#include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <git2.h> #include "dive.h" #include "device.h" #include "membuffer.h" struct keyword_action { const char *keyword; void (*fn)(char *, struct membuffer *, void *); }; #define ARRAY_SIZE(array) (sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0])) extern degrees_t parse_degrees(char *buf, char **end); static void parse_dive_gps(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dive) { struct dive *dive = _dive; dive->latitude = parse_degrees(line, &line); dive->longitude = parse_degrees(line, &line); } static char *get_utf8(struct membuffer *b) { int len = b->len; char *res; if (!len) return NULL; res = malloc(len+1); if (res) { memcpy(res, b->buffer, len); res[len] = 0; } return res; } static temperature_t get_temperature(const char *line) { temperature_t t; t.mkelvin = C_to_mkelvin(ascii_strtod(line, NULL)); return t; } static depth_t get_depth(const char *line) { depth_t d; d.mm = rint(1000*ascii_strtod(line, NULL)); return d; } static volume_t get_volume(const char *line) { volume_t v; v.mliter = rint(1000*ascii_strtod(line, NULL)); return v; } static weight_t get_weight(const char *line) { weight_t w; w.grams = rint(1000*ascii_strtod(line, NULL)); return w; } static pressure_t get_pressure(const char *line) { pressure_t p; p.mbar = rint(1000*ascii_strtod(line, NULL)); return p; } static int get_salinity(const char *line) { return rint(10*ascii_strtod(line, NULL)); } static fraction_t get_fraction(const char *line) { fraction_t f; f.permille = rint(10*ascii_strtod(line, NULL)); return f; } static void update_date(timestamp_t *when, const char *line) { unsigned yyyy, mm, dd; struct tm tm; if (sscanf(line, "%04u-%02u-%02u", &yyyy, &mm, &dd) != 3) return; utc_mkdate(*when, &tm); tm.tm_year = yyyy - 1900; tm.tm_mon = mm - 1; tm.tm_mday = dd; *when = utc_mktime(&tm); } static void update_time(timestamp_t *when, const char *line) { unsigned h, m, s = 0; struct tm tm; if (sscanf(line, "%02u:%02u:%02u", &h, &m, &s) < 2) return; utc_mkdate(*when, &tm); tm.tm_hour = h; tm.tm_min = m; tm.tm_sec = s; *when = utc_mktime(&tm); } static duration_t get_duration(const char *line) { int m = 0, s = 0; duration_t d; sscanf(line, "%d:%d", &m, &s); d.seconds = m*60+s; return d; } static int get_index(const char *line) { return atoi(line); } static int get_hex(const char *line) { return strtoul(line, NULL, 16); } static void parse_dive_location(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dive) { struct dive *dive = _dive; dive->location = get_utf8(str); } static void parse_dive_divemaster(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dive) { struct dive *dive = _dive; dive->divemaster = get_utf8(str); } static void parse_dive_buddy(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dive) { struct dive *dive = _dive; dive->buddy = get_utf8(str); } static void parse_dive_suit(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dive) { struct dive *dive = _dive; dive->suit = get_utf8(str); } static void parse_dive_notes(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dive) { struct dive *dive = _dive; dive->notes = get_utf8(str); } /* * We can have multiple tags in the membuffer. They are separated by * NUL bytes. */ static void parse_dive_tags(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dive) { struct dive *dive = _dive; const char *tag; int len = str->len; if (!len) return; /* Make sure there is a NUL at the end too */ tag = mb_cstring(str); for (;;) { int taglen = strlen(tag); if (taglen) taglist_add_tag(&dive->tag_list, tag); len -= taglen; if (!len) return; tag += taglen+1; len--; } } static void parse_dive_airtemp(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dive) { struct dive *dive = _dive; dive->airtemp = get_temperature(line); } static void parse_dive_watertemp(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dive) { struct dive *dive = _dive; dive->watertemp = get_temperature(line); } static void parse_dive_duration(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dive) { struct dive *dive = _dive; dive->duration = get_duration(line); } static void parse_dive_rating(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dive) { struct dive *dive = _dive; dive->rating = get_index(line); } static void parse_dive_visibility(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dive) { struct dive *dive = _dive; dive->visibility = get_index(line); } static void parse_dive_notrip(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dive) { struct dive *dive = _dive; dive->tripflag = NO_TRIP; } /* Parse key=val parts of samples and cylinders etc */ static char *parse_keyvalue_entry(void (*fn)(void *, const char *, const char *), void *fndata, char *line) { char *key = line, *val, c; while ((c = *line) != 0) { if (isspace(c) || c == '=') break; line++; } if (c == '=') *line++ = 0; val = line; while ((c = *line) != 0) { if (isspace(c)) break; line++; } if (c) *line++ = 0; fn(fndata, key, val); return line; } static int cylinder_index, weightsystem_index; static void parse_cylinder_keyvalue(void *_cylinder, const char *key, const char *value) { cylinder_t *cylinder = _cylinder; if (!strcmp(key, "vol")) { cylinder->type.size = get_volume(value); return; } if (!strcmp(key, "workpressure")) { cylinder->type.workingpressure = get_pressure(value); return; } /* This is handled by the "get_utf8()" */ if (!strcmp(key, "description")) return; if (!strcmp(key, "o2")) { cylinder->gasmix.o2 = get_fraction(value); return; } if (!strcmp(key, "he")) { cylinder->gasmix.he = get_fraction(value); return; } if (!strcmp(key, "start")) { cylinder->start = get_pressure(value); return; } if (!strcmp(key, "end")) { cylinder->end = get_pressure(value); return; } report_error("Unknown cylinder key/value pair (%s/%s)", key, value); } static void parse_dive_cylinder(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dive) { struct dive *dive = _dive; cylinder_t *cylinder = dive->cylinder + cylinder_index; cylinder_index++; cylinder->type.description = get_utf8(str); for (;;) { char c; while (isspace(c = *line)) line++; if (!c) break; line = parse_keyvalue_entry(parse_cylinder_keyvalue, cylinder, line); } } static void parse_weightsystem_keyvalue(void *_ws, const char *key, const char *value) { weightsystem_t *ws = _ws; if (!strcmp(key, "weight")) { ws->weight = get_weight(value); return; } /* This is handled by the "get_utf8()" */ if (!strcmp(key, "description")) return; report_error("Unknown weightsystem key/value pair (%s/%s)", key, value); } static void parse_dive_weightsystem(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dive) { struct dive *dive = _dive; weightsystem_t *ws = dive->weightsystem + weightsystem_index; weightsystem_index++; ws->description = get_utf8(str); for (;;) { char c; while (isspace(c = *line)) line++; if (!c) break; line = parse_keyvalue_entry(parse_weightsystem_keyvalue, ws, line); } } static int match_action(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *data, struct keyword_action *action, unsigned nr_action) { char *p = line, c; unsigned low, high; while ((c = *p) >= 'a' && c <= 'z') p++; if (p == line) return -1; switch (c) { case 0: break; case ' ': *p++ = 0; break; default: return -1; } /* Standard binary search in a table */ low = 0; high = nr_action; while (low < high) { unsigned mid = (low+high)/2; struct keyword_action *a = action + mid; int cmp = strcmp(line, a->keyword); if (!cmp) { a->fn(p, str, data); return 0; } if (cmp < 0) high = mid; else low = mid+1; } report_error("Unmatched action '%s'", line); return -1; } /* FIXME! We should do the array thing here too. */ static void parse_sample_keyvalue(void *_sample, const char *key, const char *value) { struct sample *sample = _sample; if (!strcmp(key, "sensor")) { sample->sensor = atoi(value); return; } if (!strcmp(key, "ndl")) { sample->ndl = get_duration(value); return; } if (!strcmp(key, "in_deco")) { sample->in_deco = atoi(value); return; } if (!strcmp(key, "stoptime")) { sample->stoptime = get_duration(value); return; } if (!strcmp(key, "stopdepth")) { sample->stopdepth = get_depth(value); return; } if (!strcmp(key, "cns")) { sample->cns = atoi(value); return; } if (!strcmp(key, "po2")) { pressure_t p = get_pressure(value); // Ugh, typeless. sample->po2 = p.mbar; return; } if (!strcmp(key, "heartbeat")) { sample->heartbeat = atoi(value); return; } if (!strcmp(key, "bearing")) { sample->bearing = atoi(value); return; } report_error("Unexpected sample key/value pair (%s/%s)", key, value); } static char *parse_sample_unit(struct sample *sample, double val, char *unit) { char *end = unit, c; /* Skip over the unit */ while ((c = *end) != 0) { if (isspace(c)) { *end++ = 0; break; } end++; } /* The units are "°C", "m" or "bar", so let's just look at the first character */ switch (*unit) { case 'm': sample->depth.mm = rint(1000*val); break; case 'b': sample->cylinderpressure.mbar = rint(1000*val); break; default: sample->temperature.mkelvin = C_to_mkelvin(val); break; } return end; } /* * By default the sample data does not change unless the * save-file gives an explicit new value. So we copy the * data from the previous sample if one exists, and then * the parsing will update it as necessary. * * There are a few exceptions, like the sample pressure: * missing sample pressure doesn't mean "same as last * time", but "interpolate". We clear those ones * explicitly. */ static struct sample *new_sample(struct divecomputer *dc) { struct sample *sample = prepare_sample(dc); if (sample != dc->sample) { memcpy(sample, sample-1, sizeof(struct sample)); sample->cylinderpressure.mbar = 0; } return sample; } static void sample_parser(char *line, struct divecomputer *dc) { int m, s = 0; struct sample *sample = new_sample(dc); m = strtol(line, &line, 10); if (*line == ':') s = strtol(line+1, &line, 10); sample->time.seconds = m*60+s; for (;;) { char c; while (isspace(c = *line)) line++; if (!c) break; /* Less common sample entries have a name */ if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') { line = parse_keyvalue_entry(parse_sample_keyvalue, sample, line); } else { const char *end; double val = ascii_strtod(line, &end); if (end == line) { report_error("Odd sample data: %s", line); break; } line = (char *)end; line = parse_sample_unit(sample, val, line); } } finish_sample(dc); } static void parse_dc_airtemp(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dc) { struct divecomputer *dc = _dc; dc->airtemp = get_temperature(line); } static void parse_dc_date(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dc) { struct divecomputer *dc = _dc; update_date(&dc->when, line); } static void parse_dc_deviceid(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dc) { struct divecomputer *dc = _dc; dc->deviceid = get_hex(line); } static void parse_dc_diveid(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dc) { struct divecomputer *dc = _dc; dc->diveid = get_hex(line); } static void parse_dc_duration(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dc) { struct divecomputer *dc = _dc; dc->duration = get_duration(line); } static void parse_dc_maxdepth(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dc) { struct divecomputer *dc = _dc; dc->maxdepth = get_depth(line); } static void parse_dc_meandepth(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dc) { struct divecomputer *dc = _dc; dc->meandepth = get_depth(line); } static void parse_dc_model(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dc) { struct divecomputer *dc = _dc; dc->model = get_utf8(str); } static void parse_dc_surfacepressure(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dc) { struct divecomputer *dc = _dc; dc->surface_pressure = get_pressure(line); } static void parse_dc_salinity(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dc) { struct divecomputer *dc = _dc; dc->salinity = get_salinity(line); } static void parse_dc_surfacetime(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dc) { struct divecomputer *dc = _dc; dc->surfacetime = get_duration(line); } static void parse_dc_time(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dc) { struct divecomputer *dc = _dc; update_time(&dc->when, line); } static void parse_dc_watertemp(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dc) { struct divecomputer *dc = _dc; dc->watertemp = get_temperature(line); } static void parse_event_keyvalue(void *_event, const char *key, const char *value) { struct event *event = _event; int val = atoi(value); if (!strcmp(key, "type")) { event->type = val; } else if (!strcmp(key, "flags")) { event->flags = val; } else if (!strcmp(key, "value")) { event->value = val; } else if (!strcmp(key, "name")) { /* We get the name from the string handling */ } else report_error("Unexpected event key/value pair (%s/%s)", key, value); } static void parse_dc_event(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dc) { int m, s = 0; const char *name; struct divecomputer *dc = _dc; struct event event = { 0 }; m = strtol(line, &line, 10); if (*line == ':') s = strtol(line+1, &line, 10); event.time.seconds = m*60+s; for (;;) { char c; while (isspace(c = *line)) line++; if (!c) break; line = parse_keyvalue_entry(parse_event_keyvalue, &event, line); } name = ""; if (str->len) name = mb_cstring(str); add_event(dc, event.time.seconds, event.type, event.flags, event.value, name); } static void parse_trip_date(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_trip) { dive_trip_t *trip = _trip; update_date(&trip->when, line); } static void parse_trip_time(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_trip) { dive_trip_t *trip = _trip; update_time(&trip->when, line); } static void parse_trip_location(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_trip) { dive_trip_t *trip = _trip; trip->location = get_utf8(str); } static void parse_trip_notes(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_trip) { dive_trip_t *trip = _trip; trip->notes = get_utf8(str); } static void parse_settings_autogroup(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_unused) { set_autogroup(1); } /* * Our versioning is a joke right now, but this is more of an example of what we * *can* do some day. And if we do change the version, this warning will show if * you read with a version of subsurface that doesn't know about it. */ #define VERSION 2 static void parse_settings_version(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_unused) { int version = atoi(line); if (version > VERSION) report_error("Git save file version %d is newer than version %d I know about", version, VERSION); } /* The string in the membuffer is the version string of subsurface that saved things, just FYI */ static void parse_settings_subsurface(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_unused) { } struct divecomputerid { const char *model; const char *nickname; const char *firmware; const char *serial; const char *cstr; unsigned int deviceid; }; static void parse_divecomputerid_keyvalue(void *_cid, const char *key, const char *value) { struct divecomputerid *cid = _cid; if (*value == '"') { value = cid->cstr; cid->cstr += strlen(cid->cstr)+1; } if (!strcmp(key, "deviceid")) { cid->deviceid = get_hex(value); return; } if (!strcmp(key, "serial")) { cid->serial = value; return; } if (!strcmp(key, "firmware")) { cid->firmware = value; return; } if (!strcmp(key, "nickname")) { cid->nickname = value; return; } report_error("Unknow divecomputerid key/value pair (%s/%s)", key, value); } /* * The 'divecomputerid' is a bit harder to parse than some other things, because * it can have multiple strings (but see the tag parsing for another example of * that) in addition to the non-string entries. * * We keep the "next" string in "id.cstr" and update it as we use it. */ static void parse_settings_divecomputerid(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_unused) { struct divecomputerid id = { mb_cstring(str) }; id.cstr = id.model + strlen(id.model) + 1; /* Skip the '"' that stood for the model string */ line++; for (;;) { char c; while (isspace(c = *line)) line++; if (!c) break; line = parse_keyvalue_entry(parse_divecomputerid_keyvalue, &id, line); } create_device_node(id.model, id.deviceid, id.serial, id.firmware, id.nickname); } /* These need to be sorted! */ struct keyword_action dc_action[] = { #undef D #define D(x) { #x, parse_dc_ ## x } D(airtemp), D(date), D(deviceid), D(diveid), D(duration), D(event), D(maxdepth), D(meandepth), D(model), D(salinity), D(surfacepressure), D(surfacetime), D(time), D(watertemp), }; /* Sample lines start with a space or a number */ static void divecomputer_parser(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dc) { char c = *line; if (c < 'a' || c > 'z') sample_parser(line, _dc); match_action(line, str, _dc, dc_action, ARRAY_SIZE(dc_action)); } /* These need to be sorted! */ struct keyword_action dive_action[] = { #undef D #define D(x) { #x, parse_dive_ ## x } D(airtemp), D(buddy), D(cylinder), D(divemaster), D(duration), D(gps), D(location), D(notes), D(notrip), D(rating), D(suit), D(tags), D(visibility), D(watertemp), D(weightsystem) }; static void dive_parser(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_dive) { match_action(line, str, _dive, dive_action, ARRAY_SIZE(dive_action)); } /* These need to be sorted! */ struct keyword_action trip_action[] = { #undef D #define D(x) { #x, parse_trip_ ## x } D(date), D(location), D(notes), D(time), }; static void trip_parser(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_trip) { match_action(line, str, _trip, trip_action, ARRAY_SIZE(trip_action)); } /* These need to be sorted! */ static struct keyword_action settings_action[] = { #undef D #define D(x) { #x, parse_settings_ ## x } D(autogroup), D(divecomputerid), D(subsurface), D(version), }; static void settings_parser(char *line, struct membuffer *str, void *_unused) { match_action(line, str, NULL, settings_action, ARRAY_SIZE(settings_action)); } /* * We have a very simple line-based interface, with the small * complication that lines can have strings in the middle, and * a string can be multiple lines. * * The UTF-8 string escaping is *very* simple, though: * * - a string starts and ends with double quotes (") * * - inside the string we escape: * (a) double quotes with '\"' * (b) backslash (\) with '\\' * * - additionally, for human readability, we escape * newlines with '\n\t', with the exception that * consecutive newlines are left unescaped (so an * empty line doesn't become a line with just a tab * on it). * * Also, while the UTF-8 string can have arbitrarily * long lines, the non-string parts of the lines are * never long, so we can use a small temporary buffer * on stack for that part. * * Also, note that if a line has one or more strings * in it: * * - each string will be represented as a single '"' * character in the output. * * - all string will exist in the same 'membuffer', * separated by NUL characters (that cannot exist * in a string, not even quoted). */ static const char *parse_one_string(const char *buf, const char *end, struct membuffer *b) { const char *p = buf; /* * We turn multiple strings one one line (think dive tags) into one * membuffer that has NUL characters in between strings. */ if (b->len) put_bytes(b, "", 1); while (p < end) { char replace; switch (*p++) { default: continue; case '\n': if (p < end && *p == '\t') { replace = '\n'; break; } continue; case '\\': if (p < end) { replace = *p; break; } continue; case '"': replace = 0; break; } put_bytes(b, buf, p - buf - 1); if (!replace) break; put_bytes(b, &replace, 1); buf = ++p; } return p; } typedef void (line_fn_t)(char *, struct membuffer *, void *); #define MAXLINE 500 static unsigned parse_one_line(const char *buf, unsigned size, line_fn_t *fn, void *fndata, struct membuffer *b) { const char *end = buf + size; const char *p = buf; char line[MAXLINE+1]; int off = 0; while (p < end) { char c = *p++; if (c == '\n') break; line[off] = c; off++; if (off > MAXLINE) off = MAXLINE; if (c == '"') p = parse_one_string(p, end, b); } line[off] = 0; fn(line, b, fndata); return p - buf; } /* * We keep on re-using the membuffer that we use for * strings, but the callback function can "steal" it by * saving its value and just clear the original. */ static void for_each_line(git_blob *blob, line_fn_t *fn, void *fndata) { const char *content = git_blob_rawcontent(blob); unsigned int size = git_blob_rawsize(blob); struct membuffer str = { 0 }; while (size) { unsigned int n = parse_one_line(content, size, fn, fndata, &str); content += n; size -= n; /* Re-use the allocation, but forget the data */ str.len = 0; } free_buffer(&str); } #define GIT_WALK_OK 0 #define GIT_WALK_SKIP 1 static struct divecomputer *active_dc; static struct dive *active_dive; static dive_trip_t *active_trip; static struct dive *create_new_dive(timestamp_t when) { struct dive *dive = alloc_dive(); /* We'll fill in more data from the dive file */ dive->when = when; if (active_trip) add_dive_to_trip(dive, active_trip); return dive; } static dive_trip_t *create_new_trip(int yyyy, int mm, int dd) { dive_trip_t *trip = calloc(1, sizeof(dive_trip_t)); struct tm tm = { 0 }; /* We'll fill in the real data from the trip descriptor file */ tm.tm_year = yyyy; tm.tm_mon = mm-1; tm.tm_mday = dd; trip->when = utc_mktime(&tm); return trip; } static bool validate_date(int yyyy, int mm, int dd) { return yyyy > 1970 && yyyy < 3000 && mm > 0 && mm < 13 && dd > 0 && dd < 32; } static bool validate_time(int h, int m, int s) { return h >= 0 && h < 24 && m >= 0 && m < 60 && s >=0 && s <= 60; } /* * Dive trip directory, name is 'nn-alphabetic[~hex]' */ static int dive_trip_directory(const char *root, const char *name) { int yyyy = -1, mm = -1, dd = -1; if (sscanf(root, "%d/%d", &yyyy, &mm) != 2) return GIT_WALK_SKIP; dd = atoi(name); if (!validate_date(yyyy, mm, dd)) return GIT_WALK_SKIP; active_trip = create_new_trip(yyyy, mm, dd); return GIT_WALK_OK; } /* * Dive directory, name is [[yyyy-]mm-]nn-ddd-hh:mm:ss[~hex], * and 'timeoff' points to what should be the time part of * the name (the first digit of the hour). * * The root path will be of the form yyyy/mm[/tripdir], */ static int dive_directory(const char *root, const char *name, int timeoff) { int yyyy = -1, mm = -1, dd = -1; int h, m, s; int mday_off = timeoff - 7; int month_off = mday_off - 3; int year_off = month_off - 5; struct tm tm; /* There has to be a mday */ if (mday_off < 0) return GIT_WALK_SKIP; if (name[timeoff-1] != '-') return GIT_WALK_SKIP; /* Get the time of day */ if (sscanf(name+timeoff, "%d:%d:%d", &h, &m, &s) != 3) return GIT_WALK_SKIP; if (!validate_time(h, m, s)) return GIT_WALK_SKIP; /* * Using the "git_tree_walk()" interface is simple, but * it kind of sucks as an interface because there is * no sane way to pass the hierarchy to the callbacks. * The "payload" is a fixed one-time thing: we'd like * the "current trip" to be passed down to the dives * that get parsed under that trip, but we can't. * * So "active_trip" is not the trip that is in the hierarchy * _above_ us, it's just the trip that was _before_ us. But * if a dive is not in a trip at all, we can't tell. * * We could just do a better walker that passes the * return value around, but we hack around this by * instead looking at the one hierarchical piece of * data we have: the pathname to the current entry. * * This is pretty hacky. The magic '8' is the length * of a pathname of the form 'yyyy/mm/'. */ if (strlen(root) == 8) active_trip = NULL; /* * Get the date. The day of the month is in the dive directory * name, the year and month might be in the path leading up * to it. */ dd = atoi(name + mday_off); if (year_off < 0) { if (sscanf(root, "%d/%d", &yyyy, &mm) != 2) return GIT_WALK_SKIP; } else yyyy = atoi(name + year_off); if (month_off >= 0) mm = atoi(name + month_off); if (!validate_date(yyyy, mm, dd)) return GIT_WALK_SKIP; /* Ok, close enough. We've gotten sufficient information */ memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(tm)); tm.tm_hour = h; tm.tm_min = m; tm.tm_sec = s; tm.tm_year = yyyy - 1900; tm.tm_mon = mm-1; tm.tm_mday = dd; if (active_dive) record_dive(active_dive); active_dive = create_new_dive(utc_mktime(&tm)); return GIT_WALK_OK; } /* * Return the length of the string without the unique part. */ static int nonunique_length(const char *str) { int len = 0; for (;;) { char c = *str++; if (!c || c == '~') return len; len++; } } /* * When hitting a directory node, we have a couple of cases: * * - It's just a date entry - all numeric (either year or month): * * [yyyy|mm] * * We don't do anything with these, we just traverse into them. * The numeric data will show up as part of the full path when * we hit more interesting entries. * * - It's a trip directory. The name will be of the form * * nn-alphabetic[~hex] * * where 'nn' is the day of the month (year and month will be * encoded in the path leading up to this). * * - It's a dive directory. The name will be of the form * * [[yyyy-]mm-]nn-ddd-hh:mm:ss[~hex] * * which describes the date and time of a dive (yyyy and mm * are optional, and may be encoded in the path leading up to * the dive). * * - It's some random non-dive-data directory. * * Subsurface doesn't create these yet, but maybe we'll encode * pictures etc. If it doesn't match the above patterns, we'll * ignore them for dive loading purposes, and not even recurse * into them. */ static int walk_tree_directory(const char *root, const git_tree_entry *entry) { const char *name = git_tree_entry_name(entry); int digits = 0, len; char c; while (isdigit(c = name[digits])) digits++; /* Doesn't start with two or four digits? Skip */ if (digits != 4 && digits != 2) return GIT_WALK_SKIP; /* Only digits? Do nothing, but recurse into it */ if (!c) return GIT_WALK_OK; /* All valid cases need to have a slash following */ if (c != '-') return GIT_WALK_SKIP; /* Do a quick check for a common dive case */ len = nonunique_length(name); /* * We know the len is at least 3, because we had at least * two digits and a dash */ if (name[len-3] == ':') return dive_directory(root, name, len-8); if (digits != 2) return GIT_WALK_SKIP; return dive_trip_directory(root, name); } git_blob *git_tree_entry_blob(git_repository *repo, const git_tree_entry *entry) { const git_oid *id = git_tree_entry_id(entry); git_blob *blob; if (git_blob_lookup(&blob, repo, id)) return NULL; return blob; } static struct divecomputer *create_new_dc(struct dive *dive) { struct divecomputer *dc = &dive->dc; while (dc->next) dc = dc->next; /* Did we already fill that in? */ if (dc->samples || dc->model || dc->when) { struct divecomputer *newdc = calloc(1, sizeof(*newdc)); if (newdc) { dc->next = newdc; dc = newdc; } } return dc; } /* * We should *really* try to delay the dive computer data parsing * until necessary, in order to reduce load-time. The parsing is * cheap, but the loading of the git blob into memory can be pretty * costly. */ static int parse_divecomputer_entry(git_repository *repo, const git_tree_entry *entry, const char *suffix) { git_blob *blob = git_tree_entry_blob(repo, entry); if (!blob) return report_error("Unable to read divecomputer file"); active_dc = create_new_dc(active_dive); for_each_line(blob, divecomputer_parser, active_dc); git_blob_free(blob); active_dc = NULL; return 0; } static int parse_dive_entry(git_repository *repo, const git_tree_entry *entry, const char *suffix) { struct dive *dive = active_dive; git_blob *blob = git_tree_entry_blob(repo, entry); if (!blob) return report_error("Unable to read dive file"); if (*suffix) dive->number = atoi(suffix+1); cylinder_index = weightsystem_index = 0; for_each_line(blob, dive_parser, active_dive); git_blob_free(blob); return 0; } static int parse_trip_entry(git_repository *repo, const git_tree_entry *entry) { git_blob *blob = git_tree_entry_blob(repo, entry); if (!blob) return report_error("Unable to read trip file"); for_each_line(blob, trip_parser, active_trip); git_blob_free(blob); return 0; } static int parse_settings_entry(git_repository *repo, const git_tree_entry *entry) { git_blob *blob = git_tree_entry_blob(repo, entry); if (!blob) return report_error("Unable to read settings file"); for_each_line(blob, settings_parser, NULL); git_blob_free(blob); return 0; } static int walk_tree_file(const char *root, const git_tree_entry *entry, git_repository *repo) { struct dive *dive = active_dive; dive_trip_t *trip = active_trip; const char *name = git_tree_entry_name(entry); if (dive && !strncmp(name, "Divecomputer", 12)) return parse_divecomputer_entry(repo, entry, name+12); if (dive && !strncmp(name, "Dive", 4)) return parse_dive_entry(repo, entry, name+4); if (trip && !strcmp(name, "00-Trip")) return parse_trip_entry(repo, entry); if (!strcmp(name, "00-Subsurface")) return parse_settings_entry(repo, entry); report_error("Unknown file %s%s (%p %p)", root, name, dive, trip); return GIT_WALK_SKIP; } static int walk_tree_cb(const char *root, const git_tree_entry *entry, void *payload) { git_repository *repo = payload; git_filemode_t mode = git_tree_entry_filemode(entry); if (mode == GIT_FILEMODE_TREE) return walk_tree_directory(root, entry); walk_tree_file(root, entry, repo); /* Ignore failed blob loads */ return GIT_WALK_OK; } static int load_dives_from_tree(git_repository *repo, git_tree *tree) { git_tree_walk(tree, GIT_TREEWALK_PRE, walk_tree_cb, repo); return 0; } static int do_git_load(git_repository *repo, const char *branch) { int ret; git_reference *ref; git_object *tree; ret = git_branch_lookup(&ref, repo, branch, GIT_BRANCH_LOCAL); if (ret) return report_error("Unable to look up branch '%s'", branch); if (git_reference_peel(&tree, ref, GIT_OBJ_TREE)) return report_error("Could not look up tree of branch '%s'", branch); ret = load_dives_from_tree(repo, (git_tree *) tree); git_object_free(tree); return ret; } int git_load_dives(char *where) { int ret, len; git_repository *repo; char *loc, *branch; /* Jump over the "git" marker */ loc = where + 3; while (isspace(*loc)) loc++; /* Trim whitespace from the end */ len = strlen(loc); while (len && isspace(loc[len-1])) loc[--len] = 0; /* Find a branch name if there is any */ branch = strrchr(loc, ':'); if (branch) *branch++ = 0; if (git_repository_open(&repo, loc)) return report_error("Unable to open git repository at '%s' (branch '%s')", loc, branch); ret = do_git_load(repo, branch); git_repository_free(repo); if (active_dive) record_dive(active_dive); active_dive = NULL; return ret; }