// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3 import org.subsurfacedivelog.mobile 1.0 import org.kde.kirigami 2.4 as Kirigami Kirigami.ScrollablePage { title: qsTr("Dive planner setup") property string speedUnit: (Backend.length === Enums.METERS) ? qsTr(" m/min") : qsTr(" ft/min") property string volumeUnit: (Backend.volume === Enums.LITER) ? qsTr(" l/min") : qsTr(" cuft/min") Connections { target: Backend onLengthChanged: { spinAscrate75.value = Backend.ascrate75 spinAscrate50.value = Backend.ascrate50 spinAscratestops.value = Backend.ascratestops spinAscratelast6m.value = Backend.ascratelast6m spinDescrate.value = Backend.descrate } onVolumeChanged: { spinBottomsac.value = Planner.bottomsac spinDecosac.value = Planner.decosac } } Column { width: parent.width spacing: 1 Layout.margins: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit TemplateSection { id: rates title: qsTr("Rates") GridLayout { columns: 2 rowSpacing: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing * 2 columnSpacing: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing visible: rates.isExpanded TemplateLabel { Layout.columnSpan: 2 text: qsTr("Ascent") font.bold: true } TemplateLabel { text: qsTr("below 75% avg. depth") } TemplateSpinBox { id: spinAscrate75 from: 1 to: 99 stepSize: 1 value: Backend.ascrate75 textFromValue: function (value, locale) { return value + speedUnit } onValueModified: { Backend.ascrate75 = value } } TemplateLabel { text: qsTr("75% to 50% avg. depth") } TemplateSpinBox { id: spinAscrate50 from: 1 to: 99 stepSize: 1 value: Backend.ascrate50 textFromValue: function (value, locale) { return value + speedUnit } onValueModified: { Backend.ascrate50 = value } } TemplateLabel { text: qsTr("50% avg. depth to 6m") } TemplateSpinBox { id: spinAscratestops from: 1 to: 99 stepSize: 1 value: Backend.ascratestops textFromValue: function (value, locale) { return value + speedUnit } onValueModified: { Backend.ascratestops = value } } TemplateLabel { text: qsTr("6m to surface") } TemplateSpinBox { id: spinAscratelast6m from: 1 to: 99 stepSize: 1 value: Backend.ascratelast6m textFromValue: function (value, locale) { return value + speedUnit } onValueModified: { Backend.ascratelast6m = value } } TemplateLabel { Layout.columnSpan: 2 text: qsTr("Descent") font.bold: true } TemplateLabel { text: qsTr("Surface to the bottom") } TemplateSpinBox { id: spinDescrate from: 1 to: 99 stepSize: 1 value: Backend.descrate enabled: !Backend.drop_stone_mode textFromValue: function (value, locale) { return value + speedUnit } onValueModified: { Backend.descrate = value } } TemplateCheckBox { text: qsTr("Drop to first depth") checked: Backend.drop_stone_mode onClicked: { Backend.drop_stone_mode = checked } } } } TemplateSection { id: planning title: qsTr("Planning") GridLayout { columns: 2 rowSpacing: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing * 2 columnSpacing: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing visible: planning.isExpanded // Only support "Open circuit" TemplateLabel { text: "WORK in progress" } TemplateRadioButton { text: qsTr("Recreational NO deco") Layout.columnSpan: 2 } // Reserve gas is 50bar (PADI/SSI rules) TemplateRadioButton { text: qsTr("Bühlmann, GFLow/GFHigh:") } Row { spacing: 0 TemplateSpinBox { width: planning.width / 2 -30 from: 1 to: 99 stepSize: 1 value: 15 textFromValue: function (value, locale) { return value + qsTr(" %") } onValueModified: { console.log("got value: " + value) } } TemplateSpinBox { width: planning.width / 2 -30 from: 1 to: 99 stepSize: 1 value: 15 textFromValue: function (value, locale) { return value + qsTr(" %") } onValueModified: { console.log("got value: " + value) } } } TemplateRadioButton { text: qsTr("VPM-B, Conservatism:") } TemplateSpinBox { from: 0 to: 4 stepSize: 1 value: 2 textFromValue: function (value, locale) { return qsTr("+") + value } onValueModified: { console.log("got value: " + value) } } } } TemplateSection { id: gasoptions title: qsTr("Gas options") GridLayout { columns: 2 rowSpacing: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing * 2 columnSpacing: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing visible: gasoptions.isExpanded TemplateLabel { text: qsTr("Bottom SAC") } TemplateSpinBox { id: spinBottomsac from: 1 to: 99 stepSize: 1 value: Planner.bottomsac textFromValue: function (value, locale) { return value + volumeUnit } onValueModified: { Planner.bottomsac = value } } TemplateLabel { text: qsTr("Deco SAC") } TemplateSpinBox { id: spinDecosac from: 1 to: 99 stepSize: 1 value: Planner.decosac textFromValue: function (value, locale) { return value + volumeUnit } onValueModified: { Planner.decosac = value } } TemplateLabel { text: qsTr("SAC factor") } TemplateSpinBox { from: 20 to: 99 stepSize: 1 value: Planner.sacfactor textFromValue: function (value, locale) { return (value / 10).toFixed(1) } onValueModified: { Planner.sacfactor = value } } TemplateLabel { text: qsTr("Problem solving time") } TemplateSpinBox { from: 1 to: 9 stepSize: 1 value: Backend.problemsolvingtime textFromValue: function (value, locale) { return value + qsTr(" min") } onValueModified: { Backend.problemsolvingtime = value } } TemplateLabel { text: qsTr("Bottom pO2") } TemplateSpinBox { from: 0 to: 200 stepSize: 1 value: Planner.bottompo2 textFromValue: function (value, locale) { return (value / 100).toFixed(2) + "bar" } onValueModified: { Planner.bottompo2 = value } } TemplateLabel { text: qsTr("Deco pO2") } TemplateSpinBox { from: 0 to: 200 stepSize: 1 value: Planner.decopo2 textFromValue: function (value, locale) { return (value / 100).toFixed(2) + "bar" } onValueModified: { Planner.decopo2 = value } } TemplateLabel { text: qsTr("Best mix END") } TemplateSpinBox { from: 1 to: 99 stepSize: 1 value: Planner.bestmixend textFromValue: function (value, locale) { return value + speedUnit } onValueModified: { Planner.bestmixend = value } } TemplateCheckBox { text: qsTr("O2 narcotic") checked: Planner.o2narcotic onClicked: { Planner.o2narcotic = checked } } } } TemplateSection { id: notes title: qsTr("Notes") ColumnLayout { visible: notes.isExpanded TemplateCheckBox { text: qsTr("Display runtime") checked: Backend.display_runtime onClicked: { Backend.display_runtime = checked } } TemplateCheckBox { text: qsTr("Display segment duration") checked: Backend.display_duration onClicked: { Backend.display_duration = checked } } TemplateCheckBox { text: qsTr("Display transitions in deco") checked: Backend.display_transitions onClicked: { Backend.display_transitions = checked } } TemplateCheckBox { text: qsTr("Verbatim dive plan") checked: Backend.verbatim_plan onClicked: { Backend.verbatim_plan = checked } } TemplateCheckBox { text: qsTr("Display plan variations") checked: Backend.display_variations onClicked: { Backend.display_variations = checked } } } } } }