/* planner.c * * code that allows us to plan future dives * * (c) Dirk Hohndel 2013 */ #include <libintl.h> #include <glib/gi18n.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "dive.h" #include "divelist.h" #include "display-gtk.h" #include "planner.h" GtkWidget *planner, *planner_error_bar, *error_label; static void on_error_bar_response(GtkWidget *widget, gint response, gpointer data) { if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_OK) { gtk_widget_destroy(widget); planner_error_bar = NULL; error_label = NULL; } } static void show_error(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; GError *error; GtkWidget *box, *container; gboolean bar_is_visible = TRUE; va_start(args, fmt); error = g_error_new_valist(g_quark_from_string("subsurface"), DIVE_ERROR_PLAN, fmt, args); va_end(args); if (!planner_error_bar) { planner_error_bar = gtk_info_bar_new_with_buttons(GTK_STOCK_OK, GTK_RESPONSE_OK, NULL); g_signal_connect(planner_error_bar, "response", G_CALLBACK(on_error_bar_response), NULL); gtk_info_bar_set_message_type(GTK_INFO_BAR(planner_error_bar), GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR); bar_is_visible = FALSE; } container = gtk_info_bar_get_content_area(GTK_INFO_BAR(planner_error_bar)); if (error_label) gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(container), error_label); error_label = gtk_label_new(error->message); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(container), error_label); box = gtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(planner)); if (!bar_is_visible) gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(box), planner_error_bar, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_widget_show_all(box); /* make sure this actually gets shown BEFORE the calculations run */ while (gtk_events_pending()) gtk_main_iteration_do(FALSE); } static GtkWidget *add_entry_to_box(GtkWidget *box, const char *label) { GtkWidget *entry, *frame; entry = gtk_entry_new(); gtk_entry_set_max_length(GTK_ENTRY(entry), 16); if (label) { frame = gtk_frame_new(label); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(frame), entry); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(box), frame, FALSE, FALSE, 0); } else { gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(box), entry, FALSE, FALSE, 2); } return entry; } #define MAX_WAYPOINTS 12 GtkWidget *entry_depth[MAX_WAYPOINTS], *entry_duration[MAX_WAYPOINTS], *entry_gas[MAX_WAYPOINTS], *entry_po2[MAX_WAYPOINTS]; int nr_waypoints = 0; static GtkListStore *gas_model = NULL; static gboolean gas_focus_out_cb(GtkWidget *entry, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data) { const char *gastext; int o2, he; int idx = data - NULL; char *error_string = NULL; gastext = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry)); o2 = he = 0; if (validate_gas(gastext, &o2, &he)) add_string_list_entry(gastext, gas_model); add_gas_to_nth_dp(&diveplan, idx, o2, he); show_planned_dive(&error_string); if (error_string) show_error(error_string); return FALSE; } static void gas_changed_cb(GtkWidget *combo, gpointer data) { const char *gastext; int o2, he; int idx = data - NULL; char *error_string = NULL; gastext = get_active_text(GTK_COMBO_BOX(combo)); /* stupidly this gets called for two reasons: * a) any keystroke into the entry field * b) mouse selection of a dropdown * we only care about b) (a) is handled much better with the focus-out event) * so let's check that the text returned is actually in our model before going on */ if (match_list(gas_model, gastext) != MATCH_EXACT) return; o2 = he = 0; if (!validate_gas(gastext, &o2, &he)) { /* this should never happen as only validated texts should be * in the dropdown */ show_error(_("Invalid gas for row %d"),idx); } add_gas_to_nth_dp(&diveplan, idx, o2, he); show_planned_dive(&error_string); if (error_string) show_error(error_string); } static gboolean depth_focus_out_cb(GtkWidget *entry, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data) { const char *depthtext; int depth = -1; int idx = data - NULL; char *error_string = NULL; depthtext = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry)); if (validate_depth(depthtext, &depth)) { if (depth > 150000) show_error(_("Warning - planning very deep dives can take excessive amounts of time")); add_depth_to_nth_dp(&diveplan, idx, depth); show_planned_dive(&error_string); if (error_string) show_error(error_string); } else { /* it might be better to instead change the color of the input field or something */ if (depth == -1) show_error(_("Invalid depth - could not parse \"%s\""), depthtext); else show_error(_("Invalid depth - values deeper than 400m not supported")); } return FALSE; } static gboolean duration_focus_out_cb(GtkWidget *entry, GdkEvent * event, gpointer data) { const char *durationtext; int duration, is_rel; int idx = data - NULL; char *error_string = NULL; durationtext = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry)); if (validate_time(durationtext, &duration, &is_rel)) if (add_duration_to_nth_dp(&diveplan, idx, duration, is_rel) < 0) show_error(_("Warning - extremely long dives can cause long calculation time")); show_planned_dive(&error_string); if (error_string) show_error(error_string); return FALSE; } static gboolean po2_focus_out_cb(GtkWidget *entry, GdkEvent * event, gpointer data) { const char *po2text; int po2; int idx = data - NULL; char *error_string = NULL; po2text = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry)); if (validate_po2(po2text, &po2)) add_po2_to_nth_dp(&diveplan, idx, po2); show_planned_dive(&error_string); if (error_string) show_error(error_string); return FALSE; } static gboolean starttime_focus_out_cb(GtkWidget *entry, GdkEvent * event, gpointer data) { const char *starttimetext; int starttime, is_rel; char *error_string = NULL; starttimetext = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry)); if (validate_time(starttimetext, &starttime, &is_rel)) { /* we alway make this relative - either from the current time or from the * end of the last dive, whichever is later */ timestamp_t cur = current_time_notz(); if (diveplan.lastdive_nr >= 0) { struct dive *last_dive = get_dive(diveplan.lastdive_nr); if (last_dive && last_dive->when + last_dive->dc.duration.seconds > cur) cur = last_dive->when + last_dive->dc.duration.seconds; } diveplan.when = cur + starttime; show_planned_dive(&error_string); if (error_string) show_error(error_string); } else { /* it might be better to instead change the color of the input field or something */ show_error(_("Invalid starttime")); } return FALSE; } static gboolean surfpres_focus_out_cb(GtkWidget *entry, GdkEvent * event, gpointer data) { const char *surfprestext; char *error_string = NULL; surfprestext = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry)); diveplan.surface_pressure = atoi(surfprestext); show_planned_dive(&error_string); if (error_string) show_error(error_string); return FALSE; } static gboolean sac_focus_out_cb(GtkWidget *entry, GdkEvent * event, gpointer data) { const char *sactext; char *error_string = NULL; sactext = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry)); if (validate_volume(sactext, data)) { show_planned_dive(&error_string); if (error_string) show_error(error_string); } return FALSE; } static gboolean gf_focus_out_cb(GtkWidget *entry, GdkEvent * event, gpointer data) { const char *gftext; int gf; double *gfp = data; char *error_string = NULL; gftext = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry)); if (sscanf(gftext, "%d", &gf) == 1) { *gfp = gf / 100.0; show_planned_dive(&error_string); if (error_string) show_error(error_string); } return FALSE; } static GtkWidget *add_gas_combobox_to_box(GtkWidget *box, const char *label, int idx) { GtkWidget *frame, *combo; if (!gas_model) { gas_model = gtk_list_store_new(1, G_TYPE_STRING); add_string_list_entry(_("AIR"), gas_model); add_string_list_entry(_("EAN32"), gas_model); add_string_list_entry(_("EAN36"), gas_model); } combo = combo_box_with_model_and_entry(gas_model); gtk_widget_add_events(combo, GDK_FOCUS_CHANGE_MASK); g_signal_connect(gtk_bin_get_child(GTK_BIN(combo)), "focus-out-event", G_CALLBACK(gas_focus_out_cb), NULL + idx); g_signal_connect(combo, "changed", G_CALLBACK(gas_changed_cb), NULL + idx); if (label) { frame = gtk_frame_new(label); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(box), frame, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(frame), combo); } else { gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(box), combo, FALSE, FALSE, 2); } return combo; } static void add_waypoint_widgets(GtkWidget *box, int idx) { GtkWidget *hbox; hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(box), hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0); if (idx == 0) { entry_depth[idx] = add_entry_to_box(hbox, _("Ending Depth")); entry_duration[idx] = add_entry_to_box(hbox, _("Segment Time")); entry_gas[idx] = add_gas_combobox_to_box(hbox, C_("Type of","Gas Used"), idx); entry_po2[idx] = add_entry_to_box(hbox, _("CC SetPoint")); } else { entry_depth[idx] = add_entry_to_box(hbox, NULL); entry_duration[idx] = add_entry_to_box(hbox, NULL); entry_gas[idx] = add_gas_combobox_to_box(hbox, NULL, idx); entry_po2[idx] = add_entry_to_box(hbox, NULL); } gtk_widget_add_events(entry_depth[idx], GDK_FOCUS_CHANGE_MASK); g_signal_connect(entry_depth[idx], "focus-out-event", G_CALLBACK(depth_focus_out_cb), NULL + idx); gtk_widget_add_events(entry_duration[idx], GDK_FOCUS_CHANGE_MASK); g_signal_connect(entry_duration[idx], "focus-out-event", G_CALLBACK(duration_focus_out_cb), NULL + idx); gtk_widget_add_events(entry_po2[idx], GDK_FOCUS_CHANGE_MASK); g_signal_connect(entry_po2[idx], "focus-out-event", G_CALLBACK(po2_focus_out_cb), NULL + idx); } static void add_waypoint_cb(GtkButton *button, gpointer _data) { GtkWidget *vbox = _data; if (nr_waypoints < MAX_WAYPOINTS) { GtkWidget *ovbox, *dialog; add_waypoint_widgets(vbox, nr_waypoints); nr_waypoints++; ovbox = gtk_widget_get_parent(GTK_WIDGET(button)); dialog = gtk_widget_get_parent(ovbox); gtk_widget_show_all(dialog); } else { show_error(_("Too many waypoints")); } } static void add_entry_with_callback(GtkWidget *box, int length, char *label, char *initialtext, gboolean (*callback)(GtkWidget *, GdkEvent *, gpointer), gpointer data) { GtkWidget *entry = add_entry_to_box(box, label); gtk_entry_set_max_length(GTK_ENTRY(entry), length); gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry), initialtext); gtk_widget_add_events(entry, GDK_FOCUS_CHANGE_MASK); g_signal_connect(entry, "focus-out-event", G_CALLBACK(callback), data); } /* set up the dialog where the user can input their dive plan */ void input_plan() { GtkWidget *content, *vbox, *hbox, *outervbox, *add_row, *label; char *bottom_sac, *deco_sac, gflowstring[4], gfhighstring[4]; char *explanationtext = _("<small>Add segments below.\nEach line describes part of the planned dive.\n" "An entry with depth, time and gas describes a segment that ends " "at the given depth, takes the given time (if relative, e.g. '+3:30') " "or ends at the given time (if absolute e.g '@5:00', 'runtime'), and uses the given gas.\n" "An empty gas means 'use previous gas' (or AIR if no gas was specified).\n" "An entry that has a depth and a gas given but no time is special; it " "informs the planner that the gas specified is available for the ascent " "once the depth given has been reached.\n" "CC SetPoint specifies CC (rebreather) dives, leave empty for OC.</small>\n"); char *labeltext; char *error_string = NULL; int len; disclaimer = _("DISCLAIMER / WARNING: THIS IS A NEW IMPLEMENTATION OF THE BUHLMANN " "ALGORITHM AND A DIVE PLANNER IMPLEMENTION BASED ON THAT WHICH HAS " "RECEIVED ONLY A LIMITED AMOUNT OF TESTING. WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND NOT TO " "PLAN DIVES SIMPLY BASED ON THE RESULTS GIVEN HERE."); if (diveplan.dp) free_dps(diveplan.dp); memset(&diveplan, 0, sizeof(diveplan)); diveplan.lastdive_nr = dive_table.nr - 1; free(cache_data); cache_data = NULL; planned_dive = NULL; planner = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons(_("Dive Plan - THIS IS JUST A SIMULATION; DO NOT USE FOR DIVING"), GTK_WINDOW(main_window), GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, GTK_STOCK_OK, GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL, NULL); content = gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (planner)); outervbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 2); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (content), outervbox); len = strlen(explanationtext) + strlen(disclaimer) + sizeof("<span foreground='red'></span>"); labeltext = malloc(len); snprintf(labeltext, len, "%s<span foreground='red'>%s</span>", explanationtext, disclaimer); label = gtk_label_new(labeltext); gtk_label_set_line_wrap(GTK_LABEL(label), TRUE); gtk_label_set_use_markup(GTK_LABEL(label), TRUE); gtk_label_set_width_chars(GTK_LABEL(label), 60); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(outervbox), label, TRUE, TRUE, 0); vbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(outervbox), vbox, TRUE, TRUE, 0); hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), hbox, TRUE, TRUE, 0); add_entry_with_callback(hbox, 12, _("Dive starts when?"), "+60:00", starttime_focus_out_cb, NULL); add_entry_with_callback(hbox, 12, _("Surface Pressure (mbar)"), SURFACE_PRESSURE_STRING, surfpres_focus_out_cb, NULL); hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), hbox, TRUE, TRUE, 0); if (get_units()->volume == CUFT) { bottom_sac = _("0.7 cuft/min"); deco_sac = _("0.6 cuft/min"); diveplan.bottomsac = 1000 * cuft_to_l(0.7); diveplan.decosac = 1000 * cuft_to_l(0.6); } else { bottom_sac = _("20 l/min"); deco_sac = _("17 l/min"); diveplan.bottomsac = 20000; diveplan.decosac = 17000; } add_entry_with_callback(hbox, 12, _("SAC during dive"), bottom_sac, sac_focus_out_cb, &diveplan.bottomsac); add_entry_with_callback(hbox, 12, _("SAC during decostop"), deco_sac, sac_focus_out_cb, &diveplan.decosac); plangflow = prefs.gflow; plangfhigh = prefs.gfhigh; snprintf(gflowstring, sizeof(gflowstring), "%3.0f", 100 * plangflow); snprintf(gfhighstring, sizeof(gflowstring), "%3.0f", 100 * plangfhigh); add_entry_with_callback(hbox, 5, _("GFlow for plan"), gflowstring, gf_focus_out_cb, &plangflow); add_entry_with_callback(hbox, 5, _("GFhigh for plan"), gfhighstring, gf_focus_out_cb, &plangfhigh); diveplan.when = current_time_notz() + 3600; diveplan.surface_pressure = SURFACE_PRESSURE; nr_waypoints = 4; add_waypoint_widgets(vbox, 0); add_waypoint_widgets(vbox, 1); add_waypoint_widgets(vbox, 2); add_waypoint_widgets(vbox, 3); add_row = gtk_button_new_with_label(_("Add waypoint")); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(add_row), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(add_waypoint_cb), vbox); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(outervbox), add_row, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_widget_show_all(planner); if (gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(planner)) == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT) { plan(&diveplan, &cache_data, &planned_dive, &error_string); if (error_string) show_error(error_string); mark_divelist_changed(TRUE); } else { if (planned_dive) { /* we have added a dive during the dynamic construction * in the dialog; get rid of it */ delete_single_dive(dive_table.nr - 1); report_dives(FALSE, FALSE); planned_dive = NULL; } } gtk_widget_destroy(planner); planner_error_bar = NULL; error_label = NULL; set_gf(prefs.gflow, prefs.gfhigh); }