#!/bin/bash # # show what you are doing and stop when things break set -x set -e # set up easy to use variables with the important paths TOP=$(pwd) SUBSURFACE_SOURCE=${TOP}/../../../subsurface IOS_QT=${TOP}/Qt QT_VERSION=$(cd ${IOS_QT}; ls -d 5.*) # Which versions are we building against? SQLITE_VERSION=3090200 LIBXML2_VERSION=2.9.2 LIBXSLT_VERSION=1.1.28 LIBZIP_VERSION=0.11.2 LIBGIT2_VERSION=0.26.0 # not on iOS so far, but kept here for completeness LIBUSB_VERSION=1.0.19 LIBFTDI_VERSION=1.2 # set up the Subsurface versions by hand GITVERSION=$(git describe --abbrev=12) CANONICALVERSION=$(git describe --abbrev=12 | sed -e 's/-g.*$// ; s/^v//' | sed -e 's/-/./') MOBILEVERSION=$(grep MOBILE ../../cmake/Modules/version.cmake | cut -d\" -f 2) echo "#define GIT_VERSION_STRING \"$GITVERSION\"" > subsurface-mobile/ssrf-version.h echo "#define CANONICAL_VERSION_STRING \"$CANONICALVERSION\"" >> subsurface-mobile/ssrf-version.h echo "#define MOBILE_VERSION_STRING \"$MOBILEVERSION\"" >> subsurface-mobile/ssrf-version.h # create Info.plist with the correct versions cat Info.plist.in | sed "s/@MOBILE_VERSION@/$MOBILEVERSION/;s/@CANONICAL_VERSION@/$CANONICALVERSION/" > Info.plist if [ "$1" = "version" ] ; then exit 0 fi # Build Subsurface-mobile by default SUBSURFACE_MOBILE=1 pushd ${SUBSURFACE_SOURCE} bash scripts/mobilecomponents.sh popd # now build all the dependencies for the three relevant architectures (x86_64 is for the simulator) for ARCH in armv7 arm64 x86_64; do echo next building for $ARCH INSTALL_ROOT=$TOP/install-root-$ARCH mkdir -p $INSTALL_ROOT/lib $INSTALL_ROOT/bin $INSTALL_ROOT/include PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=$INSTALL_ROOT/lib/pkgconfig declare -x PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR declare -x PREFIX=$INSTALL_ROOT if [ "$ARCH" = "x86_64" ] ; then declare -x SDK_NAME="iphonesimulator" declare -x TOOLCHAIN_FILE="${TOP}/iPhoneSimulatorCMakeToolchain" declare -x IOS_PLATFORM=SIMULATOR64 declare -x BUILDCHAIN=x86_64-apple-darwin else declare -x SDK_NAME="iphoneos" declare -x TOOLCHAIN_FILE="${TOP}/iPhoneDeviceCMakeToolchain" declare -x IOS_PLATFORM=OS declare -x BUILDCHAIN=arm-apple-darwin fi declare -x ARCH_NAME=$ARCH declare -x SDK=$SDK_NAME declare -x SDK_DIR=`xcrun --sdk $SDK_NAME --show-sdk-path` declare -x PLATFORM_DIR=`xcrun --sdk $SDK_NAME --show-sdk-platform-path` declare -x CC=`xcrun -sdk $SDK_NAME -find clang` declare -x CXX=`xcrun -sdk $SDK_NAME -find clang++` declare -x LD=`xcrun -sdk $SDK_NAME -find ld` declare -x CFLAGS="-arch $ARCH_NAME -isysroot $SDK_DIR -miphoneos-version-min=6.0 -I$SDK_DIR/usr/include -fembed-bitcode" declare -x CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS" declare -x LDFLAGS="$CFLAGS -lpthread -lc++ -L$SDK_DIR/usr/lib -fembed-bitcode" # openssl build stuff. export DEVELOPER=$(xcode-select --print-path)\ export IPHONEOS_SDK_VERSION=$(xcrun --sdk iphoneos --show-sdk-version) export IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_VERSION="6.0" export IPHONEOS_PLATFORM=$(xcrun --sdk iphoneos --show-sdk-platform-path) export IPHONEOS_SDK=$(xcrun --sdk iphoneos --show-sdk-path) export IPHONESIMULATOR_PLATFORM=$(xcrun --sdk iphonesimulator --show-sdk-platform-path) export IPHONESIMULATOR_SDK=$(xcrun --sdk iphonesimulator --show-sdk-path) export OSX_SDK_VERSION=$(xcrun --sdk macosx --show-sdk-version) export OSX_DEPLOYMENT_VERSION="10.8" export OSX_PLATFORM=$(xcrun --sdk macosx --show-sdk-platform-path) export OSX_SDK=$(xcrun --sdk macosx --show-sdk-path) target=$ARCH hosttarget=$ARCH if [ ! -e sqlite-autoconf-${SQLITE_VERSION}.tar.gz ] ; then curl -O http://www.sqlite.org/2015/sqlite-autoconf-${SQLITE_VERSION}.tar.gz fi if [ ! -e sqlite-autoconf-${SQLITE_VERSION} ] ; then tar -zxf sqlite-autoconf-${SQLITE_VERSION}.tar.gz fi if [ ! -e $PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR/sqlite3.pc ] ; then mkdir -p sqlite-build-$ARCH_NAME pushd sqlite-build-$ARCH_NAME CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -DSQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE=0" ../sqlite-autoconf-${SQLITE_VERSION}/configure \ --prefix="$PREFIX" \ --host="$BUILDCHAIN" \ --enable-static \ --disable-shared \ --disable-readline \ --disable-dynamic-extensions # running make tries to build the command line executable which fails # so let's hack around that make libsqlite3.la touch sqlite3 make install-libLTLIBRARIES popd fi if [ ! -e libxml2-${LIBXML2_VERSION}.tar.gz ] ; then wget ftp://xmlsoft.org/libxml2/libxml2-${LIBXML2_VERSION}.tar.gz fi if [ ! -e libxml2-${LIBXML2_VERSION} ] ; then tar -zxf libxml2-${LIBXML2_VERSION}.tar.gz fi if [ ! -e $PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR/libxml-2.0.pc ] ; then mkdir -p libxml2-build-$ARCH pushd libxml2-build-$ARCH if [ "$ARCH_NAME" == "x86_64" ]; then ../libxml2-${LIBXML2_VERSION}/configure --host=${BUILDCHAIN} --prefix=${PREFIX} --without-python --without-iconv --enable-static --disable-shared else ../libxml2-${LIBXML2_VERSION}/configure --host=arm-apple-darwin --prefix=${PREFIX} --without-python --without-iconv --enable-static --disable-shared fi perl -pi -e 's/runtest\$\(EXEEXT\)//' Makefile perl -pi -e 's/testrecurse\$\(EXEEXT\)//' Makefile make make install popd fi if [ ! -e libxslt-${LIBXSLT_VERSION}.tar.gz ] ; then wget ftp://xmlsoft.org/libxml2/libxslt-${LIBXSLT_VERSION}.tar.gz fi if [ ! -e libxslt-${LIBXSLT_VERSION} ] ; then tar -zxf libxslt-${LIBXSLT_VERSION}.tar.gz # libxslt have too old config.sub cp libxml2-${LIBXML2_VERSION}/config.sub libxslt-${LIBXSLT_VERSION} fi if [ ! -e $PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR/libxslt.pc ] ; then mkdir -p libxslt-build-$ARCH_NAME pushd libxslt-build-$ARCH_NAME ../libxslt-${LIBXSLT_VERSION}/configure --host=${BUILDCHAIN} --prefix=${PREFIX} --with-libxml-prefix=${PREFIX} --without-python --without-crypto --enable-static --disable-shared make make install popd fi if [ ! -e libzip-${LIBZIP_VERSION}.tar.gz ] ; then wget http://www.nih.at/libzip/libzip-${LIBZIP_VERSION}.tar.gz fi if [ ! -e libzip-${LIBZIP_VERSION} ] ; then tar -zxf libzip-${LIBZIP_VERSION}.tar.gz fi if [ ! -e $PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR/libzip.pc ] ; then mkdir -p libzip-build-$ARCH_NAME pushd libzip-build-$ARCH_NAME ../libzip-${LIBZIP_VERSION}/configure --host=${BUILDCHAIN} --prefix=${PREFIX} --enable-static --disable-shared make make install popd fi if [ ! -e libgit2-${LIBGIT2_VERSION}.tar.gz ] ; then wget -O libgit2-${LIBGIT2_VERSION}.tar.gz https://github.com/libgit2/libgit2/archive/v${LIBGIT2_VERSION}.tar.gz fi if [ ! -e libgit2-${LIBGIT2_VERSION} ] ; then tar -zxf libgit2-${LIBGIT2_VERSION}.tar.gz fi if [ ! -e $PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR/libgit2.pc ] ; then mkdir -p libgit2-build-$ARCH pushd libgit2-build-$ARCH cmake ../libgit2-${LIBGIT2_VERSION} \ -G "Unix Makefiles" \ -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS="OFF" \ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="$TOOLCHAIN_FILE" \ -DSHA1_TYPE=builtin \ -DBUILD_CLAR=OFF \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${PREFIX} \ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=${PREFIX} \ -DCURL=OFF \ -DUSE_SSH=OFF \ ../libgit2-${LIBGIT2_VERSION}/ make make install # Patch away pkg-config dependency to zlib, its there, i promise perl -pi -e 's/^(Requires.private:.*)zlib(.*)$/$1 $2/' $PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR/libgit2.pc popd fi # let's skip libusb and libftdi for the moment... # not sure if / when we'll be able to use USB devices on iOS # # if [ ! -e libusb-${LIBUSB_VERSION}.tar.gz ] ; then # wget -O libusb-${LIBUSB_VERSION}.tar.gz https://github.com/libusb/libusb/archive/v${LIBUSB_VERSION}.tar.gz # fi # if [ ! -e libusb-${LIBUSB_VERSION} ] ; then # tar -zxf libusb-${LIBUSB_VERSION}.tar.gz # fi # if ! grep -q libusb_set_android_open_callback libusb-${LIBUSB_VERSION}/libusb/libusb.h ; then # # Patch in our libusb callback # pushd libusb-${LIBUSB_VERSION} # patch -p1 < $SUBSURFACE_SOURCE/packaging/android/patches/libusb-android.patch # popd # fi # if [ ! -e libusb-${LIBUSB_VERSION}/configure ] ; then # pushd libusb-${LIBUSB_VERSION} # mkdir m4 # autoreconf -i # popd # fi # if [ ! -e $PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR/libusb-1.0.pc ] ; then # mkdir -p libusb-build-$ARCH # pushd libusb-build-$ARCH # ../libusb-${LIBUSB_VERSION}/configure --host=${BUILDCHAIN} --prefix=${PREFIX} --enable-static --disable-shared --disable-udev --enable-system-log # # --enable-debug-log # make # make install # popd # # Patch libusb-1.0.pc due to bug in there # # Fix comming in 1.0.20 # sed -ie 's/Libs.private: -c/Libs.private: /' $PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR/libusb-1.0.pc # fi # # if [ ! -e libftdi1-${LIBFTDI_VERSION}.tar.bz2 ] ; then # wget -O libftdi1-${LIBFTDI_VERSION}.tar.bz2 http://www.intra2net.com/en/developer/libftdi/download/libftdi1-${LIBFTDI_VERSION}.tar.bz2 # fi # if [ ! -e libftdi1-${LIBFTDI_VERSION} ] ; then # tar -jxf libftdi1-${LIBFTDI_VERSION}.tar.bz2 # fi # if [ ! -e $PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR/libftdi1.pc ] && [ $PLATFORM != Darwin ] ; then # mkdir -p libftdi1-build-$ARCH # pushd libftdi1-build-$ARCH # cmake ../libftdi1-${LIBFTDI_VERSION} -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=${CC} -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${PREFIX} -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=${PREFIX} -DSTATICLIBS=ON -DPYTHON_BINDINGS=OFF -DDOCUMENTATION=OFF -DFTDIPP=OFF -DBUILD_TESTS=OFF -DEXAMPLES=OFF -DFTDI_EEPROM=OFF # make # make install # popd # fi # # Blast away the shared version to force static linking # if [ -e $PREFIX/lib/libftdi1.so ] ; then # rm $PREFIX/lib/libftdi1.so* # fi # # build libdivecomputer if [ ! -d ../../libdivecomputer/src ] ; then pushd ../.. git submodule init git submodule update --recursive pushd libdivecomputer autoreconf --install autoreconf --install popd popd fi if [ ! -e $PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR/libdivecomputer.pc ] ; then mkdir -p libdivecomputer-build-$ARCH pushd libdivecomputer-build-$ARCH ../../../libdivecomputer/configure --host=${BUILDCHAIN} --prefix=${PREFIX} --enable-static --disable-shared --enable-examples=no --without-libusb --without-hidapi make make install popd fi done # now combine the arm libraries into fat libraries rm -rf install-root cp -a install-root-arm64 install-root pushd install-root/lib for LIB in $(find . -type f -name \*.a); do lipo ../../install-root-armv7/lib/$LIB ../../install-root-arm64/lib/$LIB ../../install-root-x86_64/lib/$LIB -create -output $LIB done popd pushd ${SUBSURFACE_SOURCE}/translations SRCS=$(ls *.ts | grep -v source) popd pushd Subsurface-mobile mkdir -p translations for src in $SRCS; do ${IOS_QT}/${QT_VERSION}/ios/bin/lrelease ${SUBSURFACE_SOURCE}/translations/$src -qm translations/${src/.ts/.qm} done popd # in order to be able to use xcode without going through Qt Creator # call qmake directly mkdir -p build-Subsurface-mobile-Qt_$(echo ${QT_VERSION} | tr . _)_for_iOS-Debug cd build-Subsurface-mobile-Qt_$(echo ${QT_VERSION} | tr . _)_for_iOS-Debug ${IOS_QT}/${QT_VERSION}/ios/bin/qmake ../Subsurface-mobile/Subsurface-mobile.pro \ -spec macx-ios-clang CONFIG+=iphoneos CONFIG+=device CONFIG+=qml_debug make qmake_all