// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 #include "qmlprofile.h" #include "qmlmanager.h" #include "core/subsurface-string.h" #include "core/metrics.h" #include <QTransform> #include <QScreen> QMLProfile::QMLProfile(QQuickItem *parent) : QQuickPaintedItem(parent), m_devicePixelRatio(1.0), m_margin(0), m_profileWidget(new ProfileWidget2) { setAntialiasing(true); m_profileWidget->setProfileState(); m_profileWidget->setPrintMode(true); m_profileWidget->setFontPrintScale(0.8); connect(QMLManager::instance(), &QMLManager::sendScreenChanged, this, &QMLProfile::screenChanged); setDevicePixelRatio(QMLManager::instance()->lastDevicePixelRatio()); } void QMLProfile::paint(QPainter *painter) { // let's look at the intended size of the content and scale our scene accordingly QRect painterRect = painter->viewport(); QRect profileRect = m_profileWidget->viewport()->rect(); // qDebug() << "profile viewport and painter viewport" << profileRect << painterRect; qreal sceneSize = 104; // that should give us 2% margin all around (100x100 scene) qreal dprComp = devicePixelRatio() * painterRect.width() / profileRect.width(); qreal sx = painterRect.width() / sceneSize / dprComp; qreal sy = painterRect.height() / sceneSize / dprComp; // next figure out the weird magic by which we need to shift the painter so the profile is shown double dpr = devicePixelRatio(); double magicValues[] = { 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.33, 0.375, 0.40, 0.42}; qreal magicShiftFactor = 0.0; if (dpr < 1.3) { magicShiftFactor = magicValues[0]; } else if (dpr > 6.0) { magicShiftFactor = magicValues[6]; } else if (IS_FP_SAME(dpr, rint(dpr))) { magicShiftFactor = magicValues[lrint(dpr)]; } else { int lower = (int)dpr; magicShiftFactor = (magicValues[lower] * (lower + 1 - dpr) + magicValues[lower + 1] * (dpr - lower)); if (dpr < 1.45) magicShiftFactor -= 0.03; } // now set up the transformations scale the profile and // shift the painter (taking its existing transformation into account) QTransform profileTransform = QTransform(); profileTransform.scale(sx, sy); QTransform painterTransform = painter->transform(); painterTransform.translate(-painterRect.width() * magicShiftFactor ,-painterRect.height() * magicShiftFactor); #if defined(PROFILE_SCALING_DEBUG) // some debugging messages to help adjust this in case the magic above is insufficient qDebug() << QString("dpr %1 profile viewport %2 %3 painter viewport %4 %5").arg(dpr).arg(profileRect.width()).arg(profileRect.height()) .arg(painterRect.width()).arg(painterRect.height()); qDebug() << QString("profile matrix %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9").arg(profileTransform.m11()).arg(profileTransform.m12()).arg(profileTransform.m13()) .arg(profileTransform.m21()).arg(profileTransform.m22()).arg(profileTransform.m23()) .arg(profileTransform.m31()).arg(profileTransform.m32()).arg(profileTransform.m33())); qDebug() << QString("painter matrix %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9").arg(painterTransform.m11()).arg(painterTransform.m12()).arg(painterTransform.m13()) .arg(painterTransform.m21()).arg(painterTransform.m22()).arg(painterTransform.m23()) .arg(painterTransform.m31()).arg(painterTransform.m32()).arg(painterTransform.m33())); qDebug() << "exist profile transform" << m_profileWidget->transform() << "painter transform" << painter->transform(); #endif // apply the transformation painter->setTransform(painterTransform); m_profileWidget->setTransform(profileTransform); // finally, render the profile m_profileWidget->render(painter); } void QMLProfile::setMargin(int margin) { m_margin = margin; } QString QMLProfile::diveId() const { return m_diveId; } void QMLProfile::setDiveId(const QString &diveId) { m_diveId = diveId; struct dive *d = get_dive_by_uniq_id(m_diveId.toInt()); if (m_diveId.toInt() < 1) return; if (!d) return; if (verbose) qDebug() << "setDiveId(" << d->number << ")"; m_profileWidget->plotDive(d, true); } qreal QMLProfile::devicePixelRatio() const { return m_devicePixelRatio; } void QMLProfile::setDevicePixelRatio(qreal dpr) { if (dpr != m_devicePixelRatio) { m_devicePixelRatio = dpr; m_profileWidget->setFontPrintScale(0.8 * dpr); updateDevicePixelRatio(dpr); emit devicePixelRatioChanged(); } } void QMLProfile::screenChanged(QScreen *screen) { setDevicePixelRatio(screen->devicePixelRatio()); }