#include "printer.h" #include "templatelayout.h" #include <QtWebKitWidgets> #include <QPainter> #include <QWebElementCollection> #include <QWebElement> Printer::Printer(QPrinter *printer, print_options *printOptions) { this->printer = printer; this->printOptions = printOptions; dpi = 0; done = 0; } void Printer::putProfileImage(QRect profilePlaceholder, QRect viewPort, QPainter *painter, struct dive *dive, QPointer<ProfileWidget2> profile) { int x = profilePlaceholder.x() - viewPort.x(); int y = profilePlaceholder.y() - viewPort.y(); // use the placeHolder and the viewPort position to calculate the relative position of the dive profile. QRect pos(x, y, profilePlaceholder.width(), profilePlaceholder.height()); profile->plotDive(dive, true); profile->render(painter, pos); } void Printer::render() { QPointer<ProfileWidget2> profile = MainWindow::instance()->graphics(); // keep original preferences int profileFrameStyle = profile->frameStyle(); int animationOriginal = prefs.animation_speed; double fontScale = profile->getFontPrintScale(); // apply printing settings to profile profile->setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); profile->setPrintMode(true, !printOptions->color_selected); profile->setFontPrintScale(0.6); profile->setToolTipVisibile(false); prefs.animation_speed = 0; // render the Qwebview QPainter painter; QRect viewPort(0, 0, pageSize.width(), pageSize.height()); painter.begin(printer); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform); int divesPerPage; switch (printOptions->p_template) { case print_options::ONE_DIVE: divesPerPage = 1; break; case print_options::TWO_DIVE: divesPerPage = 2; break; } int Pages = ceil(getTotalWork() / (float)divesPerPage); // get all refereces to diveprofile class in the Html template QWebElementCollection collection = webView->page()->mainFrame()->findAllElements(".diveprofile"); QSize originalSize = profile->size(); if (collection.count() > 0) { profile->resize(collection.at(0).geometry().size()); } int elemNo = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Pages; i++) { // render the base Html template webView->page()->mainFrame()->render(&painter, QWebFrame::ContentsLayer); // render all the dive profiles in the current page while (elemNo < collection.count() && collection.at(elemNo).geometry().y() < viewPort.y() + viewPort.height()) { // dive id field should be dive_{{dive_no}} se we remove the first 5 characters int diveNo = collection.at(elemNo).attribute("id").remove(0, 5).toInt(0, 10); putProfileImage(collection.at(elemNo).geometry(), viewPort, &painter, get_dive(diveNo - 1), profile); elemNo++; } // scroll the webview to the next page webView->page()->mainFrame()->scroll(0, pageSize.height()); viewPort.adjust(0, pageSize.height(), 0, pageSize.height()); // rendering progress is 4/5 of total work emit(progessUpdated((i * 80.0 / Pages) + done)); if (i < Pages - 1) printer->newPage(); } painter.end(); // return profle settings profile->setFrameStyle(profileFrameStyle); profile->setPrintMode(false); profile->setFontPrintScale(fontScale); profile->setToolTipVisibile(true); profile->resize(originalSize); prefs.animation_speed = animationOriginal; //replot the dive after returning the settings profile->plotDive(0, true); } //value: ranges from 0 : 100 and shows the progress of the templating engine void Printer::templateProgessUpdated(int value) { done = value / 5; //template progess if 1/5 of total work emit progessUpdated(done); } void Printer::print() { TemplateLayout t(printOptions); webView = new QWebView(); connect(&t, SIGNAL(progressUpdated(int)), this, SLOT(templateProgessUpdated(int))); dpi = printer->resolution(); //rendering resolution = selected paper size in inchs * printer dpi pageSize.setHeight(printer->pageLayout().paintRect(QPageLayout::Inch).height() * dpi); pageSize.setWidth(printer->pageLayout().paintRect(QPageLayout::Inch).width() * dpi); webView->page()->setViewportSize(pageSize); webView->setHtml(t.generate()); render(); }