// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 import QtQuick 2.6 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.1 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import org.subsurfacedivelog.mobile 1.0 import org.kde.kirigami 2.4 as Kirigami import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 Kirigami.ApplicationWindow { id: rootItem title: qsTr("Subsurface-mobile") reachableModeEnabled: false // while it's a good idea, it seems to confuse more than help wideScreen: false // workaround for probably Kirigami bug. See commits. // the documentation claims that the ApplicationWindow should pick up the font set on // the C++ side. But as a matter of fact, it doesn't, unless you add this line: font: Qt.application.font pageStack.globalToolBar.style: Kirigami.ApplicationHeaderStyle.Breadcrumb pageStack.globalToolBar.showNavigationButtons: (Kirigami.ApplicationHeaderStyle.ShowBackButton | Kirigami.ApplicationHeaderStyle.ShowForwardButton) pageStack.globalToolBar.minimumHeight: 0 pageStack.globalToolBar.preferredHeight: Math.round(Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * (Qt.platform.os == "ios" ? 2 : 1.5)) pageStack.globalToolBar.maximumHeight: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 2 property alias notificationText: manager.notificationText property alias locationServiceEnabled: manager.locationServiceEnabled property alias pluggedInDeviceName: manager.pluggedInDeviceName property alias defaultCylinderIndex: settingsWindow.defaultCylinderIndex property bool filterToggle: false property string filterPattern: "" property int colWidth: undefined onNotificationTextChanged: { if (notificationText != "") { // there's a risk that we have a >5 second gap in update events; // still, keep the timeout at 5s to avoid odd unchanging notifications showPassiveNotification(notificationText, 5000) } else { // hiding the notification right away may be a mistake as it hides the last warning / error hidePassiveNotification(); } } visible: false BusyIndicator { id: busy running: false height: 6 * Kirigami.Units.gridUnit width: 6 * Kirigami.Units.gridUnit anchors.centerIn: parent } function showBusy(msg) { if (msg !== undefined && msg !== "") showPassiveNotification(msg, 15000) // show for 15 seconds busy.running = true } function hideBusy() { busy.running = false showPassiveNotification("", 10) // this hides a notification messssage that's still shown } function returnTopPage() { for (var i=pageStack.depth; i>1; i--) { pageStack.pop() } detailsWindow.endEditMode() } function scrollToTop() { diveList.scrollToTop() } function showPage(page) { if (globalDrawer.drawerOpen) globalDrawer.close() var i=pageIndex(page) if (i === -1) pageStack.push(page) else pageStack.currentIndex = i manager.appendTextToLog("switched to page " + page.title) } function showMap() { showPage(mapPage) } function showDiveList() { showPage(diveList) } function pageIndex(pageToFind) { if (pageStack.contentItem !== null) { for (var i = 0; i < pageStack.contentItem.contentChildren.length; i++) { if (pageStack.contentItem.contentChildren[i] === pageToFind) return i } } return -1 } function startAddDive() { detailsWindow.state = "add" detailsWindow.dive_id = manager.addDive(); detailsWindow.number = manager.getNumber(detailsWindow.dive_id) detailsWindow.date = manager.getDate(detailsWindow.dive_id) detailsWindow.airtemp = "" detailsWindow.watertemp = "" detailsWindow.buddyModel = manager.buddyList detailsWindow.buddyIndex = -1 detailsWindow.buddyText = "" detailsWindow.depth = "" detailsWindow.divemasterModel = manager.divemasterList detailsWindow.divemasterIndex = -1 detailsWindow.divemasterText = "" detailsWindow.notes = "" detailsWindow.location = "" detailsWindow.gps = "" detailsWindow.duration = "" detailsWindow.suitModel = manager.suitList detailsWindow.suitIndex = -1 detailsWindow.suitText = "" detailsWindow.cylinderModel0 = manager.cylinderInit detailsWindow.cylinderModel1 = manager.cylinderInit detailsWindow.cylinderModel2 = manager.cylinderInit detailsWindow.cylinderModel3 = manager.cylinderInit detailsWindow.cylinderModel4 = manager.cylinderInit detailsWindow.cylinderIndex0 = PrefEquipment.default_cylinder == "" ? -1 : detailsWindow.cylinderModel0.indexOf(PrefEquipment.default_cylinder) detailsWindow.usedCyl = ["",] detailsWindow.weight = "" detailsWindow.usedGas = [] detailsWindow.startpressure = [] detailsWindow.endpressure = [] detailsWindow.gpsCheckbox = false pageStack.push(detailsWindow) } contextDrawer: Kirigami.ContextDrawer { } globalDrawer: Kirigami.GlobalDrawer { id: globalDrawer height: rootItem.height rightPadding: 0 enabled: (Backend.cloud_verification_status === Enums.CS_NOCLOUD || Backend.cloud_verification_status === Enums.CS_VERIFIED) topContent: Image { source: "qrc:/qml/icons/dive.jpg" Layout.fillWidth: true sourceSize.width: parent.width fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit LinearGradient { anchors { left: parent.left right: parent.right top: parent.top } height: textblock.height * 2 start: Qt.point(0, 0) end: Qt.point(0, height) gradient: Gradient { GradientStop { position: 0.0 color: Qt.rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8) } GradientStop { position: 1.0 color: "transparent" } } } ColumnLayout { id: textblock anchors { left: parent.left top: parent.top } RowLayout { width: Math.min(implicitWidth, parent.width) Layout.margins: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing Image { source: "qrc:/qml/subsurface-mobile-icon.png" fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop sourceSize.width: Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.large width: Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.large Layout.margins: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing } Kirigami.Heading { Layout.fillWidth: true visible: text.length > 0 level: 1 color: "white" text: "Subsurface" wrapMode: Text.NoWrap elide: Text.ElideRight font.weight: Font.Normal Layout.margins: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing } } RowLayout { Layout.margins: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing Kirigami.Heading { Layout.fillWidth: true visible: text.length > 0 level: 3 color: "white" text: PrefCloudStorage.cloud_storage_email wrapMode: Text.NoWrap elide: Text.ElideRight font.weight: Font.Normal } } } } resetMenuOnTriggered: false actions: [ Kirigami.Action { icon { name: ":/icons/ic_home.svg" } text: qsTr("Dive list") onTriggered: { manager.appendTextToLog("requested dive list with credential status " + Backend.cloud_verification_status) returnTopPage() globalDrawer.close() } }, Kirigami.Action { icon { name: ":/icons/ic_sync.svg" } text: qsTr("Dive management") Kirigami.Action { icon { name: ":/go-previous-symbolic" } text: qsTr("Back") onTriggered: globalDrawer.scrollViewItem.pop() } Kirigami.Action { icon { name: ":/icons/ic_add.svg" } text: qsTr("Add dive manually") onTriggered: { globalDrawer.close() returnTopPage() // otherwise odd things happen with the page stack startAddDive() } } Kirigami.Action { // this of course assumes a white background - theming means this needs to change again icon { name: ":/icons/downloadDC-black.svg" } text: qsTr("Download from DC") enabled: true onTriggered: { globalDrawer.close() downloadFromDc.dcImportModel.clearTable() pageStack.push(downloadFromDc) } } Kirigami.Action { icon { name: ":/icons/ic_add_location.svg" } text: qsTr("Apply GPS fixes") onTriggered: { globalDrawer.close() showBusy() diveList.diveListModel = null manager.applyGpsData() diveModel.resetInternalData() manager.refreshDiveList() while (pageStack.depth > 1) { pageStack.pop() } diveList.diveListModel = diveModel showDiveList() hideBusy() } } Kirigami.Action { icon { name: ":/icons/cloud_sync.svg" } text: qsTr("Manual sync with cloud") enabled: Backend.cloud_verification_status === Enums.CS_VERIFIED onTriggered: { globalDrawer.close() detailsWindow.endEditMode() manager.saveChangesCloud(true); globalDrawer.close() } } Kirigami.Action { icon { name: PrefCloudStorage.cloud_auto_sync ? ":/icons/ic_cloud_off.svg" : ":/icons/ic_cloud_done.svg" } text: PrefCloudStorage.cloud_auto_sync ? qsTr("Disable auto cloud sync") : qsTr("Enable auto cloud sync") visible: Backend.cloud_verification_status !== Enums.CS_NOCLOUD onTriggered: { PrefCloudStorage.cloud_auto_sync = !PrefCloudStorage.cloud_auto_sync manager.setGitLocalOnly(PrefCloudStorage.cloud_auto_sync) if (!PrefCloudStorage.cloud_auto_sync) { showPassiveNotification(qsTr("Turning off automatic sync to cloud causes all data to only be \ stored locally. This can be very useful in situations with limited or no network access. Please choose 'Manual sync with cloud' \ if you have network connectivity and want to sync your data to cloud storage."), 10000) } } } Kirigami.Action { icon { name: ":/icons/sigma.svg" } text: qsTr("Dive summary") onTriggered: { globalDrawer.close() pageStack.push(diveSummaryWindow) detailsWindow.endEditMode() } } Kirigami.Action { icon { name: ":/icons/ic_cloud_upload.svg" } text: qsTr("Export") onTriggered: { globalDrawer.close() pageStack.push(exportWindow) detailsWindow.endEditMode() } } }, Kirigami.Action { icon { name: ":/icons/map-globe.svg" } text: qsTr("Location") visible: true Kirigami.Action { icon { name: ":/go-previous-symbolic" } text: qsTr("Back") onTriggered: globalDrawer.scrollViewItem.pop() } Kirigami.Action { icon { name: ":/icons/map-globe.svg" } text: mapPage.title onTriggered: { showMap() } } Kirigami.Action { icon { name:":/icons/ic_gps_fixed.svg" } text: qsTr("Show GPS fixes") onTriggered: { globalDrawer.close() returnTopPage() manager.populateGpsData(); pageStack.push(gpsWindow) } } Kirigami.Action { icon { name: ":/icons/ic_clear.svg" } text: qsTr("Clear GPS cache") onTriggered: { globalDrawer.close(); manager.clearGpsData(); } } Kirigami.Action { icon { name: locationServiceEnabled ? ":/icons/ic_location_off.svg" : ":/icons/ic_place.svg" } text: locationServiceEnabled ? qsTr("Disable location service") : qsTr("Run location service") onTriggered: { globalDrawer.close(); locationServiceEnabled = !locationServiceEnabled } } }, Kirigami.Action { icon { name: ":/icons/ic_settings.svg" } text: qsTr("Settings") onTriggered: { globalDrawer.close() settingsWindow.defaultCylinderModel = manager.cylinderInit PrefEquipment.default_cylinder === "" ? defaultCylinderIndex = "-1" : defaultCylinderIndex = settingsWindow.defaultCylinderModel.indexOf(PrefEquipment.default_cylinder) pageStack.push(settingsWindow) detailsWindow.endEditMode() } }, Kirigami.Action { icon { name: ":/icons/ic_help_outline.svg" } text: qsTr("Help") Kirigami.Action { icon { name: ":/go-previous-symbolic" } text: qsTr("Back") onTriggered: globalDrawer.scrollViewItem.pop() } Kirigami.Action { icon { name: ":/icons/ic_info_outline.svg" } text: qsTr("About") onTriggered: { globalDrawer.close() pageStack.push(aboutWindow) detailsWindow.endEditMode() } } Kirigami.Action { icon { name: ":/icons/ic_help_outline.svg" } text: qsTr("Show user manual") onTriggered: { Qt.openUrlExternally("https://subsurface-divelog.org/documentation/subsurface-mobile-v2-user-manual/") } } Kirigami.Action { icon { name: ":/icons/contact_support.svg" } text: qsTr("Ask for support") onTriggered: { if (!manager.createSupportEmail()) { manager.copyAppLogToClipboard() showPassiveNotification(qsTr("failed to open email client, please manually create support email to support@subsurface-divelog.org - the logs have been copied to the clipboard and can be pasted into that email."), 6000) } else { globalDrawer.close() } } } Kirigami.Action{ icon { name: ":/icons/account_circle.svg" } text: qsTr("Reset forgotten Subsurface Cloud password") onTriggered: { Qt.openUrlExternally("https://cloud.subsurface-divelog.org/passwordreset") globalDrawer.close() } } }, Kirigami.Action { icon { name: ":/icons/ic_adb.svg" } text: qsTr("Developer") visible: PrefDisplay.show_developer Kirigami.Action { icon { name: ":/go-previous-symbolic" } text: qsTr("Back") onTriggered: globalDrawer.scrollViewItem.pop() } Kirigami.Action { text: qsTr("App log") onTriggered: { globalDrawer.close() pageStack.push(logWindow) } } Kirigami.Action { text: qsTr("Test busy indicator (toggle)") onTriggered: { if (busy.running) { hideBusy() } else { showBusy() } } } Kirigami.Action { text: qsTr("Test notification text") onTriggered: { showPassiveNotification(qsTr("Test notification text"), 5000) } } Kirigami.Action { text: qsTr("Theme information") onTriggered: { globalDrawer.close() pageStack.push(themetest) } } Kirigami.Action { text: qsTr("Enable verbose logging") onTriggered: { showPassiveNotification(qsTr("Not persistent"), 3000) globalDrawer.close() manager.verboseEnabled = true } } /* disable for now Kirigami.Action { text: qsTr("Dive planner") Kirigami.Action { icon { name: ":/go-previous-symbolic" } text: qsTr("Back") onTriggered: globalDrawer.scrollViewItem.pop() } Kirigami.Action { text: qsTr("Setup") onTriggered: { globalDrawer.close() pageStack.push(divePlannerSetupWindow) } } Kirigami.Action { text: qsTr("Edit") onTriggered: { globalDrawer.close() pageStack.push(divePlannerEditWindow) } } Kirigami.Action { text: qsTr("View") onTriggered: { globalDrawer.close() pageStack.push(divePlannerViewWindow) } } Kirigami.Action { text: qsTr("Manager") onTriggered: { globalDrawer.close() pageStack.push(divePlannerManagerWindow) } } } */ } ] // end actions Image { fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit source: "qrc:///icons/" + (subsurfaceTheme.currentTheme !== "" ? subsurfaceTheme.currentTheme : "Blue") + "_gps.svg" visible: locationServiceEnabled } } function setupUnits() { // some screens are too narrow for Subsurface-mobile to render well // try to hack around that by making sure that we can fit at least 21 gridUnits in a row var numColumns = Math.max(Math.floor(rootItem.width / (21 * Kirigami.Units.gridUnit)), 1) if (Screen.primaryOrientation === Qt.PortraitOrientation && PrefDisplay.singleColumnPortrait) { manager.appendTextToLog("show only one column in portrait mode"); numColumns = 1; } rootItem.colWidth = numColumns > 1 ? Math.floor(rootItem.width / numColumns) : rootItem.width; var kirigamiGridUnit = Kirigami.Units.gridUnit var widthInGridUnits = Math.floor(rootItem.colWidth / kirigamiGridUnit) if (widthInGridUnits < 21) { kirigamiGridUnit = Math.floor(rootItem.colWidth / 21) widthInGridUnits = Math.floor(rootItem.colWidth / kirigamiGridUnit) } var factor = 1.0 manager.appendTextToLog(numColumns + " columns with column width of " + rootItem.colWidth) manager.appendTextToLog("width in Grid Units " + widthInGridUnits + " original gridUnit " + Kirigami.Units.gridUnit + " now " + kirigamiGridUnit) if (Kirigami.Units.gridUnit !== kirigamiGridUnit) { factor = kirigamiGridUnit / Kirigami.Units.gridUnit // change our glabal grid unit Kirigami.Units.gridUnit = kirigamiGridUnit } pageStack.defaultColumnWidth = rootItem.colWidth manager.appendTextToLog("Done setting up sizes") } QtObject { id: screenSizeObject property int initialWidth: rootItem.width property int initialHeight: rootItem.height property bool firstChange: true property int lastOrientation: undefined Component.onCompleted: { // break the binding initialWidth = initialWidth * 1 manager.appendTextToLog("screenSizeObject constructor completed, initial width " + initialWidth) setupUnits() } } onWidthChanged: { manager.appendTextToLog("Window width changed to " + width + " orientation " + Screen.primaryOrientation) if (screenSizeObject.initialWidth !== undefined) { if (width !== screenSizeObject.initialWidth && screenSizeObject.firstChange) { screenSizeObject.firstChange = false screenSizeObject.lastOrientation = Screen.primaryOrientation screenSizeObject.initialWidth = width screenSizeObject.initialHeight = height manager.appendTextToLog("first real change, so recalculating units and recording size as " + width + " x " + height) setupUnits() } else if (screenSizeObject.lastOrientation !== undefined && screenSizeObject.lastOrientation !== Screen.primaryOrientation) { manager.appendTextToLog("Screen rotated, no action necessary") screenSizeObject.lastOrientation = Screen.primaryOrientation setupUnits() } else { manager.appendTextToLog("size change without rotation to " + width + " x " + height) if ((Qt.platform.os === "android" || Qt.platform.os === "ios") && width > screenSizeObject.initialWidth) { manager.appendTextToLog("resetting to initial width " + screenSizeObject.initialWidth + " and height " + screenSizeObject.initialHeight) rootItem.width = screenSizeObject.initialWidth rootItem.height = screenSizeObject.initialHeight } } } else { manager.appendTextToLog("width changed before initial width initialized, ignoring") } } property int hackToOpenMap: 0 /* Otherpage */ /* I really want an enum, but those are painful in QML, so let's use numbers * 0 (Otherpage) - the last page selected was a non-map page * 1 (MapSelected) - the map page was selected by the user * 2 (MapForced) - the map page was forced by out hack */ pageStack.onCurrentItemChanged: { // This is called whenever the user navigates using the breadcrumbs in the header if (pageStack.currentItem === null) { manager.appendTextToLog("there's no current page") } else { // horrible, insane hack to make picking the mapPage work // for some reason I cannot figure out, whenever the mapPage is selected // we immediately switch back to the page before it - so force-prevent // that undersired behavior if (pageStack.currentItem.objectName === mapPage.objectName) { // remember that we actively picked the mapPage if (hackToOpenMap !== 2 /* MapForced */ ) { manager.appendTextToLog("pageStack switched to map") hackToOpenMap = 1 /* MapSelected */ } else { manager.appendTextToLog("pageStack forced back to map") } } else if (pageStack.currentItem.objectName !== mapPage.objectName && pageStack.lastItem.objectName === mapPage.objectName && hackToOpenMap === 1 /* MapSelected */) { // if we just picked the mapPage and are suddenly back on a different page // force things back to the mapPage manager.appendTextToLog("pageStack wrong page, switching back to map") pageStack.currentIndex = pageStack.contentItem.contentChildren.length - 1 hackToOpenMap = 2 /* MapForced */ } else { // if we picked a different page reset the mapPage hack manager.appendTextToLog("pageStack switched to " + pageStack.currentItem.objectName) hackToOpenMap = 0 /* Otherpage */ } // disable the left swipe to go back when on the map page pageStack.interactive = pageStack.currentItem.objectName !== mapPage.objectName // is there a better way to reload the map markers instead of doing that // every time the map page is shown - e.g. link to the dive list model somehow? if (pageStack.currentItem.objectName === mapPage.objectName) mapPage.reloadMap() // In case we land on any page, not being the DiveDetails (which can be // in multiple states, such as add, edit or view), just end the edit/add mode if (pageStack.currentItem.objectName !== "DiveDetails" && (detailsWindow.state === 'edit' || detailsWindow.state === 'add')) { detailsWindow.endEditMode() } } } QMLManager { id: manager } StartPage { id: startPage anchors.fill: parent visible: Backend.cloud_verification_status !== Enums.CS_NOCLOUD && Backend.cloud_verification_status !== Enums.CS_VERIFIED Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation { duration: Kirigami.Units.shortDuration } } onVisibleChanged: { if (visible) { pageStack.clear() diveList.visible = false } } Component.onCompleted: { if (!visible) { manager.appendTextToLog("StartPage completed - showing the dive list") showPage(diveList) // we want to make sure that gets on the stack manager.appendTextToLog("if we got started by a plugged in device, switch to download page -- pluggedInDeviceName = " + pluggedInDeviceName) if (pluggedInDeviceName !== "") // if we were started with a dive computer plugged in, // immediately switch to download page showDownloadForPluggedInDevice() } } } DiveList { id: diveList visible: false } Settings { id: settingsWindow visible: false } CopySettings { id: settingsCopyWindow visible: false } About { id: aboutWindow visible: false } Export { id: exportWindow visible: false } DiveDetails { id: detailsWindow visible: false } Log { id: logWindow visible: false } GpsList { id: gpsWindow visible: false } DownloadFromDiveComputer { id: downloadFromDc visible: false } MapPage { id: mapPage visible: false } /* this shouldn't be exposed unless someone will finish the work DivePlannerSetup { id: divePlannerSetupWindow visible: false } DivePlannerEdit { id: divePlannerEditWindow visible: false } DivePlannerView { id: divePlannerViewWindow visible: false } DivePlannerManager { id: divePlannerManagerWindow visible: false } */ DiveSummary { id: diveSummaryWindow visible: false } ThemeTest { id: themetest visible: false } function showDownloadPage(vendor, product, connection) { manager.appendTextToLog("show download page for " + vendor + " / " + product + " / " + connection) downloadFromDc.dcImportModel.clearTable() if (vendor !== undefined && product !== undefined && connection !== undefined) { /* set up the correct values on the download page */ if (vendor !== -1) downloadFromDc.vendor = vendor if (product !== -1) downloadFromDc.product = product if (connection !== -1) downloadFromDc.connection = connection } showPage(downloadFromDc) } function showDownloadForPluggedInDevice() { // don't add this unless the dive list is already shown if (pageIndex(diveList) === -1) return manager.appendTextToLog("plugged in device name changed to " + pluggedInDeviceName) /* if we recognized the device, we'll pass in a triple of ComboBox indeces as "vendor;product;connection" */ var vendorProductConnection = pluggedInDeviceName.split(';') if (vendorProductConnection.length === 3) showDownloadPage(vendorProductConnection[0], vendorProductConnection[1], vendorProductConnection[2]) else showDownloadPage() } onPluggedInDeviceNameChanged: { if (detailsWindow.state === 'edit' || detailsWindow.state === 'add') { /* we're in the middle of editing / adding a dive */ manager.appendTextToLog("Download page requested by Android Intent, but adding/editing dive; no action taken") } else { // we want to show the downloads page // note that if Subsurface-mobile was started because a USB device was plugged in, this is run too early; // we catch this in the function below and instead switch to the download page in the completion signal // handler for the startPage showDownloadForPluggedInDevice() } } Component.onCompleted: { // try to see if we can detect certain device vendors through these properties if (Screen.manufacturer + " " + Screen.model + " " + Screen.name !== " ") manager.appendTextToLog("Running on " + Screen.manufacturer + " " + Screen.model + " " + Screen.name) rootItem.visible = true diveList.opacity = 1 rootItem.opacity = 1 manager.appendTextToLog("setting the defaultColumnWidth to " + Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 21) pageStack.defaultColumnWidth = Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 21 manager.finishSetup() manager.appInitialized() } /* TODO: Verify where opacity went to. Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation { duration: 200 easing.type: Easing.OutQuad } } */ }