SUUNTO_D9 }, { "Uwatec Aladin", DEVICE_TYPE_UWATEC_ALADIN }, { "Uwatec Memo Mouse", DEVICE_TYPE_UWATEC_MEMOMOUSE }, { "Uwatec Smart", DEVICE_TYPE_UWATEC_SMART }, { "ReefNet Sensus", DEVICE_TYPE_REEFNET_SENSUS }, { "ReefNet Sensus Pro", DEVICE_TYPE_REEFNET_SENSUSPRO }, { "ReefNet Sensus Ultra",DEVICE_TYPE_REEFNET_SENSUSULTRA }, { "Oceanic VT Pro", DEVICE_TYPE_OCEANIC_VTPRO }, { "Oceanic Veo250", DEVICE_TYPE_OCEANIC_VEO250 }, { "Oceanic Atom 2", DEVICE_TYPE_OCEANIC_ATOM2 }, { "Mares Nemo", DEVICE_TYPE_MARES_NEMO }, { "Mares Puck", DEVICE_TYPE_MARES_PUCK }, { "Mares Icon HD", DEVICE_TYPE_MARES_ICONHD }, { "OSTC", DEVICE_TYPE_HW_OSTC }, { "Cressi Edy", DEVICE_TYPE_CRESSI_EDY }, { "Zeagle N2iTiON 3", DEVICE_TYPE_ZEAGLE_N2ITION3 }, { "Atomics Cobalt", DEVICE_TYPE_ATOMICS_COBALT }, { "Uemis Zurich SDA", DEVICE_TYPE_UEMIS }, { NULL } }; static void fill_computer_list(GtkListStore *store) { GtkTreeIter iter; struct device_list *list = device_list; for (list = device_list ; list->name ; list++) { gtk_list_store_append(store, &iter); gtk_list_store_set(store, &iter, 0, list->name, 1, list->type, -1); } } static GtkComboBox *dive_computer_selector(GtkWidget *dialog) { GtkWidget *hbox, *combo_box; GtkListStore *model; GtkCellRenderer *renderer; hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 6); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox), hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 3); model = gtk_list_store_new(2, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_INT); fill_computer_list(model); combo_box = gtk_combo_box_new_with_model(GTK_TREE_MODEL(model)); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), combo_box, FALSE, TRUE, 3); renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new(); gtk_cell_layout_pack_start(GTK_CELL_LAYOUT(combo_box), renderer, TRUE); gtk_cell_layout_set_attributes(GTK_CELL_LAYOUT(combo_box), renderer, "text", 0, NULL); return GTK_COMBO_BOX(combo_box); } void import_dialog(GtkWidget *w, gpointer data) { int result; GtkWidget *dialog, *hbox; GtkComboBox *computer; device_data_t devicedata = { .devname = "/dev/ttyUSB0", }; dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons("Import from dive computer", GTK_WINDOW(main_window), GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, GTK_STOCK_OK, GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_REJECT, NULL); computer = dive_computer_selector(dialog); hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 6); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox), hbox, FALSE, TRUE, 3); devicedata.progressbar = gtk_progress_bar_new(); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(hbox), devicedata.progressbar); gtk_widget_show_all(dialog); result = gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)); switch (result) { int type; GtkTreeIter iter; GtkTreeModel *model; const char *comp; case GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT: if (!gtk_combo_box_get_active_iter(computer, &iter)) break; model = gtk_combo_box_get_model(computer); gtk_tree_model_get(model, &iter, 0, &comp, 1, &type, -1); devicedata.type = type; devicedata.name = comp; do_import(&devicedata); break; default: break; } gtk_widget_destroy(dialog); report_dives(); dive_list_update_dives(dive_list); }